zh-tw:克里斯多福;zh-cn:克里斯托弗·哥倫布(意大利語:Cristoforo Colombo,西班牙語:Cristóbal Colón,1451年8月25日或10月31日 — 1506年5月20日),意大利航海家,他在1492年到1502年間四次橫渡大西洋,並成為到达美洲新大陆并发表其事业的首位西欧人。
目录 |
[编辑] 早年生活
哥倫布生於義大利熱那亞市的工人家庭,是信奉基督教的猶太人後裔,自幼便熱愛航海。在當時,因為教會的關係,人們大多相信天圓地方,但哥倫布卻對此產生質疑,他認為之所以帆船向大海啟航後,船身由下而上漸漸消失的原因正是因為地球是圓的。為了印證他的想法,他先後向西班牙、葡萄牙、英國、法國等國的國王尋求協助,以實現出海西行至中國和印度的計劃,但均得不到幫助。但同時間,歐洲國家極需要南東南亞的香料和黃金。但通往亞洲的陸路卻為鄂圖曼土耳其帝國所阻,海路則要經由南非對開的風暴角 — 好望角,因此歐洲的君主開始改變以往的想法。哥倫布在到處遊說了十幾年後,於1492年,終於得到西班牙女王伊莎貝拉一世的資助。
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Christopher Columbus
This is a project about Christopher Columbus. In this project you will find lots of interesting facts and things about his life. You will also find pictures and maps of where he sailed and information about his voyages. You will also learn about his family, friends, and his enemies. In this web page there is also a bibliography of where we found this information.
Christopher Columbus voyage
Date of birth : Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa Italy.
1492-1493 Christopher Columbus first voyage to the Americas.
1493-1496 Christopher's second voyage to the Americas.
1498-1500 Columbus's third voyage to the Americas.
1502-1504 Columbus forth voyage the Americas.
1506- Death of Columbus.
Christopher Family:
Christopher had brothers whose names were: Bartolomeo Giovanni and Gaicomo. He also had a younger sister whose name was Bianchinetta.
About Christopher Columbus:
When Christopher Columbus was a boy he spent his free time in a nearby harbor, watching ships coming and going. People think he was probably interested in having riches at sea. No one knows for sure when Columbus started sailing. Some historians think he may have taken his first voyage when he was 14 years old. Christopher probably began with trips on the Mediterranean sea. As he got older he learned how to plan sea routes and handle ships in rough waters.
When Christopher Columbus was 25 he got hired to work on five ships going to Europe (All of Columbus trip had been on the Mediterranean sea , and this was his first time sailing on the ocean sea which today is called the Atlantic Ocean).
The ships set out from Genoa in August 1476. Some of the ships sank including Columbus's ship, and many of Columbus's men drowned. The legend says that Columbus grabbed a floating oar and swam six miles(10 kilometers) to the shore of Portugal. After Christopher Columbus recovered from his adventure he sailed to upper Europe. Then he returned to Portugal and traveled to Lisbon, Portugal's Capital City. Christopher had no money and he only worked a few jobs in his life, luckily he had a family nearby. One of his brothers whose name is Bartolomeo had also become a sailor and he owned a business. Columbus then joined him and the business grew.
Christopher Columbus made several sailing trips. He read the Bible and went to church regularly. There he met Felipa perestrello de Moniz. They got married in 1470 and moved to an island called Port Santo. Their son Diego, was born there in about 1480.
Columbus decided to travel to East Asia a place called the Indies. Columbus wanted to sail west around the world to the Indies.
First Columbus visited king John ll of Portugal . The king was interested in sea travel to trade goods and take over new lands. The people who worked for the king decided it would not work.
Christopher decided to ask Spain for help. His wife had died so he took his son with him. In 1486 Columbus showed his plan to the king (Ferdinand ) and Queen (Isabelle). Spain was at war, however Isabelle gave Christopher the money and she told him to wait until the war was at an end. Christopher's family also gave him money. For seven years Christopher Columbus waited in Cordoba Spain. Meanwhile Columbus fell in love with a Spanish woman named Beatrice Enriquez de Harana, and they had a son Ferclinand.
