Tok'ra characters in Stargate
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The Tok'ra are a fictional species in the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1. Although technically Goa'uld, the primary differences between them and the race they oppose is that the Tok'ra make use of a voluntary "blending" with a human host, and that they don't have a queen to create offsprings. Within each single host body, both personalities are free to speak and do what each desires in a truly symbiotic relationship. Tok'ra means against Ra.
This is a list of Tok'ra characters, both the symbiotes and their more prominent hosts, thusfar encountered on the show.
Contents |
[edit] Aldwin
Stargate character | |
![]() Aldwin in The Devil You Know |
Aldwin | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Portrayer | William deVry |
First episode | "The Devil You Know" |
Aldwin was a member of the Tok'ra who had several dealings with the SGC.
During SG-1's mission to rescue Jacob Carter from Ne'tu, Aldwin was ordered by the Tok'ra High Countil to launch a weapon at the planet's core, causing a chain reaction that, within 12 minutes, would have destroyed the moon as well as Sokar's Ha'tak in orbit. However, the plan would also claim the life of SG-1, Martouf and Jacob Carter.
Although Teal'c objected to the sacrificing of their friends, Aldwin was convinced that Sokar could not be allowed to dominate the System Lords, even if it cost their friends' lives. When they arrived at Ne'tu, Sokar was in orbit, and Aldwin launched the weapon even though Samantha Carter had just contacted them. However, Teal'c was convinced there was enough time to help the others escape.
Aldwin was relatively helpful once he realized that aiding SG-1's escape was the only option Teal'c was going to allow, shouting instructions from behind the locked door about how to properly intercept the ring-transporter matter stream so as not to miss it, since the slightest error would kill those transporting out. [1]
He was later sent to the SGC after SG-1 had discovered Shifu, the supposed Harsesis. As Shifu had rendered Daniel Jackson unconscious in an elaborate attempt to show how dangerous the Goa'uld knowledge in his subconscious really was, the other members of SG-1 were hesitant to believe that Shifu was who he said he was. Aldwin was later sent to Earth, and verified that Shifu indeed was the Harsesis by using the zatarc-detecting device. [2]
Several years later, during the Tok'ra plan to eliminate the System Lords during their high-level meeting, Aldwin guided SG-17 through the Tok'ra base on Revanna. He was later killed when Zipacna attacked the planet, destroying the Tok'ra base. [3]
[edit] Anise
Stargate character | |
![]() Anise in Divide and Conquer |
Anise/Freya | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Portrayer | Vanessa Angel |
First episode | "Upgrades" |
Anise was a member of the Tok'ra resistance group, and a gifted scientist and historian. She has stated that "Anise" means "Noble Strength".
She was first sent to the SGC when the Atoniek armbands, which were rumored to give the user great strength and speed, were discovered by the Tok'ra. It was Anise's intention to test the devices on SG-1, and if the test proved to be successful, convince the SGC to send them on a dangerous mission to destroy Apophis' new prototype mothership.
The tests appeared to be successful, although the SGC denied the Tok'ra's request to send the improved SG-1 to Apophis' ship. However, SG-1 disobeyed their orders and left through the Stargate to sabotage the prototype. Although they were nearly killed, SG-1 eventually was successful in their mission. [4]
After Shau'nac, who believed that she had convinced her symbiote to join the Tok'ra, arrived at the SGC requesting to be introduced to the reclusive resistance group, Anise again visited Earth. She later informed her of the High Council's decision to accept her offer, and was present when the symbiote, Tanith, was given a willing host body. When Tanith's duplicity was discovered by Teal'c, she explained that by allowing Tanith to believe he has succeeded in infiltrating their ranks, they hoped to deceive the Goa'uld and feed them misinformation. [5]
Anise later assisted the SGC after a meeting between several SG teams and the Tok'ra High Council was disrupted by a Zatarc. She later attempted to uncover more Zatarcs within the SGC ranks, and attempted to extract information from Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter. However, she eventually failed to uncover the real Zatarc, Martouf, who almost succeeded in assassinating the President of the United States during his meeting with the Tok'ra leadership.
