Verdas land etter bruttonasjonalprodukt
Frå Wikipedia – det frie oppslagsverket
Dette er ei liste over verdas land etter bruttonasjonalprodukt (BNP), verdien av alle varer og tenester kjøpte i eit land i eit visst år. Dollarverdien er funnen ut frå kjøpekraftpariet. Tala i dette estimatet for 2005 blei laga av IMF i april 2005.
[endre] Sjå òg
Rangering | Land | 2005 BNP (PPP) millionar amerikanske dollar |
— | Verda | 63 419 738 |
1 | USA | 12 332 296 |
— | EU | 12 329 110 |
2 | Folkerepublikken Kina | 8 091 851 |
3 | Japan | 4 009 327 |
4 | India | 3 602 894 |
5 | Tyskland | 2 498 471 |
6 | Storbritannia | 1 825 837 |
7 | Frankrike | 1 811 561 |
8 | Italia | 1 694 706 |
9 | Russland | 1 585 478 |
10 | Brasil | 1 552 542 |
11 | Canada | 1 111 846 |
12 | Sør-Korea | 1 099 066 |
13 | Mexico | 1 064 889 |
14 | Spania | 1 026 340 |
15 | Indonesia | 863 654 |
16 | Australia | 638 713 |
17 | Republikken Kina (Taiwan) | 629 858 |
18 | Tyrkia | 570 748 |
19 | Iran | 560 348 |
20 | Thailand | 559 489 |
21 | Sør-Afrika | 532 011 |
22 | Argentina | 516 951 |
23 | Polen | 512 890 |
24 | Nederland | 498 703 |
25 | Filippinane | 409 445 |
26 | Pakistan | 392 526 |
27 | Ukraina | 339 676 |
28 | Saudi-Arabia | 337 268 |
29 | Colombia | 336 808 |
30 | Belgia | 324 299 |
31 | Bangladesh | 303 655 |
32 | Egypt | 302 803 |
33 | Malaysia | 289 606 |
34 | Sverige | 267 427 |
35 | Austerrike | 267 053 |
36 | Sveits | 241 265 |
37 | Hellas | 236 311 |
38 | Algerie | 232 692 |
39 | Vietnam | 231 644 |
40 | Hong Kong | 226 766 |
41 | Portugal | 203 947 |
42 | Tsjekkia | 198 976 |
43 | Noreg | 193 660 |
44 | Danmark | 187 721 |
45 | Chile | 186 733 |
46 | Romania | 183 162 |
47 | Nigeria | 173 704 |
48 | Irland | 164 190 |
49 | Peru | 164 110 |
50 | Ungarn | 162 289 |
51 | Finland | 161 099 |
52 | Israel | 154 174 |
53 | Venezuela | 153 331 |
54 | Marokko | 138 006 |
55 | Singapore | 124 001 |
56 | Kasakhstan | 123 992 |
57 | Dei sameinte arabiske emirata | 111 027 |
58 | New Zealand | 101 582 |
59 | Slovakia | 87 129 |
60 | Sudan | 85 461 |
61 | Sri Lanka | 85 155 |
62 | Tunisia | 83 353 |
63 | Myanmar (Burma) | 78 564 |
64 | Syria | 72 174 |
65 | Bulgaria | 71 381 |
66 | Kviterussland | 70 524 |
67 | Libya | 65 647 |
68 | Afghanistan | 63 857 |
69 | Den dominikanske republikken | 63 594 |
70 | Etiopia | 62 744 |
71 | Ecuador | 56 779 |
72 | Guatemala | 56 736 |
73 | Kroatia | 55 638 |
74 | Ghana | 54 330 |
75 | Litauen | 49 106 |
76 | Uganda | 48 620 |
77 | Usbekistan | 48 137 |
78 | Kuwait | 44 675 |
79 | Costa Rica | 44 579 |
80 | Angola | 43 599 |
81 | Serbia og Montenegro | 43 462 |
82 | Slovenia | 43 260 |
83 | Kamerun | 40 744 |
84 | Kongo | 40 585 |
85 | Nepal | 39 815 |
86 | Oman | 39 559 |
87 | Turkmenistan | 39 458 |
88 | Aserbajdsjan | 37 841 |
89 | Kenya | 37 065 |
90 | Uruguay | 32 885 |
91 | El Salvador | 31 171 |
92 | Luxembourg | 30 674 |
93 | Kambodsja | 30 579 |
94 | Latvia | 30 227 |
95 | Paraguay | 29 014 |
96 | Elfenbeinskysten | 28 460 |
97 | Zimbabwe | 28 304 |
98 | Tanzania | 27 006 |
99 | Jordan | 26 741 |
100 | Mosambik | 25 974 |
101 | Bolivia | 25 892 |
102 | Ekvatorial-Guinea | 25 439 |
103 | Libanon | 23 638 |
104 | Qatar | 23 584 |
105 | Bosnia-Hercegovina | 22 840 |
106 | Panama | 22 706 |
107 | Estland | 22 239 |
108 | Honduras | 20 549 |
109 | Senegal | 20 482 |
110 | Jemen | 19 324 |
111 | Guinea | 18 945 |
112 | Albania | 18 933 |
113 | Trinidad og Tobago | 17 966 |
114 | Botswana | 17 207 |
115 | Burkina Faso | 16 916 |
116 | Kypros | 16 745 |
117 | Madagaskar | 16 323 |
118 | Mauritius | 16 054 |
119 | Nicaragua | 16 052 |
120 | Makedonia | 15 996 |
121 | Bahrain | 15 796 |
122 | Georgia | 15 522 |
