克拉斯诺亚爾斯克 Красноя́рск |
国家 | 俄羅斯 |
州份 | 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克邊疆區 |
成立日期 | 1628年 |
现任市长 | Pyotr Pimashkov |
面积 | 172.0平方公里 |
人口 -总人口(2005年) -人口密度 |
917,200 5300/平方公里 |
时区 | UTC +7 |
位置 -经度 -纬度 |
93°45’0”E 56°04’0”N |
克拉斯诺亚爾斯克,位於葉尼塞河和西伯利亞鐵路的交匯點,是俄羅斯克拉斯诺亚爾斯克边疆区的首府、西伯利亞第三大城市,人口917,200 (2005年)。
目录 |
[编辑] 地理
对于西南Krasnoyarsk来说,森林覆盖的小山有离叶尼塞河河水平410米的平均高度包围。 位于叶尼塞河的右边(南方)岸的小山比左侧(北方)银行的西部小山陡。
叶尼塞河的右岸因从周围小山提高的国家Stolby自然保护区的庞大的岩石悬崖而著名。 西部小山形成Gremyachinskaya Griva 鸟冠从因跳滑雪板的跑道而著名的Nikolayevskaya索普卡小山开始并且延伸向西到Sobakina 河。 附近的北方的部分的减轻对北方西方和北方东方和东方的农业领域由于森林相当明白。
1月的平均温度是吗? 20°C,记录的7月+18°C,最低温度-56°C,最大+36°C。 由于位于32 公里的水电的发电厂水池向上游这条河从未冰封冬天,它的温度在夏季从未超过14°C。 在市中心附近的叶尼塞河水平面是离海平面136米。
[编辑] Geography
This becomes and steps the Buddhist nun of Èto fill in river and things bank . There are several islands on the river, the largest of which are Tatyshev and Otdyha used mainly for recreation purposes.
To the south and west Krasnoyarsk is surrounded by the forest-covered hills with an average height of 410 m from the Yenisei River level. The hills located on the right (southern) bank of Yenisei are steeper than the western hills of the left (northern) bank.
The right bank of Yenisei is notable for the gigantic rock cliffs of the national nature reserve Stolby rising from the surrounding hills. The western hills form the Gremyachinskaya Griva crest starting from the Nikolayevskaya Sopka hill notable for the ski-jumping tracks and extending westwards up to the Sobakina River. The relief of the northern part of the neighborhood is rather plain with forests to the north-west and agricultural fields to the north-east and east.
Average temperature of January is −20°C, July—+18°C, minimum temperature ever recorded was —56°C, maximum—+36°C. Due to the hydroelectric power station water reservoir located in 32 km upstream the river never freezes in winter and its temperature never exceeds 14°C in summer. The Yenisei water level near the city center is 136 meters from the sea level.
[编辑] 行政區劃
[编辑] 歷史
城市在1628年7月中间被发现为一座堡垒。 小组 服务级别人 牵在以前 哥萨克服装 安德雷Dubenskoy 到达给流入 Kacha 河 并且迅速开始建造打算保护国境免受住的土著居民的攻击的防御工事 叶尼塞河 以及它的支流。 在内信对 沙皇 哥萨克服装 s 报告:
- "我们已经建造的躯干的镇和在堡垒的地方周围, 我们仆人那儿的勋爵的你们,邮寄种植用和那些双重捆绑物放因此和那些地方的堡垒的强有力加强 ..."
