Geānlǣht Cynerīce
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Þæt Geānlǣhte Cynerīce Grēatbryttenes and Norþīrlandes is cȳnerīce in westernum Europan. Man namaþ hit sceortlīce Geānlǣht Cynerīce oþþe UK (of Nīwum Englisce: United Kingdom).
Þæt Geānlǣhte Cynerīce wearþ gescapen æfter syndrigum "Acts of Union", þæt habbaþ þā sweotolan rīcu Englaland, Wealas, Scotland, and Īrland geānlǣht under ān rǣdena in Lundene. Mǣst þæs landes Īrlandes tōsyndrode of þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cynedōme in 1922, and todæg is se Republic Īrlandes, ac se northēasterna dǣl þæs īeglandes, Norþīrland gehāten, gewunaþ in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce.
Lēodrīcu in Europan |
Albania | Andorra | Azerbaijan1 | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Cecland | Croatia | Cyprus2 | Denemearc | Ēastland | Ēastrīce | Finland | Francland | Geānlǣht Cynerīce | Grēcland | Hungary | Īsland | Īrland | Italie | Latvia | Letseburh | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Republic of Macedonia | Malta | Moldova | Monaco | Montenegro | Niðerland | Norþweg | Polaland | Portugal | Rōmānia | Russland1 | San Marino | Serbia | Slofacia | Slofenia | Spēonland | Swēoland | Swissland | Turkey1 | Þēodiscland | Ucrægna | Vatican City (Hālig Sǣ) |
Dependencies: Akrotiri2 | Dhekelia2 | Faroe Īega | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Jan Mayen | Jersey | Manīeg | Svalbard |
1. Þēod dǣllīce in Asian. 2. Gewunelīce gesett tō Asian be eorþmetunge, ac nāþȳlǣs oft gedēmed swā Europisc for þēawe and stǣrlicum racum. |