幼儿园又称幼稚园,是世界许多地方的学前教育机构所使用的名称。在德文Kindergarten中意思是 儿童的花园。一般招收年龄在2岁至6岁的学前儿童。在一些地方幼儿园是正式学制的一部分;另一些地方则不是。
目录 |
[编辑] 历史
美国的第一所幼儿园在1838年由福禄贝尔的学生Louisa Frankenberg在俄亥俄的哥伦布创办。另一所早期幼儿园是1856年Schurz夫人在威斯康星州Dodge 县水镇建立的,1873年改为公立。
[编辑] 世界各地的幼儿园系统
[编辑] 澳大利亚
在新南威尔士州,小学的第一年称为幼儿园。In Victoria, kindergarten is a form of, and used interchangeably with, pre-school. In Queensland, kindergarten is usually an institution for children around the age of 4 and thus the precursor to preschool and primary education. Other states and territories may or may not follow either model. In South Australia, school for children age 3 to 5 is called Early Learning Centre or Preparatory School. In New Zealand, kindergarten consists of the first 2 years before Primary School, from age 3 to 5.
[编辑] 中国
[编辑] 法国
在法国,等同于幼儿园的jardin d'enfants,是学前班,不是学校系统的一部分。
[编辑] 德国
幼儿园在德国不是实际学校系统的一部分,不像美国。for example. The term Vorschule ("pre-school") is used for educational efforts in kindergartens, which are handled differently in every German state. Kindergartens are for pre-school children between 3 and 6 years of age, and are often run by city or town administrations, churches, or registered societies that pursue a certain educational goal, e.g. as represented by Montessori, or Reggio Emilia.
A Kita (short for Kindertagesstätte = "children's daycare centre") — as they are frequently called — can be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and may also house a crèche (Kinderkrippe) for children under age 2 years and 9 months, and possibly an afternoon Hort (normally associated to a primary school) for school-age children aged 6 to 10 who spend the time after their lessons there. Alongside crèches, there are day-care nurses who work independently from any pre-school institution and who are supported and supervised by local authorities, thus giving parents an opportunity to have their children in the personal care of a trained nurse who looks after only three to five children up to 3 years of age. Attendance of a kindergarten is neither mandatory nor free of charge, although it can be partly or wholly funded, depending on the guidelines of the local authority and the income of the parents.
For historical reasons, kindergartens are more widespread and considered part of a general social achievement in the federal states that now lie in the territory of the former GDR.
[编辑] 印度
在印度,幼儿园分为两段- 低级幼儿园(LKG)和高级幼儿园(UKG)。一般来说,3-4岁孩子上低级幼儿园;4-5岁孩子上高级幼儿园。上完高级幼儿园,孩子进入小学一年级。幼儿园多数是私立的。2岁到2岁半的孩子进入托儿班(幼儿园的一部分)。
[编辑] 韩国
在韩国,孩子通常在5岁进入幼稚园(韩语: 유치원,读作"Yoo-chi won"),7岁前离开进入小学。幼儿园一般有三个年龄班。
[编辑] 墨西哥
In Mexico, one year of preschool education is mandatory before elementary school. Previous grades of Kindergarten are optional, and may be offered in either private schools or public schools.
At private schools, Kindergarten usually consists of three grades, and a fourth one may be added for nursery. While the first grade is a playgroup, the other two are of classroom education.
In 2002, the Congress of the Union approved the Law of Obligatory Pre-schooling, which will make preschool education for 3-to-6-year-olds obligatory by 2009, and place it under the auspices of the federal and state ministries of education.[1][2]
[编辑] 北美
北美幼儿园通常是初级学校K-12教育系统的一部分。幼儿园放在正规教育的第一年。在安大略和威斯康星幼儿园分为两级:初级幼儿园和高级幼儿园(JK and SK)。不像法国,幼儿园在安大略法语中称为la maternelle。
[编辑] 英国
The first year of school in England and Wales is called Reception and comes before Year 1. Pre-school daycare (which is not part of the school system) is called Nursery School or just 'nursery' and there are also part time playgroups. The term 'kindergarten' is very occasionally used instead of 'nursery school', but this is mainly for marketing purposes.
Kindergarten is not a commonly used term in Scotland. Nursery is the pre-school education of children aged 3 and 4 and usually takes place within a primary school setting, although stand-alone nursery schools do exist. Pre-school is followed by Primary 1 which is the first year of complusary school education.