堡垒已经被命名为"克拉斯尼Yar" ( Template:语言)在本地之后 Turkic 名字地方它建造在以前:" Kyzyl Dzhar ",意思"红悬崖"或者"克拉斯尼Yar"在里 老的俄语 . 当Krasnyy Yar的村庄已经收到镇地位时,名字"Krasnoyarsk"被更晚给。 拇指 | 是 | 250px 古老的家族
集中发展 Krasnoyarsk从开始到达 莫斯科Postroad (现在的道路"M53")在1735到连结附近镇的1741 Achinsk 并且 Kansk 由于Krasnoyarsk并且用其余 俄罗斯 ,并且以发现那儿过后黄金和以到达那儿那些铁路在1895年。
在19世纪Krasnoyarsk 中心 西伯利亚 n 哥萨克服装 运动。 在1822内它获得地位那儿的城里的并且变得首都那儿 叶尼塞河Guberniya . 在之前 第19 世纪 Krasnoyarsk有几产品,铁路工场和一所发动机房子。
在里 帝国的俄罗斯 Krasnoyarsk是政治流放的地方中的那个。 8 Decembrists 在反抗的失败之后已经在那里被驱逐出境。
在之后 1917的俄国革命 在期间 Pyatiletka s 大的工厂和工厂已经被在Krasnoyarsk里建造: Sibtyazhmash , 码头院子 , 纸工厂 , 水电的发电厂 (现在5 大在里 世界 并且2 在里 俄罗斯 ), 河港口 . 拇指 | 是 | 250px
在1934 Krasnoyarsk Krai 已经在Krasnoyarsk里被中心形成。
在时代 Stalinism Krasnoyarsk是主要 Gulag 中心。 最重要劳改营 Kraslag 或者"Krasnoyarskiy ITL"有位于两件的(1938 ca.1960) Kansk 并且 Reshyoty . 在Krasnoyarsk 它自己 Yeniseylag 或者"Yeniseiskiy ITL"劳改营存在在方面1940-41(?) .
在期间 第二次世界大战 许多工厂已经被从西方撤离 俄罗斯 对Krasnoyarsk和刺激城市的工业发展的附近镇。 在战争之后更多庞大的工厂已经被建造: 铝工厂 , metallurgic植物 , 基底金属的植物 以及很多其它人。
在20世纪70年代后期, 苏联 以Abalakova 开始建造阵列的雷达站,靠近Krasnoyarsk,这据说违犯 反弹道导弹条约 . 在1983年开始, 美国 要求它的移动,直到苏联承认雷达站是破坏在方面 1989. 设备缓慢从站点那里迁移和以1992,官方宣布被拆卸。 来自站点的设备可能被变换到一个近的新站点 共青城na-Amure . [1]
在之后 苏联的崩溃 并且开始 私营化 很多大植物和工厂,例如 Krasnoyarsk铝工厂 ,已经成为由罪犯拥有的当局和 寡头政治的执政者 s,当其它人被宣布时 破产 ,这引起戏剧性的加薪 失业 并且许多 罢工 .
肯定问题与Krasnoyarsk植物的所有权一起继续现在几乎所有他们拥有两者中任何一个 垄断 金融组或者以 寡头政治的执政者 s.是那些大多数,知道金融丑事的20世纪90年代的下半部分的发生什么时候所有权 Krasnoyarsk铝工厂 通过一个知名的Krasnoyarsk 商人 Anatoliy Bykov 取消在这位合伙人的谋杀的谴责他之后 Vilor Struganov . 谋杀最终结果是虚构的。
自从选举 Pyotr Pimashkov 作为在城市的外表开始缓慢地改进的1996的Krasnoyarsk的市长: 旧的历史性建筑被修复,沥青人行道已经被替换铺石头,许多广场用泉水已经被建造。 现在城市的主要的部分只承担少许的它贫穷 俄语 看。
[编辑] History
The city was founded in the midst of July 1628 as a fort. The group of service class people led by the Cossack Andrey Dubenskoy arrived to the influx of the Kacha River and quickly began to build up the fortifications intended to protect the frontier from attacks of aboriginals who lived along Yenisei and its tributaries. In the letter to Tsar the Cossacks reported:
- ...The town of trunks we have constructed and around the place of fort, we the servants of lord ye, posts have bedded in and the double bindings have laid so and the place of fort have strengthened mightily...
The fort have been named "Krasny Yar" (Кра́сный Яр) after the local Turkic name of the place it was built by: "Kyzyl Dzhar", meaning "Red Cliff" or "Krasny Yar" in old Russian. The name "Krasnoyarsk" was given later when the village of Krasnyy Yar has received the town status.
The intensive growth of Krasnoyarsk began with the arrival of the Moscow Postroad (the road M53 nowadays) in 1735 to 1741 which connected the nearby towns of Achinsk and Kansk with Krasnoyarsk and with the rest of Russia, and later by the discovery of gold and by the arrival of the railroad in 1895.
In the 19th century Krasnoyarsk was the center of the Siberian Cossack movement. In 1822 it had gained the status of town and had become the capital of the Yenisei Guberniya. In the end of the 19th century Krasnoyarsk had several manufactures, railroad workshops and an engine-house.