Little is known about Freya, the host of Anise. She had revealed that she was attracted to Jack O'Neill, although her symbiote preferred Daniel Jackson. Anise stated that she kept a handwritten journal because Freya liked the tactile sensation of writing on paper. [6]
- Freya was named after the Norse goddess of love and attraction, Freyja, which may explain some of the outfits she wears.
[edit] Delek
Stargate character | |
![]() Delek in Death Knell |
Delek | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Rank | High Councillor |
Portrayer | Sebastian Spence |
First episode | "Death Knell" |
Delek was a leader among the Tok'ra resistance movement, who had limited dealings with Earth.
His first priority being the interests of the Tok'ra, Delek had grave concerns about his people's alliance with the humans of Earth and with the rebel Jaffa. He was a member of the Tok'ra High Council, and a personal friend of Selmak.
Delek visited the SGC following Anubis's attack on the Alpha Site to answer questions posed by General Hammond. He was aware of at least one Tok'ra spy deployment of which Selmak had no knowledge. He informed Selmak that, despite being a part of the High Council himself, he had been excluded from the decision. Delek believed that Selmak had been compromised, his feelings about the Tau'ri taking precedence over the Tok'ra and their goals.
He seemed to have a lower view of human hosts than most Tok'ra, expressing his concern that Jacob Carter has been exerting too much influence over his symbiote because the Tau'ri did not have their will broken by thousands of years of Goa'uld enslavement.
Delek eventually motioned for the Tok'ra-Tau'ri-Jaffa alliance to be dissolved until a new plan could be forged. [7]
[edit] Egeria
Stargate character | |
![]() Egeria in Cure |
Egeria | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Rank | Tok'ra queen |
Birthplace | Unknown |
Portrayer | Gwynyth Walsh |
First episode | "Cure" |
Egeria was the queen mother of the Tok'ra. Over 2,000 years ago, the Goa'uld queen Egeria realized her own wrongdoings and the fact that her species was responsible for great suffering in the galaxy. She gave birth to a new race, rebels to the Goa'uld, that she hoped would be able to stop Ra and the other System Lords one day. This new kind of Goa'uld became the Tok'ra, meaning "Against Ra".
Egeria later fought against Ra on the planet Pangar, and it was believed that she was killed in this battle. However, she was instead buried alive by Ra in a stasis jar so that she would suffer forever. Pangar was later conquered by the Goa'uld Shaq'ran, who then used Pangar as a base. The true fate of Egeria was forgotten, and the temple in which she had been imprisoned became buried over time. Eventually, Pangar was abandoned by the Goa'uld, which allowed the Pangaran society to develop naturally.
Around 1950, Egeria was discovered by the Pangarans. The Pangarans had heard of the great health caused by Goa'uld, and started experimenting on Egeria and her offspring. After years of research, they were able to develop the drug Tretonin, extracted from larval Goa'uld symbiotes. While Tretonin gave them nearly perfect health, it also destroyed their natural immune system, making the Pangarans dependent on it.
In the 21st century, Pangar was visited by SG-1, who discovered the dying Egeria. However, they did not discover her identity until Jonas Quinn and Teal'c finished translating the writings on the temple walls where Egeria was found. The Tok'ra were shocked upon discovering who she was and demanded her release. When the Pangarans refused, one of the Tok'ra sacrificed herself so that Egeria could use her host.
Egeria admitted to manipulating her offspring, in the hope that the Pangarans would stop producing Tretonin from them. After talking with the Pangarans, who apologized to her, she provided an antidote. She also stated her pride in her progeny after being told of their works. After Egeria died, she and the body of her host were then taken by the Tok'ra to their base through the Stargate, to perform a ceremonial ritual to commemorate their fallen Tok'ra Queen. [8]
- Egeria was named after the Egeria from Roman mythology.
[edit] Garshaw of Belote
Stargate character | |
![]() Garshaw in The Tok'ra |
Garshaw of Belote | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Rank | Grand Councillor |
Portrayer | Sarah Douglas |
First episode | "The Tok'ra" |
Garshaw of Belote was a member of the Tok'ra High Council. Her human host was named Yosuuf.
