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ファニー・ヒルは、John Clelandによる小説である。 Clelandがロンドンの債務者監獄にあった1748年に書かれた。 最初の近代エロティック小説と見なされており、好色文学に対する検閲の代名詞となっている。
目次 |
[編集] 刊行の歴史
当初は、この小説に対する政府の反応は無かった。しかしながら本書の人気が高まるにつれて、海賊版が現れた。 In particular, though, two chapters were interpolated into the book depicting homosexuality between men, which Fanny observes through a chink in the wall. Once this edition began to appear, the Church of England, along with many others, asked the British Secretary of State to "stop the progress of this vile Book, which is an open insult upon Religion and good manners". 結果として, Cleland was arrested and charged with "corrupting the King's subjects." 実際は、Clelandは was innocent of writing the chapters that had caused such particular offense.
19世紀には、複製が地下で販売されたし、 and the book eventually made its way to the United States where, in 1821, it was banned for obscenity.
1963年、G. B. Putnam published the book under the title John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure which also was immediately banned for obscenity. The publisher challenged the ban in court.
In a landmark decision in 1966, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Memoirs v. Massachusetts that the banned novel did not meet the Roth standard for obscenity.
エリカ・ジョングの1980年の小説 Fanny purports to tell the story from Fanny's point of view, with Cleland as a character she complains fictionalized her life.
Aside from her own book, Fanny Hill appears as a member of the 18th Century League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in a portrait in the first volume of the book by Alan Moore. She is not featured in the portrait of this League in the film, which only has the male members (The Scarlet Pimpernel, Captain Clegg, Deerslayer and Lemuel Gulliver) and is missing the other female member, Marguerite Blakeney. Moore has said that he will write a comic about this League.
[編集] あらすじ
The book concerns the title character, who begins as a poor country girl who is forced by poverty to leave her village home and go to town. There, she is tricked into working in a brothel, but before losing her virginity there, escapes with a man named Charles with whom she has fallen in love. 数ヶ月の同居ののちに、チャールズCharles is sent out of the country unexpectedly by his father, and Fanny is forced to take up a succession of new lovers to survive.
What is remarkable and innovative about the novel is that Cleland's writing style is witty, learned, and full of Classical asides. Also, Fanny herself does not, like Roxana or Moll Flanders, repent. She has no remorse for her education in sex, although she does realize that she is being exploited. Further, Fanny acts as a picara: as a prostitute she shows the wealthy men of the peerage at their most base and private. サミュエル・リチャードソンとダニエル・デフォー had written about women forced into compromised situations before, and they had hinted graphically enough that the subversive and erotic context was present, but neither made their heroines women of pleasure. Neither of them imputed to their women any joy in their situation, whereas Cleland does.
[編集] 映画化
本書の notoriety (および en:public domain status)のために、おびただしい数の映画化がなされてきた。その一部は次の通りである:
- Fanny Hill (USA/西ドイツ、 1964年)、 出演 en:Letícia Román, en:Miriam Hopkins, en:Ulli Lommel, en:Chris Howland; 監督 en:Russ Meyer, en:Albert Zugsmith (uncredited)
- Fanny Hill (スウェーデン、1968年)、出演 en:Diana Kjær, en:Hans Ernback, en:Keve Hjelm, en:Oscar Ljung; 監督 en:Mac Ahlberg
- Fanny Hill (西ドイツ/イギリス、1983年)、出演 en:Lisa Foster, en:Oliver Reed, en:Wilfrid Hyde-White, en:Shelley Winters; 監督 en:Gerry O'Hara
- Paprika (イタリア、 1991年)、 出演 en:Deborah Caprioglio, en:Stéphane Bonnet, en:Stéphane Ferrara, en:Luigi Laezza, en:Rossana Gavinel, en:Martine Brochard and en:John Steiner; 監督 en:Tinto Brass
- Fanny Hill (アメリカ合衆国、1995年), 監督 en:Valentine Palmer
- An adaptation by Andrew Davies for the en:BBC is in preparation (2006年5月).[1]
[編集] 外部リンク
- ファニー・ヒル英語全文
- Charles Dickens's Themes 『ドンビーと息子』での『ファニー・ヒル』への驚くべき言及
- 英語版Wikisource[2]