In Imperial Russia Krasnoyarsk was the one of the places of political exile. Eight Decembrists have been deported there after the failure of the revolt.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917 during the Pyatiletkas the large plants and factories have been built in Krasnoyarsk: Sibtyazhmash, the dock yard, the paper factory, the hydroelectric power station (now the fifth largest in the world and the second in Russia), the river port.
In 1934 the Krasnoyarsk Krai had been formed with the center in Krasnoyarsk.
During the epoch of Stalinism Krasnoyarsk was the major Gulag center. The most important labor camp was the Kraslag or Krasnoyarskiy ITL (1938-ca.1960) with the two units located in Kansk and Reshyoty. In Krasnoyarsk itself the Yeniseylag or Yeniseiskiy ITL labor camp existed in 1940-41(?).
During the World War II the dozens of factories have been evacuated from the western Russia to Krasnoyarsk and the nearby towns which stimulated the industrial growth of the city. After the war more of the gigantic plants have been built: the aluminum plant, the metallurgic plant, the plant of base metals and many others.
In the late 1970s, the Soviet Union began constructing a phased array radar station at Abalakova, near Krasnoyarsk, which allegedly violated the ABM Treaty. Beginning in 1983, the United States demanded its removal, until the Soviet Union admitted the radar station was a violation in 1989. Equipment was slowly removed from the site and by 1992 it was officially declared to be dismantled. The equipment from the site was likely relocated to a new site near Komsomolsk-na-Amure.[2]
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and beginning of the privatization many large plants and factories, such as the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, have become owned by criminal authorities and oligarchs while others were declared bankrupt, this begot the dramatic raise of unemployment and numerous strikes.
Certain problems with ownership of Krasnoyarsk plants continue nowadays since nearly all of them are owned either by monopolistic financial groups or by oligarchs. The most known financial scandal of the second half of 1990's had happened when ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant by a known Krasnoyarsk businessman Anatoliy Bykov had been cancelled after accusation him of the murder of this partner Vilor Struganov. The murder eventually turned out to be fictional.
Since the election of Pyotr Pimashkov as the mayor of Krasnoyarsk in 1996 the look of the city began to slowly improve: old historical buildings were restored, asphalt walkways have been replaced with paving-stone, numerous squares with fountains have been constructed. Now the major part of the city bears only a few traces of its poor Soviet look.
[编辑] 市徽
克拉斯诺亚爾斯克第一个市徽在 1804 年 3 月 12 日 确定 . 武器那些层一直被水平分进二个部分,那些上半部分包含层武器那儿 Tomsk Guberniya ,下半部分有照片 克拉斯尼Yar 悬崖 关于银背景。
这层武器赞成在上 11月23日 ,1851 年 让人把一只狮子的金色的数字安置在红上 传令官 盾与一铁铲一起正当前爪子和一镰刀在左侧前爪子,两个由相同的金属做成。 盾盖与金色王冠 俄国帝国 .
这层当今的武器(在上面看见)赞成在上 11月28日 ,2004 年 用稍微改变的用A的金色的5 座塔的地位王冠盖的狮子的数字包含相同的红盾 联邦主题 中心。
在2005年,这16个 在它顶的上与雕像的那些Krasnoyarsk的传令官狮子青铜一起支柱被竖立对 Krasnoyarsk火车站 广场。
[编辑] City emblem
The coat of arms had been divided horizontally into two parts, the upper part contained the coat of arms of the Tomsk Guberniya, the lower part had the picture of the Krasny Yar cliff on the silver background.
The coat of arms approved on November 23, 1851年 had the golden figure of a lion placed on the red heraldic shield with a spade in the right fore paw and a sickle in the left fore paw, both made of the same metal. The shield was topped with the golden crown of the Russian Empire.
The current coat of arms (see above) approved on November 28, 2004年 contains the same red shield with the slightly changed figure of the lion topped with the golden five-tower status crown of a federal subject center.
In 2005, the 16 meters tall pillar with the bronze statue of the Krasnoyarsk heraldic lion upon its top was erected at the Krasnoyarsk Railway Station square.
