Invertible matrix
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In linear algebra, an n-by-n (square) matrix A is called invertible or non-singular if there exists an n-by-n matrix B such that
where In denotes the n-by-n identity matrix and the multiplication used is ordinary matrix multiplication. If this is the case, then the matrix B is uniquely determined by A and is called the inverse of A, denoted by A − 1. It follows from the theory of matrices that if
for square matrices A and B, then also
A square matrix that is not invertible is called singular or degenerate. While the most common case is that of matrices over the real or complex numbers, all these definitions can be given for matrices over any ring.
As a rule of thumb, almost all square matrices are invertible. Over the field of real numbers, this can be made precise as follows: the set of singular n-by-n matrices, considered as a subset of , is a null set, i.e., has Lebesgue measure zero. Intuitively, this means that if you pick a random square matrix over the reals, the probability that it will be singular is zero. This is true because singular matrices can be thought of as the roots of the polynomial function given by the determinant. In practice however, one may encounter non-invertible matrices. And in numerical calculations, matrices which are invertible, but close to a non-invertible matrix, can still be problematic; such matrices are said to be ill conditioned.
Matrix inversion is the process of finding the matrix B that satisfies the prior equation for a given invertible matrix A.
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[edit] Properties of invertible matrices
Let A be a square n by n matrix over a field K (for example the field R of real numbers). Then the following statements are equivalent:
- A is invertible.
- A is row-equivalent to the n-by-n identity matrix In.
- A is column-equivalent to the n-by-n identity matrix In.
- A has n pivot positions.
- det A ≠ 0.
- rank A = n.
- The equation Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution x = 0 (i.e., Null A = {0})
- The equation Ax = b has exactly one solution for each b in Kn.
- The columns of A are linearly independent.
- The columns of A span Kn (i.e. Col A = Kn).
- The columns of A form a basis of Kn.
- The linear transformation mapping x to Ax is a bijection from Kn to Kn.
- There is an n by n matrix B such that AB = In.
- The transpose AT is an invertible matrix.
- The matrix times its transpose,
is an invertible matrix.
- The number 0 is not an eigenvalue of A.
In general, a square matrix over a commutative ring is invertible if and only if its determinant is a unit in that ring.
The inverse of an invertible matrix A is itself invertible, with
The inverse of an invertible matrix A multiplied by a non-zero scalar k yields the product of the inverse of both the matrix and the scalar
The product of two invertible matrices A and B of the same size is again invertible, with the inverse given by
(note that the order of the factors is reversed.) As a consequence, the set of invertible n-by-n matrices forms a group, known as the general linear group Gl(n).
[edit] Proof for matrix product rule
If A1, A2, ..., An are nonsingular square matrices over a field, then
It becomes evident why this is the case if one attempts to find an inverse for the product of the Ais from first principles, that is, that we wish to determine B such that
where B is the inverse matrix of the product. To remove A1 from the product, we can then write
which would reduce the equation to
Likewise, then, from
which simplifies to
If one repeat the process up to An, the equation becomes
but B is the inverse matrix, i.e so the property is established.
[edit] Methods of matrix inversion
[edit] Gaussian elimination
Gaussian elimination is an algorithm that can be used to determine whether a given matrix is invertible and to find the inverse. An alternative is the LU decomposition which generates an upper and a lower triangular matrices which are easier to invert. For special purposes, it may be convenient to invert matrices by treating mn-by-mn matrices as m-by-m matrices of n-by-n matrices, and applying one or another formula recursively (other sized matrices can be padded out with dummy rows and columns). For other purposes, a variant of Newton's method may be convenient (particularly when dealing with families of related matrices, so inverses of earlier matrices can be used to seed generating inverses of later matrices).
[edit] Analytic solution
Writing another special matrix of cofactors, known as an adjugate matrix, can also be an efficient way to calculate the inverse of small matrices (since this method is essentially recursive, it becomes inefficient for large matrices). To determine the inverse, we calculate a matrix of cofactors:
where |A| is the determinant of A, Cij is the matrix cofactor, and AT represents the matrix transpose.
For most practical applications, it is not necessary to invert a matrix to solve a system of linear equations; however, for a unique solution, it is necessary that the matrix involved be invertible.
Decomposition techniques like LU decomposition, are much faster than inversion, and various fast algorithms for special classes of linear systems have also been developed.
[edit] Inversion of 2 x 2 matrices
The cofactor equation listed above yields the following result for 2 x 2 matrices. Inversion of these matrices can be done easily as follows: [1]
[edit] Blockwise inversion
Inverted matrices can also be inverted blockwise by using the following analytic inversion formula:
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where A, B, C and D are matrix sub-blocks of arbitrary size. This strategy is particularly advantageous if A is diagonal and (D − CA − 1B) (the Schur complement of A) is a small matrix, since they are the only matrices requiring inversion. This technique was invented by Volker Strassen, who also invented the Strassen algorithm for fast(er) matrix multiplication.
The inversion procedure that led to Equation (1) performed matrix block operations that operated on C and D first. Instead, if A and B are operated on first, the result is
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Equating Equations (1) and (2) leads to
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where Equation (3) is the matrix inversion lemma, which is equivalent to the binomial inverse theorem.
[edit] The derivative of the matrix inverse
Suppose that the matrix A depends on a parameter t. Then the derivative of the inverse of A with respect to t is given by
This formula can be found by differentiating the identity
[edit] The Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
Some of the properties of inverse matrices are shared by (Moore-Penrose) pseudoinverses, which can be defined for any m-by-n matrix.
[edit] See also
- Matrix decomposition
- Binomial inverse theorem
- Singular value decomposition
- LU decomposition
- Matrix multiplication
- Pseudoinverse (Moore-Penrose inverse)
[edit] References
- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Section 28.4: Inverting matrices, pp.755–760.
- ^ Strang, Gilbert (2006). Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Thomson Brooks/Cole, p. 46. ISBN 0-03-010567-6.
[edit] External links
- LAPACK is a collection of FORTRAN subroutines for solving dense linear algebra problems
- ALGLIB includes a partial port of the LAPACK to C++, C#, Delphi, etc.
- Online Inverse Matrix Calculator using AJAX
- Inverse Matrix Calculator
- Moore Penrose Pseudoinverse
- Inverse of a Matrix Notes
- Derivative of inverse matrix on PlanetMath