దక్షిణ భారతదేశము
వికీపీడియా నుండి
ఈ వ్యాసాన్ని పూర్తిగా అనువదించి,తరువాత ఈ మూసను తీసివేయండి |
దక్షిణ భారతదేశము | |
South India - regions, rivers, and water bodies
దక్షిణ భారతదేశం లోని రాష్ట్రాలు | ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్, కేరళ, కర్ణాటక, తమిళనాడు |
కేంద్ర పాలిత ప్రాంతాలు | లక్షదీపాలు and పాండిచ్ఛేరి (including యానాం, మహె and కరైకల్) |
అధికార భాషలు | తమిళం, కన్నడ, తెలుగు, మళయాలం and తులు |
ముఖ్య నగరాలు | చెన్నై, బెంగలూరు, హైదరాబాదు, తిరువనంతపురం, కొచ్ఛి,విశాఖపట్నం |
Largest metropolitan area | చెన్నై |
ముఖ్య మతాలు | హిందువులు, జైనులు, ముస్లిములు and క్రైస్తవులు |
విస్తీర్ణం | 635,780 km² |
జనాభా (2001) | 233,000,000 |
జన సాంద్రత(2001) | 337/km² |
Birth rate[1](2001) | 20.4 |
Death rate (2001) | 7.7 |
Infant mortality rate (2001) | 48.4 |
దక్షిణ భారత దేశం దక్షిణ భారతీయులు లేక ద్రవిడులు నివశించు ప్రాంతం. దక్షిణ భారత దేశం ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్, కర్ణాటక, [[తమిళనాడు మరియు కేరళ రాష్త్రాలు మరియు కేంద్ర పాలిత ప్రాంతాలు పాండిచెరి ల సముదాయము (లక్షదీవులు,అండమాన్ నికోబార్ దీవులు చాలా దూరముగా ఉన్నవి). భారత ద్వీప కల్పము లో వింధ్య పర్వతములకు దక్షిణమున ఉన్నప్రాంతమంతా దక్షిణ భారత దేశము. ఉత్తరమున నర్మద నది, మహా నది పడమటనఅరేబియా సముద్రము,దక్షిణమున ఇండియన్ సముద్రము,తూర్పునబంగాళాఖాతము ఉన్నవి. దక్షిణాన చివరి స్థానం కన్యాకుమారి. ఇరువైపులా ఉన్న తూర్పు కనుమలు, పడమటి కనుమలు, దక్కన్ పీఠభూమి ల తో దక్షిణ భారతదేశము geography లో కూడా వైవిధ్యము కలదు. తుంగభద్ర, కావేరి, కృష్ణ మరియు గోదావరి ఇచటి ముఖ్యనదులు.
విషయ సూచిక |
[మార్చు] ఉపోద్ఘాతం
దక్షిణ భారతీయులు ముఖ్యంగా ద్రవిడ బాషలు మాట్లాడెదరు కానీ కొన్నిచోట్ల కొంకణి వంటి బాషలు కూడా మట్లాడెదరు. దక్షిణ భారత చరిత్రలొ బ్రిటిష్ కన్నా ముందు ఎందరో రాజులు ఇక్కడ పరిపాలన సాగించారు. అందులో ముఖ్యులు శాతవాహనులు, ఆంధ్ర ఇక్ష్వాకులు, చోళులు, పాండ్యరాజులు, చేరులు, చాళక్యులు, రాష్ట్రకూటులు, హొయసులు మరియు విజయనగరరాజులు. దక్షిణ భారత రాజవంశాలు శ్రీలంక మరియు శ్రీవిజయలను జయించడం వలన ఇప్పటికీ దక్షిణ భారత సాంస్కృతిక ప్రభావం వారి జీవన విధానాలలో కనిపిస్తుంది.
ఇచట వ్యవసాయం ప్రధాన వృత్తి. మొత్తం స్థూల ఉత్పత్తి లో వ్యయసాయం దే మొదటి స్థానం. సాఫ్టువేరు రంగం ఇచట చాలా వేగంగా విస్తరిస్తోంది. దేశం లోని సాఫ్టువేరు ఉత్పత్తి లో అధికశాతం దక్షిణ భారతదేశం లోని నగరాలలోనే తయారవుతోంది. దక్షిణ భారతదేశం లోని ప్రజలు దేశంలోని మిగిలిన ప్రజలకన్నా విద్యారంగంలో ముందుండి అత్యధిక తలసరి ఆదాయం కలిగియున్నారు. ఇచటి విద్యారంగం మరియు వ్యవసాయం రెండు వేల సంవత్సరాలుగా తన వైశిష్ట్యాన్ని, ప్రత్యేకతను చూపుతున్నాయి. ఇచటి రాజకీయాలలో ప్రాంతీయ పార్టీల ప్రభావం అధికం.
