Article |
Class / Status |
Lutheranism |
B |
The 95 Theses |
Start |
Apology of the Augsburg Confession |
Start |
Arbetsgemenskapen Kyrklig Förnyelse |
Stub |
Association Free Lutheran Bible School and Seminary |
Start |
Association of Peace |
Stub |
Assurance (theology) |
Stub |
Atonement (satisfaction view) |
not yet classified |
Augsburg Confession |
Start |
Barmen Declaration |
Stub |
Book of Concord |
Start |
Lutheran Book of Worship |
Start |
Calendar of Saints (Lutheran) |
B |
Catholic |
Start |
Catholic Evangelical |
Start |
Ceremonial use of lights |
not yet classified |
Chrismation |
not yet classified |
Common table prayer |
Start |
Concordia Lutheran Seminary |
Stub |
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary |
Stub |
Confessio Catholica |
Stub |
Confession of Peter |
not yet classified |
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference |
Stub |
Confessional Lutheran |
not yet classified |
Conversion of Paul |
not yet classified |
Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Møre |
not yet classified |
Doctrine of the two kingdoms |
Stub |
Estonian Lutheran Association of Peace |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutherans in Mission |
Stub |
Evangelical-Catholic |
not yet classified |
Formula of Concord |
Start |
High Church Lutheranism |
not yet classified |
Anita C. Hill |
Stub |
International Lutheran Council |
Stub |
Johann Ernst Glück |
Stub |
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification |
Stub |
Justification (theology) |
Stub |
Kristeligt Forbund for Studerende |
Stub |
Laestadianism |
not yet classified |
List of Lutheran dioceses and archdioceses |
not yet classified |
List of Lutherans |
not yet classified |
Liturgical Movement |
not yet classified |
Luther rose |
Start |
Luther's Large Catechism |
Stub |
Luther's Small Catechism |
Stub |
Lutheran Community Foundation |
not yet classified |
The Lutheran Hour |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Hour Ministries |
Stub |
The Lutheran Hymnal |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Service Book |
Start |
Lutheran Student Movement - USA |
not yet classified |
Lutheran World Federation |
Stub |
Lutheran Worship |
not yet classified |
Lutheranism by region |
not yet classified |
Lutherans Concerned/North America |
not yet classified |
Lutheran—Roman Catholic Dialogue |
not yet classified |
Johann Konrad Wilhelm Löhe |
B |
Marie Yamba Aboriginal Mission |
Stub |
A Mighty Fortress is Our God |
B |
Modrý kríž |
not yet classified |
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church (Cranfills Gap, Texas) |
not yet classified |
Pietism |
not yet classified |
Elizabeth Platz |
Stub |
Porvoo Communion |
not yet classified |
Petrus Särkilahti |
not yet classified |
Scholastic Lutheran Christology |
not yet classified |
Seminex |
not yet classified |
Smalcald Articles |
Start |
Societas Sanctae Birgittae |
Stub |
Society of the Holy Trinity |
not yet classified |
Martin Stephan |
not yet classified |
Stimuli et Clavi |
Stub |
Studium Excitare |
not yet classified |
Summer services |
Stub |
Sveriges fridsföreningarnas centralorganisation |
not yet classified |
The Central Association of the Finnish Associations of Peace |
not yet classified |
The Church Association for the Inner Mission in Denmark |
Stub |
Timeline of the Protestant Reformation in England |
Start |
Total depravity |
B |
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope |
not yet classified |
Ubiquitarians |
not yet classified |
Westfield house |
Stub |
Worms, Germany |
Start |
List of Lutheran colleges and universities |
not yet classified |
Augsburg College |
B |
Augustana College (South Dakota) |
Stub |
Australian Lutheran College |
Stub |
Bethany Lutheran College |
Stub |
California Lutheran University |
Start |
Capital University |
Stub |
Carthage College |
Start |
Concordia College, Bronxville |
Stub |
Concordia College, Moorhead |
Start |
Concordia College, Selma |
Stub |
Concordia University (Portland, Oregon) |
Stub |
Concordia University Chicago |
Start |
Concordia University System |
not yet classified |
Concordia University Wisconsin |
Start |
Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Stub |
Concordia University, Irvine |
Stub |
Concordia University, Nebraska |
Stub |
Concordia University, Saint Paul |
B |
Dana College |
Start |
Elizabeth College, Virginia |
Stub |
Finlandia University |
Stub |
Gettysburg College |
B |
Grand View College |
Stub |
Gustavus Adolphus College |
Start |
Immanuel Lutheran College (Eau Claire) |
Stub |
Immanuel Lutheran College (Hong Kong) |
Start |
Kyushu Lutheran College |
Stub |
Lenoir-Rhyne College |
Start |
List of ELCA colleges and universities |
Stub |
Luther College (Iowa) |
B |
Luther College (Saskatchewan) |
Stub |
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago |
Stub |
Marion College, Virginia |
Stub |
Martin Luther College |
Stub |
Midland Lutheran College |
Stub |
Muhlenberg College |
Start |
Newberry College |
Start |
Pacific Lutheran University |
Start |
Roanoke College |
Start |
St. Olaf College |
Start |
Susquehanna University |
Start |
Texas Lutheran University |
Stub |
Thiel College |
Stub |
Trinity Lutheran College (Washington) |
Stub |
Valparaiso University |
B |
Wagner College |
Start |
Waldorf College |
Stub |
Wartburg College |
Start |
