这次会议是继1943年的德黑兰会议后的第二次同盟國首脑会议。這次會議的結論在1945年7至8月的波茨坦会议就有所争议。許多人批评此次會議使蘇聯以及各國共产党得以控制中欧, 东欧以及亞洲許多國家,因为在會中美國總統羅斯福以及英國首相邱吉爾都没有依照当时被佔領的国家之期望,要求战后被苏联"解放"的国家交由聯合國代管。此外為爭取蘇聯對日宣戰,會中部分內容侵犯中國權利甚大。會前其他国家並不知情,故其結論亦有"雅爾達密約"之稱。
目录 |
[编辑] 概观
在1945年2月4日,三巨头——富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福、温斯顿·丘吉尔和斯大林聚集在克里米亚半岛的雅尔塔。It was the second of the large war time conferences, preceded by 德黑兰会议 in 1943, and succeeded by 波茨坦会议(罗斯福去世以后)later in 1945.
The Soviet leader refused to travel farther than 黑海 Resort of Yalta in the Crimean Riviera for the next meeting and, once again, Churchill and Roosevelt took long trips to attend the Yalta summit.
来到雅尔塔的三巨头每个人都带来了自己的议程。Roosevelt was lobbying for Soviet support in the Pacific War concerning the invasion of日本帝国; Churchill was pressing for free elections and democratic institutions in 东欧(specifically Poland), while Stalin was attempting to establish a Soviet sphere of influence in东欧 which the Soviets thought was essential to their national security. Additionally, all three of them were trying to establish an agenda as to how to govern post-war Germany. In 1943 a thesis by William Bullitt prophesied the “flow of the Red amoeba into Europe” and ironically enough, Stalin had the military advantage. The Soviet Union was physically in control of most of Eastern Europe. While the Allies had their hands full with the invasion of France, at great cost the Soviet Red Army had penetrated the eastern borders of the Third Reich. At the time of Yalta, Russian Marshall Zhukov was only forty miles from Berlin. Moreover, Roosevelt hoped to obtain a commitment from Stalin to participate in 联合国. Concerning the first topic on the Soviets' agenda — Eastern Europe — the subject of Poland immediately arose. Stalin was quick to state his case with the following words:
“对于俄国人来说,波兰问题不仅是荣誉问题,而且是安全问题。在整个历史上,波兰 has been the corridor through which the enemy has passed into Russia。波兰是关系到俄国生死存亡的问题。”
"The establishment of order in Europe and the rebuilding of national economic life must be achieved by processes which will enable the liberated peoples to destroy the last vestiges of Nazism and fascism and to create democratic institutions of their own choice."
[编辑] 会议
[编辑] 要点
Key points of the meeting are as follows:
- 协定最重要的一条是纳粹德国必须无条件投降,战后德国将被分割成四个占领区,柏林同样也将由四国占领,在德国统一之前。
- 斯大林同意让法国成为在德国和奥地利拥有占领区的第四个国家,同意法国有资格进入同盟国对德国控制委员会。
- 德国将进行非军事化和去纳粹化。
- 德国的战争赔款 were partly to be in the form of 强迫劳动. (see also Eisenhower and German POWs)
- Creation of an allied reparation council with its seat in Moscow.
- 波兰地位 was discussed, but was complicated by the fact that 波兰当时处于苏联红军控制之下。It was agreed to reorganize Provisionary 波兰政府 that had been set up by 红军 through the inclusion of other groups such as 波兰临时政府 National Unity and to have democratic elections. This effectively excluded 波兰流亡政府 that had evacuated in 1939.
- 波兰东部边界将按照寇松线,波兰将在西部从德国得到领土补偿,而精确的边界将在晚些时候决定。
- 苏联和南斯拉夫公民 were to be handed over to their respective countries, regardless of their consent.
- Roosevelt obtained a commitment by Stalin to participate in 联合国 once it was agreed that each of the five permanent members of Security Council would have veto power.
- 斯大林同意在击败德国以后90天内加入对日本帝国的作战。苏联战胜日本后,将得到库页岛南部、千岛群岛,以及对大连、旅顺及其铁路连接的控制作为报酬。
- A "Committee on Dismemberment of Germany" was to be set up. The purpose was 决定德国是否要分成几个国家,如果进行分割,几个新的德意志国家之间的边界和相互关系又将如何确定。
- 成立新的国际组织(联合国) should be set up to replace the failed 国际联盟.