Finally King Fernando and queen Isabelle decided the plan would work. The queen gave Christopher ships and she said he could keep haft of the riches he found. The queen also promised him Royal titles.
The Spanish rulers and some business people gave Columbus money to hire sailors and so he could buy supplies. The rulers asked the city of Palos to give Columbus two ships caravels named Nina and Pinta. Columbus also chose a larger ship he named Santa Maria.
At first only a few men were interested to join. One who quickly agreed to join was called Martin Pinzon. He helped sign up people rather quickly by telling them how much riches they would find. He also become the captain of the pinta. Pinzon's brother led the Nina crew;and Columbus was in charge of the Santa Maria.
On August 3,1492 the ships left off the cost of northern Africa. There the crews loaded on more supplies. They also repaired the ships.
The ship left the canary Island on September 6, 1492. Soon the crews started to complain. After about a month, the men started to see birds and pieces of floating wood. The pinta's lookout finally spotted land on October 12, 1492. They thought the Indies.
Columbus met some people they were called the Tainos Tribe. They offered Columbus and his men food, and pieces of clothing. Christopher Columbus called them "Indians" because he thought they had reached Indies. Christopher wanted to teach them about his God and his beliefs. But unfortunality he forced several Tanios to be his slaves.
Columbus and his men searched lots of islands. He thought he reached the Indies but he did not find any treasures,however he did not give up.
Columbus saw many beautiful things and he met lots of friendly people but he found no gold. One morning Columbus woke up to find the pinta gone. Martin Pinzon had left to find his own treasure. Christopher was very upset, he did not want Pinzon to find the treasures first.
Then Christopher went to another island. He named the island La Isla Espanola.(that means "The Spanish isle) Today the island is called Hispaniola. The people who lived there wore many gold items. The calque or, chef made many gold gifts and they sent them to Christopher Columbus.
Christopher decided to visit the calque in the calque's village, and on the way the Santa Maria hit an underwater reef and it began to sink. The men tried to save the ship's supplies. Then they found wood to build a small fort. Christopher named the fort La Navidad Spanish for "Christmas" because the ship reck happened on Christmas eve.
Now Christopher only had the Nina his smallest ship. It couldn't carry all the men back so thirty-nine of them decided to stay back,and look for gold. A few days later, they met the Pinta. Pinzon found some gold. Christopher was very angry but he needed Pinzon help. The two ships sailed for over a month. The ships were rough and the ships got separated. The Nina made it to Lisbon on March 3,1493.
Christopher Columbus quickly made repairs to the Nina and then he sent a letter to queen Isebella and king Ferdinand it he made his trip sound even more successful than it had been so the rulers would be pleased with him.
Christopher Columbus reached Palos on march 15,1493. The pinta that was lost arrived the same day. The king and queen invited Christopher Columbus to meet them at their palace. Christopher Columbus set out at once and he brought plants,animals and a few gold objects as well as some Indian slaves along with him too. When he arrived the rulers greeted him warmly and they asked him questions about his journey.
King Ferdinand and queen Isabella both believed that his trip was a big success, so the king and queen kept the promises the gave him.
Ferdinand and Isebella named him" Admiral of the ocean sea". in honor of his journey they made him governor of the lands he claimed. The king and queen wanted to keep control of the places he went and they wanted more riches so they sent him on another trip right away. Columbus would keep up a colony and keep searching for gold. The rulers helped him get all the ships and all the supplies he needed and he also helped him get all the supplies on the ship. Less than a year he reached Europe, and Columbus was ready to sail again.
For Christopher's second voyage it was very easy to find sailors because many of them was eager to find gold and become rich in the Indies. On September 25,1493 Columbus left Cadiz,Spain with 17 ships and more than 1,200 men including his brother Giacomo many men would stay in the new planned colony.
The ship crossing was very smooth. By early November the ships had reached the Caribbean sea. They visited several Islands that they had not yet seen before. Then they went to the Hispaniola to check on the La navidad. When Christopher Columbus came back he found some of his men dead and their fort was burnt and it was on the ground. No one knows what happened,but many historians think that the Europeans stole gold from the Tainos and they kidnapped the Tainos women. Then the Tainos probably got angry and they killed the men.
