Wikipedy:Artikels dy't wichtig binne foar eltse Wikipedy
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Hjir folget in list fan 1031 artikelen dy foar elste Wikipedy tige wichtig binne. Der is in waakst fan nije Wikipedys, en de kwaliteit is net altiten likegoed.
Ynhâld |
[bewurkje seksje] Biografyen
[bewurkje seksje] Akteurs
- Woody Allen
- Fred Astaire
- Humphrey Bogart
- Marlon Brando
- Charlie Chaplin
- Marlene Dietrich
- Clint Eastwood
- Madonna
- Marilyn Monroe
- John Wayne
[bewurkje seksje] Artiesten
- Paul Cézanne
- Salvador Dalí
- Albrecht Dürer
- Vincent van Gogh
- Francisco Goya
- Hokusai
- Henri Matisse
- Michelangelo
- Claude Monet
- Pablo Picasso
- Jackson Pollock
- Raphael
- Rembrandt
- Diego Velázquez
- Andy Warhol
[bewurkje seksje] Auteurs
- Dante Alighieri
- William Blake
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Brourren Grimm
- Homer
- Victor Hugo
- James Joyce
- Franz Kafka
- Li Bai
- Molière
- Pablo Neruda
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- William Shakespeare
- George Bernard Shaw
- Sophocles
- Mark Twain
- Virgil
[bewurkje seksje] Musikanten
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- The Beatles
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Frédéric Chopin
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Elvis Presley
- Frank Sinatra
- Richard Wagner
[bewurkje seksje] Entrepreneurs
- Andrew Carnegie
- Henry Ford
- Bill Gates
- Howard Hughes
- Steve Jobs
- Donald Trump
- Ted Turner
- Sam Walton
- George Westinghouse
[bewurkje seksje] ûntdekkers
- Roald Amundsen
- Jacques Cartier
- Christopher Columbus
- Hernán Cortés
- Francis Drake
- Vasco da Gama
- Edmund Hillary
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Marco Polo
- Zheng He
[bewurkje seksje] Wittenskippers
- Avicenna
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Charles Darwin
- Thomas Edison
- Albert Einstein
- Galileo Galilei
- Johann Gutenberg
- Edward Jenner
- Donald Knuth
- Carolus Linnaeus
- Isaac Newton
- Louis Pasteur
- Richard Stallman
- Nikola Tesla
- Linus Torvalds
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Wright broerkes
[bewurkje seksje] Mathematicians
- Archimedes
- Vladimir Arnold
- Diophantus
- Euclid
- Leonhard Euler
- Pierre de Fermat
- Joseph Fourier
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Kurt Gödel
- G. H. Hardy
- David Hilbert
- Pierre-Simon Laplace
- Gottfried Leibniz
- Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
- Blaise Pascal
- Henri Poincaré
- Pythagoras
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Bernhard Riemann
- Alan Turing
[bewurkje seksje] Filosofen en sosjale wittenskippers
- Thomas Aquinas
- Aristoteles
- Augustine of Hippo
- Averroes
- Francis Bacon
- Emile Durkheim
- Isaiah Berlin
- Jacques Derrida
- René Descartes
- Michel Foucault
- Sigmund Freud
- Milton Friedman
- Herodotus
- Hippocrates
- David Hume
- Seymour Martin Lipset
- John Locke
- Immanuel Kant
- Ibn Khaldun
- Thomas Kuhn
- John Maynard Keynes
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Martin Luther
- Hans Morgenthau
- Antonio Gramsci
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Karl Marx
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Ivan Pavlov
- Plato
- John Rawls
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Bertrand Russell
- Adam Smith
- Socrates
- Sun Tzu
- Thales
- Voltaire
- Max Weber
