Wikipedia:Pages needing attention/Medicine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Medicine
See also Category:Pages needing attention from an expert in medicine.
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- Category:Medicine
- Category:Medical associations
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- Category:Famous patients
- Category:First aid
- Category:History of medicine
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- Category:Medical signs
- Category:Medical sociology
- Category:Medical specialties
- Category:Symptoms
- Category:Medical terms
- Category:Medical tests
- Category:Medical treatments
- Stubs
- Cleanup needed (updated by bot)
- 309 - AIDS Education and Global Information System, ASiT, Abiogenesis, Abortion, Academy of Clinical Thyroidologists, Academy of the Sierras, Actinides in the environment, Acute muscle soreness, Adenophostin, Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency, Advanced glycation endproduct, Aether theories, Allelic exclusion, Amoebiasis, Amygdalin, Anabasine, Anaesthetic monitoring, Ancient Egyptian medicine, Ancient Medicine, Animal locomotion on the surface layer of water, Anthony Fauci, Aquaporin, Aquatic adaptation, Arachnoid cyst, Argument from evolution, Artificial respiration, Ascomycota, Asparagus racemosus, Avian flu, Ayurveda-Agni, Back pain, Bacterial Genetic Nomenclature, Baidh, Bans on ritual slaughter, Basal metabolic rate, Baxter Althane disaster, Becton Dickinson, Bereitschaftspotential, Beriberi, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Bias disorder, Biofilter, Bioinformatics, Biomechanics, Biomedical tissue, Biosteel, Bipolar disorder, Blood glucose monitoring, Board of Tea Appeals, Bob Holt, Body plethysmography, Bottled water, Brain death, Brain pacemaker, British Association for Counselling, Broken heart, Building biology, Bulimia nervosa, Bupropion, Carbogen, Carlos Castaneda, Castration, Cell disruption, Chargebox, Chemical imbalance, Chemical regulation, Chick slaughtering, Chikungunya, Classical conditioning, Climbing, Clinical trial management, Clinical trials publication, Closed in, Collective intelligence, College of Naturopathic Medicine UK and Ireland, Colloidal silver, Common cold, Contraction (childbirth), Controversy about ADHD, Cotton fever, Countercurrent multiplication, Cryptomnesia, Cryptovirus, Cultural ecology, Cutblocks, Cyclic vomiting syndrome, Cysteine metabolism, Cytochalasin B, DNA, Dark Therapy, Decapacitation factors, spermatozoa, Delayed onset muscle soreness, Dental armamentarium, Dermot P. Kelleher, Dhanvantari, Digestion, Disability, Disfigurement, Drug tolerance, Ecocriticism, Ecozone, Eczema, Effective Microorganisms, Eisenmenger's syndrome, Ejaculation, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Epilepsy in animals, Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis, Event-related potential, Evolution of multicellularity, FNIR, Family therapy, First clinical syndrome, Fission product, Food allergy, Food heritage, Food policy, Frenulum clitoridis, Futilitarianism, Gaia hypothesis, Geber, Genipin, Global brain, Gluten-free diet, Great American Interchange, Hand washing, Hangnail, Head and neck cancer, HealthGrid, Health care delivery, Home care, Home remedy, Human urine, Hydrogenosome, Hypnotherapy, Hysteria, ICD, IL2 receptor, Illnesses related to poor nutrition, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunosuppressive drug, Inclusive fitness, Index of Multiple Deprivation, Interferon, International English food terms, Invasion biology terminology, Ischaemic heart disease, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Jimmy Key, John Ritter, Johnson Munson syndrome, Joseph Mercola, Keloid, Kenneth Alibek, Ketonuria, Larvicide, Leaf curl, Leg, Leukocyte Promoting Factor, Leukopoiesis, Levulan, Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, Lions Eye Institute, List of important publications