Список химических элементов по символам
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Это список химических элементов по символам, содержащий символы, которые в данный момент используются для обозначения химических элементов и признаны Международным союзом теоретической и прикладной химии как лучшие из предложеных и исторических символов. Также для каждого элемента указывается атомный номер, атомная масса или самый стабильный изотоп, номера группы и периода в периодической таблице и источник названия элемента, если он не совпадает с текущим названием.
Щелочные металлы | Щёлочноземельные металлы | Лантаноиды | Актиноиды | Переходные металлы |
Лёгкие металлы | Полуметаллы | Неметаллы | Галогены | Инертные газы |
[править] Символы, используемые в данный момент
Символ | Название | Происхождение символа | Атомный номер | Атомная масса | Группа | Период |
Ac | Актиний | 89 | [227]1 | 7 | ||
Ag | Серебро | лат. Argentum | 47 | 107,8682 (2)2 | 11 | 5 |
Al | Алюминий | 13 | 26,9815386 (8) | 13 | 3 | |
Am | Америций | 95 | [243]1 | 7 | ||
Ar | Аргон | 18 | 39,948 (1)2 4 | 18 | 3 | |
As | Мышьяк | 33 | 74,92160 (2) | 15 | 4 | |
At | Астат | 85 | [210]1 | 17 | 6 | |
Au | Золото | лат. Aurum | 79 | 196,966569 (4) | 11 | 6 |
B | Бор | 5 | 10,811 (7)2 3 4 | 13 | 2 | |
Ba | Барий | 56 | 137,327 (7) | 2 | 6 | |
Be | Бериллий | 4 | 9,012182 (3) | 2 | 2 | |
Bh | Борий | 107 | [264]1 | 7 | 7 | |
Bi | Висмут | 83 | 208,98040 (1) | 15 | 6 | |
Bk | Берклий | 97 | [247]1 | 7 | ||
Br | Бром | 35 | 79,904 (1) | 17 | 4 | |
C | Углерод | 6 | 12,0107 (8)2 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Ca | Кальций | 20 | 40,078 (4)2 | 2 | 4 | |
Cd | Кадмий | 48 | 112,411 (8)2 | 12 | 5 | |
Ce | Церий | 58 | 140,116 (1)2 | 6 | ||
Cf | Калифорний | 98 | [251]1 | 7 | ||
Cl | Хлор | 17 | 35,453 (2)2 3 4 | 17 | 3 | |
Cm | Кюрий | 96 | [247]1 | 7 | ||
Co | Кобальт | 27 | 58,933195 (5) | 9 | 4 | |
Cr | Хром | 24 | 51,9961 (6) | 6 | 4 | |
Cs | Цезий | 55 | 132,9054519 (2) | 1 | 6 | |
Cu | Медь | лат. Cuprum | 29 | 63,546 (3)4 | 11 | 4 |
Db | Дубний | 105 | [262]1 | 5 | 7 | |
Ds | Дармштадтий | 110 | [271]1 | 10 | 7 | |
Dy | Диспрозий | 66 | 162,500 (1)2 | 6 | ||
Er | Эрбий | 68 | 167,259 (3)2 | 6 | ||
Es | Эйнштейний | 99 | [252]1 | 7 | ||
Eu | Европий | 63 | 151,964 (1)2 | 6 | ||
F | Фтор | 9 | 18,9984032 (5) | 17 | 2 | |
Fe | Железо | лат. Ferrum | 26 | 55,845 (2) | 8 | 4 |
Fm | Фермий | 100 | [257]1 | 7 | ||
Fr | Франций | 87 | [223]1 | 1 | 7 | |
Ga | Галлий | 31 | 69,723 (1) | 13 | 4 | |
Gd | Гадолиний | 64 | 157,25 (3)2 | 6 | ||
Ge | Германий | 32 | 72,64 (1) | 14 | 4 | |
H | Водород | 1 | 1,00794 (7)2 3 4 | 1 | 1 | |
He | Гелий | 2 | 4,002602 (2)2 4 | 18 | 1 | |
Hf | Гафний | 72 | 178,49 (2) | 4 | 6 | |
Hg | Ртуть | лат. Hydrargyrum | 80 | 200,59 (2) | 12 | 6 |
Ho | Гольмий | 67 | 164,930 32 (2) | 6 | ||
Hs | Хассий | 108 | [277]1 | 8 | 7 | |
I | Иод | 53 | 126,904 47 (3) | 17 | 5 | |
In | Индий | 49 | 114,818 (3) | 13 | 5 | |
Ir | Иридий | 77 | 192,217 (3) | 9 | 6 | |
K | Калий | лат. Kalium | 19 | 39,0983 (1) | 1 | 4 |
Kr | Криптон | 36 | 83,798 (2)2 3 | 18 | 4 | |
La | Лантан | 57 | 138,90547 (7)2 | 6 | ||
Li | Литий | 3 | 6,941 (2)2 3 4 5 | 1 | 2 | |
Lr | Лоуренсий | 103 | [262]1 | 3 | 7 | |
Lu | Лютеций | 71 | 174,967 (1)2 | 3 | 6 | |