- Francis of Assisi
- Benedict of Nursia
[bewurkje seksje] Politisy en lieders
- Akbar
- Aleksander de Grutte
- Kofi Annan
- Attila the Hun
- Augustus
- Paus Benediktus XVI
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
- Otto von Bismarck
- Tony Blair
- Simón Bolívar
- George W. Bush
- Julius Caesar
- Karel de Grutte
- Winston Churchill
- Cleopatra VII of Egypt
- Aartshartoch Franz Ferdinand fan Eastenryk
- Charles de Gaulle
- Hammurabi
- Hannibal
- Indira Gandhi
- Hirohito
- Adolf Hitler
- Paus Jehannes Paulus II
- Genghis Khan
- Vladimir Lenin
- Abraham Lincoln
- Nelson Mandela
- Mao Zedong
- Benito Mussolini
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Kwame Nkrumah
- Peter I fan Rûslân
- Vladimir Putin
- Qin Shi Huang
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Saladin
- Shaka
- Sitting Bull
- Josef Stalin
- Margaret Thatcher
- Josip Broz Tito
- Timur
- Leon Trotsky
- Harry S. Truman
- Victoria fan it Feriene Keninkryk
- George Washington
- Wilhelm II of Germany
[bewurkje seksje] Revolusjonêrs en aktyfisten
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Che Guevara
- Joan of Arc
- Martin Luther King
- Osama bin Laden
- mem Teresa
[bewurkje seksje] Skiednis
- Beskaving
- Skiedskriuwing
- Skiednis
- Skiednis fan de wrâld
[bewurkje seksje] Prehistoarje oant midskieuen
- klassike Egypte
- klassike Grikelân
- klassike Rome
- Argeology
- Azteken
- Swarte Dea
- Bronzen tiidrek
- Bysantynske ryk
- Krústochten
- Eastersk Skisma - skieding fan kristelike tsjerken yn Roomsk-Katholieke en Eastersk-Ortodokse tjerke
- Hillige Roomske Ryk
- Indus Fallei beskaving
- Izeren tiidrek
- Maya beskaving
- Masedoanje
- Midsieuwen
- Ottomaanske Ryk
- Prehistoarje
- Spaanske Ynkwisysje
- Stiennen tiidrek
- Sumearje
- Wytsingen
[bewurkje seksje] Renaissance to Industrial Age
- De ferljochting
- Amerikaanske burgersoarloch
- Amerikaanske ûnôfhinklikheids oarloch
- Britske ryk
- Kâlde oarloch
- Ingelise boargeroarloch
- De europeeske kolonisatie fan de Amearika’s.
- Frânske revolúsje
- Great Depression
- Skiednis fan sud afrika
- Apartheid
- De Holocaust
- Yndustriële Revolúsje
- Napoleaanske oarloggen
- Protestantske Reformaasje
- Renaissance
- Russyske burgeroarloch
- Russyske revolúsje fan 1917
- Scientific Revolution
- # Space exploration
- Spaanske burgersoarloch
- Fietnam oarloch
- Earste Wrâldkriich
- Twadde Wrâldkriich
[bewurkje seksje] Geography
[bewurkje seksje] Continents and regions
- Afrika
- Antarktyka
- Arktyka
- Aazje
- Jeropa
- Súd-Amearika
- Midden Easten
- Noard-Amearika
- Oceania
- Súd-Amearika
[bewurkje seksje] Countries
- Afghanistan
- Argentynje
- Eastenryk
- Austraalje
- Bangladesh
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Kanada
- Kuba
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Egypte
- Ethiopje
- Frankryk
- Dútslân
- Grikelân
- Yndia
- Yndonesië
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Itaalje
- Japan
- Libië
- Meksico
- Niger
- Noard Korea
- Sina
- Poalen
- Rûslân
- Rwanda
- Saudi Araabje
- Súd Afrika
- Súd Korea
- Spanje
- Thailân
- Turkey
- Feriene Keninkryk
- Feriene Steaten
- Fatikaan
- Fenezuela
- Fietnam
[bewurkje seksje] steden
- Athene
- Beijing
- Berlyn
- Hong Kong
- Jeruzalim
- Londen
- Mekka
- Moskou
- Mumbai
- New Delphi
- New York
- Parys
- Rome
- Sint Petersburg
- Sarajevo
- Shanghai
- Sydney
- Tokyo
- Toronto
- Washington, D.C.