Wisconsin Lutheran College |
Stub |
Wittenberg University |
Start |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Church—Synod of France and Belgium |
Stub |
Gutnius Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Japan Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Lanka Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Lutheran Church - Canada |
Stub |
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod |
B |
Lutheran Church of Australia |
Stub |
Lutheran Church—Hong Kong Synod |
Stub |
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (Portland, Oregon) |
Stub |
Calvary Lutheran Church (Willmar, Minnesota) |
Stub |
Chapel of the Resurrection |
not yet classified |
Christ Church, Windhoek |
Stub |
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Cluj-Napoca Evangelical Church |
Stub |
Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland |
Stub |
First Lutheran Church of Venice |
Stub |
Heinävesi Church |
Stub |
Highland Park Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Hilldale Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Atwater, California) |
not yet classified |
Holy Trinity Church, Warsaw |
Stub |
Church of Hyvinkää |
Stub |
Jesus Church (Cieszyn) |
Stub |
Joensuu church |
Stub |
Karuna Church |
Stub |
Morningside Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Mountainside Lutheran Church (Auckland) |
not yet classified |
Our Savior Lutheran Church (St. Petersburg, Florida) |
not yet classified |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church (Burbank, Illinois) |
Stub |
St. James Lutheran Church (Newton, North Carolina) |
Stub |
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
St. John's Lutheran Church (Conover, North Carolina) |
Stub |
St. John's Lutheran Church (Northfield, Minnesota) |
not yet classified |
St. John's Lutheran Church (Petersburg, Ohio) |
Stub |
St. Olaf Kirke |
not yet classified |
Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Fort Wayne) |
Stub |
Saint Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church |
Stub |
St. Peter Lutheran Church (Schaumburg, Illinois) |
Stub |
St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Saint Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church of Milwaukee |
Stub |
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Corning, Missouri) |
not yet classified |
Suomenlinna Church |
Stub |
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Start |
Trinity-St. James Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Valjala church |
not yet classified |
Westchester Lutheran Church and School |
Stub |
Church of Denmark |
Start |
Concordia Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Conservative Laestadianism |
not yet classified |
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Evangelical Catholic Church |
Stub |
Evangelical Church in Germany |
Start |
Evangelical Church in the Rhineland |
Start |
Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia |
Start |
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church "Concord" |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland |
Start |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mecklenburg |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany) |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway |
not yet classified |
Church of the Faroe Islands |
not yet classified |
Huria Kristen Batak Protestant |
Stub |
Church of Iceland |
Stub |
Laestadianism in America |
not yet classified |
List of Lutheran denominations |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Church of Central Africa |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Churches of the Reformation |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Confessional Synod |
Stub |
Lutheran Orthodox Church |
Start |
Lutheran church bodies in North America |
not yet classified |
Church of Norway |
not yet classified |
Orthodox Lutheran Confessional Conference of Independent Congregations |
Stub |
Church of Pakistan |
Stub |
Pomeranian Evangelical Church |
not yet classified |
Protes'tant Conference |
not yet classified |
Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau |
Stub |
Protestant Church of Bremen |
not yet classified |
Protestant Church of Luxembourg |
Stub |
Protestant Church of Westphalia |
Stub |
Protestant Church of the Church Province of Saxony |
not yet classified |
Protestant Church of the Palatinate |
not yet classified |
Protestant Lutheran Church in Bavaria |
not yet classified |
Protestant Lutheran Church in Thuringia |
Stub |
Protestant Lutheran Church of Hanover |
Stub |
Protestant Lutheran State Church of Brunswick |
Stub |
Silesian Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession |
not yet classified |
Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Church of Sweden |
Stub |
Ukrainian Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Union Evangelical Churches in Germany |
not yet classified |
United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany |
Stub |
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod |
not yet classified |
Augsburg Interim |
Stub |
Colloquy of Worms |
Stub |
Conference of Regensburg |
not yet classified |
Diet of Augsburg |
Stub |
Diet of Worms |
Start |
Edict of Worms |
Stub |
Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha |
not yet classified |
Gustavus Adolphus Union |
