Sa Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
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Državna himna | Državna himna Republike Uzbekistan | ||||
Glavni grad | Taškent | ||||
Predsjednik | Islom Karimov | ||||
Potpredsjednik | Shavkat Mirziyoyev | ||||
Službeni jezik | Uzbek | ||||
Površina – Ukupno – % vode |
55. na svijetu 447,400 km² 4.9% |
Stanovništvo – Ukupno(2002) – Gustoća |
41. na svijetu 25,563,441 57/km² |
Nezavisnost – |
od Sovjetskog Saveza 11. septembar, 1991. |
Novac | Uzbekistanski Som (UZS) | ||||
Vremenska zona | UTC +5 | ||||
Pozivni broj | 998 | ||||
Internetski nastavak | .uz |
Republika Uzbekistan je kontinentalna zemlja u Srednjoj Aziji. Graniči se sa Kazahstanom na zapadu i sjeveru, sa Kirgistanom i Tadžikistanom na istoku, i sa Afganistanom i Turkmenistanom na jugu.
Sadržaj |
[uredi] Historija
[uredi] Politika
[uredi] Ljudska prava
[uredi] Geografija
[uredi] Provincije
[uredi] Privreda
[uredi] Demografija
[uredi] Komunikacije
[uredi] Prevoz
Taškent, glavni i najveći grad u zemlji , ima 3 linije podzemne željeznice, sagrađene 1977, i proširene 2001. nakon sticanja nezavisnosti od Sovjetskog Saveza.
[uredi] Vojska
[uredi] Odnosi sa inostranstvom
[uredi] Kultura
- Muzika Uzbekistana
- Islam u Uzbekistanu
[uredi] Daljnje štivo
- The Art of Uzbek Cooking, Lynn Visson
- A Historical Atlas of Uzbekistan, Aisha Khan
- Lonely Planet Guide: Central Asia, Paul Clammer, Michael Kohn i Bradley Mayhew
- The Modern Uzbeks From the 14th Century to the Present: A Cultural History, Edward A. Allworth
- Nationalism in Uzbekistan: Soviet Republic's Road to Sovereignty, James Critchlow
- Odyssey Guide: Uzbekistan, Calcum Macleod i Bradley Mayhew
- Uzbekistan: Heirs to the Silk Road, Johannes Kalter i Margareta Pavaloi
- Uzbekistan and the United States: Authoritarianism, Islamism and Washington's New Security Agenda, Shahram Akbarzadeh
[uredi] Referencije
- Anora Mahmudova, AlterNet, May 27, 2005, Uzbekistan’s Growing Police State (checked 2005-11-08)
- Manfred Nowak, Radio Free Europe, 2005-06-23, UN Charges Uzbekistan With Post-Andijon Torture,
- Gulnoza Saidazimova, Radio Free Europe, 2005-06-22, Uzbekistan: Tashkent reveals findings on Andijon uprising as victims mourned
- BBC News, 'Harassed' BBC shuts Uzbek office, 2005-10-26 (checked 2005-11-15)
- CIA - The World Factbook -- Uzbekistan
- Denial of Justice in Uzbekistan, report to OMCT
- The worst of the worst, the world's most repressive societies, 2005.
