As a'Wikipedia
B'e Pliùto an naoidheamh planaid, agus am fear as iomallaiche air a bheil fios againne, ged a bheil argumaid ann gur e pairt den crios Kuiper, agus chan e planaid idir. Se Charon am fadag a tha aige. O chionn's gu bheil Pluto cho fuar, chan eil aile mor aige - tha e reodhaichte.
edit Siostam-na-greine |
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Planaidean: Mearcair - Ribhinn (planaid) - An Talamh (Gealach*) - Corg - Bliogh - Satarn - Urànus - Neiptiùn - Pliùtò |
Eile: Grian - Asteroid belt - Reultan earballach - Crios Kuiper - Scattered disc - Neul Oort - 2003 UB313 - Sedna |
See also astronomical objects and the solar system's list of objects, sorted by radius or mass. *The moon is not a planet but a natural satellite in Astronomy rather than in the Ptolemaic system. |