List of Futurama places
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This is a list of fictional places featured in the television series Futurama.
[edit] 711
- First featured in "Fry and the Slurm Factory".
Inspired by the present-day 7-Eleven chain of convenience stores, it is a store that Fry and Bender usually go to shop for any kind of food or drinks. Featured in many episodes, including "Fry and the Slurm Factory" and "War is the H-Word". The name is meant to be read as 7 to the power of 11 (1,977,326,743), instead of the traditional 7-11. According to their logo, they are "open 28 hours" a day.
[edit] Alien Overlord & Taylor
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
This store contains departments such as a cosmetics, robot accessories, and men's and women's apparel. A reference to New York department store Lord and Taylor.
[edit] Applied Cryogenics
- First featured in "Space Pilot 3000".
Applied Cryogenics is the cryogenics lab where Fry is frozen in the year 2000. It is located in New New York, and somehow it survived the two alien destructions of New York City when Fry was frozen. In the future, Leela works there before she quits and goes to work at Planet Express.
[edit] Big Apple Bank
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
This bank was Fry's bank back in the 20th century, where he had an account with a balance of $0.93 when he was frozen. By the 31st century, Fry's balance has grown to $4.3 billion due to compound interest. The bank no longer uses PINs (although the option is still available), but rather retina scans, fingerprints, colonic maps, and the bank-by-brain option. The bank was also the location of three (one of which happens off-screen) successive robberies by crazed robot Roberto. It also appears very briefly in the title sequence.
[edit] Cedars-Sinewave Hospital
- First featured in "Bendin' in the Wind".
A large hospital in New New York (probably descended from Cedars-Sinai Hospital; Bender is taken here after being mauled by a magnetic can opener.
[edit] CitiHall
- First featured in "A Big Piece of Garbage".
New New York's City Hall, home to the offices of Mayor C. Randall Poopenmayer. The building, which takes its title from the actual New York company Citibank, is usually featured in episodes where the city is in danger.
[edit] Dinkin Donuts
- First featured in "Anthology of Interest II".
An obvious spoof of Dunkin' Donuts; David Dinkins was the first African-American mayor of New York City. Appears during the first segment, "I, Meatbag"
[edit] Famous Original Ray's Superior Court
- First featured in "A Tale of Two Santas".
Most court cases in the show are conducted here, with Judge Whitey hearing them. Cases have included the trial and sentencing of Bender as Santa Claus, the committal of Bender and Fry to a mental home and granting of Fry and Leela's divorce. The name is a reference to Ray's Pizza pizzerias in New York City.
[edit] Food-O-Mat
- First featured in "I, Roommate".
Food in this restaurant revolve around the dining area on a conveyor belt. Whenever a customer wants one of the meals, they just reach out and grab it. It was here that Bender first offered Fry a place to live after he was evicted from the Planet Express building.
[edit] The Hip Joint
- First featured in "Love's Labours Lost in Space".
The Hip Joint is a dance club located in New New York on the top of a very tall Stratosphere-like structure. The club's decor consists of retro neon rings, which the clubbers also decorate themselves with (but only because the rings are so "out" fashionably that they are "in"). A sign over the entrance to the club states that there is a "ten drink minimum". Amy has taken Leela there in order to meet guys and Bender took Angelyne there under the guise of Flexo.
[edit] Historic 20th Century Apartments
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
Fry buys a historic apartment in this apartment building with his newfound fortune. The apartments themselves are full of 20th century products that have become defunct by the 31st century such as cord telephones, 20th century televisions, and hard wood floors. In the same episode, Fry eventually has to abandon his apartment when Mom's sons steal his fortune and his checks bounce. A sign on the building indicates that each apartment comes with original asbestos.
[edit] Le Spa
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
A Spa that Fry, Leela and Bender go to.
[edit] Lost City of Atlanta
- First feature in "The Deep South (Futurama)".
