User:Daniel Quinlan/redirects6l
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page is part of Daniel Quinlan's Redirect Project.
Contents |
[edit] Pe (All done)
- Petard -
Petar - Pete_Domenici -
Peter_Domenici(Redirect exists) - Pete_Rose -
Pete_Ros - Pete_Townshend -
Pete_Townsquanend(Redirect exists) - Peter,_Paul_and_Mary -
Peter_Paul_And_Mary(Redirect exists) - Peter_Brock -
Peter_Breck - Peter_Brook -
Peter_Brooke(2 different people) - Peter_Carey -
Peter_Carew - Peter_Debye -
Pieter_Debye - Peter_II_of_Yugoslavia -
Petar_II_of_Yugoslavia(typo on talk page) - Peter_I_of_Bulgaria -
Peter_II_of_Bulgaria - Peter_Max -
Peter_May - Peter_Minuit -
Peter_Minuet - Peter_Nichols -
Peter_Nicholls(not the same) (there are actually at least three with two l's) - Peter_Pan -
Peter_Pen - Peter_Schickele -
Peter_Schikele - Peter_Sellers -
Peter_Sellars(director) - Peter_Shor -
Peter_Shore,Peter_Short(Different People) - Peter_Spencer -
Peter_Spence - Petersburg -
Petersberg - Petr_Beckmann -
Petr_Beckman(Typo fixed) - Petra -
Petrae, Petro, Petrea - Petrel -
Petrea - Petula_Clark -
[edit] Ph (Only one left)
- Phaedra -
Phaedro - Phalange -
Phalanger - Phanes -
Phaner - Phantasy -
Phantasm - Phantom_of_the_Opera_(1925_movie) -
Phantom_of_the_Opera_(1943_movie) - Pharnabazus - Pharnabazes (should be Pharnabazus, but not the same one as there exists a page for! (Page should distinguish between Pharnabazus 2 and 3)
- Phaser -
Phasor - Phattalung_province -
Phatthalung_province(Redirect exists) - Phenol -
Phenom(slang word - probably shouldnt be there, but not a case for redirect),Phenole(typo fixed) - Phenols -
Phenole(ibid) - Phil_Hill -
Phil_Hall(poet) - Phil_Lynott -
Phil_Lynnott(fixed link) - Philip_II -
Philip_III(Different king) - Philip_II_of_Spain -
Phillip_II_of_Spain(redirect exists) - Philip_Pope -
Phillip_Pope(fixed link) - Philip_Pullman -
Phillip_Pullman(Fixed typo) - Philip_Schaff -
Philip_Schaf(Redirect exists) - Philip_Schuyler -
Philip_Schuster(Athlete) - Philip_Sheridan -
Phillip_Sheridan(Redirect exists) - Philipp_Melanchthon -
Philip_Melanchthon(only this page) - Philippe_Pétain -
Philippe_Petain(typo in a talk page) - Philippi -
Philippic(Cicero's speeches) - Philippicus -
Philippics(Cicero's speeches) - Phillip_E._Johnson -
Philip_E._Johnson(fixed typo) - Phillis_Wheatley -
Phillis_Wheately(typo in a talk page) - Philo -
Philb(Username on talkpage) - Philolaus -
Philolas - Philosopher -
Philosophes(Enlightenment thinkers) - Philosophical_naturalism -
Philisophical_naturalism(typo fixed) - Philosophy_of_law -
Phylosophy_of_law(fix typo) - Philotes - Philotea, Philotas
- Phlegm -
Phleum(grass) - Phlegyas -
Phlegyan(needs page) - Phoenix,_Arizona -
Phoenix,_Arixona(typo fixed) - Phone -
Phong(Ethnic group) - Phorcydes -
Phorcyden(Only this page) - Phoronid -
Phoronis(genera) - Phosphodiesterase -
Phosphodiestrase(redirect) - Phospholipid -
Phosopholipid(only this page) - Photomultiplier -
Photo-multiplier(redirect) - Photon -
Photos(Only this page) - Photon_torpedo (Star Trek) -
Proton_torpedo(Star Wars) - Photophone -
Photophore(bioluminescent organ) - Phrase -
Phrae(Thai town) - Phyllopharyngea -
Phyllopharyngia(sub class) - Physical_science -
