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Perang Yom Kippur - Wikipedia

Perang Yom Kippur

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Melayu

Perperangan Arab-Israeli 1973 (juga dikenali sebagai Perang Yom Kippur, Perang Oktober dan Perang Ramadan), berlaku antara 6 Oktober (pada hari Yom Kippur) hingga 22 Oktober/24, 1973, antara Israel dan pakatan Mesir dan Syria.

Jadual isi kandungan

[Sunting] Ringkasan

President Gamal Abdel Nasser dari Mesir meninggal pada September 1970. Dia diganti oleh Anwar Sadat, dianggap lebih sederhana dan pragmatik berbanding Nasser. Bagaimanapun, bagi mengimbangi ancaman dalaman kepada kuasanya dan memperkukuh imejnya dikalangan dunia Arab, Sadat bertekad untuk melawan Israel dan memenangi kembali kawasan yang hilang pada 1967. Rancangan menyerang Israel bersama dengan Syria menggunakan kod Operasi Badr (bahasa Arab untuk "bulan penuh").

Mesir dan Syria cuba untuk mendapatkan kembali kawasan di bawah penjajahan Israeli dengan kekerasan. Tentera mereka melancarkan serangan mengejut bersama pada hari perayaan Yahudi Yom Kippur – tentera Syrian menyerang kubu di Golan Heights dan tentera Mesir menyerang kubu sekitar Terusan Suez dan di Semenanjung Sinai. Tentera tersebut menyebabkan kemalangan teruk pada tentera Israeli. Selepas tiga minggu berperang, bagaimanapun, dan dibekalkan dengan persenjataan oleh operasi pengganggukatan udara tentera udara Amerika Syarikat, IDF mengundurkan tentera Arab melebihi sempadan asal.

Menurut perangkaan Israeli, 2,688 petugas Israeli terbunuh dalam pertempuran tersebut dan beberapa ribu lagi (dianggarkan antara 5,000 - 10,000) tercedera. 295 tentera Israeli menyerah atau ditawan oleh tentera Arab (231 oleh Mesir, 62 oleh Syria dan 2 di Lebanon) dan 8,783 tentera Arab ditawan oleh tentera Israeli (8,372 Mesir, 392 Syria, 13 Iraq dan 6 Morocco). Kesemua tahanan perang ditukar pada pertengahan -1974. Tentera udara Mesir dan Syria bersama dengan sistem pertahanan udara mereka menembak jatuh 114 kapal terbang Israel semasa pertempuran.

Semasa perperangan, Brigade Berperisai Barak memainkan peranan penting mempertahankan sempadan Israel dari serangan Syria di selatan Golan Heights. 112 tentera terbunuh ketika beraksi di situ.

Pada 22 Oktober, perjanjian damai diistiharkan, tetapi kepercayaan orang awam Israil telah tergugat. Israel tidak bersedia untuk serangan mengejut dan gagal mematahkannya dengan pantas. Ketidak sediaan negara disalahkan kepada Menteri Pertahanan Moshe Dayan dan orang awam yang marah menuntut dia berhenti. Presiden Mahkamah Agung menubuhkan suruhanjaya (commission) untuk menyiasat prestasi Jeneral semasa perang. Suruhanjaya mencadangkan Ketua Turus (Chief of Staff berhenti, tetapi tidak membuat komen mengenai Dayan. Akhbar dan orang awam, bagaimanapun, menyalahkannya. Setelah menghadiri pengkebumian tentera dimana keluarga yang berkabung menggelarkannya pembunuh anak mereka, Dayan mengemukakan surat berhentinya kepada Golda Meir pada tahun 1974.

Di Mesir dan Syria, Perang Oktober dilihat sebagai separuh menang. The "impregnable" Bar Lev Line had been broken, pasukan tentera udara Israeli mengalami kerugian teruk dan mitos kekuatan tentera Israeli telah dihancurkan di Sinai dan Golan Heights. Pihak Israeli terpaksa melepaskan sebahagian takhluk mereka melalui beberapa siri perjanjian "pengunduran" dengan Syria dan Mesir, melalui US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, walaupun keamanan menyeluruh yang dibayangkan oleh gabungan Soviet-American yang membiayai Persidangan Keamanan Timur Tengah tidak berlaku.

