出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
目次 |
[編集] ミシュナーの哲人の時代
- 第1世代: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai's generation (circa 40-80 CE).
- 第2世代: Rabban Gamliel of Yavneh, Rabbi Eliezer and en:Rabbi Yehoshua's generation, the teachers of Rabbi アキバ・ベン・ヨセフ.
- 第3世代: The generation of Rabbi アキバ・ベン・ヨセフ and his colleagues.
- 第4世代: The generation of Rabbi en:Meir, Rabbi en:Yehuda and their colleagues.
- 第5世代: Rabbi イェフーダー・ハン=ナーシー's generation.
- 第6世代: The interim generation between the Mishnah and the Talmud: Rabbis Shimon ben Judah HaNasi and Yehoshua ben Levi, etc.
[編集] 口伝の伝統と発音
[編集] 関連項目
- Category:Mishnah
- Category:Mishnah rabbis
- タンナーイーム Tannaim, Tanna'
- タルムード Talmud
- トーセフター(トセフタ) Tosefta
- バライター(バライタ、ベライター) Beraita
- Minor Tractates
[編集] 参考資料・文献案内
[編集] 翻訳
- Herbert Danby. The Mishna. Oxford, 1933 (ISBN 019815402X).
- Jacob Neusner. The Mishnah: A New Translation. New Haven, reprint 1991 (ISBN 0300050224).
- Various editors. The Mishnah, a new translation with commentary Yad Avraham. New York: Mesorah publishers, since 1980s.
[編集] 歴史的研究
- Shalom Carmy (Ed.) Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah: Contributions and Limitations Jason Aronson, Inc.
- Shaye J.D. Cohen, Patriarchs and Scholarchs, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 48 (1981), pp. 57-87
- Steven D. Fraade, "The Early Rabbinic Sage," in The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East, ed. John G. Gammie and Leo G. Perdue (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1990), pp. 417-23
- Robert Goldenberg The Sabbath-Law of Rabbi Meir (Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1978)
- Jacob Neusner Making the Classics in Judaism (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989), pp. 1-13 and 19-44
- Jacob Neusner Judaism: The Evidence of the Mishna (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), pp. 14-22.
- Gary Porton, The Traditions of Rabbi Ishmael (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1982), vol. 4, pp. 212-25
- Dov Zlotnick, The Iron Pillar: Mishnah (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1988), pp. 8-9
[編集] 外部リンク
[編集] ウィキメディア・プロジェクト
Wikisource's Open Mishnah Project is developing Mishnah texts, commentaries, and translations. The project is currently available in three languages: Hebrew (the largest collection), English, and French.
[編集] 他の電子テキスト
- Mechon Mamre - マイモニデスによるヘブライ語テキスト
- The Structured Mishnah - Hebrew text according to the Albeck edition (without vowels) with special formatting.
[編集] 日ごとのミシュナー (a study-cycle)
- The Daily Mishnah - uses the Kehati commentary (in English translation).
- Mishna Yomis - Daily Mishnah audio (English).
- Mishnah Yomit - One mishnah per day. (Note: this study-cycle follows a different schedule than the regular one; contains extensive archives in English).
- Mishnah of the Daf - a new Mishnah study cycle that parallels the progress of the Daf Yomi.
[編集] インターネットの音声による講義
- Rabbi Meir Pogrow - advanced lectures (in English); free MP3 download.
[編集] 写本(Manuscripts)
- Kaufmann manuscript of the Mishnah - View images of the entire vowelized manuscript.
Oral Traditions (chanting and pronunciation of the Mishnah):
- Jewish Oral Traditions Research Center (Hebrew University)
- The National Sound Archives at the Hebrew University (catalogue not currently online).