
腓立比 (古希臘文:Φἱλιπποι/Philippoi) 是在東馬其頓的一個城市, 在主前356年由菲利普二世建立。在十四世紀的奧斯曼帝國統治之下被摒棄。
目录 |
[编辑] 起源
腓立比由马其顿国王菲利普二世建立,on the site of the Thasian殖民地of Crenides (Κρηνἱδες, "Fountains"), near the head of 爱琴海 at the foot of Mt. Orbelos (the modern Mt. Lekani),Kavalla西北8英里, on 北部边界 of the marsh that in Antiquity covered the entire plain separating it from Pangaion hills to the south.
建造该市的目标是为了控制附近的金矿,并establish a garrison at a strategic passage: the site 控制暗妃波里和尼亚波利之间的道路,从东方穿过马其顿到西方伟大的皇家道路的一部分 which was reconstructed later by 罗马帝国 as the Via Egnatia.菲利普二世 endowed the new city with important fortifications, which partially blocked the passage between the swamp and Mt. Orbelos, and sent colonists to occupy it.菲利普还 had the marsh partially drained, as is attested by the writer Theophrastus.腓立比 preserved its autonomy within 马其顿王国, and had its own 政治 institutions (Assembly of demos).靠近城市新金矿的发现,at Asyla, 贡献王国的财富, and菲利普在此建立a mint。该市was finally fully integrated into the kingdom under 菲利普四世.
该市 remained despite its modest size of perhaps 2000人。前167 年,罗马人摧毁了马其顿Antigonid王朝,并分为4个州,是安菲波利而不是腓立比成为东马其顿州首府。
对于这一时期的该市几乎一无所知, aside from 城墙、希腊剧院、 foundations of a house under 罗马广场, and a little temple dedicated to a hero cult. This monument covers the tomb of a certain Exekestos,可能位于agora, and is dedicated to the κτίστης (ktistès), the foundation hero of the city.
[编辑] 羅馬時代
该市于凯撒被暗杀后的罗马内战期间再次出场。他的继承人马克·安东尼和屋大维面对凯撒的行刺者,马可斯·布鲁图斯和盖乌斯·卡西乌斯,在前42年10月在城西平原进行腓立比战役。安东尼和屋大维在这反对共和派最终的战役中获胜。他们解散了一些老兵,可能是第28罗马军团,安置他们在该市,新建了Colonia Victrix Philippensium。前30年,屋大维成为罗马皇帝,改组该殖民地,在此定居更多殖民者,老兵们 possibly from Praetorian Guard和其他意大利人。该市改名为Colonia Iulia Philippensis,前27年1月,屋大维从罗马元老院接受元首称号。 于是再改为Colonia Augusta Iulia Philippensis
第二次改名后,也许是第一次改名后,腓立比土地分为正方形,分配给殖民者。该市保留了马其顿城墙、其总体规划通过在希腊agora遗址略东的位置建造一个广场缓解偏于一边的情况。这是一个"微型的罗马" ,通行罗马国内法,并由2位直接由罗马委任的军官duumviri统治。
这个殖民地 recognized its dependence on the mines that brought it its privileged position on the Via Egnatia。This wealth was shown by the many monuments that were particularly imposing considering the relatively small size of the urban area: the forum, laid out in two terraces on both sides of the main road, was constructed in several phases between the reigns of Claudius and Antoninus Pius, and the theatre was enlarged and expanded in order to hold Roman games. There is an abundance of Latin inscriptions testifying 该市的繁荣。
后来保罗又2次来到该城,在56年和57年。腓立比书 dates from around 54-55 and shows the immediate impact of 保罗的 instruction.此后腓立比福音的扩展 is well-attested notably by a letter from Polycarp of Smyrna addressed to the community in 腓立比 around 160 and by funerary inscriptions.
[编辑] 早期的基督教時代
该市第一个教堂证实是一个小型建筑,可能起源于一个小型祷告室。这个保罗长方形教堂,identified by an mosaic inscription on the pavement, is dated around 343年 from a mention by the bishop Porphyrios, who was present at the Council of Serdica that year.
尽管这里没有保罗创立基督徒团体的考古或文字证据,该市在5世纪和6世纪的繁荣要归因于他 and to his martyr cult。和其他城市一样,这时建造了许多新的教会建筑。从4世纪中叶到6世纪末,腓立比建造了7个教堂,有些在规模和装饰上可和帖撒罗尼迦、甚至君士坦丁堡最美的建筑竞争。relationship of the plan and of 建筑装饰 of Basilica B 和Hagia Sophia和圣Irene in 君士坦丁堡 accorded a privileged place to this church in 早期基督徒艺术的历史。复杂的主教座堂取代了5世纪末的保罗长方形教堂,constructed around an octagonal church, also rivaled the churches of 君士坦丁堡。
在同一个年代,该城重建了防御工事以更好的抵御 growing instability in巴尔干。473年,该市被Ostrogoths围困,但未能攻取,只摧毁了附近的村庄。
[编辑] 拜占庭和奧斯曼帝國時代
6世纪末斯拉夫人和547年Plague of Justinian的入侵削弱该市,毁灭了马其顿农业经济,619年,该市几乎被一次地震完全摧毁,此后再未恢复。7世纪这里还有少量的活动,但现在该市比一个村庄大不了多少。
拜占庭帝国 possibly maintained a garrison there, but in 838 the city was taken by the Bulgars under khan Isbul, who celebrated their victory with a monumental inscription on the stylobate in Basilica B, now partially in ruins. The site of Philippi was so strategically sound that Byzantines attempted very soon to recapture it ca. 850. Several seals of civil servants and other Byzantine officials, dated to the first half of the 9世纪, prove the presence of 拜占庭军队 in the city.
Around 969,皇帝Nicephorus IIPhocas 重建 fortifications on the acropolis and in part of the city. These gradually helped weaken Bulgar power and strengthen the Byzantine presence in the area. In 1077, Bishop Basil Kartzimopoulos rebuilt part of the defenses inside the city。该市一度又开始繁荣,as witnessed by 阿拉伯地理学家Al Idrisi, who mentions it as a 商业和酿酒中心 around 1150.
After a brief occupation by Franks after the Fourth Crusade and the capture of Constantinople in 1204, the city fell into the hands of the Serbs. Still, it remained a notable fortification on the route of the ancient Via Egnatia; in 1354, the pretender to the Byzantine throne, Matthew Cantacuzenus, was captured there by the Serbs.
不知何时,该市被抛弃。当16世纪法国旅行家Pierre Belon来到这里时,这里除了废墟一无所有,被土耳其人当作采石场。该市的名称被附近平原的一个土耳其村庄 Philibedjik所继承,该村已经消失,现在有一个希腊村庄在山上。
[编辑] 遗址的考古學挖掘
16世纪的旅行者注意到该市并作了简单描述,对该市第一次考古描述是1856年的Perrot,然后是1861年的L. Heuzey 和H. Daumet的著名的马其顿考古传教会。不过第一次挖掘直到1914年夏天才开始,不久被第一次世界大战中断。1920年恢复,由雅典法国学校挖掘、运输,持续到1937年。这期间希腊剧院、广场、长方形教堂A和B、浴室和城墙都被挖掘出来。第二次世界大战后,希腊考古学家回到遗址。从1958年到1978年考古协会和帖撒罗尼迦大学挖出了主教地区和八角形教堂、大型私人住宅、靠近博物馆一个新的长方形教堂和城东necropolis的另外2座。
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