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Eudicotiledoni | ||||||
Classificazione scientifica | ||||||
Ordini e famiglie (APG II) | ||||||
Le Eudicotiledoni (Eudicotyledones) o Tricolpate (Tricolpates) sono un gruppo monofiletico che include quasi tutte le dicotiledoni di base. Alcuni autori trattano questo gruppo come una classe singola: Rosopsida, mentre altri lo suddividono in ulteriori classi.
Le Eudicotiledoni si distinguono per la produzione di polline tricolpato, o forme derivate da esso. Questo tipo di polline possiede tre o più pori in solchi detti colpi, a differenza di quello monosolcato, con poro singolo, della maggior parte delle Gimnosperme e del resto delle Angiosperme.
[modifica] Albero filogenetico delle famiglie (APG II)
Le famiglie tra parentesi costituiscono ulteriori suddivisioni monofiletiche ritenute accettabili ma non consigliate dall'APG.
- Buxaceae Dumort. (1822), nom. cons.
- (Didymelaceae Leandri (1937))
- Sabiaceae Blume (1851), nom. cons.
- Trochodendraceae Eichler (1865), nom. cons.
- (Tetracentraceae A.C.Sm. (1945), nom. cons.)
- Proteales Dumort. (1829)
- Nelumbonaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Proteaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Platanaceae T.Lestib. (1826), nom. cons.)
- Ranunculales Dumort. (1829)
- Berberidaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Circaeasteraceae Hutch. (1926), nom. cons.
- (Kingdoniaceae A.S.Foster ex Airy Shaw (1964))
- Eupteleaceae K.Wilh. (1910), nom. cons.
- Lardizabalaceae R.Br. (1821), nom. cons.
- Menispermaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Papaveraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Fumariaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.)
- (Pteridophyllaceae (Murb.)Nakai ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991))
- Ranunculaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Core eudicots)
- Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons.
- Berberidopsidaceae Takht. (1985)
- Dilleniaceae Salisb. (1807), nom. cons.
- Gunnerales Takht. ex Reveal (1992)
- Gunneraceae Meisn. (1842), nom. cons.
- (Myrothamnaceae Nied. (1891), nom. cons.)
- Gunneraceae Meisn. (1842), nom. cons.
- Caryophyllales Perleb (1826)
- Achatocarpaceae Heimerl. (1934), nom. cons.
- Aizoaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Amaranthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Ancistrocladaceae Planch. ex Walp. (1851), nom. cons.
- Asteropeiaceae (Szyszyl.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990)
- Barbeuiaceae Nakai (1942)
- Basellaceae Raf. (1837), nom. cons.
- Cactaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Caryophyllaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Didiereaceae Radlk. (1896), nom. cons.
- Dioncophyllaceae Airy Shaw (1952), nom. cons.
- Droseraceae Salisb. (1808), nom. cons.
- Drosophyllaceae Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1989)
- Frankeniaceae Desv. (1817), nom. cons.
- Gisekiaceae Nakai (1942)
- Halophytaceae A.Soriano (1984)
- Molluginaceae Bartl. (1825), nom. cons.
- Nepenthaceae Bercht.&J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Nyctaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Physenaceae Takht. (1985)
- Phytolaccaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Plumbaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Polygonaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Portulacaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Rhabdodendraceae Prance (1968)
- Sarcobataceae Behnke (1997)
- Simmondsiaceae Tiegh. (1899)
- Stegnospermataceae Nakai (1942)
- Tamaricaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Santalales Dumort. (1829)
- Olacaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Opiliaceae Valeton (1886), nom. cons.
- Loranthaceae Juss. (1808), nom. cons.
- Misodendraceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons.
- Santalaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- Saxifragales Dumort. (1829)
- Altingiaceae Horan. (1843), nom. cons.
- Aphanopetalaceae Doweld (2001)
- Cercidiphyllaceae Engl. (1907), nom. cons.
- Crassulaceae J.St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons.
- Daphniphyllaceae Müll.-Arg. (1869), nom. cons.
- Grossulariaceae DC. (1805), nom. cons.
- Haloragaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- (Penthoraceae Rydb. ex Britt. (1901), nom. cons.)
- (Tetracarpaeaceae Nakai (1943))
- Hamamelidaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Iteaceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons.