As the most hunted Goa'uld of all time, Garshaw of Belote has successfully avoided capture to maintain her position as one of the most important leaders of the Goa'uld resistance movement. She greatly opposed to being referred to as a Goa'uld, believing the title to be a great insult against their cause. She was also very protective of the Tok'ra, ordering any who know their whereabouts to be safely detained until the Tok'ra move on. This is not without merit, as the Tok'ra are always in danger of being hunted and destroyed by the Goa'uld.
After SG-1 discovered the Tok'ra resistance movement due to knowledge buried inside Samantha Carter's subconscious mind after her forced blending with Jolinar, the team was introduced to Garshaw of Belote. However, she was hesitant to form an alliance with the Tau'ri, whom she considered to be too primitive and also because the members of SG-1 were so opposed to blending with a symbiote. Unwilling to allow them to leave, she ordered them to be imprisoned in the Tok'ra base.
However, as the Tok'ra base was attacked by the System Lords, the resistance movement was forced to relocate, allowing the Tau'ri to go free. Eventually, Jack O'Neill discovered the Goa'uld spy within the Tok'ra ranks responsible for revealing the Tok'ra location to the System Lords, who was subsequently destroyed by the Tok'ra. In O'Neill's debt, Garshaw was willing to release them. [9]
She was eventually replaced as the leader of the Tok'ra by High Councillor Per'sus. [6] Her current whereabouts or fate, especially after the devastating Goa'uld attack on the Tok'ra base at Revanna, is unknown.
[edit] Jolinar
Stargate character | |
![]() Jolinar/Rosha in Jolinar's Memories |
Jolinar | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Portrayer | Tanya Reid |
First episode | "In the Line of Duty" |
Jolinar of Malkshur was an influential member of the Tok'ra resistance movement. According to Teal'c, Jolinar once had an army that was about to defeat a System Lord until Apophis and Ra joined the fight. [10]
Jolinar's host was, for some time, the beautiful Rosha. Rosha/Jolinar shared an intimate relationship with her fellow Tok'ra Martouf/Lantash for over a century. Rosha was described as having eyes the color of the waters of Marloon and hair the sand of Abydos.
Sokar once successfully captured Jolinar, and spent a great deal of time torturing her while she was imprisoned on the hell-like Ne'tu. However, Sokar's appointed ruler, Bynarr, took pity on Jolinar and she took this as an opportunity to escape. Seducing Bynarr, she stole the key to the Ring transporter while he slept and successfully escaped to the nearby planet Delmak, where she located transport out of the system. Ashamed of what she had done, she never told Martouf the truth and hardly spoke of her time on Ne'tu. [11]
However, eventually Cronus sent an Ashrak, a powerful Goa'uld assassin, after her. In a hide from the Ashrak, she abandoned Rosha and took refuge in the body of a Nassyan male. As the SGC was forming an alliance with the Nassyans at the time, they came to their rescue after the peaceful society was attacked by the System Lords, probably in search of Jolinar.
As the Nassyan male in which Jolinar had taken refuge was critically injured during the attack, the symbiote was forced to take Samantha Carter as a host. When the Ashrak followed her to Earth, Jolinar sacrificed her life to save Carter. The symbiote was gradually absorbed into Carter's body, leaving her with remarkable memories and abilities. These memories eventually enabled the SGC to discover the Tok'ra. [10]
Jolinar's presence in Samantha had significant effects on her. It is difficult to tell whether her personality had been completely altered or reverted back to something of the same as was before the blending. Samantha has since forgiven Jolinar for the forced blending. [12]
[edit] Lantash
Stargate character | |
![]() Martouf as Lantash |
Martouf/Lantash | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Portrayer | JR Bourne, Courtenay J. Stevens |
First episode | "The Tok'ra" |
Lantash was an influential Tok'ra symbiote, and the mate of Jolinar for over one hundred years. Lantash was very passionate in his ideas, often to the point of anger. He possessed a great love for Samantha Carter, who had been the last host of Jolinar before she died. Over time, he came to love her as much as he had loved Jolinar. [12]
Lantash and his host, Martouf, had a truly symbiotic relationship and complimented each other in many ways. However, unbeknownst to Lantash, Martouf had become a zatarc, an individual secretly transformed into a Goa'uld assassin. Martouf was eventually killed by Carter when his programming forced him to try and kill the President of the United States. [6] However, Lantash survived and was removed from the body and placed in a stasis container.
