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[edit] Nirvana in Buddhism
The Buddha described Nirvana as: “the far shore, the subtle, the very difficult to see, the unaging, the stable, the undisintegrating, the unmanifest, the unproliferated, the peaceful, the deathless , the sublime, the auspicious, the secure, the destruction of craving, the wonderful, the amazing, the unailing, the unailing state, the unafflicted, dispassion, purity, freedom, the unadhesive, the island, the shelter, the asylum, the refuge...” (SN 43:14)
[edit] Nirvana in Jainism
Mahavir is the exponent of one of the popular religions in India - Jainism. Born in 599 BC in a village called Kunda in Bihar, his father Siddhartha was an important nobleman (Noble person ) from the Kshatriya dynasty.Lord Mahavir was the twenty-fourth and the last Tirthankara of the Jain religion. Tirthankaras were human beings who have attained a state of perfection or enlightenment through meditation and self realization. They are the Gods of Jains.