Seznam maratonů
Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
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Přehled maratonů, půlmaratonů a jiných vytrvalostních běhů, abecedně podle zemí světa.
[editovat] A
[editovat] Alžírsko
- Sahara Marathon
[editovat] Antarktida
- The Antarctica Marathon and Half Marathon
[editovat] Argentina
- Buenos Aires City Half Marathon
- Buenos Aires Marathon
[editovat] Antarktida
- viz Severní pól
[editovat] Austrálie
- Canberra Marathon
- Gold Coast Marathon
- Sun-Herald City to Surf
[editovat] B
[editovat] Barbados
- Run Barbardos Marathon
[editovat] Belgie
- ING Brussels Marathon and Half Marathon
- The Coastal (Kust) Marathon
[editovat] Bosna a Hercegovina
- Vidovdan Road Race 10k
[editovat] Brazílie
- 10k Corpore Sao Paulo Classic
- City of Rio de Janeiro Marathon
- Half Marathon of Bahia
- Pampulha Lagoon International Race
- Rio de Janeiro International Half Marathon
- Sao Paulo Half Marathon Corpore
- Sao Paulo International Marathon
[editovat] C, Č
[editovat] Česko
- Hervis půlmaraton Praha (Hervis Prague Half Marathon) –
- Pražský mezinárodní maraton (Prague International Marathon, PIM) –
[editovat] Čína
- Beijing International Marathon
- Dalian International Marathon
- Great Wall Marathon
- Toray Cup Shanghai Marathon
- Xiamen International Marathon
[editovat] D
[editovat] Dánsko
- Copenhagen Marathon
- Hans Christian Andersen Marathon
- Marathon of the Five Towers
[editovat] E
[editovat] Egypt
- International Egyptian Marathon
- Pharaonic 100km
- St. Catherine Marathon
[editovat] Ekvádor
- Guayaquil Marathon
[editovat] Estonsko
- Baltic Marathon
- Tallinn Marathon and Half Marathon
[editovat] Etiopie
- Toyota Great Ethiopian Run
[editovat] F
[editovat] Falklandské ostrovy
- Standard Chartered Stanley Marathon
[editovat] Filipíny
- Philippines Marathon - Pasig River
[editovat] Finsko
- Aland Marathon
- Helsinki City Marathon
- Paavo Nurmi Marathon
- Ruska Maraton
[editovat] Francie
- Marathon de La Rochelle
- Marathon du Mont Saint Michel
- Nice International Half Marathon
- Paris International Marathon
[editovat] G
[editovat] Grónsko
- Nuuk Marathon
[editovat] H
[editovat] Hong Kong
- China Coast Marathon
- Mizuno Hong Kong Half Marathon
- Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon
[editovat] I
[editovat] Indie
- Hutch Delhi Half Marathon
- Hyderabad Midnight Marathon
- Lipton Bangalore International Marathon
- Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon
- The Great Tibetan Marathon
[editovat] Irsko
- Dublin City Marathon
[editovat] Island
- Lake Myvatn Marathon
- Reykjavik Marathon
[editovat] Itálie
- City of Rome Marathon
- Ferrari Italian Marathon
- Firenze Marathon
- Giuseppe Verdi Country Marathon
- Maratona d'Europa
- Maratona San Antonio
- Maratonina Citta Di Udine
- Milano City Marathon
- Palermo D'Inverno Half Marathon and Super Marathon
- Palermo International Marathon
- Turin Marathon and Half Marathon
- Venice Marathon for UNICEF
- Vigarano Marathon
[editovat] Izrael
- Dead Sea Half Marathon
- Jerusalem Half Marathon
- Tiberias Marathon
[editovat] J
[editovat] Japonsko
- Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon
- Fukuoka International Open Marathon Championship
- Hokkaido Marathon
- IAAF World Cross-Country Championships
- Kagawa Marugame Half Marathon
- Kyoto City Half Marathon
- Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon
- Lake Kawaguchi Marathon
- Lake Saroma 100km Hokkaido
- Nagano Olympic Commemorative Marathon