దక్షిణ భారతానికి ఆంగ్లంలో ఉన్న South India అనే కాక ఇంకనూ సంస్కృత పదం "దక్షిణం" వలన Deccan అని కూడా పేర్లు ఉన్నాయి. ప్రస్తుతం Deccan అన్న పదం Deccan Plateauకు మాత్రమే పరిమితమైంది. ఇంకనూ కర్ణాటక (Carnatic) అను పదం "కరునాడు" అనగా నల్లని దేశం అన్న పదం నుండి పుట్టింది. ద్రవిడనాడు అనునది దక్షిణ భారతానికి ఉన్న మరొక పేరు. అలాగే వివిధ రాష్టాలలోని ప్రజలను వారి వారి బాషను బట్టి కూడా పిలుస్తారు. ఉదాహరణకు తెలుగు మాట్లాడు వారిని ఆంధ్రులు అని, మళయాలం మాట్లాడువారిని మళయాలీలు అని పిలుస్తారు.
[మార్చు] చరిత్ర
- ప్రధాన వ్యాసం: History of South India
Carbon dating on ash mounds associated with neolithic cultures in South India date back to 8000 BCE. Artefacts such as ground stone axes, and minor copper objects have been found in the region. Towards the beginning of 1000 BCE, iron technology spread through the region; however, there does not appear to be a fully developed Bronze Age preceding the Iron Age in South India.[2] South India was a crossroads of the ancient world, linking the Mediterranean and the Far East. The southern coastline from Karwar to Kodungallur was the most important trading shore in the Indian subcontinent resulting in intermingling between locals and traders.[3] The South Indian coast of Malabar and the Tamil people of the Sangam age traded with the Graeco-Roman world. They were in contact with the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Syrians, Jews, and the Chinese.[4]
There were several significant rulers and dynasties in South Indian history. The ancient history of the region comprises dynasties such as the Satavahanas of Amaravati, Kadambas of Banavasi, Western Ganga Dynasty, Chalukya dynasty of Badami, Western Chalukyas, Eastern Chalukya, Cheras, Cholas, Hoysalas, Kakatiya dynasty, Pallavas, Pandyas, and Rashtrakutas of Manyaketha. The early medieval period saw the rise of Muslim power in South India. The defeat of the Kakatiya dynasty of Warangal by Tughlaq forces of the Delhi Sultanate in 1323 CE heralded a new chapter in South Indian history. The struggle of the period was between the Bahmani Sultanate based in Gulbarga (and later, Bidar) and the Vijayanagara Empire with its capital in Vijayanagara in modern Hampi. With the fall of Vijayanagara and the break-up of the Bahmani sultanate, the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golconda and Hyderabad became the dominant power in the region. Qutb Shahi dominance of the region continued until the middle of the seventeenth century, when the Mughals under Aurangzeb made determined inroads into the Deccan. Following Aurangzeb’s death, Mughal power weakened, and South Indian rulers gained autonomy from Delhi. The Wodeyar kingdom of Mysore, the Asaf Jahis of Hyderabad, and Marathas all gained power.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the French and the British initiated a protracted struggle for military control of South India. Shifting alliances between the two European powers and the local powers marked the period with mercenary armies being employed by all sides causing general anarchy in South India. The four Anglo-Mysore wars and the three Anglo-Maratha wars saw Mysore, Pune and Hyderabad allying themselves with the British or the French. South India during the British colonial rule was divided into the Madras Presidency and Hyderabad, Mysore, Thiruvithamcoore (also known as Travancore), Kochi (also known as Cochin or Perumpadapu Swaroopam), Vizianagaram and a number of other minor princely states. British Residents were stationed in the capitals of the important states to supervise and report on the activities of the rulers.
After independence, most of South India was included in Madras state, which included the former Madras Presidency and the princely states of Banganapalle, Pudukkottai, and Sandur. In 1953, the government yielded to pressure from the northern Telugu-speaking districts of Madras State, and allowed them to create India's first linguistic state - Andhra State on October 1,1953. The States Reorganisation Act (1956) created several new states along linguistic lines. Andhra State was renamed Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala was created from the Malayalam-speaking region. Madras State, which after 1956 included the Tamil-majority regions, changed its name to Tamil Nadu in 1968, and Mysore State was renamed Karnataka in 1972. Portuguese India, which included Goa, was annexed by India in 1961, and Goa became a state in 1987. The enclaves of French India were ceded to India in the 1950’s, and the southern four were organised into the Union Territory of Pondicherry.
- చూడండి: Middle kingdoms of India
[మార్చు] Geography
దక్షిణ భారతం త్రికోణాకృతిలో ఉన్న ద్వీపకల్పం. ఎల్లలుగా తూర్పున బంగాళాఖాతం, పశ్చిమాన అరేబియా సముద్రం మరియు ఉత్తరాన వింధ్య సాత్పురా పర్వతాలు కలవు. సాంసృతిక పరంగా దక్షిణ భారతానికి, ఉత్తర భారతానికి నర్మదా మరియు మహానదులు ఎల్లలుగా ఉన్నాయి.
నర్మద నది వింధ్య మరియు సాత్పుర పర్వత లోయల మధ్య పడమర దిశగా ప్రవహిస్తుంది. సాత్పుర పర్వతాలు డెక్కను పీఠభాగానికి ఉత్తరం వైపు ఎల్ల గా వుంది. అలాగే పశ్చిమ కనుమలు (Western Ghats) మరొకవైపు ఎల్లలుగాను ఉన్నాయి. పశ్చిమకనుమలు మరియు అరేబియా సముద్రం మధ్య ప్రాంతాన్ని కొంకన్ అని నర్మదానది కి దక్షిణాన ఉన్న ప్రాంతాన్ని గోవా అని అంటారు.