Md | Менделевий | 101 | [258]1 | 7 | ||
Mg | Магний | 12 | 24,3050 (6) | 2 | 3 | |
Mn | Марганец | 25 | 54,938045 (5) | 7 | 4 | |
Mo | Молибден | 42 | 95,94 (2)2 | 6 | 5 | |
Mt | Мейтнерий | 109 | [268]1 | 9 | 7 | |
N | Азот | 7 | 14,0067 (2)2 4 | 15 | 2 | |
Na | Натрий | лат. Natrium | 11 | 22,98976928 (2) | 1 | 3 |
Nb | Ниобий | 41 | 92,906 38 (2) | 5 | 5 | |
Nd | Неодим | 60 | 144,242 (3)2 | 6 | ||
Ne | Неон | 10 | 20,1797 (6)2 3 | 18 | 2 | |
Ni | Никель | 28 | 58,6934 (2) | 10 | 4 | |
No | Нобелий | 102 | [259]1 | 7 | ||
Np | Нептуний | 93 | [237]1 | 7 | ||
O | Кислород | 8 | 15,9994 (3)2 4 | 16 | 2 | |
Os | Осмий | 76 | 190,23 (3)2 | 8 | 6 | |
P | Фосфор | 15 | 30,973762 (2) | 15 | 3 | |
Pa | Протактиний | 91 | 231,03588 (2)1 | 7 | ||
Pb | Свинец | лат. Plumbum | 82 | 207,2 (1)2 4 | 14 | 6 |
Pd | Палладий | 46 | 106,42 (1)2 | 10 | 5 | |
Pm | Прометий | 61 | [145]1 | 6 | ||
Po | Полоний | 84 | [210]1 | 16 | 6 | |
Pr | Празеодим | 59 | 140,90765 (2) | 6 | ||
Pt | Платина | 78 | 195,084 (9) | 10 | 6 | |
Pu | Плутоний | 94 | [244]1 | 7 | ||
Ra | Радий | 88 | [226]1 | 2 | 7 | |
Rb | Рубидий | 37 | 85,4678 (3)2 | 1 | 5 | |
Re | Рений | 75 | 186,207 (1) | 7 | 6 | |
Rf | Резерфордий | 104 | 2611 | 4 | 7 | |
Rg | Рентгений | 111 | [272]1 | 11 | 7 | |
Rh | Родий | 45 | 102,905 50 (2) | 9 | 5 | |
Rn | Радон | 86 | [220]1 | 18 | 6 | |
Ru | Рутений | 44 | 101,07 (2)2 | 8 | 5 | |
S | Сера | 16 | 32,065 (5)2 4 | 16 | 3 | |
Sb | Сурьма | лат. Stibium | 51 | 121,760 (1)2 | 15 | 5 |
Sc | Скандий | 21 | 44,955912 (6) | 3 | 4 | |
Se | Селен | 34 | 78,96 (3)4 | 16 | 4 | |
Sg | Сиборгий | 106 | [266]1 | 6 | 7 | |
Si | Кремний | лат. Silicium | 14 | 28,0855 (3)4 | 14 | 3 |
Sm | Самарий | 62 | 150,36 (2)2 | 6 | ||
Sn | Олово | лат. Stannum | 50 | 118,710 (7)2 | 14 | 5 |
Sr | Стронций | 38 | 87,62 (1)2 4 | 2 | 5 | |
Ta | Тантал | 73 | 180,94788 (2) | 5 | 6 | |
Tb | Тербий | 65 | 158,92535 (2) | 6 | ||
Tc | Технеций | 43 | [98]1 | 7 | 5 | |
Te | Теллур | 52 | 127,60 (3)2 | 16 | 5 | |
Th | Торий | 90 | 232,03806 (2)1 2 | 7 | ||
Ti | Титан | 22 | 47,867 (1) | 4 | 4 | |
Tl | Таллий | 81 | 204,3833 (2) | 13 | 6 | |
Tm | Тулий | 69 | 168,93421 (2) | 6 | ||
U | Уран | 92 | 238,02891 (3)1 2 3 | 7 | ||
Uub | Унунбий | 112 | [285]1 | 12 | 7 | |
Uuh | Унунгексий | 116 | [292]1 | 16 | 7 | |
Uup | Унунпентий | 115 | [288]1 | 15 | 7 | |
Uuq | Унунквадий | 114 | [289]1 | 14 | 7 | |
Uut | Унунтрий | 113 | [284]1 | 13 | 7 | |
V | Ванадий | 23 | 50,9415 (1) | 5 | 4 | |
W | Вольфрам | нем. Wolfram | 74 | 183,84 (1) | 6 | 6 |
Xe | Ксенон | 54 | 131,293 (6)2 3 | 18 | 5 | |
Y | Иттрий | 39 | 88,90585 (2) | 3 | 5 | |
Yb | Иттербий | 70 | 173,04 (3)2 | 6 | ||
Zn | Цинк | 30 | 65,409 (4) | 12 | 4 | |
Zr | Цирконий | 40 | 91,224 (2)2 | 4 | 5 |
Щелочные металлы | Щёлочноземельные металлы | Лантаноиды | Актиноиды | Переходные металлы |
Лёгкие металлы | Полуметаллы | Неметаллы | Галогены | Инертные газы |
[править] Символы, которые сейчас не используются
Символ | Название | Атомный номер | Источник |
A | Argon | 18 | Current symbol is Ar. |
Ab | Alabamine | 85 | Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. |
Am | Alabamium | 85 | Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. |
An | Actinon | 86 | Name given at one time to an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of actinium. |