[编辑] 人口
1897 | 26,600 | 1962 | 465,000 | 1982 | 833,000 | 2000 | 875,500 |
1923 | 60,400 | 1967 | 576,000 | 1986 | 885,000 | 2001 | 875,900 |
1926 | 72,200 | 1970 | 648,000 | 1989 | 912,600 | 2002 | 909,341 |
1939 | 190,000 | 1973 | 707,000 | 1992 | 925,000 | 2005 | 917,200 |
1956 | 328,000 | 1976 | 758,000 | 1996 | 871,100 | ||
1959 | 412,000 | 1979 | 796,300 | 1998 | 875,300 |
各區人口 (2002年人口普查):
- 基洛夫區: 117,156
- 列寧區: 146,943
- 十月區: 138,521
- 蘇維埃區: 231,696
- 斯維爾德洛夫斯克區: 130,518
- 中心區: 54,503
- 鐵路區: 90,004
克市是一個多民族的城市,以俄羅斯族、烏克蘭族、韃靼族、日耳曼族、白俄羅斯族最多,近年多了一群來自塔吉克、烏茲別克等中亞及高加索地區的,以尋找工作為目的移民 (多數以非法途徑進入俄境)。
另一類為數眾多的是中國人。他們與其他外地勞工不同,從事的是在合資生意。很多華人在市場進行交易,甚至有了自己的聯誼會和貿易城(Китайский торговый город,俗稱中國城,在Strelka)。
[编辑] 建築
在Krasnoyarsk里有许多历史性建筑,他们中的最老者是求情大教堂 ( Template:语言,1785到1795,在1977到1978年恢复)。 其他当地重要的样品 俄国正统 建筑是报告大教堂 ( Template:语言,1802-12),街 三位一体大教堂 ( Template:语言,1802-12),约翰浸礼会 ( Template:语言,1899,以前的主教住宅),和新迈克尔Archangel教堂 ( Template:语言,1998到2003)。
在Karaulnaya小山,最初一所异教徒圣祠上部,过后通过Krasnoyarsk 堡垒了望塔占用, 街 Paraskeba 礼拜堂 ( Template:语言,1804,在1854到1855年再造)仍然站。 礼拜堂,显示在上10- 卢布 注意到,是城市的iconic 图像之一。 礼拜堂放弃并且年久失修在期间 俄语 时代和只有当时 Perestroyka 来叶尼塞河已经恢复它 主教职务 . [[图像:Krasnoyarsk Mira 10 dolgostroi.jpg | 拇指 | 是 | 250px 不完全塔建造在方面 1980s ]]
Krasnoyarsk的另一个非正式的象征是位于的不完全的24座层塔 Strelka . 塔的建设启动实在以前 Perestroyka 然后由于管理的危机,结冰。 塔的轮廓被清楚从城市的很多地方看见。
一连接靠近Krasnoyarsk进行 横穿西伯利亚的铁路 穿过 叶尼塞河 . 这个结构,最长的中的一个在那时,被建造在之间 1893并且 1896对一获奖设计以 Lavr Proskuryakov . 什么时候赞成适合碑文关于 世界遗产目录 在里 2003,桥描述在以前 联合国教科文组织 作为"一尽快代表一典型抛物线多边形 构架桥 在俄罗斯"成为"测试的工程理论和新革新的解决办法的发展的应用的理由,有许多继任人" ( [3])。
在其他值得注意的大楼中间是商人的大厦 Nikolay Gadalov (开始 二十世纪 ),罗马-天主教变形礼拜堂 ( Template:语言,1911,也作为Krasnoyarsk器官大厅知道), Krasnoyarsk Krai博物馆 作为A格式化 古埃及 ian 庙, Krasnoyarsk 文化/ 历史中心 并且胜利拱对 吐痰 (2003),用两座称为"驴耳朵"的塔从侧面包围的地区行政机关大楼。
有许多2层木制房子在那些城市内主要建造在的中间 二十世纪 作为暂时的住所。 很多城市化的位于城市内的村庄保持传统的俄国村庄建筑的剩余: 有一些残破有后院,很多的木制房子现在但是仍然居住。
[编辑] Building
There is a number of historical buildings in Krasnoyarsk, the oldest of them is the Intercession Cathedral (Покровский собор, 1785 to 1795, restored in 1977 to 1978). Other locally significant samples of Russian Orthodox architecture are the Annunciation Cathedral (Благовещенский собор, 1802-12), the St. Trinity Cathedral (Свято-Троицкий собор, 1802-12), John the Baptist Church (Церковь Иоанна Предтечи, 1899, former episcopal residence), and the new Michael the Archangel Church (Церковь Архистратига Михаила, 1998 to 2003).