not yet classified |
History of Lutheranism |
Start |
History of the Lutheran Church of Australia |
not yet classified |
Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople |
Stub |
Loci Theologici |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Orthodoxy |
not yet classified |
Magdeburg Centuries |
not yet classified |
Marburg Colloquy |
not yet classified |
Neo-Lutheranism |
not yet classified |
Peace of Augsburg |
not yet classified |
Peace of Passau |
Stub |
Philippists |
not yet classified |
Postil |
not yet classified |
Protestantenverein |
not yet classified |
Prussian Union (Evangelical Christian Church) |
not yet classified |
Sacramentarians |
not yet classified |
Schmalkaldic League |
Start |
Wittenberg Concord |
Stub |
Lutheran school |
Stub |
Arizona Lutheran Academy |
not yet classified |
Augustana Academy |
Start |
First Lutheran School of Venice |
Stub |
Hillcrest Lutheran Academy |
Stub |
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School |
Stub |
Luther Preparatory School |
Stub |
Lutheran Gymnasium Tisovec |
not yet classified |
Lutheran High School (La Verne, California) |
Stub |
Manitowoc Lutheran High School |
Stub |
Milwaukee Lutheran High School |
Stub |
Oak Grove Lutheran School |
not yet classified |
Seattle Lutheran High School |
Stub |
Sheboygan Area Lutheran High School |
not yet classified |
Trinity Lutheran School (Newport News, Virginia) |
Stub |
Valley Lutheran High School (Arizona) |
Stub |
Zion Lutheran School, Anaheim California |
Stub |
Confessing Church |
Start |
Five solas |
B |
Law and Gospel |
Start |
Means of Grace |
Stub |
On the Bondage of the Will |
Stub |
Priesthood of all believers |
not yet classified |
Sola fide |
B |
Sola gratia |
B |
Sola scriptura |
B |
Soli Deo gloria |
Stub |
Solus Christus |
Stub |
Theology of the Cross |
not yet classified |
Batak (Indonesia) |
Stub |
Matthias Flacius |
not yet classified |
Zephania Kameeta |
Stub |
Gotthard Kettler |
not yet classified |
Margarethe Luther |
Stub |
Clara Maass |
Start |
Georg Major |
Start |
Martin E. Marty |
Stub |
Wyatt McIntyre |
Stub |
Lise Meitner |
B |
Viggo Mortensen |
not yet classified |
N. Samuel of Tranquebar |
not yet classified |
Onesimos Nesib |
Start |
Ted Peters |
not yet classified |
Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse |
not yet classified |
Leonhard Ragaz |
Stub |
James Rebhorn |
not yet classified |
Kristína Royová |
Stub |
Andreas Gottlob Rudelbach |
Stub |
Hermann Sasse |
Stub |
Johann Gottfried Scheibel |
Stub |
Michael Schiavo |
not yet classified |
Edmund Schlink |
not yet classified |
Theodore Emanuel Schmauk |
Stub |
Samuel Simon Schmucker |
Stub |
Dr. Seuss |
B |
Wilhelm Sihler |
Stub |
John Snyder (Pennsylvania) |
Stub |
Philipp Jakob Spener |
B |
Milan Rastislav Štefánik |
not yet classified |
John Benton Sterigere |
Stub |
Rick Steves |
not yet classified |
Sally Struthers |
not yet classified |
Arnie Stuthman |
Stub |
Colin Thiele |
Stub |
John Tietjen |
not yet classified |
Paul Tillich |
not yet classified |
Jiří Třanovský |
Start |
Francis E. Walter |
Stub |
C. F. W. Walther |
Start |
Walter Wangerin, Jr. |
Stub |
Bruce Willis |
B |
John Woo |
not yet classified |
Adolf Paul Johannes Althaus |
Stub |
Alvin L. Barry |
Stub |
American Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Andreas Musculus |
Stub |
Andres Põder |
Stub |
Anton Niklas Sundberg |
Stub |
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America |
Stub |
Arne Olsson |
Stub |
August Friedrich Otto Münchmeyer |
Stub |
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Bartholomäus Bernhardi of Feldkirchen |
Stub |
Basil Faber |
Stub |
Bethany College (Kansas) |
Stub |
Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary |
Stub |
Body of Doctrine |
Stub |
Bräkne-Hoby Parish |
Stub |
Christian Cyclopedia |
Stub |
Christina Odenberg |
Stub |
Concordia Lutheran Conference |
Stub |
Confession Concerning Christ's Supper |
Stub |
Coonalpyn Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Decet Romanum Pontificem |
Stub |
Diocese of Bjørgvin |
Stub |
Diocese of Borg |
Stub |
Diocese of Gothenburg |
Stub |
Diocese of Hamar |
Stub |
Diocese of Härnösand |
Stub |
Diocese of Kalmar |
Stub |
Diocese of Karlstad |
Stub |
Diocese of Luleå |
Stub |
Diocese of Mariestad |
Stub |
Diocese of Nidaros |
Stub |
Diocese of Nord-Hålogaland |
Stub |
Diocese of Stavanger |
Stub |
Diocese of Stockholm |
Stub |
Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland |
Stub |
Diocese of Visby |
Stub |
Diocese of Västerås |
Stub |
Diocese of Växjö |
Stub |
ELCHK Truth Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Elleholm Parish |
Stub |
Evangelical Lutheran Church (United States) |
Stub |
Evangelical Synod of North America |
Stub |
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Stub |
Franz August Otto Pieper |
Stub |
Fredrika Parish |
Stub |
Friedrich Pfotenhauer |
Stub |
Gabriel Zwilling |
Stub |
Georg Rörer |
Stub |
Greater Milwaukee Synod |
Stub |
Gunnar Stålsett |
Stub |
Henrik Benzelius |
Stub |
Henry Louis Baugher |
Stub |
Hochstratus Ovans |
Stub |
Oswald Hoffmann |
Stub |
Hällaryd Parish |
Stub |
Indiana-Kentucky Synod |
Stub |
Inspirationalists |
Stub |
J. A. O. Preus II |
Stub |
Jaan Kiivit, Jr |
Stub |
Jakob Benzelius |
Stub |
Johann Friedrich Karl Keil |
Stub |
Johannes Andreas August Grabau |
Stub |
