List of basic topics in classical studies
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Classical studies, or Classics for short, is the earliest branch of the Humanities, and covers the languages, literature, history, art, and other cultural aspects of the ancient Mediterranean world. The field focuses primarily on, but is not limited to, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome during classical antiquity, the era spanning from the beginning of the Bronze Age of Ancient Greece in 1000 BCE through the period known as Late Antiquity to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, circa 500 CE. The word classics is also used to refer to the literature of the period. Basic topics in classical studies include:
[edit] Nature of classical studies
- Main article: Classical studies
[edit] Branches of classical studies
[edit] Subdisciplines of classical studies
- Classical archaeology
- Classical art — see Art in ancient Greece and Roman art
- Classical architecture — see Architecture of Ancient Greece and Roman architecture
- Numismatics
- Classical history — see also Bronze Age and Classical Antiquity
- Classical society — see Ancient Greek society and Roman society
- Classical religion — see Religion in ancient Greece, Greek mythology, Religion in Ancient Rome, and Roman mythology
- Classical philology
- Classical language — see Ancient Greek and Classical Latin
- Classical literature
- Classical theatre — see Theatre of Ancient Greece and Theatre of Ancient Rome
- Classical Textual criticism
- Classical philosophy — see Greek philosophy. See also Ancient philosophy.
- Classical science and technology — see History of science in Classical Antiquity, Ancient Greek technology, and Roman technology
- Palaeography
[edit] History of classical studies
- Main article: History of the western classics, not to be confused with classical history (see below)
[edit] General classical studies concepts
[edit] Classical archaeology
[edit] Classical art
- See also Ancient art
[edit] Art in Ancient Greece
[edit] Roman art
[edit] Classical architecture
[edit] Ancient Greek architecture
[edit] Roman architecture
[edit] Geography of the classical period
[edit] Geography at the time of Ancient Greece
[edit] Geography at the time of Ancient Rome
Roman Imperial Provinces (120) | ![]() |
Achaea | Aegyptus | Africa | Alpes Cottiae | Alpes Maritimae | Alpes Poenninae | Arabia Petraea | Armenia Inferior | Asia | Assyria | Bithynia | Britannia | Cappadocia | Cilicia | Commagene | Corduene[citation needed] | Corsica et Sardinia | Creta et Cyrenaica | Cyprus | Dacia | Dalmatia | Epirus | Galatia | Gallia Aquitania | Gallia Belgica | Gallia Lugdunensis | Gallia Narbonensis | Germania Inferior | Germania Superior | Hispania Baetica | Hispania Lusitania | Hispania Tarraconensis | Italia | Iudaea | Lycaonia | Lycia | Macedonia | Mauretania Caesariensis | Mauretania Tingitana | Moesia | Noricum | Numidia | Osroene | Pannonia | Pamphylia | Pisidia | Pontus | Raetia | Sicilia | Sophene | Syria | Thracia | |
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[edit] Classical history
- Main article: Classical history
[edit] Classical Greek history
[edit] Ancient Greek society
- Main article: Ancient Greek society
[edit] Classical Roman history
[edit] Military history of Ancient Rome
[edit] Roman society
- Main article: Roman society
- Adoption in ancient Rome
- Roman army
- Roman assemblies
- Auctoritas
- Buddhism and the Roman world
- Roman citizenship
- Collegiality
- Roman commerce
- Roman consul
- Roman currency
- Cursus honorum
- Roman Emperor
- Roman festivals
- Roman funerals and burial
- Roman finance
- Roman gardens
- Homosexuality in ancient Rome
- Imperium
- Roman law
- Local government (ancient Roman)
- Roman Magistrates
- Ancient Roman marriage
- Roman naming conventions
- Roman navy
- Political institutions of Rome
- Roman province
- Roman relations with the Parthians and Sassanians
- Roman school
- Roman Senate
- Sino-Roman relations
- Slavery in ancient Rome
- Social class in ancient Rome
- Roman usurper
[edit] Classical Egyptian history
- Third Intermediate Period (21st to 25th Dynasties; 11th to 7th centuries BC)
- Late Period of Ancient Egypt (26th to 31st Dynasties; 7th century BC to 332 BC)
- History of Greek and Roman Egypt (332 BC to AD 639)
- Ptolemaic Egypt (332 BC to 30 BC)
- Macedonian Kings (332 BC to 305 BC)
- Ptolemaic Dynasty (305 BC to 30 BC)
- Aegyptus (Roman province) (30 BC to 639 AD)
- Ptolemaic Egypt (332 BC to 30 BC)
See also the Egyptian Dynasty list from the Third Intermediate Period on
[edit] Classical philology
[edit] Classical language
[edit] Ancient Greek
[edit] Classical Latin
[edit] Classical literature
- Main article: Classical literature
[edit] Classical Greek literature
- Bucolic poetry: Theocritus
- Didactic poetry: Hesiod
- Epic poetry: Homer
- Lyric poetry: Alcaeus, Alcman, Archilochus, Bacchylides, Mimnermus, Pindar, Sappho, Semonides, Simonides of Ceos, Tyrtaeus
- Classical meters
Comedic playwrights: Aristophanes, Menander
Prose writers
[edit] Classical Latin literature
- Didactic poets: Lucretius, Ovid, Virgil
- Elegiac poets: Catullus, Ovid, Propertius, Tibullus
- Epic poets: Ennius, Lucan, Ovid, Virgil
- Lyric poets: Catullus, Horace
Playwrights: Plautus, Terence
Prose writers
- Epistolary writers: Pliny the younger, Seneca
- Fiction writers: Apuleius, Petronius
- Historiographers: Caesar, Cornelius Nepos, Livy, Sallust, Suetonius, Tacitus
Orators: Cicero
[edit] Classical Textual Criticism
- Greek textual criticism
- Latin textual criticism
[edit] Classical philosophy
- Main articles: Classical philosophy and Greek philosophy. See also History of Western philosophy.