Nearly two years later, he was still very weak and recovering on the Tok'ra's primary base on the planet Revanna. When the Goa'uld attacked and bombarded the base, his container was destroyed. To save both himself and the new SGC recruit Lieutenant Elliot, he blended with him to keep them both alive. Lantash's knowledge became invaluable as both he and SG-1 journeyed far from the Tok'ra base using underground tunnels, trying to avoid the invading forces.
Lantash and Elliot gave their lives to save the rest of the team when they realized that Lantash did not have the strength to repair Elliot's injuries and save their lives. Elliot/Lantash were given a vial of symbiote poison, powerful enough to eliminate the entire invasion force, and, presumably, used it on them to allow SG-1 and Jacob Carter to escape. [12]
[edit] Martouf
Martouf was a leader in the ranks of the Tok'ra and host to the symbiote Lantash. He was the mate of Rosha, host to Jolinar, for over a century.
Martouf had come to the aid of the SGC (and vice versa) on several occasions. He shared a special, personal bond with Samantha Carter, who was the last host of Jolinar before the symbiote was killed by a Goa'uld assassin. The relationship between Martouf and Major Carter was a complicated one. Sam often did not know if the feelings she felt for Martouf were hers or Jolinar's.
He was first encountered by SG-1 during their first encounter with the Tok'ra. Martouf greeted the team, who searched for the resistance movement. Since Jolinar was once blended with Samantha Carter, Martouf developed an interest in her. [9] He was later present when Apophis sought asylum at Stargate Command and recommended that the Goa'uld should be handed over to Sokar. Although the SGC was at first reluctant, they were later forced to do as Sokar nearly destroyed the iris. [13]
Several months later, he delivered the news that Jacob Carter was imprisoned on Ne'tu, and suggested to rescue him together with SG-1. [11] While being imprisoned on the moon he was questioned by its new leader Apophis, to reveal the location of the main base of the Tok'ra. However, Martouf was able to withstand the torture and gave him the wrong planet. Later, when Ne'tu was destroyed by a new Tok'ra weapon, he barely escaped with SG-1 and Selmak. [1]
However, without knowing, Martouf had been subject to Goa'uld mind control, turning him into a zatarc. His attempt to assassinate the President of the United States ended in failure, and his friend Samantha Carter was forced to kill him. [6] Martouf did not survive, but Lantash, in possession of all his memories, was placed in a stasis chamber by the Tok'ra. [12]
An alternate version of Martouf arrived at the SGC when many SG-1s from alternate realities started coming through the Stargate. That universe's Martouf had joined the SGC, to be closer to Carter. However, their relationship did not last. According to Martouf, Carter eventually ended up with someone else, and that the two eventually had a child. [14]
[edit] Malek
Stargate character | |
![]() Malek in Allegiance |
Malek | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Rank | Tok'ra Commander |
Portrayer | Peter Stebbings |
First episode | "Allegiance" |
Malek was an influential member of the Tok'ra resistance movement who had dealt with the SGC on several occasions. Malek represented the strong-willed and determined of the Tok'ra, and had little patience with the Jaffa Rebellion. He was extremely devoted to the Tok'ra cause of defeating the Goa'uld.
Malek was the commander of the Tok'ra outpost in the Risa system. When the outpost was attacked and subsequently destroyed by Anubis, Malek and Jacob led their fellow Tok'ra operatives to the SGC's Alpha Site. However, the Tok'ra were less than amused when faced with the prospect of sharing the Alpha Site with a group of rebel Jaffa.
