洛杉磯國際機場 Los Angeles International Airport |
![]() |
机场类型 | 商用國際 | ||
管理机构 | 洛杉磯世界機場 Los Angeles World Airports |
啟用日期 | 1928年10月1日 | ||
關閉日期 | {{{closed}}} | ||
服务城市 | 美國加州洛杉磯 | ||
市區距離 | 市區內 | ||
海拔高度 | 126英尺/38.4公尺 | ||
机场代码 | |||
IATA | ICAO | ||
LAX | KLAX | ||
地理位置 | |||
緯度 | 經度 | ||
33°56′33″N | 118°24′29″W | ||
跑道 | |||
方向 | 長度 | 表面 | |
zh-cn:英尺;zh-hk:呎 | 米 | ||
7L/25R | 12,090 | 3,685 | 柏油 |
7R/25L 關閉整修中 |
11,095 | 3,382 | 柏油 |
6R/24L | 10,285 | 3,135 | 柏油 |
6L/24R | 8,925 | 2,720 | 柏油 |
{{{runway5_heading}}} | {{{runway5_feet}}} | {{{runway5_meter}}} | {{{runway5_surface}}} |
{{{runway6_heading}}} | {{{runway6_feet}}} | {{{runway6_meter}}} | {{{runway6_surface}}} |
直升機停機坪 | |||
編號 | 長度 | 表面 | |
zh-cn:英尺;zh-hk:呎 | 米 | ||
{{{helipad1}}} | {{{helipad1_feet}}} | {{{helipad1_meter}}} | {{{helipad1_surface}}} |
統計 | |||
{{{stat_year}}} | |||
乘客流量 | {{{stat_passenger}}} | ||
貨運量 | {{{stat_cargo}}} | ||
升降班次 | {{{stat_flight}}} |
洛杉磯國際機場(Los Angeles International Airport, IATA: LAX, ICAO: KLAX)是美國加州大洛杉磯地區的主要機場。大部份的加州人都以洛杉磯國際機場的代號「LAX」來稱呼它,每個字母各別發音。
LAX擁有比世界任何其他機場都多的「起點和終點」直達航班,也是到2004年為止在旅客人數上世界第五大[1]、貨運上世界第六大的機場,服務超過6千萬旅客和2百萬頓貨物。洛杉磯國際機場也是美國旅客人數上第三大機場,服務第二多國際旅客,僅次於紐約甘迺迪國際機場[2],不過在世界上排名20。在911事件發生前洛杉磯國際機場是世界第三大機場。聯合航空(United Airlines)在此經營一個主要樞紐。
LAX的航班遍及北美洲、拉丁美洲、歐洲、亞洲、和大洋洲。最主要的代表航空公司為聯合航空(佔19.57%的旅客流量,包含聯合快捷(United Express))、美國航空(American Airlines)(15%)、和西南航空(Southwest Airlines)(12.7%)[3]。也是阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)和達美航空(Delta Air Lines)的主要營運點。
洛杉磯國際機場位於洛杉磯市區太平洋岸邊,佔地3425英畝(14平方公里),在離市中心西南方約15英里(24公里)的地方。因為機場位於太平洋岸邊,濃霧有時影響飛機起降,這個時候部份航班會選擇轉降鄰近位於聖博那蒂諾縣(San Bernardino)的安大略國際機場,離LAX約47英里(76公里)的東方。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
In 1928, the Los Angeles City Council selected 640 acres (2.6 km²) in the southern part of Westchester as the site of a new airport for the city. The fields of wheat, barley and lima beans were converted into dirt landing strips without any terminal buildings. It was named Mines Field for William W. Mines, the real estate agent who arranged the deal. The first structure, Hangar No. 1, was erected in 1929 and is now a historic landmark.
Mines Field was dedicated and opened as the official airport of Los Angeles in 1930, and the city purchased it to be a municipal airfield in 1937. The name was officially changed to Los Angeles Airport in 1941, and to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in 1949. Prior to that time, the main airport for Los Angeles was the "Grand Central Airport" in Glendale.