[Sunting] Latar belakang

Pertempuran ini merupakan sebahagian pertelingkahan Arab-Israeli, pertelingkahan yang merangkumi banyak pertempuran dan perperangan semenjak 1948. Dalam perang Enam Hari pada Jun 1967, Israel telah menduduki Tanah Tinggi Golan (Golan Heights) di utara dan Semenanjung Sinai di selatan, sehingga ke Terusan Suez.

Pada tahun berikutnya ketika peperangan tersebut, Israel mendirikan garis pertahanan dikedua-dua Sinai dan Tanah Tinggi Golan. Pada tahun 1971, Israel membelanjakan $500 juta mengukuhkan kedudukannya di Terusan Suez, rantaian kubu dan kerja tanah yang besar-besaran yang dikenali sebagai Garis Bar Lev, dinamakan sempena jeneral Israeli, Haim Bar Lev. Selepas serangan mengejut yang mengalahkan tentera Mesir dan Syria pada tahun 1967, dan muncul tanpa kalah dari Perperangan Berlanjutan (War of Attrition) selama tiga tahun dengan Mesir di selatan dan beberapa kejadian perbatasan dengan Syria di utara, pemimpin Israeli menjadi lalai.

Bangga dengan rasa kelebihan ketenteraan mereka sendiri, mereka gagal menyedari usaha bersungguh-sungguh yang dilakukan oleh musuh mereka, terutamanya Mesir, untuk melengkapkan senjata dan menyusun tentera mereka menjadi pasukan pejuang lebih berdisplin yang akan mencabar Pasukan Pertahanan Israil (Israel Defense Forces - IDF).

Pada tahun 1971 Anwar Sadat mengumumkan bahawa sekiranya Israel berundur secara menyeluruh (unilaterally) dari semua tanah yang ditawannya semasa pperperangan tahun 1967, Mesir akan menimbangkan perletakan senjata atau damai. Israel keberatan untuk berundur dari sedemikian banyak jajahan tanpa jaminan perjanjian damai dengan Mesir dan, pada ketika itu, tanpa sebarang peluang langsung untuk perjanjian damai dengan sebarang jiran Arabnya.

Dalam tindak balasnya, Anwar Sadat pada tahun 1972 dengan lantang menyatakan yang Mesir akan berperang dengan Negara Israel, malahan mereka sedia mengorbankan satu juta orang askar Mesir. From the end of 1972 Egypt began a concentrated effort to build up its forces, receiving MiG-23s, SAM6s, RPG-7s and especially the 'Sagger' ATGM (Anti-tank Guided Missile) from the Soviet Union and improving its military tactics.

Pada tahun 1972 dan 1973 Sadat secara terang-terangan mengistiharkan sekali lagi bahawa Mesir akan berperang dengan Israil kecuali ia berundur sepenuhnya dari kesemua jajahan yang ditakluk olehnya pada tahun 1967. Pada tahun 1973 Sadat memulakan gerakan diplomatik untuk menyakinkan negara Afrika, Eropah dan Soviet Union untuk menyokongnya dalam perperangan dengan Israil. Oleh kerana Soviet Union sedang cuba memperbaiki hubungan dengan US melalui détente, Soviet Union enggan tunduk kepada tuntutan Sadat untuk lebih banyak senjata dan sokongan umum bagi perperangan dengan Israel. Sebagi tindak balas, Sadat menyingkir sekitar 20,000 penasihat Soviet daripada Mesir.

The role of the great powers, too, was a major factor in the outcome of the two wars. The policy of the Soviet Union was one of the causes of Egypt's military weakness. While the US supplied Israel unrestrictedly with the most up-to-date assault weapons in the world, the Russians supplied Egypt only with defence weaponry, and then only with great reluctance. Indeed, Abdel-Nasser was only able to obtain the material for an anti-aircraft missile defence wall after having visited Moscow and threatened the Kremlin leaders that he would have to return to Egypt and tell the Egyptian people Moscow had abandoned them and then relinquish power to one of his peers who would be able to deal with the Americans because the Americans would have the upper hand in the region.