- (Pterostemonaceae Small (1905), nom. cons.)
- Paeoniaceae Raf. (1815), nom. cons.
- Saxifragaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Rosids)
- Aphloiaceae Takht. (1985)
- Geissolomataceae Endl. (1841)
- Ixerbaceae Griseb. (1854)
- Picramniaceae Fernando & Quinn (1995)
- Strasburgeriaceae Soler. (1908), nom. cons.
- Vitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Crossosomatales Takht. ex. Reveal (1993)
- Crossosomataceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons.
- Stachyuraceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons.
- Staphyleaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Geraniales Dumort. (1829)
- Geraniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Hypseocharitaceae Wedd. (1861))
- Ledocarpaceae Meyen (1834)
- Melianthaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- (Francoaceae A.Juss. (1832), nom. cons.)
- Vivianiaceae Klotzsch (1836)
- Geraniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Myrtales Rchb. (1828)
- Alzateaceae S.A.Graham (1985)
- Combretaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- Crypteroniaceae A.DC. (1868), nom. cons.
- Heteropyxidaceae Engl. & Gilg (1920), nom. cons.
- Lythraceae J.St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons.
- Melastomataceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Memecylaceae DC. (1827), nom. cons.)
- Myrtaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Oliniaceae Arn. (1839), nom. cons.
- Onagraceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Penaeaceae Sweet ex. Guill. (1828), nom. cons.
- Psiloxylaceae Croizat (1960)
- Rhynchocalycaceae L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs (1985)
- Vochysiaceae A.St.-Hil. (1820), nom. cons.
- (Eurosids I)
- Zygophyllaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- (Krameriaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.)
- Huaceae A.Chev. (1947)
- Celastrales Baskerville (1839)
- Celastraceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- Lepidobotryaceae J.Léonard (1950), nom. cons.
- Parnassiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- (Lepuropetalaceae Nakai (1943))
- Cucurbitales Dumort. (1829)
- Anisophylleaceae Ridl. (1922)
- Begoniaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Coriariaceae DC. (1824), nom. cons.
- Corynocarpaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons.
- Cucurbitaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Datiscaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Tetramelaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
- Fabales Bromhead (1838)
- Fabaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons.
- Polygalaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons.
- Quillajaceae D.Don (1831)
- Surianaceae Arn. (1834), nom. cons.
- Fagales Engl. (1892)
- Betulaceae Gray (1821), nom. cons.
- Casuarinaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- Fagaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Juglandaceae DC. ex. Perleb (1818), nom. cons.
- (Rhoipteleaceae Hand.-Mazz. (1932), nom. cons.)
- Myricaceae A.Rich. ex. Kunth (1817), nom. cons.
- Nothofagaceae Kuprian (1962)
- Ticodendraceae Gómez-Laur. & L.D.Gómez (1991)
- Malpighiales Mart. (1835)
- Achariaceae Harms (1897), nom. cons.
- Balanopaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880), nom. cons.
- Bonnetiaceae (Bartl.) L. Beauv. ex. Nakai (1948)
- Caryocaraceae Voigt (1845), nom. cons.
- Chrysobalanaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- (Dichapetalaceae Baill. (1886), nom. cons.)
- (Euphroniaceae Marc.-Berti (1989))
- (Trigoniaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons.)
- Clusiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons.
- Ctenolophonaceae (H.Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951)
- Elatinaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Euphorbiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Goupiaceae Miers (1862)
- Humiriaceae A.Juss. (1829), nom. cons.
- Hypericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Irvingiaceae (Engl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951), nom. cons.
- Ixonanthaceae Planch. ex. Miq. (1858), nom. cons.
- Lacistemataceae Mart. (1826), nom. cons.
- Linaceae DC. ex. Perleb (1818), nom. cons.
- Lophopyxidaceae (Engl.) H.Pfeiff. (1951)
- Malpighiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Ochnaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons.
- Pandaceae Engl. & Gilg (1912-13), nom. cons.
- Passifloraceae Juss. ex Roussel (1806), nom. cons.
- (Malesherbiaceae D.Don (1827), nom. cons.)
- (Turneraceae Kunth ex DC. (1828), nom. cons.)
- Peridiscaceae Kuhlm. (1950), nom. cons.