An | Athenium | 99 | Proposed name for einsteinium. |
Ao | Ausonium | 93 | Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium. |
Az | Azote | 7 | Proposed name for nitrogen. |
Bv | Brevium | 91 | Proposed name for protactinium. |
Bz | Berzelium | 59 | Proposed name for praseodymium. |
Cb | Columbium | 41 | Former name of niobium. |
Cb | Columbium | 41 | Proposed name for americium. |
Cp | Cassiopeium | 71 | Proposed name for lutetium. |
Ct | Centurium | 100 | Proposed name for fermium. |
Ct | Celtium | 72 | Former name of hafnium. |
Da | Danubium | 43 | Proposed name for technetium |
Db | Dubnium | 104 | Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 105. |
Di | Didymium | - | Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium. |
Dp | Decipium | 62 | Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture primarily of samarium. |
Eb | Ekaboron | 21 | Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction. |
El | Ekaaluminium | 31 | Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction. |
Em | Ekamangan | 43 | Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, technetium closely matched the prediction. |
Es | Ekasilicon | 32 | Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction. |
Es | Esperium | 94 | Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium. |
Fa | Francium | 87 | Current symbol is Fr. |
Fr | Florentium | 61 | Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. |
Gl | Glucinium | 4 | Former name of beryllium. |
Ha | Hahnium | 105 | Proposed name for dubnium. |
Ha | Hahnium | 108 | Proposed name for hassium. |
Il | Illinium | 61 | Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. |
Io | Ionium | 90 | Name given at one time to an isotope of thorium identified in the decay chain of uranium. |
J | Iodine | 53 | In some languages, the name for iodine begins with J instead of I. |
Jg | Jargonium | 72 | Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. |
Jo | Joliotium | 105 | Proposed name for dubnium. |
Ku | Kurchatovium | 104 | Proposed name for rutherfordium. |
Lw | Lawrencium | 103 | Current symbol is Lr. |
M | Muriaticum | 9 | Former name of chlorine. |
Ma | Masurium | 43 | Disputed claim to discovery of technetium. |
Md | Mendelevium | 97 | Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101. |
Me | Mendelevium | 97 | Proposed name for erbium. The name was later used for element 101. |
Ms | Masrium | - | Discredited claim of discovery of a new element. |
Mt | Meitnium | 91 | Proposed name for protactinium. |
Mv | Mendelevium | 101 | Current symbol is Md. |
Ng | Norwegium | 72 | Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. |
Ni | Niton | 86 | Proposed name for radium. |
No | Norium | 72 | Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. |
Ns | Nielsbohrium | 105 | Proposed name for dubnium. |
Ns | Nielsbohrium | 107 | Proposed name for bohrium. |
Nt | Niton | 86 | Proposed name for radium. |
Nw | Newtonian | 67 | Proposed name for holmium. |
Ny | Neoytterbium | 70 | Former name of ytterbium. |
Od | Odinium | 62 | Proposed name for samarium |
Pc | Policium | 110 | Proposed name for darmstadtium |
Pe | Pelopium | 41 | Proposed name for niobium |
Po | Potassium | 19 | Current symbol is K. |