[edit] Periods of classical philosophy
- Pre-Socratic philosophers
- Hellenistic philosophy
- Roman philosophy
- Philosophy in late antiquity
[edit] Schools of thought
[edit] Classical philosophers
- Aenesidemus
- Agrippa
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Ammonius Saccas
- Anaxagoras
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes
- Antisthenes
- Antiochus of Ascalon
- Arcesilaus
- Aristippus
- Aristotle
- Carneades
- Chrysippus
- Cleanthes
- Crates of Thebes
- Cratylus
- Democritus
- Diogenes of Apollonia
- Diogenes of Sinope
- Empedocles
- Epictetus
- Epicurus
- Euclid of Megara
- Heraclitus
- Hippias
- Iamblichus
- Kleitomachos
- Leucippus
- Melissus
- Panaetius
- Parmenides
- Philo of Larissa
- Philolaus
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Posidonius
- Porphyry
- Prodicus
- Protagoras
- Pyrrho
- Pythagoras
- Seneca
- Sextus Empiricus
- Socrates
- Speusippus
- Stilpo
- Thales
- Theophrastus
- Timon
- Xenophanes
- Xenocrates
- Zeno of Citium
- Zeno of Elea
[edit] Classical religion and mythology
[edit] Religion and mythology in Ancient Greece
- Achilles
- Apollo
- Centaurs
- Dionysus
- Dragons in Greek mythology
- Earth-gods
- Eleusinian Mysteries
- Golden Fleece
- Gorgon / Medusa
- Hellenic polytheism
- Heracles
- Jason
- Minotaur
- Nymphs
- Odysseus
- Odyssey
- Oedipus
- Pan
- Perseus
- Olympians
- Primordial gods
- Satyrs
- Sea-gods
- Seven Against Thebes
- Theseus
- Titans
- Triptolemus
- Trojan War
- Zeus
[edit] Religion and mythology in Ancient Rome
[edit] Classical science and technology
[edit] Ancient Greek science and technology
[edit] Roman science and technology
- Roman abacus
- Roman arithmetic
- Roman agriculture
- Roman calendar
- Cement / concrete
- Corvus (ship's weapon)
- Ancient Roman cranes
- Roman engineering
- Glassblowing
- Medical community of ancient Rome
- Military of ancient Rome
- Roman numerals
- Plumbing
- Roman road
- Ancient Roman units of measurement
- Sanitation in ancient Rome
[edit] Classical theatre
[edit] Ancient Greek theatre
[edit] Ancient Roman theatre
[edit] Classical studies scholars
- J.L. Ackrill
- Frederic de Forest Allen
- Georg Anton Friedrich Ast
- Cyril Bailey
- Jonathan Barnes
- August Immanuel Bekker
- Theodor Bergk
- Friedrich Blass
- Herbert Bloch
- Hermann Bonitz
- Walter Burkert
- John Burnet
- Myles Burnyeat
- Ingram Bywater
- Lewis Campbell
- John Chadwick
- Harold F. Cherniss
- Wendell Clausen
- F.M. Cornford
- John Dewar Denniston
- Hermann Alexander Diels
- E.R. Dodds
- Kenneth Dover
- Moses I. Finley
- Eduard Fraenkel
- Ludwig Friedländer
- Edward Gibbon
- Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve
- William Watson Goodwin
- James Bradstreet Greenough
- Jasper Griffin
- Miriam Griffin
- George Grote
- W.K.C. Guthrie
- Edith Hamilton
- Johann Gottfried Jakob Hermann
- Karl Friedrich Hermann
- Felix Jacoby
- Werner Jaeger
- Richard Janko
- Henry Stuart Jones
- Benjamin Jowett
- Adolf Kirchhoff
- Geoffrey Kirk
- H.D.F. Kitto
- Raphael Kuhner
- Karl Lachmann
- Karl Lehrs
- David Malcolm Lewis
- George Cornewall Lewis
- Henry Liddell
- Johan Nicolai Madvig
- Augustus Meineke
- Theodor Mommsen
- Hugh Andrew Johnston Munro
- Gilbert Murray
- Max Müller
- Gregory Nagy
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Robert Maxwell Ogilvie
- G.E.L. Owen
- Denys Page
- Milman Parry
- W.D. Ross
- Robert Scott
- D.R. Shackleton Bailey
- Herbert Weir Smyth
- Ronald Syme
- Michael Ventris
- Gregory Vlastos
- Martin Litchfield West
- Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
- Friedrich August Wolf
- Eduard Zeller
[edit] Classics-related lists
- Main list List of topics related to ancient Rome
[edit] Ancient Greek lists
[edit] Roman lists
- List of Latin abbreviations
- List of aqueducts in the Roman Empire
- List of Roman amphitheatres
- List of Roman cognomina
- Lists of Roman consuls
- List of Roman deities / List of Roman gods
- List of Roman Emperors
- List of films based on Greco-Roman mythology
- List of Roman gladiator types
- List of Roman laws
- List of Roman legions
- List of Roman nomina
- Lists of Roman places
- List of Romans
- List of Roman sites
- List of Roman tribes
- List of Roman triumphal arches in Italy outside Rome
- List of Roman usurpers
- List of Imperial Roman victory titles
- List of Roman villas in England
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
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