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苏黎世 - Wikipedia



所屬州份 蘇黎世州
所屬分區 蘇黎世區
郵遞區號 8000–8099
位置 東經 8°32'
北緯 47°23'
海拔 408 m ü. M.
面積 91.88 km²
人口 366,809(2005年12月底資料)
View of the inner city with the four main churches visible, and the Albis in the backdrop
View of the inner city with the four main churches visible, and the Albis in the backdrop

苏黎世德语Zürich,Template:Audio-de ,国际音标[ˈtsyːʁɪç];苏黎世德语: Züri,国际音标:[ˈtsyri]法语Zurich意大利语Zurigo)是瑞士联邦的最大城市(2004年城市人口366,145,市区人口1,091,732,包括郊区在内的苏黎世大都会区人口达130万。),苏黎世州首府。苏黎世是瑞士主要的商业文化中心(瑞士的政治中心和首都伯尔尼),而且被普遍地认为是全球城市之一。苏黎世是瑞士银行业的代表城市,世界金融中心之一,瑞士联邦银行、瑞士信贷银行和许多私人银行都将总部设在苏黎世。苏黎世国际机场是瑞士全国最大的机场国际足球联合会总部也设在苏黎世。苏黎世还是1916年出现的达达运动的发源地。根据2006年[1]2007年[2]的部分调查显示,苏黎世在这两年的世界最佳居住城市评选中高据全球首位,是全世界基本生活条件最好的城市。



[编辑] 历史


罗马帝国统治时期(罗马高卢时期),苏黎世(那时候它的拉丁文名叫Turicum)属于帝国的高卢比利时行省(自公元90年始),是在该省与上日耳曼行省交界的边境上通过利马特河水路向帝国运送货物的主要收点。据说在835年法兰克帝国查理大帝孙子、东法兰克王国国王路易二世在该地的一座古罗马城堡的遗址上重建了一座加洛林王朝的城堡(拉丁语:"in castro Turicino iuxta fluvium Lindemaci")。路易还于853年为其女儿希尔德加德建造了妇女修道院(今妇女大教堂)。他把今天的苏黎世州乌里州的土地和阿尔比斯山上的森林赠与本笃会女修道院,并授予该女修道院豁免权,把它置于自己的直接统治之下。




苏黎世在罗马帝国时,是通过水路向帝国运送货物的主要收税点,后来成为神圣罗马帝国的领地,1218年成为帝国属下的自由城,1351年加入瑞士联邦,成为瑞士联邦的第五个州,1440年由于和其他州发生土地纠纷,而引发战争,被瑞士联邦开除,1446年在内战中被击败, 1450年重新被联邦接纳。

Numerous lake-side settlements from the Neolithic and Bronze age have been found, such as those in the Zürich Pressehaus and Zürich Mozartstrasse. The settlements were found in the 1800s, submerged in Zurichsee, or Lake Zurich. In 2004, traces of a pre-Roman Celtic settlement were discovered. In Roman times, Turicum was a tax-collecting point for goods entering the imperial province of Raetia by river. The earliest record of the town's name is preserved on a tombstone found in the eighteenth century on Lindenhof, referring to the Roman castle as STA(tio) TUR(i)CEN(sis).

A Carolingian castle, built on the site of the Roman castle by the grandson of Charlemagne, Louis the German, is mentioned in 835 ("in castro Turicino iuxta fluvium Lindemaci"). Louis also founded the Fraumünster abbey in 853 for his daughter Hildegard. He endowed the Benedictine convent with the lands of Zürich, Uri, and the Albis forest, and granted the convent immunity, placing it under his direct authority.

In 1045, 亨利三世 granted the convent the right to hold markets, collect tolls, and mint coins, and thus effectively made the abbess the ruler of the city.


苏黎世 became reichsunmittelbar in 1218 with the extinction of the main line of the Zähringer family. A city wall was built during the 1230s, enclosing 38 hectares. The 車站大道 marks the course of the western moat. The earliest citizens' stone houses at the Rennweg date to this period, using the delapidated Carolingian castle as a quarry.

Frederick II皇帝 promoted the abbess of the Fraumünster to the rank of a duchess in 1234. The abbess assigned the mayor, and she frequently delegated the minting of coins to citizens of the city. However, the political power of the convent slowly waned in the fourteenth century, beginning with the establishment of the Zunftordnung (guild laws) in 1336 by Rudolf Brun, who also became the first independent mayor, i.e. not assigned by the abbess.

The Codex Manesse, a major source of medieval German poetry, was written and illustrated in the early 14世纪 in Zürich.

苏黎世 joined the Swiss confederation (which at that point was a loose confederation of de facto independent states) as the fifth member in 1351. Zürich was expelled from the confederation in 1440 due to a war with the other member states over the territory of Toggenburg (the Old Zürich War). 苏黎世was defeated in 1446, and re-admitted to the confederation in 1450.


The Murerplan of 1576
The Murerplan of 1576
Plan of Zurich in 1705 (Henricus Vogelius), showing the extent of the ramparts
Plan of Zurich in 1705 (Henricus Vogelius), showing the extent of the ramparts

A second ring of impressive city ramparts was built during the 三十年战争.

In 1839, the city had to yield to the demands of its rural subjects, following the Züriputsch of 6 September. Most of the ramparts built in the 17th centuries were torn down, without ever having been sieged, to allay rural concerns over the city's hegemony.