Until this time, the entire airport was located east of Sepulveda Boulevard. As the airport expanded westward to meet the Pacific Ocean, a tunnel was completed in 1953 so that Sepulveda Boulevard would pass underneath the airport's runways. It was the first tunnel of its kind.
The distinctive white "Theme Building," constructed in 1961, resembles a flying saucer that has landed on its four legs. It was designed by a team of architects and engineers headed by William Pereira and Charles Luckman, that also included Paul Williams and Welton Becket. The initial design of the building was created by James Langenheim, of the Pereira-Luckman firm. A restaurant that provides a sweeping view of the airport is suspended beneath two intersecting arches that form the legs. The Los Angeles City Council designated the building a cultural and historical monument in 1992. A $4 million renovation, with retro-futuristic interior and electric lighting designed by Walt Disney Imagineering, was completed before the "Encounter Restaurant" opened there in 1997. At one time, tourists and passengers were able to take the elevator up to the roof of the "Theme Building", but after the September 11th attacks, the rooftop was closed off to everyone for security reasons. It was once said the rooftop would reopen for public use, but that was determined to be a rumor.
The first jet service appeared at LAX in 1959, transporting passengers between LAX and New York. The first wide-bodied jets appeared in 1970 when TWA flew Boeing 747s between LAX and New York.
Groundbreaking for the new Tom Bradley International Terminal was conducted in 1982 by Mayor Tom Bradley and World War II aviator General James Doolittle, and the $123 million terminal was opened in 1984. In 1996, a new 277 foot (84 m) tall air traffic control tower, with overhanging awnings that shade the windows and make the building vaguely resemble a palm tree, was constructed at a cost of $29 million.
Soon afterward, fourteen plexiglass cylinders, each up to ten stories high, were placed in a circle around the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Century Boulevard, with additional cylinders of decreasing height following Century Boulevard eastward. The cylinders, lit from inside, slowly cycle through a rainbow of colors, and provide an additional landmark for visitors arriving by air at night.
At various points in its history, LAX has been a hub for TWA, Air California, Continental, Delta, PSA, USAir, Western Airlines, and the Flying Tiger Line.
Starting in the mid-1990s under Los Angeles Mayors Richard Riordan and James Hahn modernization and expansion plans for LAX were prepared only to be stymied by a coalition spearheaded by residents who live near the airport angry at noise, pollution and traffic impacts of the existing facility. In late 2005 newly elected L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was able to reach a compromise allowing some modernization to go forward while efforts are made to encourage future growth be spread among other facilities in the region.
On May 17 2005 Los Angeles voters decided to keep the Los Angeles Airport Police in place. The proposal was to merge the Los Angeles Airport Police with the LAPD.
On July 29 2006 Runway 7R/25L was closed for reconstruction until March 25 2007. The reconstruction is to move the runway 55 feet south to prevent runway incursions and prepare the runway for the next generation of Airbus A380. The newly moved runway will also have storm drains, and enhanced runway lighting, something that the other 3 runways do not have. Both runways at Ontario International Airport are also undergoing some of the same renovations. The reconstruction of runway 25L will make way for a central taxiway in between runways 25L and 25R.