- The measures, taken by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of providing and encouraging human rights
- Uzbekistan' s Ombudsman reports on 2002 results
- Jeffrey Thomas, US Government Info Sep 26, 2005 Freedom of Assembly, Association Needed in Eurasia, U.S. Says,
- Robert McMahon, Radio Free Europe, 2005-06-07 Uzbekistan: Report Cites Evidence Of Government 'Massacre' In Andijon
- Amnesty International, public statement "Uzbekistan: Independent international investigation needed into Andizhan events"
- People's Voice, 2005-05-17 Andijan events: truth and lies
- Interview with Akmal Saidov,, 2005-10-17 Andijon events are used as a pretext for putting an unprecedented pressure on Uzbekistan
- Worldbank per-country data on GNI and PPP per capita
- UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country Report on Uzbekistan
- Islam Karimov's interview to Rossijskaya Gazeta, 1995-07-07 Principles of Our Reform
- 2005 Index of Economic Freedom, Uzbekistan
- US Department of State, Uzbekistan: 2005 Investment Climate Statement
- The Republic of Uzbekistan Accepts Article VIII Obligations
- US Department of State, 2005-07 Background Note: Uzbekistan
- Asian Development Outlook for 2005, report on Uzbekistan
- IMF , 2005-09-24 Republic of Uzbekistan and the IMF
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan report on International Trade
[uredi] Vanjski linkovi
- Uzbekistan Government
- Library of Congress - A Country Study: Uzbekistan
- Uzbekistan Embassy - UK
- 'Muslim Uzbekistan' opposition website
- Uzbekistan Online Forum
- Uzbekistan - Travel info and Photos
- Photographs of Uzbekistan - royalty-free
- Uzbek resources on the Web
- Being a Girl in a Post-Soviet State by Fordona (Thinking-East.Net)
- Travel story about Uzbekistan by Ira Spitzer
- Encyclopedia of the Nations - Uzbekistan
[uredi] Linkovi u vezi demokratije
- About Uzbekistan
- Association for Democracy in Uzbekistan
- Craig Murray's campaign website
- Craig Murray's confidential memos from Uzbekistan
- Uzbekistan 15 Uzbekistan topics, each with a current news feed
- Rise of Islamist Fundamentalism in Uzbekistan as a Result of Government Economic and Anti-Democratic Policies
- The Registan - news and analysis
- The sky is so big and our lives are so small - e-mail discussion between an East German and Uzbek
- The Craig Murray controversy - torture and the War on Terror (See also: Craig Murray Wiki entry)
- Human Rights Watch reports on Uzbekistan Human Rights Watch report on the May 2005 Andijan massacre
- Human rights, news, more about Uzbekistan
[uredi] Novosti
- (english version), a most popular independent news portal about Uzbekistan
- UzLand.Info a popular independent news portal about Uzbekistan in English and Russian
- The Guardian, 20 May 2005 "1488722,00.html "Uzbekistan rejects calls for an investigation"
- Peter Boehm and Andrew Osborn, The Independent, 22 May 2005, "Uzbekistan: 'In the narrow lane, the machine guns clattered remorselessly for two hours'"
- Michael Andersen, The Spectator, 26 May 2005, "Base Motives"
- BBC News, 29 May 2005, "US senators push for Uzbek probe"
- BBC News, 7 June 2005, "Uzbek crackdown 'a massacre'
- BBC News, 7 June 2005, "Uzbek crackdown 'a massacre'
- The Guardian, 13 Sep 2005, "1568514,00.html "Death in Bobur Square"
- ""
Države Azije |
Afganistan | Armenija | Azerbejdžan | Bahrein | Bangladeš | Brunej | Butan| Egipat | Filipini | Gruzija | Indija | Indonezija | Irak | Iran | Istočni Timor | Izrael | Japan | Jemen | Jordan | Južna Koreja | Kambodža | Katar | Kazahstan | Kina | Kipar | Kirgistan | Kuvajt | Laos | Libanon | Maldivi | Malezija | Mjanmar | Mongolija | Nepal | Oman | Pakistan | Rusija | Saudijska Arabija | Singapur | Sirija | Sjeverna Koreja | Šri Lanka | Tadžikistan | Tajland | Turkmenistan | Turska | Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati | Uzbekistan | Vijetnam |
Zavisne teritorije: Hong Kong | Tajvan | Pojas Gaze | Zapadna Obala |
Savez nezavisnih država SND | ![]() |
Armenija | Azerbejdžan | Bjelorusija | Gruzija | Kazahstan | Kirgistan | Moldova | Rusija | Tadžikistan | Turkmenistan | Ukrajina | Uzbekistan |