- Nagoya International Women's Marathon
- Ohme 30km/10km Road Race
- Osaka International Ladies Marathon
- Sapporo Half Marathon
- Tokyo City International Marathon
- Tokyo International Women's Marathon
[editovat] Jižní Afrika
- Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon
[editovat] K
[editovat] Kajmanské ostrovy
- Cayman Islands Marathon
[editovat] Kanada
- HSBC Calgary Marathon
- ING Edmonton Centenial Marathon
- ING Ottawa Marathon
- Niagara Fallsview Casino International Marathon
- Quebec City Marathon
- Royal Victoria Marathon
- Scotia Bank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and Half Marathon
- Scotia Bank Vancouver Half Marathon
- The Vancouver Sun Run 10k
- Toronto Marathon and Half Marathon
- Vancouver International Marathon
[editovat] Keňa
- IAAF World Cross-Country Championships
- Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon
[editovat] Kolumbie
- Media Maratón Internacional de Bogotá
- Media Maraton International Ciudad de Medellin
[editovat] Korea
- Chosunilbo Chunchon International Marathon
- JoongAng Seoul International Marathon
- Seoul International Marathon
[editovat] Kuba
- Marabana Half and Full Marathon
[editovat] Kypr
- Cyprus Aphrodite Half Marathon
[editovat] L
[editovat] Libanon
- Beirut International Marathon
[editovat] Litva
- Vilniaus Maratonas
[editovat] Lucembursko
- Dexia Bil Route du Vin Half Marathon
[editovat] M
[editovat] Macao
- Macau International Marathon and Half Marathon
[editovat] Maďarsko
- ABLON Business Run
- Budapest Women Race
- K&H Marathon relay race
- K&H Night Run
- IAAF World Road Race Championships
- Lake Balaton Marathon
- Libresse Women's Running Day
- Nike Budapest International Half Marathon
- Normafa mountain Half Marathon
- Peakrun of Kékes
- Plus Budapest International Marathon
- Puszta run
- T-Com Vivicittá
[editovat] Malajsie
- Kuala Lumpur International Marathon
[editovat] Malta
- Malta International Challenge Marathon
[editovat] Mexiko
- Gran Maraton Pacifico
- Lala Marathon
- Maraton Internacional de Guadalajara
- Tangamanga Marathon
[editovat] Monako
- Monaco International Marathon
[editovat] N
[editovat] Namíbie
- 100 Miles of Namib Desert
[editovat] Německo
- Berlínský maraton (Berlin-Marathon)
- Conergy Marathon Hamburg
- iWelt Marathon Wuerzburg
- Karstadt Marathon
- Marathon Messe Frankfurt
- Ruhr Marathon
- Run Berlin 25km
- Vattenfall Berlin Half Marathon
- Welt Marathon Wuerzburg
[editovat] Nepál
- The Kathmandu Marathon
[editovat] Nigérie
- MTN Lagos International Half Marathon
[editovat] Nizozemí
- City-Pier-City Half Marathon
- Eindhoven Marathon
- Enschede Marathon
- Rotterdamský maraton
- ING Amsterdam Marathon
[editovat] Norsko
- Midnight Sun Marathon and Half Marathon
[editovat] P
[editovat] Pakistán
- Standard Chartered Lahore Marathon
[editovat] Panama
- Panama City International Marathon
[editovat] Panenské ostrovy
- St. Croix International Marathon
[editovat] Polsko
- Arkadia Warsaw Marathon
- Cracovia Marathon
- Maraton Wroclaw
- Pila International Half Marathon
- Poznan Marathon
[editovat] Portoriko
- Coamo Marathon
- World's Best 10km Race
[editovat] Portugalsko
- Carlos Lopes Gold Marathon Memorial
- EDP Half Marathon of Lisbon
- Lisbon International Marathon
- Porto Marathon
- RTP Half Marathon of Portugal
[editovat] R, Ř
[editovat] Rakousko
- Vienna City Marathon
[editovat] Rwanda
- Kigali Peace Marathon
- Rwanda Peace Marathon
[editovat] Rumunsko
- Timisoara Marathon
[editovat] Rusko
- Moscow International Peace Marathon