One of the undeclared objectives of the War of Attrition was to force the Soviet Union to supply Egypt with more advanced arms and war material. It was felt that the only way to convince the Soviet leaders of the deficiencies of most of the aircraft and air defence weaponry they had supplied to Egypt following 1967 was to put them to the test against the advanced weaponry which the US had supplied to Israel.

Polisi Abdel-Nasser selepas kekalahan tahun 1967 bertentengan dengan polisi Soviet Union. Sementara Abdel-Nasser bertindak menurut kepercayaan bahawa apa yang diambil dengan kekerasan perlu diambil kembali dengan kekerasan, pihak Soviet cuba mendorong Mesir kearah penyelesaian aman kepada pertelingkahan Arab-Israeli. Dengan segala-upaya mereka mahu mengelakkan cetusan baru antara Arab dan Israel agar tidak terbabit dalam pertembungan dengan Amerika Syarikat.

Mesir was made to understand this situation only too well when the superpowers met in Oslo and agreed to maintain the status quo in the region, regardless of the continued Israeli occupation of Arab territories.

This was unacceptable. And when the Egyptian leadership discovered clear evidence that their preparations for crossing the canal were being leaked, it became imperative, in order to preserve the element of surprise, to expel the Russians from Egypt. This step, too, helped ensure that the victory in October was a purely Arab victory.

In an interview published in Newsweek (April 9, 1973), Sadat again threatened war with Israel. However, as this threat had been repeated many times since 1971, the Israeli military did not take it seriously. Blinded by the success of the Six-Day War, the Israeli civilian leadership and military intelligence were unable to treat the possibility of an Arab attack seriously. Several times during 1973, the Arab forces conducted large-scale exercises that put the Israeli army, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), on the highest level of alert, only to be recalled a few days later. The Israeli leadership already believed that if an attack took place, the Israeli Air Force would be able to repel it easily – and now they became increasingly convinced that the attack would simply not take place.

Most analyses of the Egyptian intentions in the war assume that they involved the reconquest of all or most of the Sinai, which was indeed the publicly stated objective. However, certain Egyptian writers later maintained that Sadat's instructions to his generals were only to capture a strip of a few kilometers wide on the east side of the Suez Canal. As Israeli military archives, and Egyptian documents captured by Israel during the war, started to become available, a number of Western historians have begun to support this version. For example, this is the opinion of Dani Asher, whose book was published by the Israeli Ministry of Defence in 2003. Absolute certainty may need to wait until the Egyptian archives are opened.

[Sunting] Peperangan

[Sunting] Penyertaan negeri-negeri Arab

Other Arab nations were involved in this war, providing additional weapons or financing. Exact amounts of support are uncertain. According to some sources, Iraq sent a squadron of Hunter jets to Egypt. During the war itself, Iraq sent a division of 18,000 men and a few hundred tanks, which were deployed in the central Golan; these forces, including some of Iraq's MiG fighter aircraft, did play a role in the war. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait gave financial aid and sent some token forces to join in the battle. Saudi Arabia sent a small number of troops to Syria and a Jordanian armoured unit engaged Israeli forces to halt the Israelis in the Golan Heights.

Between 1971 to 1973, Qadhafi's Libya sent Mirage fighters to Egypt, and it gave Egypt some $1 billion to arm Egypt for war. Algeria sent squadrons of fighters and bombers, armored brigades, and dozens of tanks. Tunisia sent over 1,000 soldiers, who worked with Egyptian defence forces in the Nile Delta. Sudan sent 3,500 soldiers; Morocco sent three brigades to the front lines.

[Sunting] Di Tebing Golan

In the Golan Heights, the Syrians attacked the Israeli defenses of two brigades and eleven artillery batteries with five divisions and 188 batteries. Every Israeli tank deployed on the Golan Heights was hit and 250 were knocked out, of which 150 were able to be repaired. Syrian MBTs had night fighting equipment whilst the Israeli tanks didn't. Syrian commandos dropped by helicopter took the most important Israeli stronghold at Jabal al Shaikh (Mount Hermon) which had a variety of surveillance equipment.

To face 3 Syrian infantry divisions (each reinforced with an armoured brigade) and 2 armoured divisions, the Israelis were only able to muster 1 under strength armoured brigade, 2 infantry battalions supported by 4 batteries of sp artillery.