- 所有被解放的欧洲国家内应该举行民主选举。
- 4月在旧金山进行就联合国成立的会议。联合国的组织方式基本被确定,联合国安理会的主意被采纳。美国和英国同意当时属苏联的乌克兰加盟共和国和白俄罗斯加盟共和国为独立的联合国成员。
- 德国被分裂,德军被解散,德国不准再拥有军队。美英苏认为这是“今后和平和安全的必要条件”。
- 德国应该为“她对同盟国在战争中造成的损失”负战争赔款。战争赔款可以以德国国家资源(机器、船只、企业所有等)、一段时间内应该支付的偿款或劳动力的方式赔偿。美国和苏联达成协议偿款总额为约220亿美元。英国认为在当时偿款总额还无法估计。
- 战争罪问题被暂时搁置。
- 在波兰,一个“广泛的民主临时政府”应该“尽快进行自由的和不受他国控制的、全民的和秘密的选举”。
- 在南斯拉夫,一个保皇党和共产党的联合政府应该被建立。
- 德国投降后三个月内苏联向日本宣战。其报酬是苏联获得库页岛、千岛群岛以及其对大连、旅顺及其铁路连接的控制。
- 关于意大利—南斯拉夫、意大利—奥地利、南斯拉夫—保加利亚、罗马尼亚、伊朗以及土耳其管理的黑海与地中海之间的海峡使用的问题被暂时搁置。
- 所有被俘的苏联公民被遣返苏联,不论他们愿不愿意。
- 在德國投降、歐洲戰爭結束後二至三個月之內,蘇俄依據以下條件協助同盟國參加對日戰爭:
- 外蒙古(蒙古人民共和國)的現狀須予維持。
- 對1904年由於日本背信攻擊(日俄戰爭)所受侵害的帝俄舊有權利,應予恢復如左:(a)庫頁島南部及其鄰近的一切島嶼均須歸還蘇俄;(b)維護蘇俄在大連商港的優先權益,並使該港國際化;同時恢復旅順港口俄國海軍基地的租借權;(c)中蘇設立公司共同經營合辦中長鐵路、南滿鐵路,並保障蘇俄的優先利益。同時維護中華民國在滿州完整的主權。
- 千島群島讓與蘇俄。
- 上述有關外蒙古及東北的港灣與鐵路等協議,須徵求蔣中正之同意,羅斯福總統依斯大林之通知,採取取得其同意之措施。
[编辑] 遗产
[编辑] 参见
- 铁幕
- List of World War II conferences
- Operation Keelhaul
- Trial of the Sixteen
- Western betrayal
- Tehran Conference
[编辑] 参考书目
- Best, Geoffrey. Churchill: A Study in Greatness. London: Hambledon and London, 2001.
- Black, Conrad. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books Group, 2003.
- Clemens, Diane S. "Yalta Conference." World Book. 2006 ed. vol. 21. 2006, 549.
- "Cold War: Teheran Declaration.". CNN. 1998. 26 March 2006.
- Meacham, John. Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship. New York: Random House Inc., 2003.
- O’Neil, William L. World War II: a Student Companion. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.
- Perisco, Joseph E. Roosevelt’s Secret War. New York: Random House, 2001.
- “Portraits of Presidents: Franklin D. Roosevelt.” School Arts Magazine February 1999: 37. Student Research Center. EBSCO Host. Philadelphia. 2 Apr. 2006. Keyword: FDR.
- Snyder, Louis L. World War II. New York: Grolier Company, 1981.
- Sulzberger, C L. American Heritage New History of World War II. Ed. Stephen E. Ambrose. New York: Viking Penguin, 1998.
- Waring, J. G. A student's experience of Yalta
- “Yalta Conference.” Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. World Almanac Education Group, 2003. SIRS DISCOVER. Philadelphia. 2 April 2006. Keyword: Yalta Conference.
[编辑] 外部链接
- Foreign relations of the United States. Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945
- Protocol of proceedings of Crimea Conference
- The Yalta Betrayal
- Mr Bush and the Riga axioms (Positive view on Yalta)
- MilitaryHistoryOnline Yalta Conference
- How good was the Good War?
- The Division of Europe Online Documents Collection
- The Real Myths of Yalta
- Special German series 2. The Committee on Dismemberment of Germany Allied discussions on the dismemberment of Germany into separate states, March 29, 1945. The commite was ordained at Yalta.
- Yalta casts its shadow 60 years on, BBC, February 7, 2005
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