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Ocimum basilicum L. |
羅勒(Ocimum basilicum),也被稱為九層塔、聖約瑟夫草和甜羅勒,是一種脣形科香草植物。它是增長的最低點不穩定的藥草,最初出生在亞洲熱帶區。它的高度在20-60厘米高之間,帶有相反、淡綠、絲一樣的葉,約1.5厘米長和1-3厘米寬。它的強大、刺激、香的氣味,味道像茴香。羅勒非常對寒冷敏感,帶有在熱、乾燥條件方面的最好的發展。大多數普通種類是一年生植物,一些是 多年生植物,包括非洲藍羅勒和泰國神羅勒。羅勒常見於西式食譜及泰國菜,台灣三杯料理也用得上。此外,羅勒也可以作為中藥使用,可以治療跌打損傷跟蛇蟲咬傷。
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[编辑] 名稱由來
羅勒最佳的育苗期為每年的三月至八月,完全成長的羅勒約株高五十厘米至八十厘米,花是白色的,當花凋謝、花莖會發黃變乾,這時才能收種子,種子外表有點像黑芝麻,但比芝麻還要細小六七成左右。 羅勒一般有甜羅勒、檸檬羅勒、紫葉羅勒、肉桂羅勒及非洲藍羅勒。[2]
單詞「Basil」來自希臘語的「βασιλευς」,意指「國王」,它被相信高于康史丹丁街和海倫發現神聖的十字架的場所增長。牛津英語字典 引用思考,羅勒可能被在一些王室的藥膏,沐浴或者藥裡使用。很多烹調術作者仍然被認為羅勒是「藥草的國王」。一門可選擇的語源學指它是來自拉丁單詞「basilicus」,意思為龍並且根因作為蜥蜴,但是這可能象從希臘帶來的那樣是一語言的話的重寫。
[编辑] 香草的羅勒
羅勒是通常大多數建議被使用的, 用煮的烹飪法,當快要破壞味道時,一般會在最後關頭加入。 新鮮的藥草裝在塑膠袋裡並放進雪櫃裡可以保存一段時間, 在冷藏庫可以放更長的時期。在沸水裡迅速使變白之後,有保留把新鮮的葉子放在一個乾燥的罐子內,並且覆蓋 橄欖油. 那些乾藥草也失去它的大多數味道,微量的味道保持不同,帶有一點香豆素的味道,像乾草.
地中海和印度支那料理經常使用羅勒, 前者經常把它與番茄結合起來 . 羅勒主要用於的成分之一 香蒜醬-來自熱那亞的綠色義大利油和藥草醬,它的其他兩種主要成分作為橄欖油和松樹堅果。 最通常使用的地中海羅勒品種是'吉諾維斯', 'Purple Ruffles','Mammoth',' 肉桂',' 檸檬',' Globe',和'非洲藍'。 中國料理在湯和其他食品裡使用新鮮或者乾燥的羅勒。在台灣,人們加新鮮羅勒葉進濃湯(羹湯; gēngtāng)。 他們也吃加入煎過的九層塔葉的鹽酥雞。
在水中被浸泡變得膠凝,並且在亞洲人使用的那些羅勒種子的種類喝和甜點心象那樣 falooda或者 冰凍果子露. 這樣的種子不同被稱為"sabja","subja","takmaria","tukmaria",或者"falooda"種子。 他們用于他們的藥用的特性在 印度草藥製療法裡,印度道統的藥用系統。另外羅勒煮熟後的黑色種子表面會產生膠質,也就是蘭香子或明列子,和山粉圓極為相像,但兩者不同。
[编辑] 其他的羅勒
- 見培育羅勒的品種列表
幾個其他羅勒,包括一些其他"Ocimum"種類,在 亞洲很多地區種植. 大多數亞洲斜刃面有一種像丁香一樣的味道普遍比地中海斜刃面強。 在 中國,本地品種被叫為九層塔 (jiǔcéngtǎ';"nine-level pagoda"),當被進口的種類明確叫羅勒 (luólè)或巴西里 (bāxīlǐ)。
斜刃面在 泰國烹飪也受歡迎,使用兩個不同的本地品總︰ 類型在西方解作 泰國羅勒,是"O. basilicum"的cultivar,和 聖羅勒("Ocimum 聖所")。
' 檸檬斜刃面'有非常不同于其他種類的的強烈的檸檬的氣味和味道,因為它包含一個化學製品 枸櫞酸. 廣泛在印尼內使用,叫"kemangi"並且為未加工效勞在那裡, 以及生的洋白菜,青菜豆和黃瓜,作為炸魚或者鴨子的一次伴菜。 它的花壓碎是一種zesty沙拉調味品。
[编辑] 化學成分
不同的羅勒有不同的氣味,因為草本植物的香精油有不同的數量,因而不同的種類出來的香精油比例不同。羅勒強烈的丁香氣味來自丁香油酚,像丁香的化學成分一樣。The citrus scent of lemon basil and lime basil is because they have a higher portion of citral which causes this effect in several plants, including lemon mint, and limonene, which gives actual lemon peel its scent. African blue basil has a strong camphor smell because it has camphor and camphene in higher proportions. Licorice Basil contains anethole, the same chemical that makes anise smell like licorice, and in fact is sometimes called Anise Basil.