- Phyllanthaceae Martynov (1820)
- Picrodendraceae Small (1917), nom. cons.
- Podostemaceae Rich. ex. C. Agardh (1822), nom. cons.
- Putranjivaceae Endl. (1841)
- Rhizophoraceae Pers. (1807), nom. cons.
- (Erythroxylaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons.)
- Salicaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons.
- Violaceae Batsch (1802), nom. cons.
- Oxalidales Heintze (1927)
- Brunelliaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons.
- Cephalotaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Connaraceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Cunoniaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- Elaeocarpaceae Juss. ex. DC. (1816), nom. cons.
- Oxalidaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Rosales Perleb (1826)
- Barbeyaceae Rendle (1916), nom. cons.
- Cannabaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Dirachmaceae Hutch. (1959)
- Elaeagnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Moraceae Link (1831), nom. cons.
- Rhamnaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Rosaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Ulmaceae Mirb. (1815), nom. cons.
- Urticaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Zygophyllaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- (Eurosids II)
- Tapisciaceae (Pax) Takht. (1987)
- Brassicales Bromhead (1838)
- Akaniaceae Stapf (1912), nom. cons.
- (Bretschneideraceae Engl. & Gilg (1924), nom. cons.)
- Bataceae Perleb. (1838), nom. cons.
- Brassicaceae Burnett (1835), nom. cons.
- Caricaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Emblingiaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
- Gyrostemonaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons.
- Koeberliniaceae Engl. (1895), nom. cons.
- Limnanthaceae R.Br. (1833), nom. cons.
- Moringaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Pentadiplandraceae Hutch. & Dalziel (1928)
- Resedaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Salvadoraceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons.
- Setchellanthaceae Iltis (1999)
- Tovariaceae Pax (1891), nom. cons.
- Tropaeolaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Akaniaceae Stapf (1912), nom. cons.
- Malvales Dumort. (1829)
- Bixaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons.
- (Cochlospermaceae Planch. (1847), nom. cons.)
- (Diegodendraceae Capuron (1964))
- Cistaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Dipterocarpaceae Blume (1825), nom. cons.
- Malvaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Muntingiaceae C.Bayer, M.W.Chase & M.F.Fay (1998)
- Neuradaceae Link (1831), nom. cons.
- Sarcolaenaceae Caruel (1881), nom. cons.
- Sphaerosepalaceae (Warb.) Tiegh. ex Bullock (1959)
- Thymelaeaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Bixaceae Kunth (1822), nom. cons.
- Sapindales Dumort. (1829)
- Anacardiaceae R.Br. (1818), nom. cons.
- Biebersteiniaceae Endl. (1841)
- Burseraceae Kunth (1824), nom. cons.
- Kirkiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1967)
- Meliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Nitrariaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Rutaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Sapindaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Simaroubaceae DC. (1811), nom. cons.
- (Asterids)
- Cornales Dumort. (1829)
- Ericales Dumort. (1829)
- Actinidiaceae Gilg & Werderm. (1825), nom. cons.
- Balsaminaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Clethraceae Klotzsch (1851), nom. cons.
- Cyrillaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons.
- Diapensiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons.
- Ebenaceae Gürke (1891), nom. cons.
- Ericaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Fouquieriaceae DC. (1828), nom. cons.
- Lecythidaceae A.Rich. (1825), nom. cons.
- Maesaceae (A.DC.) Anderb., B.Ståhl & Källersjö (2000)
- Marcgraviaceae Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons.
- Myrsinaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- Pentaphylacaceae Engl. (1897), nom. cons.
- (Ternstroemiaceae Mirb.ex.DC. (1816))
- (Sladeniaceae Airy Shaw (1964))
- Polemoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh. (1797), nom. cons.
- Roridulaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Sapotaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Sarraceniaceae Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Styracaceae DC. & Spreng. (1821), nom. cons.
- Symplocaceae Desf. (1820), nom. cons.
- Tetrameristaceae Hutch. (1959)
- (Pellicieraceae (Triana & Planch.) L.Beauvis. ex Bullock (1959))
- Theaceae Mirb. ex Ker Gawl. (1816), nom. cons.
- Theophrastaceae Link (1829), nom. cons.
- (Euasterids I)
- Boraginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Icacinaceae (Benth.)Miers (1851), nom. cons.