The Western Ghats continue south, forming the Malnad (Canara) region along the Karnataka coast, and terminate at the Nilgiri mountains, an inward (easterly) extension of the Western Ghats. The Nilgiris run in a crescent approximately along the borders of Tamil Nadu with northern Kerala and Karnataka, encompassing the Palakkad and Wayanad hills, and the Satyamangalam ranges, and extending on to the relatively low-lying hills of the Eastern Ghats, on the western portion of the Tamil Nadu-Andhra Pradesh border. The Tirupati and Annamalai hills form part of this range.
The Deccan plateau, covering the major portion of the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, is the vast elevated region bound by the C-shape defined by all these mountain ranges. No major elevations border the plateau to the east, and it slopes gently from the Western Ghats to the eastern coast. The plateau is watered by the east flowing Godavari and Krishna rivers. The other major rivers of the Deccan plateau are the Pennar and the Tungabhadra, a major tributary of the Krishna.
The river కావేరి rises in the Western Ghats, in the Kodagu district of Karnataka and flows briefly through the Deccan plateau before entering Tamil Nadu, where it forms an extensive and fertile delta on the east coast. The three major river deltas of South India, the Kaveri, the Godavari and the Krishna, are located along the Bay of Bengal. These areas constitute the rice bowls of South India. Rivers that flow westward, from the mountains to the Arabian Sea, include the Periyar, Netravati River, Mandovi and Tapti River (or Tapi) rivers, and the Narmada at the northern edge of the region.
[మార్చు] Regions
దక్షిణ భారతం లోని 4 ముఖ్య రాష్టాలు బాషాపరమైన ప్రాంతీయ హద్దులు కలిగివున్నాయి. ప్రాంతీయ పరంగా హద్దులు ఉన్నప్పట్టికీ, సాంస్క్రుతిక పరంగా లేక ఛరిత్ర పరంగా లిఖించబడని ప్రాంతాలు పలుచోట్ల కనిపిస్తాయి. ఉదాహరణకు:
- Carnatic - etymologically related to the Deccan, refers to all of South India
- Canara or Karaavali - the Karnataka coast
- Chera Nadu or Vanchi Nadu - most of modern Kerala
- Chettinadu - area around Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu
- Chola Nadu - most of Tamil Nadu and southern Andhra Pradesh, including certain other "Nadus" mentioned here
- Coromandel Coast - south coastal Andhra Pradesh, north coastal Tamil Nadu and the Pondicherry Union Territory
- Deccan - plateau region covering interior Maharashtra, interior Andhra Pradesh and interior Karnataka. Includes the Marathwada, Vidarbha, Telangana, Rayalaseema, North Karnataka and Mysore regions.
- Kongu Nadu - districts around Coimbatore, Salem, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu
- Konkan - coastal region comprising coastal Maharashtra, Goa and part of coastal Karnataka
- Kosta or Coastal Andhra - The coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh
- Malabar region - northern Kerala; the Malabar Coast is often counted separately
- Malnad - the Sahyadri hills between the coast and the plateau in Karnataka
- Mulakanadu - the region to the north of the Godavari river, areas now called Khandesh and Aurangabad surrounding areas.
- Mysore - often called "south interior Karnataka"
- North Karnataka - often called "north interior Karnataka" or simply the "Dharawad region"
- Northern Circars - Muslim administrative units in Madras state in British India, namely Chicacole, Rajahmundry, Ellore, Kondapalli and Guntur.
- Pandya Nadu - area around Madurai, Tamil Nadu
- Raichur Doab - mostly northern Karnataka, between the Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers
- Rayalaseema - southern interior Andhra Pradesh consisting of Kurnoo, Chittor, Cuddapah and Anantapuram districts.
- Tondai Nadu - area around Pudukkotai, Tamil Nadu
- Thiruvithaamkoor or Travancore - southern Kerala
- Tulu Nadu - certain areas in the coastal districts of Udipi and South Canara in Karnataka
- Telangana - northern interior Andhra Pradesh
- Velanadu - Places on the banks of Krishna River, from Guntur to Srisailam. A subkingdom during Cholas and Chalukyas periods
The low-lying coral islands of Lakshadweep are off the south-western coast of India. Sri Lanka lies off the south-eastern coast, separated from India by the Palk Strait and the chain of low sandbars and islands known as Rama's Bridge. The Andaman and Nicobar islands lie far off the eastern coast of India, near the Tenasserim coast of Burma. The southernmost tip of mainland India is at Kanyakumari (Cape Comorin) on the Indian Ocean.
[మార్చు] ప్రకృతి (వృక్ష సంపద మరియు జంతు సంపద)
A dominant feature of South India is the tropical climate. Lush evergreen vegetation, the South Western Ghats moist deciduous forests are found along the Western Ghats. Tropical Dry Forests, the South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests and scrub lands Deccan thorn scrub forests are common in the interior Deccan plateau. The southern Western Ghats have high altitude rain forests called the South Western Ghats montane rain forests. The Malabar Coast moist forests are found on the coastal plains.[5] The Western Ghats itself is a biodiversity hotspot.[6]
Some of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries are found in South India. These include Project Tiger reserves such as Periyar National Park, Silent Valley National Park, Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve, among many others. Important bird sanctuaries including Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, Neelapattu and Pulicat Sanctuary are home to numerous migratory and local birds.