Located on the ocean floor, the city of Atlanta originally became a floating city but sank due to overdevelopment. After its most prominent residents left (Hank Aaron, Ted Turner, Jeff Foxworthy, etc.), the remainder quickly evolved into mermaids (due apparently to the caffeine in Coca-Cola). The Braves still exist, but they are now a "third-rate symphony" according to Dr. Zoidberg, though there appears to be a Lost City of Atlanta Braves blernsball team (Hank Aaron XXIV, the worst blernsball player of all time until Leela, wore a Braves uniform with a trident replacing the tomahawk). This poses a continuity issue as Prof. Farnsworth insinuates in "The Deep South" that they had discovered the city, although it is possible, like Area 51, people know of the city but they don't all know where it is, they could be saying they have found it, but not the first people to do so.
[edit] Luna Park
- First feature in "Episode Two: The Series Has Landed".
Located on the near side of the moon, this huge amusement park is described as "The Happiest Place Orbiting Earth".
- Luna Park was the name of an early amusement park in Coney Island, as well as a park in Seattle, Washington around the same period of time. The Luna Park in West Seattle was likely the proper reference given the history of the series creator, Matt Groening. Two other theme parks currently bear the name: one in Sydney, Australia, and the other in Melbourne, Australia. Luna Park, Buenos Aires is also an arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Its slogan is "The Happiest Place Orbiting Earth"; Disneyland's slogan is "The Happiest Place On Earth"
- The first land in the park is "Moon Street U.S.A."; Disneyland's first land is "Main Street U.S.A"
- The park's mascot is Crater Face; Disneyland's mascot is Mickey Mouse
- One building is marked only by a 33 1/2, much like Disneyland's legendary Club 33 (except the building is marked with a 33)
- The attraction Whalers on the Moon closely resembles Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean and It's a Small World.
- The Goofy Gopher Revue attraction closely mirrors Disneyland's Country Bear Jamboree and is sponsored by fictional Moonsanto, whereas real Monsanto sponsored Disneyland attractions
- The park's rides were designed by "Fungineers," a parody of Walt Disney Imagineering cast members, who are called Imagineers.
[edit] Madison Cube Garden
- First featured in "Fear of a Bot Planet".
The new version of Madison Square Garden features a cubed building which houses many different sports, such as Blernsball, basketball, Ultimate Robot Fighting, the 3004 Olympics and "Big Ape Fights". It also functions as an arena for gigs, such as the Beastie Boys' Intergalactic tour in 3000. Inside the arena, it features a frieze similar to one at Yankee Stadium in present-day New York.
[edit] Mars University
- First featured in "Mars University".
Founded in 2636, Mars University is the college Amy Wong attends and Professor Farnsworth teaches at. The school is first mentioned in "Episode Two: The Series Has Landed", where it is revealed that the campus has at least one sorority named Kappa Kappa Wong. The campus also has at least two fraternities named Epsilon Rho Rho (ERR) and Snooty House. The university receives a great deal of its money from the Wong family. Staff include Dean Vernon, Dean Epsilon, Dean Streptococcus, Dr. Odgen Wernstrom and Coach Smalley. The campus motto is "Knowledge Brings Fear". The university was the turning point for terraforming the planet, with Farnsworth stating that the planet was once a wasteland similar to Utah. "But unlike Utah, it was eventually made livable". The university's colors are orange and green and its halls were the location of Farnsworth's sesquicentennial celebrations in 3001.
[edit] Mom's Friendly Robot Company
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
Mom's Friendly Robot Company is a subdivision of MomCorp and Carricon, Industries Enterprises, the flagship product of which is Mom's Old Fashioned Robot Oil, a cornerstone of the MomCorp empire. The company headquarters is located in New New York but it operates factories all over the world (such as in Tijuana where Bender was built). The company also has a spaceship shaped like Mom's head which is capable of at least orbital space travel. The company is listed on the Intergalactic Stock Exchange.
[edit] Monument Beach
- First featured in "When Aliens Attack".
In the 2600s, a super-villain governor of New New York stole all of the monuments of the world, including the Sphinx of Giza, the White House, the Big Ben tower, a few Moai, Mount Rushmore (where he had his head carved alongside the presidents), the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Randy's Donuts, and placed them on an artificial beach in Iowa. The monuments were destroyed in an alien attack on Labor Day 3000.