Johannes Rudbeckius |
Stub |
Johannes Steuchius |
Stub |
John William Behnken |
Stub |
Juan Čobrda |
Stub |
Jukka Paarma |
Stub |
Karl von Miltitz |
Stub |
John Kilian |
Stub |
Kuno Pajula |
Stub |
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America |
Stub |
Lutheran Bible Institute |
Stub |
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ |
Stub |
Lutheran Peace Fellowship |
Stub |
Lutheran Social Services of Michigan |
Stub |
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg |
Stub |
Lutheran World Relief |
Stub |
Margot Käßmann |
Stub |
Maria Jepsen |
Stub |
Marie C. Jerge |
Stub |
Matthias Loy |
Stub |
Michał Mostnik |
Stub |
Minneapolis Area Synod |
Stub |
Missionsprovinsen |
Stub |
Munib Younan |
Stub |
Mörrum Parish |
Stub |
New England Synod |
Stub |
North Elbian Evangelical Church |
Stub |
North/West Lower Michigan Synod |
not yet classified |
Oliver Raymond Harms |
Stub |
Parishes of Sweden |
Stub |
Peter Sørensen Vig |
Stub |
Ralph Arthur Bohlmann |
Stub |
Ringamåla Parish |
Stub |
Robert T. Kuhn |
Stub |
Saint Paul Area Synod |
Stub |
Heinrich Christian Schwan |
Stub |
Slovak Zion Synod |
Stub |
Solid Rock Lutherans |
Stub |
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod |
Stub |
The Adoration of the Sacrament |
Stub |
The Lutheran |
Stub |
The Lutheran Witness |
Stub |
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans |
Stub |
Nelson Wesley Trout |
Stub |
United Lutheran Church in America |
Stub |
United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America |
Stub |
Upstate New York Synod |
Stub |
Vedby Parish |
Stub |
Walter Obare |
Stub |
Waterloo Declaration |
Stub |
Władysław Santarius |
Stub |
Åryd Parish |
Stub |
Öljehult Parish |
Stub |
List of ELCA synods |
not yet classified |
Delaware-Maryland Synod |
not yet classified |
Grand Canyon Synod |
not yet classified |
Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod |
not yet classified |
Southern Ohio Synod |
not yet classified |
Virginia Synod |
not yet classified |
Districts of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod |
not yet classified |
Atlantic District (LCMS) |
Start |
California-Nevada-Hawaii District (LCMS) |
Start |
Central Illinois District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Eastern District (LCMS) |
Start |
English District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Florida-Georgia District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Indiana District (LCMS) |
Start |
Iowa District East (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Iowa District West (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Kansas District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Michigan District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Mid-South District (LCMS) |
Start |
Minnesota North District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Minnesota South District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Missouri District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Montana District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Nebraska District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
New England District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
New Jersey District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
North Dakota District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
North Wisconsin District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Northern Illinois District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Northwest District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Ohio District (LCMS) |
Stub |
Oklahoma District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Pacific Southwest District (LCMS) |
Start |
Rocky Mountain District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
SELC District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
South Dakota District (LCMS) |
Start |
South Wisconsin District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Southeastern District (LCMS) |
Start |
Southern District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Southern Illinois District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Texas District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Wyoming District (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
List of ELCA seminaries |
not yet classified |
Augustana College (Illinois) |
Start |
Luther Seminary |
Stub |
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia |
Start |
Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary |
B |
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary |
Stub |
Trinity Lutheran Seminary |
Stub |
Wartburg Theological Seminary |
Stub |
Seminaries of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod |
Stub |
Concordia Seminary |
Stub |
Concordia Senior College |
Stub |
Concordia Theological Seminary |
Stub |
Biserica Neagră |
not yet classified |
Deutscher Dom |
Stub |
Französischer Dom |
Stub |
Helsinki Cathedral |
Stub |
Kalmar Cathedral |
Stub |
Königsberg Cathedral |
not yet classified |
Linköping Cathedral |
not yet classified |
Lund Cathedral |
B |
Nidaros Cathedral |
not yet classified |
Oslo Cathedral |
not yet classified |
Oulu Cathedral |
Stub |
Porvoo Cathedral |
Stub |
Skara Cathedral |
Stub |
Storkyrkan |
Start |
Tromsø Cathedral |
Stub |
Tórshavn Cathedral |