Physical_Sciences(typo fixed) - Physics -
Physica,Physicsl(typo in a talk page),Physis(typo in a talk page)
[edit] Pi
- Picard -
Picaro, Piccard, Picardi - Picardie - Picardi (not sure - only other references I can find are copies of the same text)
- Pickens -
Pickels(Only this page) - Pickup_truck -
Pick-up_truck(Redirect) - Pictor -
Picton(Astrology / New Zealand) - Pie-Face_and_Curly -
Pie-Face_and_Curly.linked to Wikipedia:Village pump/July 2003 archive - Piero_Pollaiuolo - Pietro_Pollaiuolo
- Pierus -
Pieris - Pieter_Brueghel -
Peter_Brueghel, Pieter_Bruegel(redirect) - Pieter_Brueghel_the_Elder -
Peter_Brueghel_the_Elder(redirect) - Pietism - Pietist
- Pietro_Badoglio -
Pietro_Badaglio(fixed links) - Pietro_Cavallini - Pietro_Cavalli
- Piety -
Pieta - Pietà -
Pieta(redirect) - Piggott,_Arkansas - Pigott,_Arkansas
- Pike_programming_language -
Piet_programming_language - Pikeville,_Tennessee -
Pineville,_Tennessee - Pilani - Pilaki
- Pilot -
Pilote- "Pilot" is a disambiguation page so link removed. - Pine_Island -
Pipe_Island - Pinga -
Pingo(landform) - Pinky -
Pinko - Pinnate - Pinnace
- Pinus_of_Denmark - Pines_of_Denmark
- Pinyin - Pinying (not sure)
- Piranha (fish) -
Piranhea(plant) - Pisistratus - Pisistratos
- Pistol -
Pistil(part of flower) - Piter_De_Vries - Peter_De_Vries
- Pithius - Pithios, Pithium
- Pitta - Pitti, Pitts
- Pittsburgh_Pirates -
Pittburgh_Pirates(typo fixed) - Pitua - Pitusa
- Pitys - Pityus
[edit] Pl
- Plain,_Wisconsin -
Pepin,_Wisconsin - Plains_Wanderer -
Plains_Wandered(fixed typo) - Planar -
Planay - Plane -
PlaneT(only this page), Plano - Plank - Planck, Plano
- Plant -
Planta, Planty, Plano - Plasmid - Plasmin
- Plasmon - Plasmin
- Plato - Plate, Plats
- Platonism - Platonist
- Plattsmouth,_Nebraska - Plattesmouth,_Nebraska
- Platy - Plate, Plats
- Platysternidae - Platysterninae
- Plautus - Plautius, Plautis
- Playa_del_Carmen - Plaza_del_Carmen
- Playfair_cipher -
Playfair_cypher(fix typo) - Plaza - Plazm, Plazac
- Plaza_Accord - Paza_Accord
- Plock -
Ploce(Croatian town) - Ploidy -
Ploisy(French town) - Plonk -
Plonsk(Polish town) - Plymouth_Brethren -
Plymouth_Brethern(Fix typo)
[edit] Pn-Po
- Pneumothorax - Pnemothorax
- Pocahontas -
Pochahontas(typo fixed) - Pocatello,_Idaho -
Poctatello,_Idaho(Fixed typo) - Podlasie_Voivodship -
Polesie_Voivodship(Different Voivodships) - Point - Poing
- Pointer - Pointre
- Pointillism - Pointillisme
- Poker -
Pokey(cartoon character) - Pokémon_Crystal -
Pokemon_Crystal(redirect exists) - Pokémon_Ruby -
Pokemon_Ruby(redirect exists) - Pokémon_Sapphire -
Pokemon_Sapphire(redirect exists) - Polder - Polden, Poldert
- Poldo_tackle - Paldo_tackle
- Police -
Police!,Polic(typo fixed),Policy - Polio -
Polic(only this page) - Polis -
[[Polic(only this page),Polisy - Polish -
Polisy - Polish_United_Workers_Party - Polish_United_Workers'_Party, Polish_United_Worker's_Party
- Political_prisoner -
Political_prison(Redirect exists) - Political_theater -
Political_theatre(Redirect exists) - Politico - Politic
- Politics_of_Mali -
Politics_of_Malmö - Politics_of_Malta -
Politics_of_Malmö - Pollen -
Polle - Pollock - Pollok
- Polska - Polski
- Polyandry -
Polyandra(2 different things) - Polydora -