Important protected ecological sites include the Annamalai Hills and Nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats and backwaters like the Pulicut Lake in Andhra Pradesh, Pitchavarum in Tamil Nadu and the famed backwaters of Kerala formed by the Vembanad Lake, the Ashtamudi Lake and the Kayamkulam Lake. The Niligiri Biosphere Reserve, located at the conjunction of the borders of Karnataka, Kerela and Tamilnadu, consists of the neighbouring Mudumalai National Park, Bandipur National Park, Nagarhole National Park and Waynad wildlife sanctuary is an important ecological feature in this region.
[మార్చు] Demographics
The estimated population of the political region of South India, comprising Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu is over 233 million.[7] South India is home to diverse ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The largest ethnic groups in South India include the Kannadigas, Malayalis, Tamils, Telugus and the Konkanis. Around 83% of South Indians follow Hinduism. Of the rest, around 11% follow Islam while Christians constitute around 5% of the population. South India has one of the largest Christian populations in India. They consists of those who follow the Latin rite, the Indian Orthodox Church, Syrian Jacobite Church, Protestant churches and those belonging to the Syro-Malabar Church and the Marthoma Church. Jains, Buddhists and Jews together form less than 1% of the population of South India.
The average literacy rate of South India is approximately 73%, considerably higher than the Indian national average of 60%.[8] Kerala leads the nation with a literacy rate of 91%. The sex ratio in South India is fairly equable at 997; Kerala is the only state in India with a sex ratio higher than 1000.[7] The population density of the region is approximately 463. Scheduled Castes and Tribes form 18% of the population of the region. Agriculture is the major employer in the region — 47.5% of the population is involved in agrarian activities. About 60% of the population lives in permanent housing structures. 47.8% of South India has access to tap water. Wells and springs are other major forms of water supply. The predominant form of transport is the bicycle, which constitutes 31% of the various modes of transport in South India. Television access in the region is 36.7% with the state-run Doordarshan and its various regional stations freely available.
[మార్చు] Languages
- ప్రధాన వ్యాసం: Dravidian languages
South India's predominant language family is Dravidian, a family of approximately seventy-three languages[9] spoken in South Asia.[10] A relationship of the Dravidian language family to other linguistic families has not been established, though various theories have been proposed. Dravidian as an independent language family was first established by Francis W. Ellis, a British civil servant in 1816.
The languages of the Dravidian family Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu have been influenced by Sanskrit to varying degrees and the converse is true as well. Almost all Dravidian languages spoken in South India belong either to the South Dravidian (or South Dravidian I) or South-Central Dravidian (sometimes also known as South Dravidian II) subfamilies. Tamil, Malayalam, Tulu and Kannada are South Dravidian languages, while Telugu and Gondi are South-Central Dravidian. The States Reorganisation Act of 1956 divided states in India along linguistic lines and led to the creation of separate states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu in areas where Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil respectively were dominant.
In the 2001 Census of India, తెలుగు, with approximately 80 million native speakers, was the second largest language in India, after Hindi. తమిళం was accorded the status of classical language by the Government of India in 2002 and had about 74 million speakers (native and non-native speakers). కన్నడ had 50 million speakers while మళయాలం has 35.7 million[11]. All four languages are designated as national languages of India. Konkani, an Indo-Aryan language, is widely spoken in గోవా and coastal Karnataka, Kerala, and Maharashtra, where it has drawn heavy influences from Kannada and Malayalam. Most of Maharashtra, which includes the northern Deccan and Konkan regions of South India, is predominantly Marathi-speaking. Marathi and Konkani are part of the southern zone of the Indo-Aryan languages.
Some inscriptions in the Tulu language are found in and around Barkur. The ruins and inscriptions need to be preserved.
[మార్చు] Economy
- ప్రధాన వ్యాసం: Economy of South India
North India | South India | |
Per capita income (Rs.) | 8433 | 13629 |
Literacy rate (%) | 59 | 74 |
Per capita expenditure on public health (Rs.) | 92 | 127 |
Proportion of households with electricity (%) | 49 | 74 |
మూస:Smaller |
Over 48% of South India's population is engaged in agriculture.[7] The populace is largely agrarian, dependent on monsoons, as is the populace in most of India. Some of the main crops cultivated in South India include వరి, sorghum, millet, pulses, చెరకు, పత్తి, మిరియాలు, and రాగి. Areca, కాఫీ, తేయాకు, వెనీలా, రబ్బరు, మిరపకాయలు, tapioca, and cardamom are cultivated on the hills, while కొబ్బరితోటలు grows in abundance in coastal areas. వరి పంట పండించడం లో ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ భారతదేశం లోనే మొదటి స్థానంలో వుంది.,[12] while Karnataka produces 70% of India's coffee. Frequent droughts in northern Karnataka, Rayalaseema and Telangana have left farmers debt-ridden, forcing them to sell their livestock and sometimes even to commit suicide.[13] The region also suffers from water scarcity, especially during summer.