[编辑] 航廈以及航空公司
[编辑] 第一航廈(Terminal 1)
- 西南航空(Southwest Airlines) - (阿布奎基、奧斯汀、巴爾的摩/華盛頓特區、芝加哥-中途、艾爾帕索、休士頓-哈比、堪薩斯城、拉斯維加斯、奈許維爾、奧克蘭、費城、鳳凰城、雷諾/太浩湖、沙加緬度、聖路易斯、鹽湖城、聖安東尼奧、聖荷西、土桑)
- 全美航空(US Airways) - (夏洛特、費城、匹茲堡)
- 全美航空 - (拉斯維加斯、鳳凰城) 由美西航空(America West Airlines)飛行
- 全美快捷(US Airways Express) - (拉斯維加斯、鳳凰城、普多幕拉塔(Puerto Vallarta)) 由梅薩航空(Mesa Airlines)飛行
[编辑] 第二航廈(Terminal 2)
- 加拿大航空(Air Canada) (卡加利、多倫多、溫哥華)
- 中國國際航空(Air China) (北京)
- 法國航空(Air France) (大溪地-帕皮提、巴黎-戴高樂)
- 美國空運司令部(Air Mobility Command)
- 紐西蘭航空(Air New Zealand) (阿皮亞、奧克蘭、倫敦-希斯洛、南地、大溪地-帕皮提)
- Aviacsa (蒙特瑞)
- Avianca (波哥大)
- 夏威夷航空(Hawaiian Airlines) (檀香山)
- 荷蘭皇家航空(KLM Royal Dutch Airlines) (阿姆斯特丹)
- 西北航空(Northwest Airlines) (底特律、香港、檀香山、印第安納波里、拉斯維加斯、孟菲斯、密爾瓦基、明尼阿波里斯/聖保羅、東京-成田)
- 中美洲航空(TACA) (離開:瓜地馬拉市、聖荷西、聖薩爾瓦多)
- 維京大西洋航空(Virgin Atlantic Airways) (倫敦-希斯洛)
[编辑] 第三航廈(Terminal 3)
- 穿越航空(AirTran Airways) - (亞特蘭大、印第安納波里)
- 阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines) - (坎昆、瓜達拉哈拉(Guadalajara)、依克思塔帕(Ixtapa)/奇瓦添侯(Zihuatanejo)、拉巴斯、羅瑞多(Loreto)、洛斯卡波斯(Los Cabos)、瑪莎特蘭(Mazatlan)、墨西哥市、波特蘭(OR)、普多幕拉塔(Puerto Vallarta)、舊金山、西雅圖-塔科馬、史坡堪(Spokane)、溫哥華、華盛頓-雷根)
- ATA航空(ATA Airlines) - (檀香山、卡互陸依)
- 邊疆航空(Frontier Airlines) - (丹佛、舊金山)
- 中西航空(Midwest Airlines) - (堪薩斯城、密爾瓦基)
- 太陽國航空(Sun Country Airlines) - (明尼阿波利斯/聖保羅)
- 衛斯捷航空(WestJet) - (卡加利)
[编辑] 第四航廈(Terminal 4)
- 美國航空(American Airlines) - (奧斯丁、波士頓、芝加哥-歐海爾、達拉斯/沃斯堡、丹佛、羅德岱堡、檀香山、卡互陸依、可納、利互也、倫敦-希斯洛、洛斯卡波斯、邁阿密、納許維爾、紐華克、紐約-甘迺迪、奧蘭多、聖安東尼奧、舊金山、聖胡安、聖薩爾瓦多、聖路易斯、東京-成田、多倫多、華盛頓-杜勒斯)
- 澳洲航空(Qantas) - 參見湯姆·布蘭得利國際航廈項目
[编辑] 第五航廈(Terminal 5)
- Aerolitoral (Culiacán, Hermosillo, La Paz, Monterrey)
- Aeroméxico (Arrivals)
- Air Jamaica (Montego Bay)
- China Southern Airlines (Guangzhou)
- Delta Air Lines (Acapulco [starts Dec 16, 2006], Atlanta, Boston, Cancún, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Columbus, Fort Lauderdale, Guadalajara, Guatemala City [starts Dec 15, 2006], Hartford, Honolulu, Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, Kahului, Liberia [starts Dec 15, 2006], New York-JFK, New York-LaGuardia, Orlando, Raleigh/Durham, Salt Lake City, Tampa)
- Delta Connection operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines (Culiacán [begins Mar. 15, 2007], Hermosillo [begins Feb. 1, 2007], La Paz [begins Dec. 1], Las Vegas [begins Dec 15, 2006], Loreto [begins Dec. 1], Manzanillo [begins Mar. 13, 2007], Mazatlán [begins Feb. 1, 2007], Oakland [starts Jan 6, 2007], Sacramento [begins Dec 22, 2006], San Francisco [begins Dec 18, 2006], San Jose(CA) [begins Feb 1, 2007], Torreon [begins Mar. 6, 2007], Zacatecas [begins Mar. 13, 2007])
- Spirit Airlines (Detroit)
[编辑] 第六航廈(Terminal 6)
- Aeroméxico (Departures) (Aguascalientes, Cancún, Culiacán, Guadalajara, León, Mexico City)
- Continental Airlines (Cleveland, Honolulu, Houston-Intercontinental, Kahului, Newark)