in biology, List of neurological research methods, List of street names of drugs, Lithotroph, Lymphoma, Macrobiotic diet, Madreporite, Mary Mallon, Massage parlour (brothel), Maurice Wilkins, Medical conditions, Medical pipeline gas supply, Medicine man, Medohar, Men's role in childbirth, Meridian (Chinese medicine), Microclimate, Microwave auditory effect, Milt, Mineral matter in plants, Modding, Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser, Moonrise, Morita therapy, Mosaic evolution, Mouth And Foot Painting Artists, Muira puama, Multidrug resistance, Multiple chemical sensitivity, Muraqaba, Mycobacterium, Mycofiltration, Negentropy, Neo-Reichian massage, Neuro-linguistic programming, Neuroscience, Nonclinical studies, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, North American smallpox epidemic, Nuclear chain fiber, Nutrigenomics, Obdormition, Obstetrics, Ocean Park Hong Kong, Ochratoxin A, Of Moths and Men, Organ donation, Organic Brain Syndrome, Organization of the emergency medical assistance, Orthomolecular psychiatry, Parkin (ligase), Paste (rheology), Patterson pseudoleprechaunism syndrome, Patulous Eustachian tube, Penetrance, Perceptual control theory, Peripheral vascular examination, Peristalsis, Peter Pan syndrome, Petit's hernia, Phallus, Phosphotungstic acid, Plant Patent Act, Pneumatocyst, Polymer fume fever, Population pharmacokinetics, Pouchitis, Prehensile tail, Prevnar, Primal therapy, Primordial cell, Pritikin diet, Progressive Contextualization, Protein microarray, Purell, Q cycle, Quarantine, Race in biomedicine, Raw food diet, Reciprocal altruism, Regulatory requirement, Relationship counseling, Renucleation, Replacement joint, Representative sequences, Respiratory system, Rett syndrome, Reye's syndrome, Rubbing alcohol, Ruptured spleen, Salvador Minuchin, Sanpaku, Schick test, Schistosomiasis, Sexercises, Sexual intercourse, Shamanism, Sheldon Kopp, Simian immunodeficiency virus, Size queen, Sleep apnea, Social security disability, Solution focused brief therapy, Specialist clinic, Spiritual evolution, Sprain, Stanley Falkow, State Food and Drug Administration of China, Sterilization (microbiology), Stillbirth, Sugarman syndrome, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Susun Weed, Sydney Brenner, Systemic Sclerosis in Greece, Technology in Revelation Space, Telemedicine, Temporarily Able-Bodied, Terrestrial ecoregion, The Stem Cell Divide, Thiomersal controversy, Threptin, Transterm, Traumatic incident reduction, Trophic level, Tuberculosis in Montreal, Tumor metabolome, Turner syndrome, Tweaking (behavior), Typhoid fever, Unconditional positive regard, Unit 731, Uranium in the environment, Urine, Vaccine, Varus deformity, Ventricular escape beat, Vertex, Vesicouretic reflux, Victor Clemente, Voltage-dependent calcium channel, Warrior Diet, Wart, William Carey Christian School, Witch doctor, Word salad (mental health)
- Expansion needed (updated by bot)
- 75 - AIDGAP series, Absence of gluteal muscle, Adeno-associated virus, Biodiversity and evolution, Body cleansing, Carbohydrate metabolism, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Chitin, Condom, David Diamond (composer), Death, Destination spa, Docking (animals), Doctor Strange, Dz13, Ecophysiology, Electrotherapy, Epidemiology and methodology of suicide, Equifinality, Eyebrow, Female ejaculation, Flux balance analysis, Forensic pathology, G protein, Gnathodynamometer, Grass sickness, Gynaecology, Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Kell), Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Rhc), Histography, Isaac Stern, Islamic medicine, John F. Schrank, John Sturges, Junk food, Kaliuresis, List of evolutionary biology topics, List of medical symptoms, List of omics topics in biology, List of pharmacy associations, Low-carbohydrate diet, Lower respiratory tract infection, Lupus erythematosus, Mastication, Medical education in Australia, Medical