[bewurkje seksje] Bodies of water
- Amazon River
- Aral Sea
- Arctic Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Baltic Sea
- Black Sea
- Caspian Sea
- Dead Sea
- Great Barrier Reef
- Great Lakes
- Indian Ocean
- Lake Baikal
- Lake Tanganyika
- Lake Titicaca
- Lake Victoria
- Mediterranean Sea
- Mississippi River
- Niagara Falls
- Nile
- North Sea
- Pacific Ocean
- Panama Canal
- Southern Ocean
- Suez Canal
[bewurkje seksje] Mountains, valleys and deserts
- Andes
- Himalaya
- Rocky Mountains
- Sahara
[bewurkje seksje] Architecture
- Architecture
- Arch
- Bridge
- Canal
- Dam
- Dome
- House
- Nail (engineering)
- Pyramid
- Tower
[bewurkje seksje] Buildings
- Aswan Dam
- Buckingham Palace
- Colosseum
- Eiffeltoer
- Empire State Building
- Great Pyramid of Giza
- Great Wall of China
- Parthenon
- Sears toer
- Stonehenge
- Taj Mahal
[bewurkje seksje] Society and social sciences
- Society
- Family
- Adult
- Child
- Infant
- Marriage
- Law
- Constitution
- Crime
- Military
- Social sciences
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Economics
- Education
- Political science
- Psychology
- Sociology
[bewurkje seksje] Gedrach
- Emoosje
- lilkens
- angst
- leafde
- blijheid
- Mind
- Consciousness
- Tinzen
- sliep
- Dream
[bewurkje seksje] Politics
- Politics
- Anarchism
- Capitalism
- Communism
- Democracy
- Dictatorship
- Diplomacy
- Fascism
- Globalization
- Government
- Imperialism
- Liberalism
- Monarchy
- Nationalism
- Social movement
- Socialism
- State
- Theocracy
[bewurkje seksje] International organizations
- Arab League
- Jeropeeske Uny
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Nobel Prize
- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- United Nations
- World Bank Group
- World Health Organization
- World Trade Organization
[bewurkje seksje] Business and economics
- Agriculture
- Business
- Currency
- Euro
- Japanese yen
- Pound sterling
- Renminbi
- Rupee
- United States dollar
- Market
- jild
- Supply and demand
[bewurkje seksje] Social issues
- Abortion
- Birth control
- Capital punishment
- Development (as in Sustainable development & International development)
- Freedom
- Human rights
- frede
- Racism
- Sexism
- Slavery
- oarloch
[bewurkje seksje] Culture
[bewurkje seksje] Language and literature
- Language
- Alphabet
- Letter (alphabet)
- Book
- Grammar
- Literature
- Novel
- The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
- Don Quixote
- Republic (Plato)
- Poetry
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- Iliad
- Mahabharata
- Odyssey
- Specific languages
- Word
- Writing
[bewurkje seksje] Music
- Music
- Baroque music
- European classical music
- Folk music
- Jazz
- Pop music
- Rhythm and blues
- Rock music
[bewurkje seksje] Recreation
- Recreation
- Athletics (track and field)
- Game
- Backgammon
- Chess
- Dice
- Draughts
- Go (board game)
- Mancala
- Gambling
- Sport
- American football
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Boxing
- Cricket
- Football (soccer)
- Olympic Games
- Rugby football
- Tennis
- Toy
[bewurkje seksje] Religion
- Religion
- Deity
- God
- Goddess
- Mythology
- Mysticism
- Religious philosophies
- Agnosticism
- Atheism
- Fundamentalism
- Panentheism
- Pantheism
- Transcendentalism
- Soul
- Specific religions
- Bahá'í Faith
- Báb
- Bahá'u'lláh
- Buddhism
- Gautama Buddha
- Mahayana
- Theravada
- Vajrayana
- Christianity
- Bible
- Catholicism
- Church
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Jesus
- Protestantism
- Pope
- Trinity
