Fernan Magalhaes
Diwar Wikipedia, an holloueziadur digor
Fernan Magalhaes (Nevez-amzer 1480 – 27 a viz Ebrel, 1521 ; portugaleg : Fernão de Magalhães) a zo ur ergerzher portugalat o servijout rouantelezh Spagn. An den kentañ o vont war vag eus Europa da Azia en ur ober tro Afrika, an Europad kentañ o verdeiñ war ar Meurvor Habask.
Daoust ma kred da lod eo bet an hini kentañ en deus bet graet tro ar bed, e varvas er Filipinez ha triwec'h moraer eus e skipailh war ul lestr leviet gant Sebastiano El Caño o deus tizhet Spagn e 1522 hag ar re gentañ oc'h ober tro ar Voull-Douar.
Taolenn |
[kemmañ] Ganedigezh ha bloavezhioù kentañ
Ganet eo bet Magellan e Sabrosa (tost ouzh Vila Real, e proviñs Trás-dos-Montes e Portugal Norzh) pe e Porto. Mab e oa da dPedro Rui de Magalhaes, maer Sabrosa ha da Alda de Mesquita.
Deuet da vezañ emzivad e yeas, hag eñ 12 bloaz, da floc'h roue Yann II e Lisboa
, where his brother had gone two years before. Here, with his cousin Francisco Serrano, Magellan continued his education, becoming interested in geography and astronomy. Some speculate that he may even have been taught by Martin Behaim. In 1496, Magellan became a squire.
At age 20, Magellan first went to sea. In 1505 he was sent to India to install Francisco de Almeida as a Portuguese viceroy there and establish military and naval bases along the way. It was here that Magellan would also first experience battle: when a local king refused to pay tribute, Almeida's party attacked, conquering the Muslim city of Kilwa in present-day Tanzania.
Magellan next journeyed to the East Indies in 1506, taking part in expeditions to the Spice Islands. In 1510, Magellan was promoted to the rank of captain. However, after secretly sailing a ship east without permission, he lost his command and was forced to return to Portugal.
18 men returned to Seville with the Victoria in 1522 | |
Name | Rating |
Juan Sebastian de Elcano, from Getaria | Master |
Francisco Albo, from Axio | Pilot |
Miguel de Rodas | Pilot |
Juan de Acurio, from Bermeo | Pilot |
Antonio Lombardo (Pigafetta), from Vicenza | Supernumerary |
Martín de Judicibus, from Genoa | Chief Steward |
Hernando de Bustamante, from Alcántara | Mariner |
Nicholas the Greek, from Naples | Mariner |
Miguel Sánchez, from Rhodes | Mariner |
Antonio Hernandez Colmenero, from Huelva | Mariner |
Francisco Rodrigues, Portuguese from Seville | Mariner |
Juan Rodríguez, from Huelva | Mariner |
Diego Carmena | Mariner |
Hans of Aachen | Gunner |
Juan de Arratia, from Bilbao | Able Seaman |
Vasco Gomez Gallego the Portuguese, from Bayona | Able Seaman |
Juan de Santandrés, from Cueto | Apprentice Seaman |
Juan de Zubileta, from Barakaldo | Page |
Four crewmen of the original 55 on the Trinidad finally returned to Spain in 1525.
[kemmañ] The discoveries
Magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe and the first to navigate the strait in South America connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The men among Magellan's expedition were also the first Europeans to observe the following:
- A 'camel without humps' — which could have been the llama, guanaco, vicuña, or alpaca.
- A black 'goose' which had to be skinned instead of plucked — the penguin.
- Two of our closest galaxies, the Magellanic Clouds, visible from the Southern Hemisphere.
- The extent of the Earth — their voyage was '14,460 leagues' (or 69,000 km).
- The need for an International date line — That going round the earth westward was winning one day: upon their return they observed a mismatch of one day between their calendars and those who did not travel, even though they faithfully maintained their ship's log. They did not have clocks accurate enough to observe the variation in the length of the day during the journey.
[kemmañ] Daveoù
- Laurence Bergreen, Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe, HarperCollins Publishers, 2003, hardcover 480 pages, ISBN 0066211735
[kemmañ] Sell ivez ouzh
- Istor ar Filipinez
- Impalaeriezh Spagn
[kemmañ] Liammoù diavaez
- Lists of crew members: