Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Angelsaksere eller angelsachsere kaldes, med et senere opstået fællesnavn, de folk, der erobrede det romerske Britannien i tiden 450-600; de to hovedfolk var anglerne og sakserne, hvortil kom en skare jyder og harderne fra Jylland, men indbyggerne kaldte sig efter erobringen sig selv for blandt andet nordangler og østangler, og heraf er så afledt det fælles navn: England.
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[redigér] Eksterne henvisninger
- 17 March, 2004, BBC News: Teeth unravel Anglo-Saxon legacy Citat: "...The data indicates at least some areas of eastern England absorbed very few Anglo-Saxon invaders, contrary to the view in many historical accounts..."
- 3 December, 2001, BBC News: Viking blood still flowing Citat: "...The study shows the genetic pattern of the Vikings remains in some parts of the UK population...Surprisingly, mainland Scotland had a similar Celtic input as the population of southern England, showing that not only were the English never "homogenous Anglo-Saxons", but neither were the Scots predominantly Celtic..."
- 30 June, 2002, BBC News: English and Welsh are races apart Citat: "...The researchers concluded the most likely explanation for this was a large-scale Anglo-Saxon invasion, which devastated the Celtic population of England, but did not reach Wales...strong genetic links between the Welsh and Irish Celts and the Basques of northern Spain and south France..."
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