Other chemicals helping produce the distinctive scents of many basils, depending on their proportion in each specific breed, including:
- cinnamate (same as in cinnamon)
- citronellol (geraniums, roses, and citronella)
- geraniol (as in geranium)
- linalool (a flowery scent also in coriander)
- methyl chavicol (which gives tarragon its scent)
- myrcene (bay, myrcia)
- pinene (which is, as the name implies, the chemical which gives pine oil its scent)
- ocimene
- terpineol
[编辑] Cultivation
Basil thrives in hot weather, but behaves as an annual if there is any chance of a frost. In Northern Europe, the northern states of the U.S., and the South Island of New Zealand it will grow best if sown under glass in a peat pot, then planted out in late spring/early summer (when there is little chance of a frost). It fares best in a well-drained sunny spot.
Although basil will grow best outdoors, it can be grown indoors in a pot and, like most herbs, will do best on a south-facing windowsill (in the Northern Hemisphere). It should be kept away from any draughts, and must be able to get plenty of sunlight, therefore a greenhouse or cloche is ideal if available.
If its leaves have wilted from lack of water, it will recover if watered thoroughly and placed in a sunny location. Yellow leaves towards the bottom of the plant are an indication that the plant needs more sunlight or less fertilizer.
In sunnier climates such as Southern Europe, the southern states of the U.S., the North Island of New Zealand, and Australia, basil will thrive when planted outside. It also thrives over the summertime in the central and northern United States, but dies out when temperatures reach the low thirties, to grow again the next year if it was allowed to go to seed. It will need regular watering, but not as much attention as is needed in other climates.
Basil can also be propagated very reliably from cuttings in exactly the same manner as "Busy Lizzie" (Impatiens), with the stems of short cuttings suspended for two weeks or so in water until roots develop.
Leaf production slows or stops on any stem which flowers, so you can pinch off any flower stems to keep the plant in production, or pinch off some stems while leaving others to bloom for decoration or seeds. Once you do let the plant flower, it will produce seed pods containing small black seeds which you can save and plant the following year. Picking the leaves off the plant helps "promote growth", largely because the plant responds by converting pairs of leaflets next to the topmost leaves into new stems.
[编辑] 對健康的效用
[编辑] 文化
There are many rituals and beliefs associated with basil. The French call basil "herbe royale". Jewish folklore suggests it adds strength while fasting. It is a symbol of love in present-day Italy, but represented hatred in ancient Greece. African legend claims that basil protects against scorpions while European lore sometimes claims that basil is a symbol of Satan.
Holy Basil, also called 'Thulsi' or 'Tulsi', is highly revered in Hinduism and also has religious significance in the Greek Orthodox Church, where it is used to prepare holy water. It is said to have been found around Christ's tomb after his resurrection. The Macedonian Orthodox Church also uses basil (Macedonian: босилек) to prepare holy water and pots of basil are often placed below church alters.
In Europe, they place basil in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe journey. In India, they place it in the mouth of the dying to ensure they reach God. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks believed that it would open the gates of heaven for a person passing on.
In Boccaccio's Decameron a memorably morbid tale (novella V) tells of Lisabetta, whose brothers slay her lover. He appears to her in a dream and shows her where he is buried. She secretly disinters the head, and sets it in a pot of basil, which she waters with her daily tears. The pot being taken from her by her brothers, she dies of her grief not long after. The story is already told of the Longobard queen Rosalind.
[编辑] 參考
- ↑ 梁文韜。食得自在:韜韜食經系列[M]。皇冠出版社,2003年。ISBN 9624517495。
- ↑ 宮野弘斯。香草栽培事典[M]。晨星出版,2003年7月30日。ISBN 9574554376。
[编辑] 外部連結
- Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages explain the culinary use of basil in European and Asian cooking; further web links.