- Confucianism
- Confucius
- Hinduism
- Bhagavad Gita
- Krishna
- Upanishad
- Veda
- Islam
- Mosque
- Muhammad
- Shi'a Islam
- Sunni Islam
- Qur'an
- Jainism
- Judaism
- Shinto
- Sikhism
- Guru Nanak Dev
- Guru Gobind Singh
- Guru Granth Sahib
- Taoism
- Laozi
- Voodoo
- Zoroastrianism
- Zoroaster
- Bahá'í Faith
- Spiritual practice
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Yoga
- Spirituality
[bewurkje seksje] Philosophy
- Philosophy
- Beauty
- Ethics
- Existence
- Feminism
- Humanism
- Knowledge
- Logic
- Morality
- Reality
- Truth
[bewurkje seksje] Iten en wat er by heart
- Iten
- Barley
- Bread
- Cheese
- Cotton
- Fruit
- Maize
- Oat
- Rice
- Sorghum
- Soybean
- Tobacco
- griente
- Wheat
[bewurkje seksje] Beverages
- Alcohol
- Beer
- Coffee
- Milk
- Tea
- Water
- Wine
[bewurkje seksje] Science
- Science
- History of science
- Nature
- Philosophy of science
- Scientific method
[bewurkje seksje] Astronomy
- Astronomy
- Cosmology
- Asteroid
- Asteroid belt
- Big Bang
- Black hole
- Comet
- Eclipse
- Galaxy
- Milky Way
- Kuiper belt
- Light-year
- Neutron star
- Oort cloud
- Orbit
- Planet
- Solar system
- Sun
- Mercury (planet)
- Venus
- Earth
- Moon
- Mars
- Ceres (dwarf planet)
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- Eris (dwarf planet)
- Speed of light
- Star
- Supernova
- Universe
[bewurkje seksje] Biology
- Biology
- Anatomy
- Brain
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Heart
- Lung
- Skeleton
- Botany
- Ecology
- Ecosystem
- Evolution
- Fossil record
- Mutation
- Natural selection
- Origin of life
- Speciation
- Species
- Genetics
- Genes
- Heredity
- Medicine
- Blindness
- Disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- Cancer
- Cholera
- Common cold
- Diabetes mellitus
- Dysentery
- Influenza
- Malaria
- Parkinson's disease
- Poliomyelitis
- Rabies
- Seksuele oerdraagbere siekte
- Syphilis
- Smallpox
- Tuberculosis
- Hearing impairment
- Immune system
- Mental illness
- Penicillin
- Pregnancy
- Vaccine
- Organism
- Zoology
[bewurkje seksje] Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Acid
- Alloy
- Brass
- Bronze
- Steel
- Base (chemistry)
- Catalysis
- Chemical bond
- Chemical compound
- Carbon dioxide
- Hydrochloric acid
- Oalje
- Sâlt
- Wetter
- Chemical element
- Aluminum
- Carbon
- Diamond
- Graphite
- Copper
- Gold
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Iron
- Lead
- Magnesium
- Mercury
- Neon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Plutonium
- Silicon
- Silver
- Sulfur
- Tin
- Uranium
- Zinc
- Chemical reaction
- Crystal
- Electrolysis
- Glass
- Ion
- Mineral
- Molecule
- Periodic table
- Silicate
[bewurkje seksje] Earth science
- Earth science
- Earth
- Ocean
- Geology
- Avalanche
- Continent
- Crust (geology)
- Earthquake
- Erosion
- Geologic fault
- Igneous rock
- Magma
- Mantle (geology)
- Plate tectonics
- Sedimentary rock
- Volcano
- Landforms
- Beach
- Canyon
- Cave
- Glacier
- Headlands and bays
- Lake
- Mountain
- Plateau
- River
- Valley
- Meteorology
- Climate
- Cloud
- El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Flood
- Global warming
- Rain
- Tornado
- Tropical cyclone
- Weather
- Oceanography
[bewurkje seksje] Physics
- Physics
- Atom
- Particle physics
- Standard Model
- Particle accelerator
- Subatomic particle
- Electron
- Neutrino
- Neutron
- Photon
- Proton
- Quark
- Klassike meganiken
- Newton's wet fan bewegen
- Energy
- Electromagnetyske radiaasje
- Sichtbere spectrum
- Kinetyske energy
- Potensjele energy