Chennai, houses the manufacturing units of many automobile and electronic manufacturers. Bangalore is headquarters to several public manufacturing heavy industries A notable improvement in the economy of South India recently has been due to the growth of information technology (IT). Bangalore, the "Silicon Valley of India", is India's IT hub, and is home to over 200 software companies. Between 1992-2002, Karnataka attracted the fourth highest total Foreign Direct Investment approvals in India, approximately Rs 21,566 million. Software exports from South India grossed over Rs 64000 crore in fiscal 2005-06.[14] The net state domestic product of Tamil Nadu ranks higher than the net state domestic products of most Indian states.[15] In terms of industrialisation, Kerala lags behind many of the Indian states, but in terms of the people’s quality of life, Kerala is ahead of most other states in India. Around 20% of the state GDP is from overseas remittances. This paradox is often termed as the Kerala Phenomenon or Kerala model of development.
There is also a large amount of economic and income disparity in South India. As IT companies have entered the economic arena, their high level of pay has raised the economic standing of young and educated professionals, while the poor has become less and less able to afford basic necessities. It is not uncommon to see the shacks of homeless people propped up against the buildings of large multinationals. The poor, unable to afford sending their children to school, remain in a cycle of life completed separated from that of this more affluent upper class.[citation needed]
[మార్చు] Politics
- ప్రధాన వ్యాసం: Politics in South India
Politics in South India is dominated typically by a mix of regional parties and larger national political parties like the Congress (INC), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M)). With the exclusion of Karnataka, each state has at least two parties dominating politics in that state.
Pre-independence politics in the Madras Presidency was dominated by the Justice Party and the INC. పెరియార్ రామసామి who started the Periyar movement was elected leader of the Justice party in 1938 and in 1944 renamed it to Dravidar Kazhagam. The initial aim of the Dravidar Kazhagam was the secession of ద్రవిడ నాడు from the rest of India on independence.[16] Following independence, Periyar strongly believed that the party should not participate in elections in the newly created India, something his closest followers disagreed with. In 1948, C. N. Annadurai, a follower of Periyar and a Joint Secretary of Dravidar Kazhagam parted ways with Periyar to form the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam political party.[16]INC's political influence over Tamil Nadu gave way to the rise of the DMK which formed its first government in 1968 and again in 1978. The following year, a split in the DMK resulted in the formation of the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), lead by M. G. Ramachandran. Together, the AIADMK and the DMK currently command a 60% share in Tamil Nadu state elections.
In the 1980s, the establishment of the Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh by former Telugu actor నందమూరి తారక రామారావు (NTR) broke the dominance of the Congress in Andhra Pradesh politics. NTR successfully challenged the INC's supremacy in the state and his party was voted into power a total of four times. In 1996, a year after winning the state assembly election by a landslide, a dispute between NTR, his wife Lakshmi Parvati and his immediate family resulted in a split in the TDP. Concerned over undue influence over NTR and his policies, the bulk of the party favoured the family under the leadership of NTR's son-in-law, నారా చంద్రబాబు నాయుడు, who later became Chief Minister of the state. నాయుడు is regarded as a visionary who promoted the growth of information technology in the state. There has been a recent growth in popularity of the తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర సమితి (TRS) in Andhra Pradesh's northwestern తెలంగాణ region. The party's main mandate is the separation of Telangana from the rest of Andhra Pradesh. The Congress, in spite of being plagued by factionalism through the 1990s, has managed to remain in prominence in the state and has, under the leadership of వై. యస్. రాజశేఖర రెడ్డి, and with a strategic alliance with TRS, managed to oust the TDP from power in the last state assembly elections by an overwhelming majority.
The జనతాదల్ has been far more successful in Karnataka than it has been in national politics. National political parties such as the BJP and INC have experienced more comparative success in Karnataka than they have in other states of South India. Karnataka's political environment is dominated by two rival caste groups — the Vokkaligas and the Lingayats.[17] Ramakrishna Hegde played an integral part in the ascent of the Janata Dal into the national foray in the late 1980s. However, it was his political rival H. D. Deve Gowda, then the Chief Minister of Karnataka, who later went on to become the Prime Minister of India.
Kerala hosts two major political alliances: the United Democratic Front (UDF, led by the Indian National Congress) and the Left Democratic Front (LDF, led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist)). Kerala numbers among India’s most left-wing states. An interesting phenomenon of Kerala politics is the alternate election of Congress and the Communists to power.