education in the United Kingdom, Medical thermometer, Menstrual disorder, Michael E. DeBakey, Michael Stuart Brown, Micro-enterprise, Mucus, Osmotherapy, Panoramic X-ray, Permissive hypercapnia, Pesticide poisoning, Peter Gurney, Phyllody, Posterior vitreous detachment, Pulmonary artery catheter, Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, Sex therapy, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Slim Fast, Stargardt's disease, Stomatitis, Stress (medicine), Stretching, String breast implant, Theodorus Janssonius van Almeloveen, Thomas Pickering Pick, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Viroplasm, Wrinkle, Zygomatic bone
- Expert attention needed (updated by bot)
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- Wikification needed (updated by bot)
- 34 - AEMT-CC, Animal Models for Screening of Drugs for Glaucoma, Animal liberty, Antibiotic, Bradytroph, Care in the Community, Cetylpyridinium chloride, Champissage, Circumscriptional name, Coconut diseases, Digestion, Empty nose syndrome, Falls Prevention, Fascial spaces infection, Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, Hearing Voices Movement, Leukocoria, Leydig cell, Lysogeny, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Naturopathic medicine, Neuropsychoeconomics, Orthokeratology, Petzetakis' disease, Population Pharmacokinetics, Rectilinear scanner, Russian Palaeoentomological School, Self Advocacy, Smith-Magenis Syndrome, Statepi, Synovial osteochondromatosis, Tony Bland, Virchow's triad, Xenotransplantation
- Neutrality in question (updated by bot)
- 52 - Applied kinesiology, Audism, Bally Total Fitness, Blindness, Codependence, Craniosacral therapy, De Grey Technology Review controversy, Del Ferro method, Designer baby, Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, Duodenal switch surgery, Dysgenics, Electrical quackery, Electroconvulsive therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Facilitated communication, Feingold diet, Fibromyalgia, Fossil collecting, Gerson therapy, HGH controversies, Human radiation experiments, Hunza diet, Hypoadrenia, Imaginal Psychology, Infant formula, Le Sage's theory of gravitation, Leaky gut syndrome, List of terms and concepts used in alternative medicine, Mark R. Graczynski, Microchip implant (human), Muslim flat-earth theories, Neuro-linguistic programming, Neurofeedback, New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, Onychectomy, Oscillococcinum, Passive smoking, Pathological lying, Pesco/pollo vegetarianism, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Physiognomy, Psychiatric imprisonment, Raw feeding, Reiki, Roccal, Scabies, Spinal adjustment, Sudden infant death syndrome, Taboo food and drink, The New School at West Heath
- To be merged or split (updated by bot)
- 260 - Acrosome, Acute renal failure, Advanced glycation endproduct, Agouti-related peptide, Agranulocytosis, Allogamy, Amoebiasis, Anabolism, Approved drug, Arrector pili muscle, Arrectores pilorum, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Artificial heart valve, Ascocarp, Autism (incidence), Balance disorder, Balloon sinuplasty, Balneotherapy, Basic reproduction number, Basic reproductive rate, Basiodiocarp, Beak, BioGRID, Biocontainment, Biogeographic Regions, Biologically active dietary supplement, Bioprospecting, Bird anatomy, Bird skeleton, Bradypnea, Brain mapping, Breast implant, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Bubble nest, Bulbar polio, CCR5-D32, Cardia, Cardiac sonographer, Cardiovascular disease, Carnitine, Cat scratch fever, Chalk River Laboratories, Cheek, Chloroxylenol, Circumcision, Clean animals, Code Blue, Compartmentalization, Complementary and alternative medicine, Connectome, Consumer eugenics, Contact tension, Contaminated water, Contrast medium, Convergent evolution, Core Shamanism, Cori cycle, Coronary heart disease, Counter-current heat exchangers, Cross-sectional