123 | Tsjad | 14 756 |
124 | Papua Ny-Guinea | 14 343 |
125 | Namibia | 14 198 |
126 | Haiti | 14 118 |
127 | Mali | 13 532 |
128 | Armenia | 13 432 |
129 | Rwanda | 12 620 |
130 | Jamaica | 12 141 |
131 | Laos | 12 101 |
132 | Niger | 11 260 |
133 | Kirgisistan | 10 626 |
134 | Zambia | 10 568 |
135 | Island | 10 548 |
136 | Gabon | 9 514 |
137 | Brunei | 9 009 |
138 | Togo | 8 945 |
139 | Tadsjikistan | 8 711 |
140 | Benin | 8 534 |
141 | Moldova | 8 157 |
142 | Malta | 7 909 |
143 | Malawi | 7 507 |
144 | Mauritania | 6 876 |
145 | Bahamas | 6 085 |
146 | Swaziland | 5 646 |
147 | Burundi | 5 642 |
148 | Fiji | 5 368 |
149 | Mongolia | 5 230 |
150 | Lesotho | 5 113 |
151 | Sierra Leone | 4 910 |
152 | Den sentralafrikanske republikken | 4 773 |
153 | Barbados | 4 735 |
154 | Kongo-Brazaville | 4 621 |
155 | Eritrea | 4 250 |
156 | Dei nederlandske Antillane | 4 175 |
157 | Guyana | 3 541 |
158 | Gambia | 3 017 |
159 | Kapp Verde | 2 992 |
160 | Bhutan | 2 913 |
161 | Surinam | 2 812 |
162 | Maldivane | 2 557 |
163 | Belize | 2 046 |
164 | Djibouti | 1 686 |
165 | Guinea-Bissau | 1 182 |
166 | Samoa | 1 172 |
167 | Komorane | 1 114 |
168 | Seychellane | 1 017 |
169 | Saint Lucia | 985 |
170 | Salomonøyane | 925 |
171 | Grenada | 883 |
172 | Antigua og Barbuda | 835 |
173 | Tonga | 785 |
174 | St. Vincent og Grenadinane | 751 |
175 | Vanuatu | 741 |
176 | St. Kitts og Nevis | 626 |
177 | Dominica | 448 |
178 | São Tomé og Príncipe | 268 |
179 | Kiribati | 243 |
Kjelde: International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook Database April 2005. [1]; European Union [2]
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[endre] GDP methodology
GDP dollar estimates for all countries are derived from purchasing power parity (PPP) calculations rather than from conversions at official currency exchange rates. The PPP method involves the use of standardized international dollar price weights, which are applied to the quantities of final goods and services produced in a given economy. The data derived from the PPP method provide the best available starting point for comparisons of economic strength between countries. The division of a GDP estimate in domestic currency by the corresponding PPP estimate in dollars gives the PPP conversion rate. Whereas PPP estimates for OECD countries are quite reliable, PPP estimates for developing countries are often rough approximations. Most of the GDP estimates are based on extrapolation of PPP numbers published by the UN International Comparison Program (UNICP) and by Professors Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania and their colleagues. In contrast, the currency exchange rate method involves a variety of international and domestic financial forces that often have little relation to domestic output. In developing countries with weak currencies the exchange rate estimate of GDP in dollars is typically one-fourth to one-half the PPP estimate. Furthermore, exchange rates may suddenly go up or down by 10% or more because of market forces or official fiat whereas real output has remained unchanged. On 12 January 1994, for example, the 14 countries of the African Financial Community (whose currencies are tied to the French franc) devalued their currencies by 50%. This move, of course, did not cut the real output of these countries by half. One important caution: the proportion of, say, defense expenditures as a percentage of GDP in local currency accounts may differ substantially from the proportion when GDP accounts are expressed in PPP terms, as, for example, when an observer tries to estimate the dollar level of Russian or Japanese military expenditures.