Christopher Columbus knew he could not trust the Tainos so he chose a different place for the new colony,la Isebela. La Isbela had no port for the ships, but however the area did have lots of mosquitoes. Many of men including Columbus got sick of malaria and other diseases. Christopher's brother came all the way from Europe and he brought him supplies. He cared for Columbus and he helped him feel better.
When Columbus went back home in 1496 , there were no great celebrations. Some of his sailors that had reaturned before him had talked about his trip and how much problems they had got. Columbus tried to make his trip sound even more successful to queen isebella and king Ferinand but he failed. He also asked the king and queen for help in his next journey. The king and queen were not happy but they still gave him another chance.
Christopher colunmbus figured that this was his last chance to find riches. it was very hard to find sailors because many men had heard about his faileurs in Hispaniola and they did not want the same thing to happen to them so far from home, so columbus went elsewhere for help. The king and queen let people out or prison if they wanted to help christopher with his trip, and a few woman might have gone with him.
On May 30, 1496, columbus set sail with six ships. Some of the ships went straight to Hispaniola. Christopher Columbus and the other ships sailed South until they reached land. Columbus ship reached land he gussed correctly that he had descovered a new land. Columbus ship reached land and he became the frist Eurpean to visit South America, near present day Paris, Venezula.
Christopher did not stay there for long. He hurried to Hispaniola where his brothers Bartolome and Diego were in charge when he arrived, his people were fighting. The men were very unhappy and tired of following columbus and his brothers. To stop problems, Columbus gave the people who were fighting two ships and other supplies.
However Columbus problems were not over. In spain, Ferdiand and Isabella heard about what was happening. They send Francisco de bobadilla to take over the colany. Christopher Columbus and his brothers refused to give up power, so Bobadilla arested them and sended them back to Spain in chains.
The king and Queen felt sorry for him and they freed him. They ordered him to stay away from Hispaniola. Columbus was not ready to give up. He begged the king and queen for one more chance. He asked the King and Queen so many time that they finally gave in.
In Spring 1502 Columbus set sail once again. As they got closer to hispaniola they got signs that a hurricane was coming. Even though he was not allowed to go to Hispaniola he still went there to find shelter and food he also went there to warn the people. The new govenor ingnored the warning and sent them away. Columbus found a safe harbor for his ships to wait. The govener lost about 20 ships and he lost about 500 sailors in the hurricane.
Later columbus expolred the Central American coastline. He still could not fina a way through to the indies. He got very sick and the supplies were running low. He headed for Hispanolia but shipworms had eaten holes into the wood of his ships. The leaky ships made it only as far as the present-day of Jamaica.
The sailors were stuck there for a year. Finally, two sailors made a canoe and paddled more than 400 miles(643 kilomeaters) to Hispaniola for help. The govrenr did not agree right away, but he finally sent a ship in June 1504. Columbus returned to Spain that year and he lived his last days in the Spanish town of Valladolid. He died there on may 20,1506. to the end of his life he instested that he had found parts of the indies.He never relized that these were the parts of a new world instead.
Picture of Christopher Columbus
By Stephanie
[编辑] 參考資料
- Christoph Kolumbus: Bordbuch. Rascher, Zürich 1941, Insel, Frankfurt am Main 2006. ISBN 3-458-34861-1
- Washington Irving: The History of the Life and the Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Benger, Leipzig 1846, Sauerländer, Frankfurt M 1829 (deutsch, 12 Bde), Hinstorff, Rostock 1984, 1986.
- Mario Ghisalberti: Christoph Kolumbus – Ein Leben voller Abenteuer und Gefahren. Roman. Dt. Übers. von Lieselotte Loost. Schaffrath, Köln 1950, Stuttgart 1952, 1960, Zürich 1956; dt. Übers. v. Ernst Bluth. Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft, Berlin-Hamburg 1951, 1955.