not yet classified |
Uppsala Cathedral |
Start |
Nordic churches in London |
not yet classified |
August Kavel |
not yet classified |
Johann Friedrich Krummnow |
not yet classified |
Mikael Agricola |
B |
Bishop of Tampere |
not yet classified |
Jöns Budde |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Tampere |
Stub |
Finnish Orthodox Church |
not yet classified |
Finnish Seamen's Mission |
not yet classified |
Ernst Oddvar Baasland |
not yet classified |
Odd Bondevik |
Stub |
Laila Riksaasen Dahl |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Agder og Telemark |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Oslo |
Stub |
Diocese of Tunsberg |
not yet classified |
Solveig Fiske |
Start |
List of Lutheran bishops of Hamar |
not yet classified |
Rosemarie Köhn |
Stub |
Ole Christian Kvarme |
not yet classified |
MF Norwegian School of Theology |
not yet classified |
Norwegian Fishermans' Church, Liverpool |
Stub |
Norwegian sailors' church in Cardiff |
Stub |
Prestegjeld |
not yet classified |
Sjømannskirken |
Start |
Finn Wagle |
not yet classified |
Church of Sweden Abroad |
not yet classified |
Elections to the Church Assembly, 2005 |
not yet classified |
Swedish Evangelical Mission |
Stub |
Uppsala Synod |
not yet classified |
American Lutheran Church |
Start |
Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches |
Start |
Lutheran Church in America |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Free Church |
not yet classified |
United Evangelical Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America |
B |
Augsburg Fortress |
Start |
Churches Uniting in Christ |
not yet classified |
ELCA Youth Gathering |
not yet classified |
Mark Hanson |
not yet classified |
New Jersey Synod |
not yet classified |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Redeemer Lutheran Mclean |
not yet classified |
Theodore Schneider |
not yet classified |
Paul Stumme-Diers |
not yet classified |
WordAlone |
not yet classified |
American Association of Lutheran Churches |
not yet classified |
Association of Free Lutheran Congregations |
not yet classified |
Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America |
not yet classified |
Church of the Lutheran Confession |
not yet classified |
Evangelical Community Church-Lutheran |
Start |
Evangelical Lutheran Synod |
not yet classified |
Laestadian Lutheran Church |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA |
not yet classified |
Circuit (LCMS) |
not yet classified |
Concordia Publishing House |
not yet classified |
Lutheran Women's Missionary League |
not yet classified |
List of Lutheran schools in Australia |
not yet classified |
Concordia College, Adelaide |
Start |
Cornerstone College |
Stub |
Encounter Lutheran School |
Stub |
Endeavour College |
Stub |
Faith Lutheran Secondary School |
not yet classified |
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School |
not yet classified |
Immanuel College, Adelaide |
Stub |
Luther College (Victoria) |
not yet classified |
Redeemer Lutheran College |
not yet classified |
St Peters Lutheran College |
not yet classified |
Tatachilla Lutheran College |
not yet classified |
Trinity Lutheran College (Queensland) |
Stub |
Consubstantiation |
not yet classified |
Crypto-Calvinism |
not yet classified |
Eucharist |
Stub |
Eucharistic adoration |
not yet classified |
Eucharistic discipline |
not yet classified |
First Communion |
not yet classified |
Intinction |
not yet classified |
Real Presence |
not yet classified |
Sacramental union |
not yet classified |
Karl Popper |
A |
Robert Graetz |
not yet classified |
Francis Hoffmann |
Stub |
Rasmus Jensen |
Stub |
Juris Rubenis |
Stub |
Kurt Scharf |
not yet classified |
The Rev. Greg Schaefer |
not yet classified |
Richard Wurmbrand |
not yet classified |
Anselm of Canterbury |
B |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
B |
Benedict the Moor |
Start |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Start |
Katharina von Bora |
Start |
Johannes Bugenhagen |
Start |
John Calvin |
A |
Martin Chemnitz |
Start |
Lucas Cranach the Elder |
Start |
Thomas Cranmer |
B |
John Donne |
Stub |
Dorcas |
Stub |
Albrecht Dürer |
B |
Jonathan Edwards |
B |
Esther |
Start |
Leonhard Euler |
FA |
Elizabeth Fedde |
Start |
Paul Gerhardt |
Start |
Matthias Grünewald |
Stub |
Dag Hammarskjöld |
B |
George Frideric Handel |
B |
Hans Nielsen Hauge |
Start |
Johann Heermann |
Start |
George Herbert |
B |
John Christian Frederick Heyer |
Stub |
Jan Hus |
B |
Job (Biblical figure) |
B |
Pope John XXIII |
B |
Jehu Jones |
Start |
Justus Falckner |
Stub |
Massie L. Kennard |
Stub |
Martin Luther King, Jr. |
B |
Bartolomé de Las Casas |
Start |
Mary Mother of James |
Stub |
Henry Muhlenberg |
Start |
Kaj Munk |
Start |
John Mason Neale |
Start |
Philipp Nicolai |
Stub |
Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen |
Stub |
William Passavant |
Stub |
Laurentius Petri |
B |
Olaus Petri |
B |
Phoebe (Christian woman) |
Stub |
Óscar Romero |
B |
Salome (disciple) |
Start |
Heinrich Schütz |
Start |
Chief Seattle |
not yet classified |
Nathan Söderblom |
B |
Johann von Staupitz |
Start |
Harriet Tubman |
B |
William Tyndale |
B |
Johann Walter |
Start |
Isaac Watts |
Start |
Charles Wesley |
B |
John Wesley |
A |
Catherine Winkworth |
Stub |
F. C. D. Wyneken |
Start |