[మార్చు] సంస్కృతి వారసత్వ సంపద

- ప్రధాన వ్యాసం: దక్షిణ భారత సంస్కృతి
దక్షిణ భారతీయులు భాషాపరంగా, సాంస్కృతిక పరంగా మిగతా భారతదేశము కంటే భిన్నముగా ఉంటారు. కాని భారతీయుల మధ్య ఉన్న సంబంధాలు, భారత దేశము మొత్తము పై బడ్డ విదేశీయుల ప్రభావము వలన సంస్కృతి పై కూడా ప్రభావము కనపడుతుంది. కొంతమంది నిపుణుల అభిప్రాయము ప్రకారము దక్షిణ భారతీయుల "ప్రపంచ దృష్టి"(వెల్టన్షవాంగ్(weltanschauung) శరీర సౌందర్యము ను మాతృత్వము ను ఆస్వాదించడము ద్వారా అనంతమైన విశ్వము ను అస్వాదించడము. ఇది వారి నృత్యము, వస్త్రధారణ, శిల్పకళల ద్వార వ్యక్తమవుతున్నది. [18]
దక్షిణ భారతీయ వనితలు చీరను, పురుషులు లుంగీ లాగ కాని, పంచ లాగ కాని, జరీ(బేటిక్) ఉన్న ఒక పెద్ద వస్త్రమును (సరాంగ్) ను ధరిస్తారు. చీర ఎక్కడా కుట్లు లేకుండా నడుము భాగము కనపడుతూ ఉంటుంది. In Indian philosophy, the navel of the బ్రహ్మ is considered as the source of life and creativity. Hence by tradition, the stomach and the navel is to be left unconcealed, though the philosophy behind the costume has largely been forgotten. As opined in the ancient నాట్యశాస్త్రం, this makes the realization where in Angikam bhuvanam yasya (the concept of the human body as the world) unites with the శరీర మండలం (the whole universe).[18] These principles of the chira, also hold for other forms of drapes, like the lungi or mundu worn by men.[19]
The music of South India is known as కర్ణాటక సంగీతం, which includes rhythmic and structured music by composers like పురందర దాసు, కనక దాసు, త్యాగరాజు, అన్నమయ్య, ముత్తుస్వామి దీక్షితులు, శ్యామ శాస్త్రి, సుబ్బరాయ శాస్త్రి, Mysore Vasudevachar and Swathi Thirunal. The contemporary singer Dr. K. J. యేసుదాసు is a cultural ambassador of Carnatic music.
The movie industry has emerged as an important platform in South India, over the years portraying the cultural changes, trends, aspirations and developments experienced by the people. Some movie classics like Nammukku paarkkaan munthiri thoppukal (1986) by Padmarajan, Adi Shankara (1984) by director G V Iyer, and Perumthachan (1990) by Ajayan have gained worldwide acclaim for their masterful depiction of the worldview of the South Indian people.
South India is home to several distinct dance forms — the Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakali, Yakshagana, Theyyam, Ottamthullal, Oppana, Kerala Natanam and Mohiniaattam (which literally translates as Dance of the Enchantress) The Bharatanatyam expresses the celebration of beauty and the universe, through its tenets of having a perfectly erect posture, a straight and pout curving stomach, a well rounded and proportionate body mass - to the body structure, very long hair and curvaceous hips.[20] These tenets bring to life the philosophy of the Natyashastra. This is elaborated in the araimandi posture, wherein the performer assumes a half sitting position with the knees turned sideways, with a very erect posture. In this fundamental posture of the Bharatanatyam dance, the distance between the head and the navel becomes equal to that between the earth and the navel. In a similar way the distance between the outstretched right arm to the outstretched left arm becomes equal to the distance between the head and the feet, thus representing the "Natyapurusha", the embodiment of life and creation.[18]
Rice is the staple diet, while fish is an integral component of coastal South Indian meals. Coconut is an important ingredient in Kerala whereas Andhra Pradesh cuisine is characterized by pickles, and spicy curries. Dosa, Idli, Uttapam are popular throughout the region. There are large coffee estates in southern Karnataka and parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
South India has two distinct styles of rock architecture, the pure dravida style of Tamil Nadu and the Vesara style (also called Karnata dravida style) present in Karnataka. The inspirational temple sculptures of Hampi, Badami, Bhattiprolu, Pattadakal, Aihole, Belur, Halebidu, Lakkundi, Shravanabelagola, Mahabalipuram, Tanjore, Madhurai and the mural paintings of Travancore and Lepakshi temples, also stand as a testament to South Indian culture. The paintings of Raja Ravi Varma are considered classic renditions of many a scenes of South Indian life and mythology. There are several examples of Dravidian mural paintings in the Mattancherry palace and the Shiva kshetram in Ettamanoor. South India is home to 5 of the 26 Indian World Heritage sites.[21]
Sculpture became one of the finest medium of South Indian expression after the human form of dance. In this medium it was possible to etch the three dimensional form in time. The traditional South Indian sculptor starts his sculpture of the divinities from the navel which is always represented unclothed by the sari. A koshta or grid of the sculpture would show the navel to be right at the centre of the sculpture, representing the source of the union of the finite body and the infinite universe. Sculptures adorn many of the temples around the complexes and also inside them. They are also depiction of dance steps of various stylizations and have served to preserve dance forms and revive it.[22]
South India has an independent literary tradition going back over 2000 years. The first known literature of South India are the poetic Sangams, which were written in Tamil from 2000 to 1500 years ago. The 850 CE Kannada classic Kavirajamarga written by King Amoghavarsha I makes references to Kannada literature of King Durvinita in the early sixth century CE. Tamil Buddhist commentators of the tenth century CE ‘‘Nemrinatham’’ make references to Kannada literature of the fourth century CE. Distinct Malayalam and Telugu literary traditions developed in the following centuries. The artistic expressions of the South Indian people shows their admiration of the magnificence of nature and its rhythms, as in the epic Silappadhikaram by Ilango Adigal, also called as the Cilappatikaram. Other works include the "Tholkappiam" written by Tholkappiar, and Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukural. In South Indian literature and philosophy, women are considered very powerful. A married woman is regarded as auspicious, her శక్తి or mother-feminine power, protects and empowers her husband and their children.