- Continental Express operated by ExpressJet Airlines (Aguascalientes, Durango (MX), León, Morelia)
- Copa Airlines (Panama City)
- Delta Air Lines (see Terminal 5)
- Delta Connection operated by SkyWest (Salt Lake City)
- United Airlines (International Arrivals; Cancún, Guatemala City, Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, London-Heathrow, Melbourne, Mexico City, San Salvador, Sydney, Tokyo-Narita) Note: United Airlines mixes departures, international and domestic, between T6 and T7
[编辑] 第七航廈(Terminal 7)
- 聯合航空(United Airlines) - (巴爾的摩/華盛頓DC、波士頓、芝加哥-歐海爾、達拉斯/沃斯堡、丹佛、瓜地馬拉市、檀香山、卡互陸依、可納、利互也、倫敦-希斯洛、墨爾本、墨西哥市、紐奧良、紐約-甘迺迪、紐華克、奧蘭多、費城、波特蘭(OR)、沙加緬度、舊金山、聖薩爾瓦多、西雅圖-塔科馬、雪梨、東京-成田、華盛頓-杜勒斯)
[编辑] 第八航廈(Terminal 8)
- 聯合航空(United Airlines)
[编辑] 湯姆·布蘭得利國際航廈(Tom Bradley International Terminal)
- 愛爾蘭航空(Aer Lingus) - (都柏林)
- 俄羅斯航空(Aeroflot) - (莫斯科-Sheremetyevo)
- 印度航空(Air India) - (德里、法蘭克福、孟買)
- 太平洋航空(Air Pacific) - (拿迪)
- 新大溪地航空(Air Tahiti Nui) - (帕比提、巴黎-戴高樂)
- 阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines) - 到達
- 全日空(All Nippon Airways) - (東京-成田)
- 韓亞航空(Asiana Airlines) - (首爾-仁川)
- 英國航空(British Airways) - (倫敦-希斯洛)
- 國泰航空(Cathay Pacific) - (香港)
- 中華航空(China Airlines) - (臺北-桃園)
- 中國東方航空(China Eastern Airlines) - (北京、上海-浦東)
- 巴拿馬航空(Copa Airlines) - 到達
- 以色列航空(El Al) - (特拉維夫、多倫多)
- 長榮航空(EVA Air) - (臺北-桃園)
- 日本航空(Japan Airlines) - (東京-成田)
- 大韓航空(Korean Air) - (首爾-仁川、東京-成田)
- 智利國家航空(LAN Airlines) - (利馬、聖地牙哥)
- 祕魯國家航空(LAN Peru) - (利馬)
- 空運國際(LTU International) - (杜塞道夫)
- 德國漢莎航空(Lufthansa) - (法蘭克福、慕尼黑)
- 馬來西亞航空(Malaysia Airlines) - (吉隆坡、臺北-桃園)
- 墨西哥航空(Mexicana) - (坎昆、瓜達拉哈拉、里昂(León)、洛斯卡波斯(Los Cabos)、瑪莎特蘭(Mazatlán)、墨西哥市、摩瑞里亞(Morelia)、薩卡特卡斯(Zacatecas))
- 墨西哥Click航空(Click Mexicana) - (圖利昂(Torreón))
- 菲律賓航空(Philippine Airlines) - (馬尼拉)
- 澳洲航空(Qantas) - (奧克蘭、布里斯班、墨爾本、雪梨)
- 新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines) - (新加坡-樟宜、臺北-桃園、東京-成田)
- 瑞士國際航空(Swiss International Air Lines) - (蘇黎世)
- 中美洲航空(TACA) - 到達
- 泰國航空(Thai Airways International) - (曼谷)
[编辑] 包機
- Interstate Jet
- Miami Air
- Omni Air International
- World Airways
- PrivatAir
[编辑] 陸上交通
LAX can be reached using the Century Boulevard exit on Interstate 405, or the Sepulveda Boulevard exit on Interstate 105. There is also a shuttle bus "G" that connects to the Aviation/I-105 station on the Metro Green Line light rail. The line was originally intended to connect directly to the airport, but budgetary restraints and opposition from local long-term parking lot owners impeded its progress. However, a free shuttle bus is available every 10 minutes. 24hr. parking is available at the Aviation/Harbor Fwy Green Line Station.
