- 此条目叙述的是历史上的勃艮第公国,关于现在法国的勃艮第大区,请参见条目勃艮第。
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[编辑] 历史
勃艮第人属日尔曼人的一支,他们自罗马帝国分裂后一直统治着帝国的西半边区域。411年, 勃艮第人越过莱茵河并在在德国的Worms建立了自己的王国。历经并夹杂于罗马人和匈奴人(Huns[1])的纷争中, 勃艮第王国最终把版图确定在如今瑞士、法国和意大利的交接处。534年,法兰克人打败了勃艮第最后一个国王Godomar,并且把勃艮第纳入自己的领土。
两个勃艮第王国在937年合二为一,并于1032年成为神圣罗马帝国(Holy Roman Empire)的一部分 under Conrad II,而勃艮第公国则在1004年附属于法国王朝。
英法百年战争期间,King Jean II of France把勃艮第封给自己的小儿子,而不是留给自己的继位者。不久勃艮第公爵以婚姻的形式,成功地把勃艮第公国蜕变成一个从瑞士延伸到北海的帝国,继而成为法国王朝的主要对手。这个新形成的帝国由若干个分布在德意志帝国和法国王朝的交接处的封地组成。Low Countries是它的经济心脏,特别是Flanders和Brabant公国。The court in 第戎 outshone the French court by far both economically and culturally.
15世纪末16世纪处,勃艮第 provided a power base for the rise of the Habsburgs, after Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor had married into the ducal family. 1477年最后一位公爵Charles the Bold was killed in battle and 勃艮第由法国接管。 His daughter Mary of Burgundy and her husband Maximillian moved the court to 布鲁塞尔 and ruled the remnants of the empire (the Low Countries and Franche-Comté, then still a 德意志封邑) from there.
[编辑] 葡萄酒
Burgundy produces wines of the same name. The best-known wines come from the Côte d'Or, although also viticulturally part of Burgundy are Beaujolais, Chablis, Côte Chalonnaise, and Mâcon.
The two most important wine regions in France are Bordeaux (on the South West coast, rather arid) and Burgundy (in the East towards Switzerland). Bordeaux wines are strict, weighty, academic, stentorian; Burgundy wines are varied, complex, human, and sophisticatedly homely. Although "Burgundy" means red, the Burgundy region produces both white wines and red wines. In contrast Bordeaux sticks to red wines on the whole.
[编辑] 地理
Highest point: Haut-Folin (901m) in the Morvan.
The Canal of Burgundy joins the Rivers Yonne and Saône, allowing barges to navigate from the north to south of France. Construction began in 1765 and was completed in 1832. At the summit there is a tunnel 3.333 kilometers long in a straight line. The canal is 242 kilometers long, with a total 209 locks and crosses two counties of Burgundy, the Yonne and Cote d'Or. The canal is now mostly used for riverboat tourism; Dijon, the most important city along the canal, has a harbor for leisure boats.
[编辑] 文化
著名的勃艮第菜式包括coq au vin和勃艮第牛肉.
[编辑] 逸事
- 1430年勃艮第人俘获圣女贞德。
- 1832年埃菲尔铁塔的建筑师,居斯塔夫·埃菲尔出生於法國第戎。
- 第戎有一个芥末博物馆(Le Musee De Moutarde)。第戎芥末和Grey Poupon都是在第戎发明的。第戎芥末是用的是葡萄汁,而非醋制的汁。
[编辑] 参见
[编辑] 備注
- ↑ 匈奴(Xiongnu)究竟是否Huns,学界仍未有定论。