Soon, tension began to erupt, and when several Tok'ra and later Jaffa were murdered, the two groups came close to open conflict. However, it was eventually determined that an invisible Ashrak was responsible, who was subsequently killed by the Tok'ra-Tau'ri-Jaffa alliance. [15]
After SG-1 discovered the Pangarans, who had developed a powerful drug from larval Goa'uld, Malek was contacted by the SGC to examine the Goa'uld queen used in the Pangaran experiments. Malek was not bother by the abuse, but when it was discovered the queen was, in fact, the Tok'ra queen Egeria, he was insistent on her release. After Egeria's death, Malek took her body back to the Tok'ra. He has not been seen since. [8]
[edit] "Raully"
Stargate character | |
![]() "Raully" in Into The Fire |
"Raully" | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Portrayer | Samantha Ferris |
First episode | "Out of Mind" |
"Raully" was the undercover name of a Tok'ra spy within Hathor's ranks.
Raully, whose true name remains unknown, moved under the pretense as a Goa'uld scientist involved in Hathor's elaborate plot to extract knowledge about the System Lords from SG-1. Posing as a futuristic SGC doctor, she aided in the interrogation of Samantha Carter, Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson using a Goa'uld memory device. [16]
However, during the real SGC's raid on the planet, Raully revealed herself to be a Tok'ra operative to Colonel O'Neill, and helped him escape. She also put O'Neill in cryogenic stasis, insuring the Goa'uld O'Neill had just been implanted with would die in the freezing process.
When Hathor discovered her duplicity, Raully stood up against the Goa'uld, who used a hand device on the traitor. It is believed she survived the encounter, although she has not been seen since. [17]
[edit] Ren'al
Stargate character | |
![]() Ren'al in Enemies |
Ren'al | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Portrayer | Jennifer Calvert |
First episode | "Enemies" |
Ren'al was a Tok'ra operative, member of the Tok'ra High Council, and ambassador to Earth in the absence of Jacob Carter.
After the daring plan devised by the Tok'ra to destroy Apophis' enormous fleet by destroying Vorash' sun had been a complete success, Ren'al traveled to Earth to report the news. However, she also regretfully informed General George Hammond that no trace of SG-1 or her fellow Tok'ra operative, Selmak, had been found. [18]
Ren'al later was instrumental in developing the symbiote poison which was planned to be used in an attempt to assassinate all System Lords during one of their summits. However, the poison also attracted Anubis' attention, who sent his minion Zipacna to capture it. When Ren'al's Tok'ra base of operations was bombed, the tunnels collapsed. Ren'al was killed by falling debris. Her poison was later used against Zipacna's forces to slow them down so that the surviving Tok'ra and SGC personnel could escape.
Ren'al carried the formula for the poison on a data crystal in her breast pocket, which Major Samantha Carter retrieved from her body. [3] The crystal, taken back to Earth, would later be used to develop more of the poison. [19]
[edit] Selmak
Stargate character | |
![]() Jacob Carter as Selmak |
Selmak | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Rank | High Councillor |
Birthplace | Unknown |
Portrayer | Joy Coghill, Carmen Argenziano |
First episode | "The Tok'ra" |
Selmak was a Tok'ra High Council member, and one of their oldest and wisest leaders.
The death of Saroosh, Selmak's host, made it possible for Jacob Carter, Samantha Carter's father, to become host to Selmak. Jacob Carter became the link between the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra. [9] Selmak and Jacob have been helpful to Stargate Command on several occasions. His vast knowledge, experience and his access to Tok'ra resources made him a valuable ally. However, Selmak was so close to the humans of Earth, because of his host, that the other Tok'ra complained about his divided loyalties. [7]
Selmak was nearly 2000 years old when he blended with Jacob Carter and, consequently, in the twilight of his life. Due to old age, after helping the Tau'ri defeat the Replicators, Selmak slipped into a coma. He lacked the power to give his life for his host Jacob Carter (as Jacob had insisted that Selmak use the last of his power to hold on and help him against the Replicators, rather than save Jacob) and died a short time before Jacob. [20]
[edit] Saroosh
Saroosh was the previous human host to the Tok'ra Selmak.