Elmer L. Andersen |
Start |
Michele Bachmann |
B |
Joh Bjelke-Petersen |
B |
Kjell Magne Bondevik |
not yet classified |
Otis R. Bowen |
Start |
Sherrod Brown |
not yet classified |
Joel Broyhill |
B |
Conrad Burns |
B |
Jerzy Buzek |
Start |
Lois Capps |
not yet classified |
John Carter (Texas politician) |
Stub |
William E. Dannemeyer |
Start |
Norman D. Dicks |
not yet classified |
Byron Dorgan |
Start |
Orville Freeman |
not yet classified |
Ralph Goodale |
not yet classified |
Rod Grams |
not yet classified |
Steve Gunderson |
Stub |
Stephanie Herseth |
Start |
Ernest Hollings |
not yet classified |
Darlene Hooley |
not yet classified |
Tim Johnson (politician) |
Start |
Ron Kind |
not yet classified |
Tom Latham |
Start |
Zoe Lofgren |
Start |
Angela Merkel |
B |
Grant Nordman |
not yet classified |
Ric Nordman |
not yet classified |
Jim Nussle |
B |
Mike Oxley |
not yet classified |
Collin Peterson |
not yet classified |
Tom Petri |
not yet classified |
J. A. O. Preus |
not yet classified |
Al Quie |
Stub |
Dave Reichert |
not yet classified |
Martin Olav Sabo |
not yet classified |
John Shimkus |
Stub |
Bill Shuster |
Start |
Paul Simon (politician) |
not yet classified |
Charles Stenholm |
Stub |
Don Sundquist |
not yet classified |
Tim Walz |
not yet classified |
John Yakabuski |
Stub |
Jakob Andreae |
not yet classified |
Johann Arndt |
not yet classified |
Johann Wilhelm Baier |
not yet classified |
Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand |
not yet classified |
Rudolf Bultmann |
Stub |
Carl Paul Caspari |
not yet classified |
Oscar Cullmann |
not yet classified |
Marva Dawn |
not yet classified |
Johann Gerhard |
not yet classified |
Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler |
Start |
Heinrich Hansen |
Stub |
Theodosius Harnack |
not yet classified |
Johann Gottfried Herder |
B |
David Hollatz (dogmatician) |
not yet classified |
Robert Jenson |
not yet classified |
Theodor Friedrich Dethlof Kliefoth |
not yet classified |
Paul Laurentius |
not yet classified |
Gotthard Victor Lechler |
not yet classified |
Justus Menius |
Start |
Martin Niemöller |
Start |
Andreas Osiander |
Start |
Reinhart Hummel |
not yet classified |
Johann Adam Steinmetz |
Stub |
Georg Sverdrup (President of Augsburg Seminary) |
not yet classified |
Joachim Westphal (of Eisleben) |
not yet classified |
Joachim Westphal (of Hamburg) |
not yet classified |
Århus Domkirke |
Start |
Church of Our Lady (Aarhus) |
not yet classified |
Church of Our Lady (Copenhagen) |
Start |
Roskilde Cathedral |
Start |
Saint Canute's Cathedral |
Stub |
Cathedral of Turku |
Stub |
Uspenski Cathedral |
Stub |
Gotthard Fritzsche |
not yet classified |
Arnold of Bergen |
not yet classified |
Eivind Berggrav |
not yet classified |
Carl Peter Parelius Essendrop |
Stub |
Johan Ernst Gunnerus |
not yet classified |
Per Oskar Kjølaas |
not yet classified |
Erik Pontoppidan |
Start |
Diocese of Linköping |
Stub |
Diocese of Lund |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Skara |
not yet classified |
Diocese of Strängnäs |
not yet classified |
Elävä seurakunta - Levande församling |
not yet classified |
Folkpartister i Svenska kyrkan |
not yet classified |
Partipolitiskt obundna i Svenska kyrkan |
not yet classified |
Vänstern i Svenska kyrkan |
not yet classified |
Anundsjö Parish |
Stub |
Edefors |
Stub |
Löderup Parish |
not yet classified |
Royal Karlskrona Admiralty Parish |
Stub |
Torsåker Parish |
Stub |
Ytterlännäs Parish |
Stub |
Gerald B. Kieschnick |
not yet classified |
Robert Barnes |
Stub |
Israel Acrelius |
not yet classified |
Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer |
Stub |
Troy Aikman |
B |
Loni Anderson |
Start |
Wendell Anderson |
Start |
Ann-Margret |
not yet classified |
George Antheil |
not yet classified |
John Bachman |
not yet classified |
Orson Bean |
Start |
Ralph F. Beermann |
Stub |
David Benke |
Stub |
Robert Bly |
not yet classified |
John R. Bolton |
not yet classified |
Daniel Brandenstein |
not yet classified |
Wernher von Braun |
A |
Beau Bridges |
Start |
Jeff Bridges |
not yet classified |
Robert Cade |
not yet classified |
Jack Cafferty |
not yet classified |
Dana Carvey |
Start |
Gary Cole |
not yet classified |
Nathaniel N. Craley, Jr. |
Start |
Dale Earnhardt |
B |
Artur Davis |
Start |
Norman A. Erbe |
Stub |
Franklin Clark Fry |
not yet classified |
Jacob Fry, Jr. |
Stub |
Greta Garbo |
B |
Lou Gehrig |
Stub |
James Gerry |
Stub |
Annabeth Gish |
Start |
Charles Wister Groff |
not yet classified |
Karl R. Gurgel |
Stub |
L. B. Hanna |
Stub |
Theodore Marcus Hansen |
not yet classified |
John Hanson |
B |
David Hasselhoff |
B |
William Hurt |
Start |
Reinhard Hütter |
not yet classified |
John M. Hyneman |
Stub |
Henry Eyster Jacobs |
Stub |
Michael Johns (executive) |
not yet classified |
Edwin C. Johnson |
not yet classified |
Gary E. Johnson |
not yet classified |
Joel T. Johnson |
not yet classified |
John E. Jones III |
not yet classified |
Chris Kirkpatrick |
Stub |
Harold Knutson |
Stub |
Charles Porterfield Krauth |
not yet classified |
Jessica Lange |
not yet classified |
Gary Larson |
Start |
Harold LeVander |
not yet classified |
Ron Livingston |
Stub |
William H. Macy |
Start |
Sid Meier |
B |
John Mellencamp |
not yet classified |
Edwin Meese |
Start |
Thomas Mifflin |
not yet classified |
Alley Mills |
Stub |