- Electromagnetyske radiaasje
- Krêft
- Elektromagnetisme
- Grafitaasje
- Sterke krêft
- Swakke krêft
- Massa
- Saak
- Quantum meganismen
- Lûd
- Romte
- Snelheid
- Termodynamyk
- Teory fan relatifearjen
- Tiid
- Gewicht
[bewurkje seksje] Technology
- Technology
- Skiednis technology
- Engineering
- Keunstmjittige yntelleginsje
- Biotechnology
- Genetyske Engineering
- Nanotechnology
- Nuklêre technology
- Gereadskipl
[bewurkje seksje] Energy
- Elektrisiteit
- Geometryske energy
- Hydroenergy
- Nuklêre energy
- Sinne energy
- Wyn energy
[bewurkje seksje] Electronics
- Electronics
- Battery
- Capacitor
- Diode
- Incandescent light bulb
- Integrated circuit
- Resistor
- Semiconductor
- Transistor
[bewurkje seksje] Mechanical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Engine
- Electric motor
- Internal combustion engine
- Jet engine
- Steam engine
- Inclined plane
- Lever
- Pulley
- Robot
- wiel
[bewurkje seksje] Transportation
- Transport
- Vehicle
- Aircraft
- Automobile
- Bicycle
- Elevator
- Helicopter
- Fixed-wing aircraft
- Motorcycle
- Rapid transit
- Stirrup
- Train
[bewurkje seksje] Information technology
- Information technology
- Abacus
- Calculator
- Computer
- Cryptography
- Writing
[bewurkje seksje] Optical
- Camera
- Glasses
- Laser
- Lens
- Microscope
- Prism
- Telescope
[bewurkje seksje] Media and communication
- Telecommunication
- Internet
- Microphone
- Mobile phone
- Photography
- Printing press
- Printing
- Radio
- Telefoan
- Televyzje
- Typewriter
- Video
- World Wide Web
[bewurkje seksje] Navigation and timekeeping
- Kalendar
- Klok
- Kompas
- Globaal Posysjonearing Systeem
- Gyroskoap
- Pendulum
- Radar
- Sonar
- Sundial
[bewurkje seksje] Wapons
- Wapen
- Artillery
- Aks
- Pistoal
- Mes
- Masine pistoal
- Nuklêr wapen
- Rifle
- Spear
- Dúkboat
- Tenk
[bewurkje seksje] Material and chemical
- Fire
- Explosive material
- Dynamite
- Gasoline
- Gunpowder
- Kerosene
- Metallurgy
- Plastic
- Rubber
[bewurkje seksje] Iten en sûnens
- Electrocardiogram
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Pasteurization
- Refrigerator
- Stove
- X-ray
[bewurkje seksje] Romte
- Hubble Space Tilleskoap
- Ynternasjonaal Romte Stasjon
- Projekt Apollo
- Raket
- Satelyt
- Romte eksploraasje
- Space Shuttle
- Romte stasjon
[bewurkje seksje] Wiskunde
- Wiskunde
- Konstân
- Pi
- Differentsjale ekwataasje
- Ienheid
- Ekwataasje
- [[Eksponentaasje]
- Funksje
- Ûneinigens
- Limyt
- Logarithm
- Nûmer
- Kompleks nûmer
- Ynteger
- Natoerlik nûmer
- Rasjoneel nûmer
- Echt nûmer
- Searjes
- Fjouwersidige boarne
- Fariabelen
- Konstân
- Algebra
- Analise
- Aritmetyk
- Addisjoneel
- Divysje
- Fraksje
- Multiplikaasje
- Persintaazje
- Substraktaazje
- Calculus
- Derivative
- Yntegral
- Chaos teory
- Fractal
- Spul teory
- Geometry
- Line
- Hoeken
- Koordinaten
- Linêre algebra
- matriks
- Vector romte
- Vector
- Logika
- Proof
- Nûmer theory
- Prime nûmer
- Probability teory
- Set teory
- Set
- Topology
- Trigonometry
- Trigonometryske funksje
[bewurkje seksje] Mjitberens
- Mjitberens
- Metrysk systeem
- Ynternasjonaal Systeem fan Ienheden
- Ymperiaalske ienheid
- Tiid
- Lengte
- Ångström
- Foet
- Meter
- Kilometer
- Myl
- Nautyske myl
- Astronomyske ienheid
- Ljocht-jier
- Parsec
- Hoeke
- Graad (hoeke)
- Radian
- Gebiet
- Folume
- Gallon
- Liter
- Massa
- Kilogram
- Ton
- Pûn
- Temperatoeren
- Selsius
- Fahrenheit
- Kelvin
- Faasje
- Fersnelling
- Faasje
- Fermogen
- Newton
- Arbeid
- Watt
- Elektromagnetisme
- Ampêre
- Folt
- Ohm
- Hertz