[edit] New New York
- First featured in "Space Pilot 3000".
New New York[1] is the new version of New York City in the future. After the two alien invasions which occurred during Fry's cryonic freeze, what was left of the human race began to rebuild. Sometime in that rebuilding age, the prominent characters of Futurama came to the city and reside there permanently. New New York rests on the decaying ruins of Old New York, which can be accessed by going down into the sewers of New New York (except in some places where the sewers lead to the Mutants). Although New New York is an entirely new city, it still does have versions of many of Old New York's famous monuments, like the Statue of Liberty for example.
New New York is also a place in series 29 of Doctor Who.
[edit] O'Zorgnax's Pub
- First featured in "Space Pilot 3000".
Formerly O'Grady's Pub', is located near Panucci's Pizza in New New York. In 1999, it is an Irish pub and is first seen as Fry rides past it on his bike en route to the cryogenics lab. In the future, it is named O'Zorgnax's Pub most likely because it is owned by aliens.
[edit] Original Cosmic Ray's Pizza
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
Fry treats Leela, Amy, Bender, Professor Farnsworth, Hermes Conrad, and Dr. Zoidberg to lunch here after gaining his fortune but asks them to keep the tab "under $50 million". The name is a pun on Original Famous Ray's Pizza.
[edit] Planet Express
- First featured in "Space Pilot 3000".
Planet Express is the business of Professor Hubert Farnsworth. Here Leela, Fry, Bender, Dr. Zoidberg, Hermes Conrad, Amy Wong and Scruffy work. The business is a delivery service which caters to the entire galaxy. It is Leela, Bender, and Fry who actually make the deliveries in the Professor's intergalactic spaceship. The building is red (blue in the parallel universe 1).
[edit] Panucci's Pizza
- First featured in "Space Pilot 3000".
Panucci's Pizza is the pizzeria Fry works at in the 20th Century. The pizzeria is owned by Mr. Panucci, who also makes the pizzas and is Fry's boss. According to the episode "Jurassic Bark", sometime in the 2000s (presumably after the death of Mr. Panucci), the pizzeria is closed forever.
[edit] Robot Arms Apartments
- First featured in "I, Roommate".
This apartment building is located in New New York; a red neon sign reading "ROBOT ARMS APTS" is seen on the side of the building. It is the home of Bender and Fry. Most of the apartment rooms are tiny vertical spaces, for robots generally like small confinements in which to sleep. But some rooms, including Bender's, come with large living room-sized closets with panoramic views of New New York. It is in Bender's closet that Fry resides.
[edit] Staadgi & Staadgi Auctioneers
- First featured in "A Fishful of Dollars".
Fry, Leela, and Bender attend an auction of 20th century items after Fry gains his fortune. Fry buys every item in the auction, including Ted Danson's skeleton, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots (for Bender) and the last known tin of Angry Norwegian Anchovies. Its name is a reference to advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi, as well as the word stodgy which is a term often used to unflatteringly describe auction-house patrons.
[edit] Taco Bellevue Hospital
- First featured in "Bender Gets Made".
In the show's time period, Bellevue Hospital has sold its name and apparently its services to fast food chain Taco Bell. This could be a reference to Demolition Man, in which Taco Bell was the only winner of the "franchise wars".
[edit] Notes
- ^ New New York is also a location in the Doctor Who episode "New Earth"
Zapp Brannigan • Kif Kroker • Nibbler • Cubert • Calculon • Mom Recurring human characters • Recurring robot characters • Recurring alien characters • Secondary characters |
Planets: | Amphibios 9 • Eternium • Omicron Persei VIII | |||
Alien races: | Cygnoid • Decapodian • Neptunian | |||
Politics and religion: | Earth Government • Robotology • D.O.O.P. | |||
Technology: | Gadgets • Suicide booth • Planet Express Ship • Nimbus | |||
Other: | Timeline • Blernsball • All My Circuits • The Scary Door • Slurm • Products • Locations • Animals |