Walter H. Moeller |
Stub |
Frederick Muhlenberg |
not yet classified |
Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg |
Stub |
Peter Muhlenberg |
Start |
Michael Musto |
Stub |
Mark Neumann |
not yet classified |
Roger Peterson (pilot) |
not yet classified |
J. A. O. Preus III |
Stub |
Dennis Rader |
not yet classified |
William Rehnquist |
A |
John Richards (Pennsylvania) |
Start |
Andy Richter |
Stub |
John Seybert |
not yet classified |
Kevin Sorbo |
not yet classified |
Rod Steiger |
not yet classified |
John Updike |
not yet classified |
Silas Warner |
not yet classified |
Fez Whatley |
not yet classified |
Dave Winfield |
Stub |
Eric Yepao |
Start |
Steve Zahn |
not yet classified |
Eiliv Anderson |
Stub |
Lloyd Crouse |
not yet classified |
Judy Erola |
not yet classified |
Iris Evans |
Stub |
Janis Johnson |
not yet classified |
Bud Olson |
Start |
John Qualen |
not yet classified |
Nelson Riis |
not yet classified |
Raymond Schultz |
not yet classified |
Raymond Speaker |
not yet classified |
Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig |
B |
Margrethe II of Denmark |
B |
Christiern Pedersen |
B |
Nina van Pallandt |
not yet classified |
Aldert van der Ziel |
Start |
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim |
B |
Augustus, Elector of Saxony |
not yet classified |
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach |
Start |
Johann Jacob Bach |
Stub |
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
not yet classified |
Karl Bechert |
Start |
Otto von Bismarck |
B |
Abraham Calovius |
not yet classified |
Lucas Cranach the Younger |
Stub |
Caspar Cruciger the Younger |
Stub |
Marlene Dietrich |
Stub |
Theodor Fliedner |
Start |
Abraham von Franckenberg |
Start |
Frederick III, Elector of Saxony |
B |
Caspar David Friedrich |
B |
Fritz Haber |
Start |
Johann Habermann |
not yet classified |
Carl Hugo Hahn |
Stub |
Hermann Hamelmann |
Stub |
Bruno Hauptmann |
not yet classified |
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel |
B |
Werner Heisenberg |
B |
William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel |
not yet classified |
David Hilbert |
A |
David Hollatz (writer) |
not yet classified |
Georg Philipp Eduard Huschke |
Stub |
Leonhard Hutter |
not yet classified |
Joachim Jeremias |
not yet classified |
Justus Jonas |
not yet classified |
Guillermo Kahlo |
Stub |
Immanuel Kant |
A |
Johannes Kepler |
FA |
Valentin Ernst Löscher |
not yet classified |
Hermann Maas |
not yet classified |
Martin Moller |
Start |
Philipp Melanchthon |
B |
Felix Mendelssohn |
B |
Johann Lorenz von Mosheim |
not yet classified |
Günter Nooke |
Stub |
Novalis |
B |
Stephan Prætorius |
not yet classified |
Johannes Andreas Quenstedt |
not yet classified |
Leni Riefenstahl |
A |
Stephan Ludwig Roth |
not yet classified |
Christian Schesaus |
not yet classified |
Friedrich Schiller |
B |
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher |
B |
Christian Friedrich Schwarz |
not yet classified |
Albert Schweitzer |
B |
Christian Scriver |
not yet classified |
Elke Sommer |
not yet classified |
Friedrich Julius Stahl |
not yet classified |
Thomas Christian Tychsen |
not yet classified |
Max August Zorn |
Stub |
Aonio Paleario |
not yet classified |
Pier Paolo Vergerio |
not yet classified |
Jan Buzek |
Stub |
Józef Buzek |
Stub |
Adam Małysz |
Start |
Jerzy Pilch |
not yet classified |
Ján Kollár |
Stub |
Jozef Roháček |
Stub |
Mária Royová |
Stub |
Laurentius Andreae |
not yet classified |
Ingrid Bergman |
Start |
Hans Blix |
not yet classified |
Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland |
not yet classified |
Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden |
B |
Charles XIV John of Sweden |
B |
Charles XV of Sweden |
Start |
Bertil Gärtner |
not yet classified |
Bo Giertz |
not yet classified |
Gustaf V of Sweden |
Start |
Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden |
B |
Prince Gustav Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten |
not yet classified |
Selma Lagerlöf |
B |
Viveca Lindfors |
Stub |
Dolph Lundgren |
not yet classified |
Princess Madeleine, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland |
not yet classified |
Mary von Rosen |
not yet classified |
Sven Nykvist |
Start |
Oscar I of Sweden |
Start |
Oscar II of Sweden |
B |
Göran Persson |
B |
Gunnar Rosendal |
not yet classified |
Queen Silvia of Sweden |
Start |
Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden |
not yet classified |
Ishmael Noko |
not yet classified |
Gustaf Aulén |
not yet classified |
Gissur Einarsson |
Stub |
Guðbrandur Þorláksson |
Stub |
Eero Huovinen |
not yet classified |
Brynjólfur Sveinsson |
not yet classified |
Hans Tausen |
not yet classified |
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh |
Stub |
Otto von Gerlach |
not yet classified |
Ernst Käsemann |
not yet classified |
Roland Weißelberg |
not yet classified |
Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg |
B |
Renewers of the Church |
Stub |
Anthony the Great |
Start |
Guido de Bres |
Stub |
Clare of Assisi |
Start |
Francis of Assisi |
B |
John of the Cross |
Start |
Julian of Norwich |
Stub |
Pachomius |
Start |
Teresa of Ávila |
B |
Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf |
Start |
Ernst von Dobschütz |
Stub |
August Friedrich Christian Vilmar |
not yet classified |