Polydor(2 different things) Polydore_Virgil(redirect) - Polydore_Vergil- Polygamy -
Polygame - Polyp -
Polyain a talk page - Polyphase_quadrature_filter -
Polayphase_quadrature_filter(Only this page) - Polyploid - Polyploidy
- Polyuria - Polyurea, Polyura
- Pomaks -
Pomas(French Commune) - Pomegranate -
Pomegrante(redirect exists) - Pomeranian_language - Pomeranian_language/r (talk page - not sure about this)
- Pomona,_California -
Pomonca,_California(only this page) - Pomona - Pomola
- Pompeii -
Pompeia(Julius Caesar's wife) - Pompey -
Pompiey - Pontius_Pilate - Pontius_Pilatus
- Pontus -
Pontius, Pontes, Pontis - Ponzu - Ponza
- Pop_Goes_the_Weasel -
Plop_Goes_the_Weasel(Real cartoon - needs page) - Pope_Adrian_VI -
Pope_Adrian_VII Pope_Adrian_V - Pope_Adrian_VIIPope_Alexander_III - Pope_Alexander_IXPope_Alexander_II - Pope_Alexander_IXPope_Alexander_IV - Pope_Alexander_IXPope_Alexander_I - Pope_Alexander_IXPope_Benedict_III - Pope_Benedict_IVPope_Benedict_II - Pope_Benedict_IVPope_Benedict_IX - Pope_Benedict_IVPope_Benedict_I - Pope_Benedict_IVPope_Benedict_XIII - Pope_Benedict_XVIPope_Benedict_XII - Pope_Benedict_XVIPope_Benedict_XIV - Pope_Benedict_XVIPope_Benedict_XI - Pope_Benedict_XVIPope_Benedict_XV - Pope_Benedict_XVIPope_Callixtus_III - Pope_Callixtus_IVPope_Callixtus_II - Pope_Callixtus_IVPope_Callixtus_I - Pope_Callixtus_IVPope_Celestine_V - Pope_Celestine_VIPope_Clement_XII - Pope_Clement_XVPope_Clement_XIV - Pope_Clement_XVPope_Clement_XI - Pope_Clement_XVPope_Clement_X - Pope_Clement_XVPope_Eugene_III - Pope_Eugene_IVPope_Eugene_II - Pope_Eugene_IVPope_Eugene_I - Pope_Eugene_IVPope_Gregory_XIII - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Gregory_XII - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Gregory_XIV - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Gregory_XI - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Gregory_XVI - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Gregory_XV - Pope_Gregory_XVIIPope_Innocent_XIII - Pope_Innocent_XIVPope_Innocent_XII - Pope_Innocent_XIVPope_Innocent_XI - Pope_Innocent_XIVPope_Innocent_X - Pope_Innocent_XIVPope_John_II - Pope_John_IXPope_John_IV - Pope_John_IXPope_John_I - Pope_John_IXPope_John_Paul_II - Pope_John_Paul_IIIPope_John_Paul_I - Pope_John_Paul_IIIPope_John_V - Pope_John_VIPope_John_XIII - Pope_John_XII, Pope_John_XVIII, Pope_John_XVIIPope_John_XIX - Pope_John_XII, Pope_John_XI, Pope_John_XIVPope_John_XXIII - Pope_John_XII, Pope_John_XXIV, Pope_John_XVIII, Pope_John_XVIIPope_John_XXII - Pope_John_XII, Pope_John_XXIV, Pope_John_XVIII, Pope_John_XVIIPope_John_XXI - Pope_John_XII, Pope_John_XXIV, Pope_John_XI, Pope_John_XVIPope_John_XX - Pope_John_XV, Pope_John_XI, Pope_John_XPope_Julius_III - Pope_Julius_IVPope_Julius_II - Pope_Julius_IVPope_Julius_I - Pope_Julius_IVPope_Leo_XII - Pope_Leo_XIVPope_Leo_XI - Pope_Leo_XIVPope_Marcellus_II - Pope_Marcellus_IIIPope_Marcellus_I - Pope_Marcellus_IIIPope_Martin_V - Pope_Martin_VIPope_Nicholas_V - Pope_Nicholas_VIPope_Paul_VI - Pope_Paul_VIIPope_Pius_XII - Pope_Pius_XIIIPope_Sixtus_V - Pope_Sixtus_VIPope_Urban_II - Pope_Urban_IXPope_Urban_IV - Pope_Urban_IXPope_Urban_I - Pope_Urban_IX- Pope_Valentinus - Pope_Valentine
- Popper -