- Novosibirsk Half Marathon
- Siberian International Marathon
[editovat] Řecko
- Athens Classic Marathon
[editovat] S, Š
[editovat] Severní pól
- North Pole Marathon
[editovat] Srbsko
- Belgrade City Marathon
- Novi Sad Marathon and Half Marathon
[editovat] Singapur
- Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon
[editovat] Slovensko
- Kosice Peace Marathon
[editovat] Slovinsko
- Ljubljanski Marathon
- Three Hearts Marathon
[editovat] Spojené arabské emiráty
- Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon
[editovat] Spojené království
- Baxter's Loch Ness Marathon
- Belfast Marathon
- British 10k London
- Edinburgh Forthside Half Marathon
- Edinburgh Marathon
- Great Scottish Run Half Marathon
- Reebok Bristol Half Marathon
[editovat] Spojené státy americké
- Atlanta Marathon and Half Marathon
- Austin Marathon
- Baystate Marathon
- Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay
- Big Sur International Marathon
- Bostonský maraton
- Chicagský maraton
- City of Los Angeles Marathon
- Cleveland Marathon
- Disney Marathon
- Flying Pig Marathon
- Freihofer's 5k Run for Women
- Hawaiian Half Marathon
- Honolulu Marathon
- ING New York City Marathon
- Lake Tahoe Marathon
- Las Vegas International Marathon and Half Marathon
- Marine Corp Marathon
- Maui Marathon and Half Marathon
- Maui Surf 'n Sand Half Marathon
- Mount Desert Island Marathon
- Myrtle Beach Marathon
- Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon
- Pacific Shoreline Marathon
- Portland Marathon
- Salt Lake City Marathon
- Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon
- Twin Cities Marathon
- Under Armour Baltimore Marathon
- United States Air Force Marathon
- Virginia Mason Team Medicine Marathon at SEAFAIR
[editovat] Španělsko
- Adidas Half Marathon de Valencia
- II Marathon del Mediterraneo
- Marathon Catalunya-Barcelona
- Marathon Popular de Madrid
- Marato de Barcelona
- Maraton de la Ciudad de Sevilla
- Maraton International Martin Fiz
- Maraton Popular de Valencia
[editovat] Švédsko
- Göteborg Half Marathon
- Stockholm Marathon
[editovat] Švýcarsko
- Basel City Marathon – Basilej –
- Basler Marathontage – Basilej –
- Bieler Lauftage/Courses de Bienne – Biel/Bienne –
- Défi international Val-de-Travers – Val-de-Travers –
- Frauenfelder Marathon – Frauenfeld –
- Genève marathon – Ženeva –
- Graubünden-Marathon – Chur –
- Jungfrau Marathon – Interlaken –
- Lausanne marathon – Lausanne –
- Napf-Marathon – Trubschachen –
- Neujahrsmarathon Zürich – Curych –
- Sola-Stafette – Curych –
- Swiss Alpine Marathon – Davos –
- Winterthur Marathon – Winterthur –
- Zermatt Marathon – St. Niklaus - Zermatt - Riffelberg –
- Zürich Marathon – Curych –
[editovat] T
[editovat] Tajwan
- ING Taipei International Marathon
- Taiwan Boulevard International Marathon
[editovat] Tanzanie
- Kilimanjaro Marathon
- Mount Meru International Marathon
[editovat] Thajsko
- ING Thailand Temple Run
- Khon Kaen International Marathon
- Phuket International Marathon
- Thai Health Bangkok Marathon
[editovat] Trinidad
- UWI-SPEC Half Marathon
[editovat] Tunis
- Sahara 100k Challenge Race
[editovat] Turecko
- International Ghazi Run
- Istanbul Eurasia Marathon
- Tarsus International Half Marathon
[editovat] Z
[editovat] Zimbabwe
- Africa University International Peace Marathon
- Victoria Falls Marathon
[editovat] Externí odkazy
- – Association of International Marathons and Road Races (AIMS), anglicky (Asociace mezinárodních maratonů a silničních běhů)
- – MarathonGuide, anglicky