The Limmatquai was built in several stages between 1823 and 1859 along the right side of the Limmat.


The Ötenbach monastery, founded 1285, fell victim to the increasingly grand city planning in 1902, with the entire hill it was built on removed to make way for the new Uraniastrasse and administration buildings. It had been serving as a prison, and the inmates were moved to the newly completed cantonal prison in Regensdorf.

[编辑] 地理



[编辑] 盾形纹章

Banner bearer of 苏黎世, from a 1585 painting by Humbert Mareschet.
Banner bearer of 苏黎世, from a 1585 painting by Humbert Mareschet.

苏黎世的蓝白两色盾形纹章 is attested from 1389, and was derived from banners with blue and white stripes in use 自从1315年. The first certain testimony of banners with the same design is from 1434. The coat of arms is flanked by two lions. The red Schwenkel on top of the banner had varying interpretations: For 苏黎世人民,it was a mark of honour, granted by Rudolph I. Zurich's neighbors mocked it as a sign of shame, commemorating the loss of the banner at Winterthur in 1292. 今天,苏黎世州和苏黎世市使用同样的盾形纹章。

[编辑] 工商业

UBS, Credit Suisse, 以及許多私人銀行的總部都設於瑞士的商業中心 - 蘇黎世。主要是由於瑞士銀行的保密能力,使蘇黎世成為離岸銀行業務的世界主要中心。金融方面的帳戶大約佔據整個城市四分之一的經濟活動。瑞士證券交易所的總部亦設於蘇黎世(參見瑞士銀行).

[编辑] 教育和研究

[编辑] 体育

  • FC 苏黎世足球俱乐部[1] (德文)
  • Grasshopper-Club Football [2] (德文)
  • ZSC Lions Ice Hockey 俱乐部 [3] (德文)
  • Challengers Baseball 俱乐部苏黎世 [4]
  • 苏黎世 Renegades American 足球俱乐部[5] (德文)
  • Federation Internationale de 足球 Association (FIFA)
  • Weltklasse Zürich
  • 国际 Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF)
  • Swimming in the lake, in the river or in several outdoor swimming pools (June-September)

[编辑] 大事

  • Street Parade
  • Sechseläuten, where the guilds parade through the city
  • Annual public art program 每年夏天, sponsored by 苏黎士 City Association (the local equivalent of a chamber of commerce) with the cooperation of 市政府。The theme for 2005 was teddy bears.

[编辑] 交通

Trams in Zurich
Trams in Zurich

苏黎世为全国交通重要交汇点之一, 苏黎世有几个火车站。苏黎世火车总站为全国最大火车站。还包括Zürich Oerlikon, 苏黎世 Stadelhofen, and 苏黎世 Altstetten. 苏黎世通过A1、A3、A4、A20、A51国立高速公路连接西面的伯尔尼日内瓦,东面的St. Gallen,西北面的巴塞尔和东南面的 Sargans.)。 苏黎世国际机场為瑞士最主要的航空口岸,位於東北郊區不到10千米远的克洛滕。

苏黎世 is a hub for rail, road, and air traffic. The Cisalpino, InterCity Express, and even the TGV high-speed trains stop in Zürich.

Within 苏黎世 and throughout 苏黎世州,the ZVV network of public transport has traffic density rating among the highest worldwide. If you add frequency, which in 苏黎世 is 7 minutes, it does become the densest across all dimensions. Rumour has it that no point exists on the ground floor within the central district which is farther than 150 metres from the next bus, tram, or train stop.


[编辑] 知名人物


  • 慈运理 (1484年 - 1531年),宗教改革者
  • Conrad Gessner (1516年 - 1565年),博物学家,生卒都在苏黎世
  • Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672 - 1733年),学者,生于苏黎世
  • Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741 - 1801),诗人和相士,生于苏黎世
  • 裴斯泰洛齐(Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi) (1746 - 1827),教育改革家,生于苏黎世
  • Gottfried Keller (1819年 - 1890年),诗人,生卒都在苏黎世
  • Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825年 - 1898年),诗人,生于苏黎世
  • Johanna Spyri (1827年 - 1901年),海蒂的作者,卒于苏黎世
  • Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia (1853年) - (1920年) Duchess of Edinburgh,卒于苏黎世
  • Wilhelm Filchner (1877年 - 1957),explorer,卒于苏黎世
  • James Joyce (1882 - 1941),爱尔兰小说家,卒于苏黎世 (葬于苏黎世Fluntern cemetery)
  • Felix Bloch (1905 - 1983),physicist,生于苏黎世
  • Elias Canetti (1905 - 1994),小说家,卒于苏黎世
  • Max Frisch (1911年 - 1991),小说家,生卒都在苏黎世
  • Hugo Koblet (1925 - 1964),自行车冠军
  • Bruno Ganz (1941年生于苏黎世),演员,
  • Martin Suter (1948年生于苏黎世),作家,
  • Lucinda Ruh (1979年生于苏黎世),figure skater,

Famous residents:

  • Tristan Tzara (1915-1919)
  • Richard Wagner (1849–1861)
  • Albert Einstein (1896–1900, 1909–1911, 1912–1914)
  • Vladimir Lenin (1917)
  • Thomas Mann (1933–1942)
  • Kurt Tucholsky (1932–1933)
  • James Joyce (1915–1919)
  • Tina Turner
  • Elisabeth Schwarzkopf

[编辑] 酒店


See also Zürich Tourismus

[编辑] 外部链接


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