study, Crossbreeding, Cuddle party, Cyst, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Defensin, Depilation, Dettol, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Diagnostic kinesiology, Diet and Heart Disease, Dietary supplement, Disability etiquette, Disfigurement, Dynamic lift, Echocardiography, Ecosystem services, Ectoderm, Electrical synapse, Electronic Health Record, Electronic medical record, Embryology, Endoderm, Enterobiasis, Enzyme, Erythrocytosis, Evoked potential, Familial dysautonomia, Family Constellations, Fecal fat, Fish locomotion, Fixative, Food miles, Founder population, Four humours, Fragile X syndrome, Frequency of autism, Fungal prions, Furcula, GALEN Common Reference Model, GUCH, Gangrene, Gas gangrene, Gene complex, General Repository for Interaction Datasets, Genetic map, Germ layer, Glycation, HIFU, H Index (life sciences), Hallux valgus, Health care, Health care system, Healthy diet, Healthy eating, Heart valve prosthesis, Heating pad, Homeopathy, Human echolocation, Humorism, Hybridization probe, Hydatidiform mole, Hypoxia (medical), Ice (in case of emergency), Impulse control disorder, Influenza, Interstitial fluid, Intertidal ecology, Intertidal zone, Intragenomic conflict, Involuntary commitment, Involuntary treatment, Iron deficiency (medicine), Iron deficiency anemia, Kashrut, Keel (bird), Kosher/Parve, Kosher foods, List of abbreviations for medical organisations and personnel, List of biochemists, List of geneticists and biochemists, List of medical associations, Littoral, Local food, Lung fluke, MAPK cascade, MMR vaccine, Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound, Major histocompatibility complex, Marriage guidance, Mast cell disease, Medical algorithm, Medical imaging, Medulloblastoma, Meningococcemia, Merbromin, Mercurochrome, Mesoderm, Micrencephaly, Microcephaly, Mitotic spindle, Morse code, Mouth ulcer, Music Therapy for Auditory Training, Music therapy, Nagual, Natural Hygiene, Natural killer cell, Near-Extinction evolution theory, Neurotoxicity, Neutropenia, New drug application, Noncoding DNA, Nucleus of the solitary tract, Ocular dominance, Orphan drug, Osgood-Schlatter disease, Osgood Schlatter Disease, Osteopathy, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Overlap extension polymerase chain reaction, Paleocontact theory, Parasympathetic nervous system, Pathological liar, Pharming (genetics), Photoreceptor cell, Phycobilisome, Physical map, Physical therapy, Pimple, Pioneer plant, Pioneer species, Placebo, Placebo effect, Pneumoconiosis, Poliomyelitis, Polluter Pays, Polluter pays principle, Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, Pond ecosystem, Portable water purification, Pregnancy, Primary production, Priming, Procreative liberty, Public health informatics, Pulmonary valve stenosis, Pygostyle, Quantitative structure-activity relationship, Quantitative trait locus, RNA interference, Racial purity, Radiology, Radiopharmacology, Rapid eye movement, Reference Daily Intake, Remote control, Research Station, Resistance Temperature Device, Resistance temperature detector, Resistance thermometer, Salvage synthesis, Sanctorius, Santorio Sanctorius, Seeing with your ears, Segregation distortion, Self-fertilization, Self-hatred, Senescence, Seral community, Sere (ecology), Signal recognition particle, Signal transduction, Soil biology, Solid phase peptide synthesis, Special Olympic Games, Steatorrhea, Streptococcus agalactiae, Subluxation, Syrinx (biology), Tea, Thanatos (Freud), The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Human Connectome, The Ottawa Hospital, Tissue fluid, Toplessness, Tracheid, Transcranial magnetic stimulation, Transesophageal echocardiogram, Transgenic plant production, Transmutation of species, Treeplanting, Trench foot, Trilaminar embryo, Unclean animals, Urban forestry, Vertigo (medical), Vivisection and experimentation debate, Wetware hacker, Xylem