On the top of the Karaulnaya hill, originally a pagan shrine, later occupied by the Krasnoyarsk fort watchtower, the St. Paraskeba Chapel (Часовня Параскевы Пятницы, 1804, rebuilt in 1854 to 1855) still stands. The chapel, displayed on the 10-ruble note, is one of iconic images of the city. The chapel was abandoned and fell into disrepair during the Soviet era and only when the Perestroyka came it had been regained by the Yenisei bishopric.
Another unofficial symbol of Krasnoyarsk is the incomplete 24 storey tower located at Strelka. Construction of the tower had been started just before Perestroyka and then frozen due to the administrative crisis. The outline of the tower is clearly seen from many places in the city.
A bridge near Krasnoyarsk carries the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Yenisei. This structure, one of the longest at the time, was constructed between 1893 and 1896 to an award-winning design by Lavr Proskuryakov. When approved for the inscription on the World Heritage List in 2003, the bridge was described by the UNESCO as "an early representation of a typical parabolic polygonal truss bridge in Russia" which became "a testing ground for the application of engineering theories and the development of new innovative solutions, which had numerous successors" ([4]).
Among other notable buildings are the mansions of the merchant Nikolay Gadalov (beginning of the 20th century), the Roman-Catholic Transfiguration Chapel (Преображенский собор, 1911, also known as the Krasnoyarsk Organ Hall), the Krasnoyarsk Krai Museum stylized as an Ancient Egyptian temple, the Krasnoyarsk Cultural/Historical Center and the triumphal arch at the Spit (2003), the regional administration building flanked with two towers known as the "Donkey Ears".
There is a number of 2-storey wooden houses in the city built mostly in the middle of the 20th century as temporary habitations. Many urbanized villages located inside the city keep the remnants of the traditional Russian village architecture: wooden houses with backyards, many somewhat dilapidated now but still inhabited.
[编辑] 文化
克市人才輩出,當中更有世界知名的人物。最傑出者包括歷史畫家苏里科夫、作家Viktor Astafiev、歌劇歌唱家Pyotr Slovtsov和季米特裡·霍洛斯托夫斯基。其他包括畫家Andrey Pozdeev、Valeriy Kudrinskiy和Toivo Rännel,雕塑家Boris Musat和Yuriy Zlotya,作家Roman Solntsev和Nikolay Gayduk。
當地也有一些特色節日,最受注目的是六月的「城市日」通常有嘉年華會。其他節日及文化活動有曼納河節 (Манский фестиваль,在每年六月最後一個周末舉行,活動有傳統的歌謠比賽)、國際博物館雙年展 (傳統上市立文化歷史中心舉行)、為紀念国际博物馆日舉行的、具先鋒派性質的「博物館之夜」、河上爵士樂節、攀石節和摩托車接力賽。
[编辑] 教育
克市是西伯利亞的教育中心之一,規模僅次於新西伯利亚。有超過30家高等院校 (多數是俄羅斯科學院的分支機構)和約200家中學。最重要的院校有:
- 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克國立大學 (俄語簡寫 KGU),成立於1963年,原為新西伯利亞國立大學的分校,1969年獨立
- 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克國立科技大學 (俄語簡寫 KGTU),成立於1956年
- 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克國立師範大學 (俄語簡寫 KGPU),成立於1932年
- 西伯利亞國立科技大學 (俄語簡寫 SibGTU)1930年成立,初稱西伯利亞林學院,為全市最古老的院校
- Sukachev 林學院,成立於1944年
與新西伯利亞一樣,克市也設立了科學城。當中的生物物理研究所曾經在1973至85年間成功進行類似美國生物圈二號的實驗 (稱為Bios)。
[编辑] 交通
[编辑] 旅遊
最著名的是國立石柱 (Stolby) 自然保護區。在470 平方公里的範圍內有無數高達100公尺、形狀各異的花崗岩柱。由此亦成為攀石愛好者的好去處。不少當地好手甚至徒手攀石,並稱為之「stolbizm」。
其他名勝包括克拉斯諾亞爾斯克水力發電站大壩、Karaulnaya山及Paraskeva Pyatnitsa教堂,各種博物館、劇院等。
[编辑] 外部連結
- 克拉斯诺亚爾斯克旅行指南
- 西伯利亞旅遊指南
- 簡要城市資料
- (俄語) 互動地圖
- (俄語) 城市網上直播
- 克拉斯诺亚爾斯克美術家畫廊
- 克拉斯诺亚爾斯克國立大學