Poppel(Belgian town) - Poppy -
Poppo - Popular_Democratic_Party - Popular_Democrat_Party
- Popular_Front_for_the_Liberation_of_Palestine -
Popular_Font_for_the_Liberation_of_Palestine(only this page) - Population -
Populatio(typo fixed) - Porcelain -
Porcelaine(dog breed) - Porfirio_Díaz -
Porofirio_Díaz(typo fixed) - Poros -
Porous,Poro&(only this page) - Porphyria - Porphyrio
- Porphyrin - Porphyrio
- Porphyrion - Porphyrio
- Port_Royal - Port_Royale
- Portage -
Portaje(spanish municipality) - Porter -
Portea(plant),Portes, Portet(french communes) - Portia -
Porta(only this page),Portea(plant) - Portsmouth,_New_Hampshire -
Portsmouth,_New_Hampsire(typo fixed) - Portuguese - Portuguesa
- Possessed -
Possesse - Post-Impressionism -
Post-Impressionist(redirect) - Post-colonialism -
Postcolonialism(redirect) - Post-production -
Postproduction(redirect) - Post-structuralism -
Post-structuralist(redirect) - Postal_stationery -
Postal_stationary(redirect) - Postmodernism -
Postmodernim(typo in a talk page) - Postmodernity -
Post-modernity(redirect) - Posttranslational_modification -
Post-translational_modification(redirect) - Postumus -
Postumius(Both Roman, not same) - Potassium_bromide -
Potassium_bromate - Potassium_chlorate -
Potassium_chromate - Potassium_nitrate -
Potassium_nitrite - Potawatomi -
Potawatami, Pottawatomi(fix variant spellings) - Potosi - Potosí
- Potter_County,_Pennsylvania -
Potters_County,_Pennsylvania(fix typo) - Potto - Potton, Potte
- Poul_Anderson -
Paul_Anderson - Poult -
Poulx - Power -
Powen - Power_law -
Poker_law</S< Power_management -Poor_management(tempted, but... :-) )- Power_plant - Power_plane
- Power_vacuum -
Power_vaccuumtypo in Talk:New Imperialism/archive 3
[edit] Pr
- Prado -
Prada(store) - Prairie_View,_Texas -
Prarie_View,_Texas(just this page) - Prana -
Pranam - Pravda -
Pravia(spanish prefecture) - Pre-emptive_multitasking -
Pre-emptive_multi-tasking(redirect) - Predator -
Predatory - Prefecture - Prefectura (linked)
- Premier -
Premiere - Preprocessing - Pre-processing (err... linked but...)
- Presbyter -
Presbytery(not exactly the same) - President_of_China -
President_of_Chad - President_of_Ireland -
President_of_Ireland)(linked only to this page) - Presov - Preshov
- Presque_Isle,_Maine - Preque_Isle,_Maine
- Pressing -
Pressig - Preveza - Prevesa
- Priam -
Priay - Priapulida - Priapulid
- Priceville,_Alabama -
Pineville,_Alabama - Priene -
Prien - Priesthood_(Mormonism) - Priesthood_(Mormons)
- Primate -
Primase - Primate_(religion) -
Primate_(religion(typo in a talk page) - Prime - Primed, Prima
- Prime_Minister_of_Australia -
Prime_Minister_of_Austria - Prime_Minister_of_Slovenia -
Prime_Minister_of_Slovakia - Primer - Primed,
Primero - Primitive - Primitivo
- Primo - Prima
- Primus -
Primos(Operating system) - Princess_Stephanie_of_Belgium -
Princess_Stephanie_of_Belguim(Votes for deletion) - Pringles -
Pringlea(Brassica) - Priorat -
Priorate(Only this page) - Priory -
Priori - Prism -
Prisa, Prisma - Pristina -
Pristine - Private_Member's_Bill - Private_Members_Bill
- Private_line -
Private_life - Privy_Council - Privy_Councilor
- Procellariidae - Procellaridae
- Process - Proceus
- Producer - Produced,
Produce - Product -