Pp | Philippium | - | Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of other elements. |
Rf | Rutherfordium | 106 | Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104. |
Sa | Samarium | 62 | Current symbol is Sm. |
So | Sodium | 11 | Current symbol is Na. |
Sp | Spectrium | 70 | Proposed name for ytterbium. |
St | Antimony | 51 | Current symbol is Sb. |
Tn | Thoron | 86 | Name given at one time to an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of thorium. |
Tn | Tungsten | 74 | Current symbol is W. |
Tu | Thulium | 69 | Current symbol is Tm. |
Tu | Tungsten | 74 | Current symbol is W. |
Ty | Tyrium | 60 | Proposed name for neodymium. |
Unb | Unnilbium | 102 | Temporary name given to nobelium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Une | Unnilennium | 109 | Temporary name given to meitnerium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Unh | Unnilhexium | 106 | Temporary name given to seaborgium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Uno | Unniloctium | 108 | Temporary name given to hassium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Unp | Unnilpentium | 105 | Temporary name given to dubnium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Unq | Unnilquadium | 104 | Temporary name given to rutherfordium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Uns | Unnilseptium | 107 | Temporary name given to bohrium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Unt | Unniltrium | 103 | Temporary name given to lawrencium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Unu | Unnilunium | 101 | Temporary name given to mendelevium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Uun | Ununnilium | 110 | Temporary name given to darmstadtium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Uuu | Unununium | 111 | Temporary name given to roentgenium until the permanent name was chosen. |
Vi | Virginium | 87 | Discredited claim to discovery of francium. |
Vm | Virginium | 87 | Discredited claim to discovery of francium. |
Yt | Yttrium | 39 | Current symbol is Y. |
[править] Другие символы, которые выглядят как символы элементов
- Ab: albite
- Et: этил
- Me: метил
- Ph: фенил
- Pr: пропил (также используется для элемента празеодим: см. выше)
- R: некоторый точно не определенный элемент или радикал
[править] Примечания
- Примечание 1. The element does not have any stable nuclides, and a value in brackets, e.g. [209], indicates the mass number of the longest-lived isotope of the element. However, three elements, Thorium, Protactinium, and Uranium, have a characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition, and thus their atomic mass given.
- Примечание 2. The isotopic composition of this element varies in some geological specimens, and the variation may exceed the uncertainty stated in the table.
- Примечание 3. The isotopic composition of the element can vary in commercial materials, which can cause the atomic weight to deviate significantly from the given value.
- Примечание 4. The isotopic composition varies in terrestrial material such that a more precise atomic weight can not be given.
- Примечание 5. The atomic weight of commercial Lithium can vary between 6,939 and 6,996—analysis of the specific material is necessary to find a more accurate value.