Saroosh had been Selmak's host for most of her life, and had greatly enjoyed the Tok'ra symbiote's sense of humor. However, their years together had also been difficult, as they had also been forced to witness countless Goa'uld atrocities. When she had reached the age of 203, Saroosh grew sick, and became unable to sustain Selmak any further. A new host was sought out, and eventually arrived in the form of a Tau'ri, Jacob Carter. Saroosh spoke of Selmak's good company and sense of humor, making Jacob's acquaintance in order to make him more comfortable with the situation, as he had never been exposed to a Goa'uld or Tok'ra before.
When Selmak agreed to blend with Jacob, Saroosh had Jacob Carter kiss her, and the Tok'ra transferred into Jacob. Soon thereafter, Saroosh passed on in peace. [9]
- Saroosh was played by Joy Coghill.
[edit] Jacob Carter
General Jacob Carter (Ret.) was a USAF general and the widowed father of Samantha Carter and her brother Mark. He was a close friend of General George Hammond and was dying of cancer during the first years of the SGC's operation. When SG-1 became aware of the existence of the Tok'ra through the memories of Jolinar, it became possible to cure his cancer with his blending with Selmak.
Upon their first meeting, the members of SG-1 were asked if they would be willing to become a host to Selmak, whose host was dying. Samantha suggested that her father could fill this role, thus saving his life and Selmak's and creating an alliance between the Tau'ri and Tok'ra. This enabled Selmak to engage in Tok'ra covert operations and also provide help to Stargate Command when problems arise.
When Selmak died of old age, Jacob died soon after Selmak did. Before that, he told his daughter that he considered the years spend with Selmak as a gift, because without the blending he would have died from the cancer years before, and that he got to do amazing things in that time.
[edit] Thoran
Stargate character | |
![]() Thoran in Frozen |
Thoran | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Male |
Portrayer | Dorian Harewood |
First episode | "Frozen" |
Thoran was a loyal member of the Tok'ra resistance movement, who has had a few tense dealings with Earth.
Thoran was frequently involved in heated discussions with SGC members, and was fiercely protective of his symbiotic species. The interests of the Tok'ra were his first priority, even when it meant ignoring the Tok'ra-Earth treaty. He was a close friend of the Tok'ra Kanan.
When Jack O'Neill became infected with the Ancient plague after their encounter with Ayiana, an Ancient unearthed in Antarctica, Thoran suggested that O'Neill would allow himself to be blended with a Tok'ra symbiote, Kanan, in order to save him from the life-threatening illness. He later brought the symbiote to the SGC and supervised the blending. [21]
After O'Neill had been captured by Ba'al during a covert mission to rescue his lo'tar, Thoran arrived at the SGC to aid in the recovery of the Colonel. However, due to his unwillingness to help, Thoran was held against his will by the Tau'ri, who demanded that he turned over all knowledge regarding Kanan's previous missions. This information eventually helped SG-1 to locate their missing team member. [22]
[edit] Zarin
Stargate character | |
![]() Zarin in Endgame |
Zarin | |
Race | Tok'ra |
Gender | Female |
Portrayer | Brandy Ledford |
First episode | "Endgame" |
Zarin was a Tok'ra operative who posed as a minor Goa'uld serving Ba'al on P3S-114. She controlled several garrisons and had been able to mask her true identity perfectly for some time.
After several Goa'uld planets had been attacked by the Trust with symbiote poison, attacks that not only killed all Goa'uld, but also millions of Jaffa, who relied on larval Goa'uld to sustain their lives, Teal'c and M'Zel became convinced that theTok'ra were responsible. Desperately in search of answers, the two Jaffa arrived on P3S-114 to question her regarding the recent attacks.
Teal'c and M'Zel allowed themselves to be captured, and were brought before Zarin. She convinced her legions that she wished to torture the two Jaffa in private, and subsequently assured Teal'c and M'Zel that the Tok'ra were not responsible.