Produce - Professor -
Professsor(typo fixed) - Professor_Potter -
Professor_Power - Profiled -
Profile, Profiles - Profiler -
Profile, Profiles - Profit - Profil, Profi
- Progeria -
Progera - Progress -
Progreso - Projectile -
Projectyle - Prolepsis - Proslepsis
- Prolog - Proleg
- Promoter -
Promoted(Sport) - Pronoia -
Pronova(Norwegian industrial park) - Prophase -
Prophage(not same) - Prophecy -
Prophesy(redirect) - Prose -
Prost(racing driver) - Proso -
Prost(racing driver) - Prospero -
Prosper - Proteaceae - Proteacae, Proteacea
- Protect_and_Survive -
Protest_and_Survive - Protect_and_survive -
Protest_and_Survive - Protest -
Protect - Protestantism -
Protestanism(fixed links) - Proton -
Protos - Provinces_of_the_Philippines -
Province_of_the_Philippines(Redirect exists) - Provost -
Provos - Proxy - Proxi
- Prune - Pruna, Prunet
- Prussia -
Prussi(only this page)
[edit] Ps (All done)
- Psaltery -
Psalter(Musical Instrument / Book of Psalms) - Pseudogene -
Pseudogyne - Pseudonym -
Pseudonyme, Pseudonymn(redirects) - Psychedelic -
Psychedellic(Redirect exists) - Psycho -
Psychon - Psychosis -
Psychopsis - Psychotropic_drug -
Pyschotropic_drug(typo fixed)
[edit] Pu (6 Left)
- Pub_rock_(Australia) -
Pub_rock_(Australia(typo in a talk page) - Public -
Publix - Public_Image_Ltd -
Public_Image_Ltd.(Redirect exists) - Public_key_infrastructure -
Publik_key_infrastructure(only this page) - Public_school_(UK) -
Public_school_(US)(different meanings and conditions) - Public_speaking -
Public_spending - Publius_Cornelius_Scipio_Africanus_Major -
Publius_Cornelius_Scipio_Africanus_Minor - Puerto_Cortés -
Puerto_Cortes(Redirect exists) - Puerto_Rican -
Puerto_Rica(fixed links) - Puerto_Rico -
Puerto_Rica(fixed links) - Pulitzer_Prize_for_Fiction -
Pultizer_Prize_for_Fiction(typo fixed) - Pulley - Pulle
- Pullup - Pullus
- Pummelo -
Pummel(Punk album) - Punch -
Punchy(French commune) - Purine - Purina
- Putnam -
Putna(Romanian Monastery) - Putney,_Vermont - Poultney,_Vermont
- Putte - Putty, Putta
- Puyo_Puyo - Puyo_Puyon
- Puzzle -
[edit] Py
- Pygopodidae - Pygopodinae
- Pylos - Pylon
- Pyrenees (Europe) -
Pyreneos(South America) - Pyrrha -
Pyrra(Redirect exists) - Pyrzyce - Pyrzyc
- Pyrénées-Orientales - Pyrenées-Orientales
- Pythagoras -
Pythagorus(fixed typos) - Pythias - Pythian, Pythis
- Python - Pythion, Pytho
- Python_programming_language -
Python_programming_lanugage(typo fixed)
[edit] Q
- Q_fever - Q._fever
- Qaanaaq - Qaanaq
- Qin_Dynasty - Qi_Dynasty
- Quadratic_equation - Quadratic_Equations
- Quadriga - Quadrigia
- Qualitative_method -
Quantitative_method - Quant -
Quanto - Quarrel - Quarren
- Quart - Quarth, Quarto, Quartu
- Quartz -
Quarth, Quarto, Quartu - Qubit - Qubic
- Queen_of_Sheba -
Queen_of_Shaba(typo in a talk page) - Queens'_College,_Cambridge -
Queens?_College,_Cambridge(only this page), Queens_College,_Cambridge - Queens,_New_York -
Queens,_New_York.(typo fixed) - Queenstown - Queenston
- Quenya - Quena
- Quern - Quero, Query
- Quick -
Quicky(amiga game) - Quiet_Please -
Quiet_Please! - Quill -
Quilly - Quills -
Quilly, Quilts - Quince -
Quincey(French Province) - Quincy -
Quincey(French Province) - Quine -