- Karl H. Peter: Wie Columbus navigierte. Koehler, Herford 1972, ISBN 3-7822-0062-4
- Simon Wiesenthal: Segel der Hoffnung – Die geheime Mission des Christoph Columbus. Walter, Olten-Freiburg 1972, Ullstein, Berlin 1992. ISBN 3-530-95300-8, ISBN 3-550-06189-7
- Jakob Wassermann: Christoph Columbus - Der Don Quichote des Ozeans. Ein Porträt. S. Fischer, Berlin 1929, Langen-Müller, München 1977, 1992. ISBN 3-7844-1689-6, ISBN 3-423-11504-1
- Tzvetan Todorov: Die Eroberung Amerikas - Das Problem des Anderen. Frankfurt/M 1985, 2002 (8.Aufl.), ISBN 3-5181-1213-9
- Gustav Faber: Auf den Spuren von Christoph Kolumbus. List, München 1987, ISBN 3-471-77536-6
- Gianni Granzotto: Christoph Kolumbus. Eine Biographie. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1988, ISBN 3-499-12378-9
- Salvador de Madariaga: Kolumbus, Leben, Taten und Zeit des Mannes, der mit seiner Entdeckung die Welt veränderte. Scherz, Bern 1989, ISBN 3-502-18435-6
- David A. Thomas: Master of the Atlantic. Verlag Deutsch, London 1991, ISBN 0-233-98724-X
- Paolo Emilio Taviani: Das wunderbare Abenteuer des Christoph Kolumbus. Koehler und Amelang, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-7338-0075-3
- Zvi Dor-Ner: Kolumbus und das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen. vgs, Köln 1991, ISBN 3-8025-2214-1
- John Dyson, Peter Christopher: Columbus – Die Entdeckung seiner geheimen Route in die Neue Welt. Droemer Knaur, München 1991, ISBN 3-426-26474-9
- Oswald Dreyer-Eimbcke: Kolumbus – Entdeckungen und Irrtümer in der deutschen Kartographie. Umschau, Frankfurt/M. 1991, ISBN 3-524-69097-1
- Frank Niess: Am Anfang war Kolumbus, Geschichte einer Unterentwicklung – Lateinamerika 1492 bis heute. Piper, München 1991, 1992. ISBN 3-492-03480-2
- David Henige: In search of Columbus - the sources for the first voyage. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson Arizona 1991. ISBN 0-8165-1090-3
- S. Fischer-Fabian: Um Gott und Gold – Columbus entdeckt eine neue Welt. Lübbe, Bergisch-Gladbach 1991. ISBN 3-7857-0598-0
- Andreas Venzke: Christoph Kolumbus. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1992. ISBN 3-499-50449-9
- Augusto Mascarenhas Barreto: O Português. Cristóvão Colombo Agente Secreto do Rei Dom João II. Ed. Referendo, Lissabon 1988. Englische Übersetzung: The Portuguese Columbus: secret agent of King John II, Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-56315-8 (zur portugiesisch-jüdischen Herkunft Kolumbus')
- Wolfgang Behringer (Hrsg.): Amerika – Die Entdeckung und Entstehung einer neuen Welt. Piper, München 1992, ISBN 3-492-10472-X
- Wolfgang Köberer: Wo landete Columbus in der „Neuen Welt“? In: Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv. Convent, Hamburg 15.1992, 9–42. ISSN 0343-3668
- Hans-Günter Gierloff-Emden: Die erste Entdeckungsreise des Columbus. Nautische und ozeanische Bedingungen. Geobuch, München 1994. ISBN 3-925308-79-2
- Sarah Leibovici: Christophe Colomb Juif. Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris 1986. ISBN 2-7068-0937-X
- Klaus Brinkbäumer, Clemens Höges: Die letzte Reise: Der Fall Christoph Kolumbus. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, München 2004, ISBN 3-421-05823-7
- Andreas Venzke: Der Entdecker Amerikas – Aufstieg und Fall des Christoph Kolumbus. Aufbau-Taschenbuch-Verl., Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-7466-2207-7
- Frauke Gewecke: Christoph Kolumbus. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M. 2006, ISBN 3518182145
- Meyer Kayserling: Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries. Longmans, Green, New York 1894, Carmi House Press, North Hollywood Ca 1989. ISBN 0-9620772-2-4
[编辑] 外部連結
- 復原的哥倫布肖像, 建基於當時的歷史資料.
- Christopher Columbus的作品 - 古腾堡计划