However, P3S-114 was chosen by The Trust as their next target. When a rocket carrying the deadly symbiote poison collided with the surface of 114, the gas acted quickly and killed all symbiotes on the planet, including Zarin and all Goa'uld-bearing Jaffa. [19]
[edit] Other Tok'ra
Symbiote | Host | Status | First appearance | Played by |
Cordesh | Unknown | Deceased | "The Tok'ra" | Winston Rekert |
Goa'uld spy. Was revealed when a long-range communication device was discovered in his quarters. | ||||
Kelmaa | Unknown | Deceased | "Cure" | Gwynyth Walsh |
Sacrificed herself so Egeria could use her host. | ||||
Kanan | Jack O'Neill | Probably Deceased | "Abyss" | Richard Dean Anderson |
Infiltrated Ba'al's secret base but fell in love with his lo'taur, Shayla. Used O'Neill's body to return to rescue her but they were pursued. Before he was captured, he left O'Neill's body. | ||||
Khonsu | Unknown | Deceased | "The Other Guys" | Adam Harrington |
Masqueraded as a minor Goa'uld loyal to Anubis and sought to make contact with SG-1. Killed by his own First Prime, Herak, who then became First Prime of Anubis. | ||||
Korra | Unknown | Alive | "Deadman Switch" | Mark Holden |
Posed as a minor Goa'uld loyal to Sokar using the alias Keltar. Sokar sent a bounty hunter after him after he discovered his duplicity, although he was eventually able to escape after SG-1 convinced the bounty hunter to release him. | ||||
Ocker | Unknown | Deceased | "Allegiance" | Kimani Ray Smith |
A Tok'ra Security Chief who fled to the Alpha Site after their base was attacked. He was eventually killed by an Ashrak in an attempt to create mistrust between the Tok'ra and the Jaffa Rebellion. | ||||
Per'sus | Unknown | Alive | "Divide and Conquer" | Andrew Jackson |
Supreme High Councilor of the Tok'ra. Was almost killed by a Zatarc during a meeting with the US President. | ||||
Sina | Unknown | Alive | "Prophecy" | Johannah Newmarch |
Provided the SGC with valuable intelligence regarding Ba'al. | ||||
Thellas | Unknown | Alive | "Avenger 2.0" | Unseen |
Informed the SGC that the entire Stargate network was down following the deployment of Dr. Jay Felger's "Avenger" computer virus. |
[edit] References
- ^ a b "The Devil You Know" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Absolute Power" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Summit" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Upgrades" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Crossroads" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b c d "Divide and Conquer" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Death Knell" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Cure" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b c d "The Tok'ra" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "In the Line of Duty" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Jolinar's Memories" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b c d "Last Stand" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Serpent's Song" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Ripple Effect" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Allegiance" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Out of Mind" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Into the Fire" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Enemies" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Endgame" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Reckoning" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Frozen" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Abyss" (Stargate SG-1)
[edit] See also
Recurring characters on Stargate SG-1 | Edit | |
Tau'ri | Malcolm Barrett | Jacob Carter | Chekov | Adrian Conrad | Major Davis | Paul Emerson | Louis Ferretti | Janet Fraiser Walter Harriman | Charles Kawalsky | Robert Kinsey | Carolyn Lam | Catherine Langford | Bill Lee | Harry Maybourne Rodney McKay | Lionel Pendergast | Robert Rothman | Frank Simmons | Pete Shanahan | Siler | Richard Woolsey |
Other Humans | Cassandra | Kasuf | Linea | Ma'chello | Martin Lloyd | Sha're | Shifu | Skaara | |
Goa'uld | Amonet | Anubis | Apophis | Ba'al | Cronus | Hathor | Heru-ur Nerus | Nirrti | Osiris | Ra | Sokar | Tanith | Yu | Zipacna |
Jaffa | Bra'tac | Gerak | Ishta | Rya'c | |
Other | Adria | Chaka | Fifth | Harlan | Merlin | Oma Desala | Reese | Replicator Carter | Thor | |
Lists by race | All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Jaffa, Langaran, Lucian Alliance Ori, Replicator, Tok'ra, Tollan, System Lord |