[మార్చు] Diversity
The main spiritual traditions of South India include both Shaivite and Vaishnavite branches of Hinduism, although Jain philosophy had been influential several centuries earlier. Shravanabelagola in Karnataka is a popular pilgrimage center for Jains. Kodagu, in Karnataka is home to one of the largest Buddhist monasteries in India and provides sanctuary to Tibetan Buddhist monks that fled Tibet fearing persecution from communist China. There is a large Muslim community in South India, particularly in the మలాబార్ coast, which can trace it's roots to the ancient maritime trade between Kerala and Omanis and other Arabs. Similarly, Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu (also known as Nagore) also has a sizeable Muslim community - the famed Nagore Dargah is situated in this old town. The హైదరాబాదు region in ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ has a large Muslim population and is a historic center of South Indian Muslim culture.
Christianity has flourished in coastal South India from the times of St. Thomas the Apostle who is believed to have come to Kerala and established the Syrian Christian tradition today called as Saint Thomas Christians or Nasranis.[23] These Christians are also known as Syrian Christians. They are constituted of various churches including Syrian-rite Christians in communion with the church of Rome, the Syro-Malabar Church and Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. They are also constituted by Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church and the Mar Thoma Church.[23] The two Eastern Catholic Churches have their Holy See in Kerala. The Knanaya Christian-Jewish community exists as part of the Syro-Malabar Church and the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church.[24] In addition, Kerala is also home to a significant number of Roman Catholic Christians of the Latin Rite. The Church of South India is an autonomous Protestant church, formed in 1947 through the merger of several Protestant denominations. Kerala is also home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world who are supposed to have arrived in the Malabar coast during the time of King Solomon.[25] The oldest surviving Jewish synagogue in the Commonwealth of Nations is the Paradesi Synagogue in కొచ్చిన్, Kerala.
[మార్చు] Notes
- ↑ "eCensusIndia. Understanding the Vital Rates — Births, Deaths and Infant Mortality Rate at Natural Division Level". 2006. Office of the Registrar General.. 31 Aug. 2002. Government of India
- ↑ Agarwal, D.P."Urban Origins in India", 2006. Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala Universitet
- ↑ T.K Velu Pillai, 1940; Wilfred Schoff 1912 "Periplus Maris Erythraei" (trans) 1912, Menachery, G 1998; James Hough 1893; K.V. Krishna Iyer 1971
- ↑ (Bjorn Landstrom, 1964; Miller, J. Innes. 1969; Thomas Puthiakunnel 1973; & Koder S. 1973; Leslie Brown, 1956
- ↑ Indo-Malayan Terrestrial Ecoregions. Retrieved on April 15, 2006.
- ↑ Biodiversity Hotspot - Western Ghats & Sri Lanka, Conservation International. Retrieved on April 15, 2006.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Census India Maps. Retrieved on 2006-04-11.
- ↑ CIA factbook. Retrieved on 2006-04-11.
- ↑ Language Family Trees - Dravidian. Ethnologue.
- ↑ Robert Caldwell., "A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages" 3rd ed. rev. and edited by J.L. Wyatt, T. Ramakrishna Pillai. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1998. ISBN 81-206-0117-3
- ↑ "Languages spoken".Office of the Registrar General. Government of India
- ↑ Andhra Pradesh Online. Retrieved on 2006-04-10.
- ↑ BBC. Retrieved on 2006-04-10.
- ↑ BusinessLine article on Tamil Nadu Software Exports. Retrieved on 2006-10-05.
- ↑ India Budget. Retrieved on 2006-04-10.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 "Periyar Movement- Periyar.org". Retrieved on 19 April, 2006.
- ↑ Price, Pamela. " Ideological Elements in Political Instability in Karnataka...". University of Oslo
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Beck, Brenda. 1976; Bharata, 1967; Dehejia, Vidya, Richard H. Davis, R. Nagaswamy, Karen Pechilis Prentiss, 2002; Wadley, Susan, ed. 1980
- ↑ Boulanger, Chantal; 1997
- ↑ Kallarasa Virachita Janavasya Ed: G.G. Manjunathan. Kannada Adhyayana Samsthe, University of Mysore, 1974.
- ↑ World Heritage Listed Sites in India. URL accessed on April 12, 2006.
- ↑ Dehejia, Vidya, Richard H. Davis, R. Nagaswamy, Karen Pechilis Prentiss; 2002
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Menachery G; 1973, 1998; Mundalan, A. M; 1984; Podipara, Placid J. 1970; Leslie Brown, 1956
- ↑ Menachery G; 1973, 1998; Leslie Brown, 1956; Vellian Jacob 2001; Weil, S. 1982; Poomangalam C.A 1998
- ↑ David de Beth Hillel, 1832; Lord, James Henry, 1977; Thomas Puthiakunnel 1973; Koder S. 1973
[మార్చు] References and bibliography
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- Beck, Brenda. 1976. “The Symbolic Merger of Body, Space, and Cosmos in Hindu Tamil Nadu." Contributions to Indian Sociology 10(2): 213-43.
