List of crossovers on Lost
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On the ABC Television series Lost, characters are frequently shown to have interacted in their pasts, in ways typically only obvious to the viewers. Sometimes these crossovers directly or indirectly affect the course of characters' lives. The creative team of the show have stated such interactions are part of the show's "mythology".[1]
[edit] Direct connections
- In the first season episode "Outlaws", Sawyer meets an alcoholic doctor named Christian in an Australian bar who, unbeknownst to Sawyer, is actually the father of fellow castaways Jack and Claire. Christian talks to Sawyer about his inability to tell his son that he loves him, and how proud he is of him. He also inadvertently helps persuade Sawyer to kill a man whom Sawyer mistakenly believes to have been responsible for his own parents' deaths many years earlier. Later, on the island, Sawyer realizes the relationship between the two men, and eventually shares this knowledge with Jack, along with his father's last words.
- Jack's future wife, Sarah, was involved in the car accident that killed fellow castaway Shannon's father. Like Locke, Sarah later miraculously recovered from what were thought to be permanently crippling injuries. (Season 2, "Man of Science, Man of Faith") Conversely, in "Abandoned", when Shannon and her stepmother arrive at the hospital, Jack passes them in the hallway.
- Later in the same episode, Jack meets a man named Desmond while jogging, who states he is going on a round the world trip. Desmond later turns up on the island, as the occupant of the mysterious hatch.
- Locke's superior at the box company, Randy (seen in the first season episode "Walkabout"), is later revealed to have been Hurley's manager at the fast food restaurant where he worked before winning the lottery. (Season 2, "Everybody Hates Hugo") After winning the lottery one of Hurley's business investments is the majority share of the box company where Locke and Randy work. (Season 1, "Numbers")
- In the episode "The Long Con", Sawyer and an associate have lunch together in a diner; the woman who waits on them is Kate's mother (introduced in the first season episode "Born to Run").
- In the episode "One of Them" Sayid shares a military transport with Sam Austen, the man Kate considers to be her father.
- The U.S. military officer who used Sayid to torture information out of Iraqi prisoners in "One of Them" is eventually revealed to be Kelvin, Desmond's companion in the hatch during his first three years on the island. (Season 2, "Live Together, Die Alone")
- In the episode "Lockdown", the woman whose home Locke inspects is Sayid's childhood friend and star-crossed love, Nadia.
- In the episode "Dave", Libby is revealed to have been a patient at the same psychiatric ward as fellow castaway Hurley.
- In the Episode "Two for the Road (Lost)" in the flashbacks, Ana-Lucia is driving a drunk Christian Sheppard in a car and when she asks him to leave he opens the car door in to the path of Sawyer who shouts at them because he is walking there
- The psychic who buys Claire a ticket to Los Angeles in the first season episode "Raised by Another" later tells Eko that he is a fake. At the airport, Eko is confronted by the psychic's daughter, and Libby intervenes to stop them from arguing. (Season 2, "?")
- In the second season finale, "Live Together, Die Alone", Libby supplies Desmond with the boat, named "Elizabeth" for her, he later uses to try and sail around the world and with which he eventually reaches the island.
- In the same episode, Desmond is shown arriving at a stadium to exercise. Jack is seen leaving his car in the background, before beginning to run up and down the stadium stairs. This leads to their aforementioned encounter.
- In "Flashes Before Your Eyes", as he leaves the Widmore Corporation, Desmond runs into Charlie playing "Wonderwall" on the sidewalk for money.
- In "Par Avion", it revealed that Claire is the daughter of Christian Shephard, Jack's father, and is therefore Jack's half-sister.
[edit] Indirect connections
- Jin goes to a man's house to "deliver a message" in the episode "...In Translation", and Hurley appears briefly on the television.
- In "Exodus, Part 2", Sun spills something on Jin, and Kate's mugshot is visible in the newspaper he is reading.
- In "Hearts and Minds", when Boone is at the Australian police station, he sees Sawyer being brought in, under arrest.
- While at a record store, Hurley listens to an album by Driveshaft, fellow castaway Charlie's band. (Season 2, "Everybody Hates Hugo")
- In the episode "What Kate Did", Sayid appears briefly on a television screen in the Army recruiting office where Kate goes to visit her father.
- In the episode "A Tale of Two Cities" the nurse who appears briefly in Jack's flashback is the same nurse that spoke to Locke after he woke up from the kidney transplant in "Deus Ex Machina".
- In "Further Instructions", in the flashbacks, Eddie wears a 'Geronimo Jackson' T-shirt. Geronimo Jackson is referenced before in episode 11 of Season 2, "The Hunting Party", when Charlie and Hurley are browsing the record collection in The Swan.
- The announcer of the lottery numbers which makes Hurley rich in episode "Numbers" is the same woman as Sawyer is accompanied by to his hotel room in "Outlaws".
- In the episode "The Man from Tallahassee", Locke is seen eating dinner in front of the television. Though the screen is not shown, the show is audible in the background as Exposé, the Australian television show Nikki would later guest star on in the episode "Exposè".
[edit] References
- ^ Cuse, Carlton and Damon Lindelof. The Official Lost Podcast
Lost | |
Production: | DVD releases | Episode list | Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Soundtrack |
Main characters: |
Ana Lucia | Ben | Boone | Charlie | Claire | Desmond | Hurley | Jack | Jin | Juliet | Kate Libby | Locke | Michael | Mr. Eko | Nikki | Paulo | Sawyer | Sayid | Shannon | Sun | Walt |
Supporting characters: |
Alex | Bernard | Christian | Cindy | Ethan | The Others | Pickett | Rose | Rousseau | Tom |
Organizations: | DHARMA Initiative | Hanso Foundation | Oceanic Airlines |
Elements: | Crossover list | DHARMA Initiative stations | Flight 815 | Mythology | Thematic motifs |
Miscellaneous: | Gary Troup | In popular culture | Lost Experience | Rachel Blake | Video game |