In Wales, the first year of school is called Dosbarth Derbyn, a rough translation of Reception into Welsh. The following year is Primary 2, then the next Primary 3, which is the equivalent of the American first grade, and so on until Primary 7, where primary education end and pupils enter secondary education.
[编辑] 臺灣
[编辑] 幼儿园的功能
Children attend kindergarten to learn to communicate, play, and interact with others appropriately. A teacher provides various manipulative materials and activities to motivate these children to learn the language and vocabulary of reading, mathematics, science, and computers, as well as that of music, art, and social behaviors. For children who previously have spent most of their time at home, kindergarten may serve the purpose of training them to be apart from their parents without anxiety. They usually get their first idea of friendship while they play and interact with other children on a regular basis. Kindergarten also allows parents (especially mothers) to go back to part-time or full-time employment.
After kindergarten, depending on the school, the children would advance to the next level which is usually referred to as first grade.
Kindergarten may be half a day in length (either morning or afternoon) or may be a full day.
[编辑] 幼儿园应该包括哪些活动?
看来幼儿园程序对儿童许多确定的学习和社会/行为很有好处。同时,普遍觉得儿童在幼儿园每天做什么比在学校时间的长度更重要。Gullo (1990)、Olsen和Zigler (1989)警告教师和家长抵抗在全日幼儿园程序更说教化、学术化教导的压力。他们断言这类教导不适合幼儿。
[编辑] 阅读
All day kindergarten is becoming increasingly popular to helping close the achievement gap. US school districts that have not yet moved to full day kindergartens are looking for funds to extend the school day. US States are offering incentives for school districts, especially in the poorer districts. Benefits of full day kindergarten include an easier transition into first Grade. According to an Education Week article teachers feel that students are exposed to more than they would in a two to three hour day. Students adjust well to the extended day. There are opponents who question the reason for full day kindergarten. There are those who feel that all day kindergarten is not an effort to improve student achievement, but more of an effort to fulfill obligations of the No Child Left Behind Act. They feel that full day kindergarten is a contributing factor for the teacher shortage.
- Cryan, J. R., Sheehan, R., Wiechel, J., & Bandy-Hedden, I. G. (1992):全日制幼儿园的成功结果:几年以后更确定的行为和增长的成就。(童年早期研究季刊, 7(2),187-203. EJ 450 525)
- Elicker, J., & Mathur, S. (1997):他们整天在做什么?全日幼儿园的综合评价.(童年早期研究季刊, 12(4), 459-480. EJ 563 073)
- Fusaro, J. A. (1997):全日制幼儿园学生成就的效果:meta-分析.(儿童研究杂志, 27(4), 269-277. EJ 561 697)
- Greer-Smith, S. (1990). 全日幼儿园学生的学术成就的效果.Unpublished master's thesis,加州圣拉斐尔的多明我大学。ED 318 570.
- Gullo, D. F. (1990). 家庭环境的改变:牵连全日幼儿园发展(幼儿, 45(4), 35-39. EJ 409 110)
- Hough,D.,& Bryde,S. (1996年4月)。全日幼儿园学生成就和影响的效果。(美国教育研究协会,纽约. ED 395 691)
- Housden, T., & Kam, R. (1992):全日幼儿园:研究摘要。加州Carmichael:圣胡安学区. ED 345 868.
- Karweit, N. (1992):幼儿园经验。(教育领导, 49(6), 82-86. EJ 441 182)
- Koopmans, M. (1991):全日制幼儿园看护成就效果纵向研究(新泽西州纽瓦克:纽瓦克教育Board. ED 336 494)
- Morrow, L. M., Strickland, D. S.,和Woo, D. G. (1998):半日制和全日制幼儿园的读写教学.纽瓦克, DE: 国际阅读协会. ED 436 756.
- Olsen, D., & Zigler, E. (1989):全日幼儿园运动评估。(童年早期研究季刊, 4(2), 167-186. EJ 394 085)
- Puleo, V. T. (1988). A review and critique 全日制幼儿园研究. (初等学校杂志, 88(4), 427-439. EJ 367 934)
- Towers, J. M. (1991)。Attitudes 朝向全日制,每日幼儿园.今日儿童, 20(1), 25-28. EJ 431 720.
- West, J., Denton, K., & Germino-Hausken, E. (2000).美国幼儿园 [Online].华盛顿:国家教育Statistics中心. Available: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2000/2000070.pdf.
[编辑] 参见
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Daycare
- Nursery School