- Bharata (1967). The Natyashastra [Dramaturgy], 2 vols., 2nd. ed. Trans. by Manomohan Ghosh. Calcutta: Manisha Granthalaya.
- Boulanger, Chantal; (1997) Saris: An Illustrated Guide to the Indian Art of Draping, Shakti Press International, New York. ISBN 0-9661496-1-0
- Craddock, Norma. 1994. Anthills, Split Mothers, and Sacrifice: Conceptions of Female Power in the Mariyamman Tradition. Dissertation, U. of California, Berkeley.
- Danielou, Alain, trans. 1965. Shilappadikaram (The Ankle Bracelet) By Prince Ilango Adigal. New York: New Directions. ISBN 0-8112-0001-9
- Dehejia, Vidya, Richard H. Davis, R. Nagaswamy, Karen Pechilis Prentiss (2002) The Sensuous and the Sacred: Chola Bronzes from South India. ISBN 0-295-98284-5
- Hart, George, ed. and trans. 1979. Poets of the Tamil Anthologies: Ancient Poems of Love and War. Princeton: Princeton U. Press
- Kallarasa Virachita Janavasya Ed: G.G. Manjunathan. Kannada Adhyayana Samsthe, University of Mysore, Mysore 1974.
- Gover, Charles. 1983 (1871). Folk-songs of Southern India. Madras: The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Publishing Society.
- Nagaraju, S. 1990. “Prehistory of South India.” In South Indian Studies, H. M. Nayak and B. R. Gopal, eds., Mysore: Geetha Book House, pp. 35-52.
- Trawick, Margaret. 1990a. Notes on Love in a Tamil Family. Berkeley: U. of California Press.
- Wadley, Susan, ed. 1980. The Powers of Tamil Women. Syracuse: Syracuse U. Press.
- Zvelebil, Kamil. 1975. Tamil Literature. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 90-04-04190-7
- Economy referenced from the Encyclopaedia Britannica online.
- Some economic statistics from Union Budget and Economic Survey, Government of India. URL accessed April 10th, 2006.
- Menachery G (1973) The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, Ed. George Menachery, B.N.K. Press, vol. 2, ISBN 81-87132-06-X, Lib. Cong. Cat. Card. No. 73-905568; B.N.K. Press
- Mundalan, A. Mathias. (1984) History of Christianity in India, vol.1, Bangalore, India: Church History Association of India.
- Leslie Brown, (1956) The Indian Christians of St. Thomas. An Account of the Ancient Syrian Church of Malabar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1956, 1982 (repr.)
- Podipara, Placid J. (1970) "The Thomas Christians". London: Darton, Longman and Tidd, 1970.
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- David de Beth Hillel (1832) "travels"; madras publication;
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- Lord, James Henry (1977) "The Jews in India and the Far East"; Greenwood Press Reprint; ISBN 0-8371-2615-0).
- Poomangalam C.A (1998) The Antiquities of the Knanaya Syrian Christians; Kottayam, Kerala.
- James Hough (1893) "The History of Christianity in India".
- K.V. Krishna Iyer (1971) Kerala’s Relations with the Outside World, pp. 70, 71 in "The Cochin Synagogue Quatercentenary Celebrations Commemoration Volume", Kerala History Association, Cochin.
- Periplus Maris Erythraei "The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea", (trans). Wilfred Schoff (1912), reprinted South Asia Books 1995 ISBN 81-215-0699-9
- Miller, J. Innes. (1969). The Spice Trade of The Roman Empire: 29 B.C. to A.D. 641. Oxford University Press. Special edition for Sandpiper Books. 1998. ISBN 0-19-814264-1.
- Thomas Puthiakunnel, (1973) "Jewish colonies of India paved the way for St. Thomas", The Saint Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, ed. George Menachery, Vol. II., Trichur.
- Koder S. 'History of the Jews of Kerala". The St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, Ed. G. Menachery,1973.
- Vellian Jacob (2001) Knanite community: History and culture; Syrian church series; vol. XVII; Jyothi Book House, Kottayam
- Weil, S. (1982) "Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: The Cananite Christians and Cochin Jews in Kerala. in Contributions to Indian Sociology,16.
- Bjorn Landstrom (1964) "The Quest for India", Double day English Edition, Stockholm.
- T.K Velu Pillai, (1940) "The Travancore State Manual"; 4 volumes; Trivandrum
- Caldwell, R (1998) "A comparative grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages" 3rd ed. rev. and edited by J.L. Wyatt, T. Ramakrishna Pillai. New Delhi : Asian Educational Services. ISBN 81-206-0117-3
- Bloch, J. (1954) "The grammatical structure of Dravidian Languages". tr. of 'Structure grammaticale des langues Dravidiennes' (1946) Poona: Deccan College Handbook Series.
మూస:Topics related to South India