Initially, the Syrian forces were not interdicted by the Israeli air force due to the presence of almost 200 SAM launchers (SA6s) forming an umbrella.

Over three days of fighting, the 7th Israeli brigade in the north (commanded by Yanush Ben-Gal) managed to hold the rocky hill line defending the northern flank of their headquarters in Nafah. To the south, however, the "Barak" brigade, bereft of any natural defenses, was badly mauled, and its commander Colonel Shoham killed as the Syrians pushed inwards towards the Sea of Galilee.

At one point, the only obstacle between the Syrian attackers and Nafah was a single tank (the so called Zvika force). However, the tide in the North soon turned, as the arriving Israeli reserve forces were able to contain the Syrian offensive. The tiny Golan Heights was too small to act as an effective territorial buffer, unlike the Sinai Peninsula in the south, and the Israelis gave the northern front first priority for their still-mobilizing reserves. By October 11, the Syrians were pushed back beyond the 1967 frontier.

In the following days, the Israeli forces pushed into Syria. From there they were able to shell the outskirts of Damascus, only 40 km away, using heavy artillery. A ceasefire was negotiated on October 22, based on a return to pre-war borders.

In response to the Israeli success and the US support of Israel, on October 17 the Arab states declared an oil embargo against the west.

[Sunting] Di Sinai

The Egyptians burst across the Suez Canal and had advanced up to 15 km into the Sinai desert, with the combined forces of two army corps. They were opposed by the Israeli "Sinai" division, which they overcame with relative ease and whose counter-attacks they repelled. The Israeli counter-attacks in air and on land were unsuccessful due to the new anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles used effectively by the Arabs.

For Egypt, the capture of Col. Assaf Yagouri, commander of the Israeli 190th Armoured Brigade, was one of the most successful operations of the war. One of its chief effects was to lift the morale of the armed forces and the Egyptian people. On that day the newspapers were filled with reports of the intense battles that had been waged against Israel's counter-attacks in the Sinai. On the morning of that day, Egyptian forces had destroyed an entire Israeli brigade and taken its commander and hundreds of soldiers captive. Later that afternoon, 102 Israeli tanks were destroyed in the central and southern sectors.

However, the Egyptians had not planned to develop on their initial success, and their forces were now thinly spread along the Canal, vulnerable to a counter-attack.

On October 15, a division led by Ariel Sharon managed to breach the line between the Second and the Third Egyptian armies and to create a bridgehead; on the night of October 16/17, an Israeli bridge was deployed across the Suez Canal. The divisions of Avraham Eden (Bern) and Sharon passed over this bridge into Africa advancing to within 101 kilometers of Cairo. They wreaked havoc on the lines of supply of the Third Army stretching to the south of them, cutting off and encircling the Third Army. A ceasefire was then negotiated following pressure from the USSR and the United States.

The ceasefire did not end the sporadic clashes along the ceasefire lines nor did it dissipate military tensions. On March 5, 1974, Israeli forces withdrew from the canal's west bank, and Egypt assumed control. Syria and Israel signed a disengagement agreement on May 31, 1974, and the UN Disengagement and Observer Force (UNDOF) was established as a peacekeeping force in the Golan.

U.S. efforts resulted in an interim agreement between Egypt and Israel in September 1975, which provided for another Israeli withdrawal in the Sinai, a limitation of forces, and three observation stations staffed by U.S. civilians in a UN-maintained buffer zone between Egyptian and Israeli forces.

[Sunting] Di laut

The battle of Latakia, a revolutionary naval battle between the Syrians and the Israelis, took place on October 7, the second day of the war, resulting in a resounding Israeli victory that proved the potency of small, fast missile boats equipped with advanced ECM packages. The battle also established the Israeli Navy, long derided as the black sheep of the Israeli services, as a formidable and effective force in its own right.

[Sunting] Rencana berkaitan

  • Perang Suez 1956
  • Perang Enam Hari 1967
  • Perang Pelumpuhan 1970
  • Persetiaan Damai Kem David 1978 di antara Egypt dan Israel
  • Konflik Arab-Israel

[Sunting] Pautan luar

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