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Sēo Cynewīse Iraces (of þǣm Middelpersiscan ērag "beneoðan", arab. العراق al-ʿIrāq) is Middelēasterne lēodgeard in sūþwesternum Asian, þe ymbfēhþ micelne dǣl þæs ealdan landes Mesopotamia æt mētunge þāra ēana Tigris and Euphrates, and ēac in Irace is Kurdistanes sūþdǣl. Hē dǣlþ mearca mid Kuwaite and Saudi Arabia sūþ, Iordane west, Syrian norþwest, Turklande norþ, and Īrane ēast. In Iraqe is swīðe nearu sǣrima æt Umm Qasr on þǣm Persiscan Dæle.
Nīwe fērendlic lēodweard wearþ gecoren on Æfterrum Gēolan 2005, on folgunge þǣre infare in Hrēþmōnþe 2003, gelǣded fram Americiscum and Bryttiscum fierdum þe ādrǣfdon from meahte fyrnlǣdere Saddam Hussein and his gaderscipe, Ba`aþ gehāten. On 15 Winterfylleðe, 2005 in sigefullum cyste gecuron þā Iracisce cēosend nīwe gesetednesse. Mid 79% þæs folces þe gēatton, wæs ēac fela þāra Sunni Arabiscan þe forstōd. On 15 Gēolmōnþe, 2005 curon þā Iraciscan hira ǣrestan Þēodlican Gemōt under þǣre nīwan gesetednesse. In þissum wæs 70% þǣre lēodrǣdenne on cyre.
Þēah þe þraca gāþ forþ, is þæt Iracisce folc ānrǣd tō gebētenne hira land mid helpe þǣre Americaniscan fierde and þǣre betwuxþēodlican fierde.
Þēodlic cwide: Allahu Akbar (Englisc: God is se Mǣsta) |
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Ambihtlicu sprǣc | Arabisc, Curdisc (ambihtlic in Curdicum landscipum) | ||||
Hēafod | Baghdad | ||||
Foresittend | Jalal Talabani | ||||
Prime Minister | Ibrahim al-Jaafari | ||||
Mearc - Getæl - % wæter |
Grad 57ða 437,072 km² 1.1% |
Lēodrǣden - Getæl (Mǣdmōnaþ 2005 est.) - Þiccnes |
Grad 44ða 26,074,906 59/km² |
Selfdōm | 1 Winterfylleþ 1919 of þǣm Ottoman Rīc
3 Winterfylleþ 1932 of þǣm Bryttiscan |
GDP (PPP) - Getæl (2003) - GDP/hēafod |
Grad 76ða $38.790 billionena $1,600 |
Feoh | Nīwe Iracisc dīnor (NID) | ||||
Tīdgyrtel | UTC +3 | ||||
Þēodlic antefn | Mawtini (Word fram: Ibrahim Touqan Swēg fram: Walid George Gholmieh) Nōt: Þā Curde brūcaþ Ey Reqîb | ||||
Internet TLD | .iq | ||||
Clipunge Rīm | 964 | ||||
Rīces ǣ (Landwaran habbaþ ǣwlicne frēodōm) |
Islam |
[ādihtan] Stǣr Iraces
[ādihtan] Landāscrīfung
Mǣst þæs landes is wēsten, ac in Iraqes middan sind twā micela laca, ān is Baħr Milh (eng. Sealtsǣ), and ōðer is Baħr Þarþār þe mǣnþ Felasprǣce Sǣ. Þā twā mǣstan ēa, sēo Tigris and sēo Eufrates, sind twā þāra ieldestra cūðena ēana þǣre worulde.