Quins,Quint(French Department, Wiki: Encyclopedia Topic) - Quino -
Quins, Quint, Quinto - Quinsy -
Quins(French Department) - Quintilian - Quintillan
- Quintilis - Quintilius
- Quintillus - Quintillius, Quintilius
- Quirino -
Quirina(Phillipine province / Roman name) - Quirinus -
Quirinius(God/Roman Governor) - Quito -
Quite(Wiki: list of wordss which can't be searched)
[edit] R
- R.J._Mitchell -
RJ._Mitchell(Redirect exists) - R._D._Laing -
R._D._Lang(user talk page) - RC4_cipher -
RC2_cipher - RC5_encryption_algorithm -
RC2_encryption_algorithm - RC6_encryption_algorithm -
RC2_encryption_algorithm - REO_Speedwagon -
REO_Speedwaggon(Typo fixed) - RGBA_color_space -
RGK_color_space - RGB_color_space - RGK_color_space, RG_color_space
- Rabat - Rabab, Rabah
- Rabbit -
Rabbitt(band) - Rabshakeh - Rab-shakeh
- Race_and_intelligence -
Race_and_intelligerce(typo in a talk page) - Rachel - Rachal not sure
- Rader's_FFT_algorithm -
Rader's_FFT_algoritm(Only this page) - Radersburg,_Montana - Raidersburg,_Montana
- Radian - Radianz, Radial
- Radiator -
Radiatori - Radical_behaviorism - Radical_behaviourism
- Radiocarbon_dating -
Radicocarbon_dating - Radiography - Radiographs
- Raditz - Radditz
- Radius -
Radios(only these pages) - Radula - Raduga, Radulf
- Raetia - Raetian
- Rafael_Palmeiro -
Rafael_Palmiero(fixed) - Rafale - Rafael
- Raffaello_Santi -
Raffaello_Sanzio - Ragana -
Ragama(Sri Lankan cricket team) - Ragusa -
Raguse(redirect) - Rahab - Raham
- Rahat - Raham
- Raichu - Raichur, Raich
- Raintree_County -
Raintree_Country(typo fixed) - Raisin -
Raisio - Raja_Ram - Raja_Rao
- Rajaji - Rajani
- Rajasthan - Rajasthani
- Ram_Records -
Raj_Records - Ramakrishna_Paramhansa - Ramakrishna_Paramahamsa
- Ramer,_Tennessee -
Rome,_Tennessee - Ramla - Ramle
- Ramona,_California -
Raymond,_California - Ramsay - Ramsar, Ramsau
- Ramses -
Ramsel(Belgian town) - Ramses_II -
Ramses_I, Ramses_IV, Ramses_IX - Ramsey -
Ramsel(Belgian town) - Ramzi_Binalshibh - Ramzi_Binalsibh
- Ranchi - Rancho, Ranchy
- Randers - Randens
- Random_variable -
Random_Variables(in talk page) - Range - Ranger
- Ranges - Ranger
- Rapid - Rapit
- Rarotonga -
Rarotongan - Rashi - Rasht
- Ratana - Ratan
- Ratio - Ration
- Ravels -
Raves - Raven -
Raves - Ravensburg_(district) - Regensburg_(district)
- Raver - Raves (connected)
- Ravi_Shankar -
Ravi_Shanker(only this page) - Ray_Stannard_Baker - Roy_Stannard_Baker
- Ray_Wilson -
Roy_Wilson - Raymond_Poincaré - Raimond_Poincaré
- Rayon -
Rayong - Reader -
Readea - Realm -
Realp - Reamstown,_Pennsylvania -
Raystown,_Pennsylvania - Rebar - Rebab
- Receiver - Receive
- Recitative - Recitativo
- Recreation -
Recreatio(typo fixed) - Rector - Rectory (not sure)
- Rectum -
Rectus - Red_Allen - Rex_Allen, Rod_Allen, Reg_Allen
- Red_Rus -
Red_Rum - Redd_Kross -
Red_Kross(fixed link) - Redox -
Redon(French arronidisement) - Redwall -
Redwald(English king) - Reed_(music) -
Reel_(music) - Referer - Referee
- Reflux -
Reflex - Reform -
Reforma - Reformed_churches - Reformed_church
- Refugee - Refuge (not sure)
- Regensburg -
Regensberg(different places) - Regent -
Regestin User:Szopen,Regen - Regex -
Regem,Regen - Reggae -
Reggan, Reggie(not same) - Regin -
Regia - Regina -
Regiona(only to this page),Regia