- Oncothecaceae Kobuski ex Airy Shaw (1964)
- Vahliaceae Dandy (1959)
- Garryales Lindl. (1846)
- Eucommiaceae Engl. (1909), nom. cons.
- Garryaceae Lindl. (1834), nom. cons.
- (Aucubaceae J.Agardh (1858))
- Gentianales Lindl. (1833)
- Apocynaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Gelsemiaceae (G.Don) Struwe & V.Albert (1995)
- Gentianaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Loganiaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- Rubiaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Lamiales Bromhead (1838)
- Acanthaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Bignoniaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Byblidaceae (Engl. & Gilg) Domin (1922), nom. cons.
- Calceolariaceae (D.Don) Olmstead (2001)
- Carlemanniaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
- Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. ex DC. (1816), nom. cons.
- Lamiaceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Lentibulariaceae Rich. (1808), nom. cons.
- Martyniaceae Horan. (1847), nom. cons.
- Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link (1809), nom. cons.
- Orobanchaceae Vent. (1799), nom. cons.
- Paulowniaceae Nakai (1949)
- Pedaliaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- Phrymaceae Schauer (1847), nom. cons.
- Plantaginaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Plocospermataceae Hutch. (1973)
- Schlegeliaceae (A.H.Gentry) Reveal (1996)
- Scrophulariaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Stilbaceae Kunth (1831), nom. cons.
- Tetrachondraceae Wettst. (1924)
- Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil. (1805), nom. cons.
- Solanales Dumort. (1829)
- Convolvulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Hydroleaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820)
- Montiniaceae Nakai (1943), nom. cons.
- Solanaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Sphenocleaceae (Lindl.) Baskerville (1839), nom. cons.
- (Euasterids II)
- Bruniaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Columelliaceae D.Don (1828), nom. cons.
- (Desfontainiaceae Endl. (1841), nom. cons.)
- Eremosynaceae Dandy (1959)
- Escalloniaceae R.Br. ex Dumort. (1829), nom. cons.
- Paracryphiaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
- Polyosmaceae Blume (1851)
- Sphenostemonaceae P.Royen & Airy Shaw (1972)
- Tribelaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
- Apiales Nakai (1930)
- Apiaceae Lindl. (1836), nom. cons.
- Araliaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- Aralidiaceae Philipson & B.C.Stone (1980)
- Griseliniaceae J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. ex A.Cunn. (1839)
- Mackinlayaceae Doweld (2001)
- Melanophyllaceae Takht. ex Airy Shaw (1972)
- Myodocarpaceae Doweld (2001)
- Pennantiaceae J.Agardh (1858)
- Pittosporaceae R.Br. (1814), nom. cons.
- Torricelliaceae Hu 1934)
- Aquifoliales Senft (1856)
- Aquifoliaceae DC. ex A.Rich. (1828), nom. cons.
- Aquifoliaceae DC. ex A.Rich. (1828), nom. cons.
- Cardiopteridaceae Blume (1847), nom. cons.
- Helwingiaceae Decne. (1836)
- Phyllonomaceae Small (1905)
- Stemonuraceae (M.Roem.) Kårehed (2001)
- Asterales Lindl. (1833)
- Alseuosmiaceae AiryShaw (1964)
- Argophyllaceae (Engl.) Takht.1987
- Asteraceae Martynov (1820), nom. cons.
- Calyceraceae R.Br. ex Rich. (1820), nom. cons.
- Campanulaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.
- (Lobeliaceae Juss. ex Bonpl. (1813), nom. cons.)
- Goodeniaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- Menyanthaceae Bercht. & J.Presl (1820), nom. cons.
- Pentaphragmataceae J.Agardh (1858), nom. cons.
- Phellinaceae (Loes.) Takht. (1967)
- Rousseaceae DC. (1839)
- Stylidiaceae R.Br. (1810), nom. cons.
- (Donatiaceae B.Chandler (1911), nom. cons.)
[modifica] Riferimenti (in inglese)
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2003). Un aggiornamento dell'Angiosperm Phylogeny Group per gli ordini e le famiglie delle piante con fiori: APG II. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141: 399-436. (Disponibile su Internet: Abstract | Testo completo (HTML) | Testo completo (PDF))