Martin Luther |
A |
Albert of Mainz |
Start |
Augustin von Alveld |
Stub |
On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church |
Stub |
Bartholomaeus Arnoldi |
Stub |
Johannes Brenz |
not yet classified |
Brethren of the Common Life |
not yet classified |
Martin Bucer |
not yet classified |
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor |
B |
Johann Cochlaeus |
not yet classified |
Caspar Creuziger |
Stub |
Thomas Cardinal Cajetan |
not yet classified |
Johann Eck |
not yet classified |
Eisenach |
Start |
Eisleben |
Stub |
Jerome Emser |
not yet classified |
Desiderius Erasmus |
B |
Exsurge Domine |
Stub |
Jacob Kautz |
not yet classified |
Martin Luther and the Jews |
not yet classified |
John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony |
Stub |
Andreas Karlstadt |
Start |
Last days of Martin Luther |
not yet classified |
List of books by Martin Luther |
not yet classified |
Luther Bible |
not yet classified |
Hans Luther (15th century) |
Stub |
Magdeburg |
Start |
Mansfeld |
Stub |
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg |
Stub |
Sylvester Mazzolini |
not yet classified |
Thomas Muentzer |
not yet classified |
Nicolaus von Amsdorf |
not yet classified |
Johannes Oecolampadius |
not yet classified |
On the Freedom of a Christian |
Stub |
On the Jews and Their Lies |
not yet classified |
Pope Leo X |
Start |
Protestant Reformation |
B |
Reformation Day |
Stub |
Schmalkalden |
Start |
Nikolaus Selnecker |
not yet classified |
George Spalatin |
Start |
Theology of Martin Luther |
not yet classified |
To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation |
not yet classified |
University of Erfurt |
Start |
Veit Amerbach |
Stub |
Wittenberg |
Start |
Huldrych Zwingli |
B |
Bishop of Orkney |
not yet classified |
Andrew Bruce (bishop) |
not yet classified |
Robert Reid (bishop) |
Stub |
Robert Sinclair |
Start |
Archbishop of Uppsala |
Start |
Archdiocese of Uppsala |
Start |
List of Hólar bishops |
not yet classified |
List of Skálholt bishops |
not yet classified |
Erling Eidem |
not yet classified |
Lauri Ingman |
Stub |
John Vikström |
not yet classified |
Hans Adolph Brorson |
Start |
Egino |
not yet classified |
Peter Kierkegaard |
Stub |
Thomas Hansen Kingo |
Start |
Magnus of Livonia |
Stub |
Peter Erasmus Müller |
Stub |
Jørgen Sadolin |
not yet classified |
Hans Svane |
not yet classified |
Christian the Younger of Brunswick, Bishop of Halberstadt |
Stub |
Ernest Augustus, Duke of York and Albany |
Stub |
Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover |
not yet classified |
Johannes Friedrich (bishop) |
Stub |
Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg |
not yet classified |
August Theodor Arvidson |
Stub |
List of Archbishops of Uppsala |
not yet classified |
Abraham Angermannus |
not yet classified |
Folke Johansson Ängel |
Stub |
Johan Baazius the younger |
not yet classified |
Erik Benzelius the Elder |
not yet classified |
Magnus Beronius |
not yet classified |
Birger Gregersson |
Stub |
Andreas Laurentii Björnram |
Stub |
Yngve Brilioth |
not yet classified |
Johan August Ekman |
not yet classified |
Erik Benzelius the younger |
not yet classified |
Gustav Trolle |
Start |
K. G. Hammar |
Start |
Johan Håkansson |
Stub |
Jakob Ulvsson |
Stub |
Jarler |
Start |
Johannes (archbishop of Uppsala) |
Stub |
Johannes Magnus |
B |
Jöns Gerekesson |
Stub |
Petrus Kenicius |
not yet classified |
Lars (archbishop of Uppsala) |
not yet classified |
Laurentius Paulinus Gothus |
not yet classified |
Laurentius Petri Gothus |
not yet classified |
Johannes Canuti Lenaeus |
not yet classified |
Jacob Axel Lindblom |
not yet classified |
Karl Fredrik Mennander |
not yet classified |
Nicolaus Olai Bothniensis |
not yet classified |
Nicolaus Ragvaldi |
not yet classified |
Nils Allesson |
not yet classified |
Olaus Laurentii |
Stub |
Olaus Martini |
not yet classified |
Olov Lambatunga |
Stub |
Jöns Bengtsson |
Stub |
Petrus (archbishop of Uppsala) |
Stub |
Petrus Filipsson |
not yet classified |
Petrus Torkilsson |
Stub |
Henrik Reuterdahl |
not yet classified |
Haquin Spegel |
not yet classified |
Stefan (archbishop of Uppsala) |
not yet classified |
Mathias Steuchius |
Stub |
Lars Stigzelius |
not yet classified |
Olov Svebilius |
not yet classified |
Tord Pedersson (Bonde) |
Stub |
Uno von Troil |
not yet classified |
Samuel Troilius |
not yet classified |
Valerius (archbishop of Uppsala) |
Stub |
Johan Olof Wallin |
Start |
Anders Wejryd |
Stub |
Carl Fredrik af Wingård |
not yet classified |
List of Bishops of Turku |
not yet classified |
Archdiocese of Turku |
Start |
List of bishops of Lund |
not yet classified |
Aage Jepsen Sparre |
Stub |
Absalon |
Start |
Eskil of Lund |
not yet classified |
Jens Grand |
not yet classified |
Jakob Erlandsen |
not yet classified |
Anders Nygren |
Stub |
Per-Olov Ahrén |
Stub |
Edvard Magnus Rodhe |
not yet classified |
Anders Sunesen |
Start |
Frans Michael Franzén |
Stub |
Tor Andræ |
Stub |
Bishop of Linköping |
not yet classified |
Hans Brask |
not yet classified |
Kettil Karlsson (Vasa) |
Stub |
Jesper Swedberg |
not yet classified |
Krister Stendahl |
not yet classified |
Christian Eric Fahlcrantz |
not yet classified |
Esaias Tegnér |
Start |
Olof Wallqvist |
not yet classified |
Anders Arborelius |
not yet classified |
Hubertus Brandenburg |
Stub |