Since March 15 2006, LAWA runs two bus lines, called "The LAX FlyAway", to the various LAX terminals at least hourly, on the hour, and around the clock from Union Station in downtown LA, where connections can be made to the Metro, Metrolink and Amtrak rail systems, and also from Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley. Travel time is 45 min. One way ticket is $3 cash. Covered car parking is provided for $6 and $4 respectively per day up to 30 days. Long Term parking is $10 per day in Lot B and C.
Passengers are also served by taxicabs operated by nine City-authorized taxi companies and regulated by Authorized Taxicab Supervision Inc. (ATS). ATS maintains a taxicab holding lot under the 96th Street Bridge where, at peak periods, hundreds of cabs queue up to wait their turn to pull into the Central Terminal Area to pick up riders. A number of private shuttle companies, among them SuperShuttle and Prime Time Shuttle, provide door-to-door airport transportation as well.
[编辑] Flight Path Learning Center
The Flight Path Learning Center is located at 6661 Imperial Highway and was formerly known as the "West Imperial Terminal." This building used to house some charter flights (Condor Airlines) and regular scheduled flights by MGM Grand Air. It sat empty for 10 years until it was re-opened as a learning center for LAX.
The center contains information on the history of aviation, several pictures of the airport, as well as aircraft scale models, flight attendant uniforms, and general airline swag (playing cards, china, magazines, signs, even a TWA gate information sign). If you ask nicely, one of the fine docents (who are usually retired flight attendants who started work in the 1950s or have been working at the airport for many years) will be glad to open one of the restricted access doors and allow you to stand out on the tarmac (behind a small fence) to get shots of the south side. The center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. While it does not provide the greatest shots for planespotters, it is definitely worth a visit.
[编辑] Plane crashes and terrorism
- On the morning of June 30, 1956, a TWA Lockheed Super Constellation and a United Airlines Douglas DC-7 departed LAX within three minutes of each other on eastbound transcontinental flights. The two propeller-driven airliners subsequently collided over the Grand Canyon in Arizona while both were flying in unmonitored airspace, killing all 128 passengers and crew aboard both planes.
[编辑] 1960s
- On January 13, 1969, a Scandinavian Airlines System Douglas DC-8-62 crashed into Santa Monica Bay, approximately 6 nautical miles west of LAX at 7:21 PM, local time. The aircraft was operating as flight SK-933, nearing the completion of a flight from Seattle. Of nine crewmembers, three lost their lives to drowning, while 12 of the 36 passengers also drowned.
- On January 18, 1969, a United Airlines Boeing 727-22C bearing the registration number N7434U, crashed into Santa Monica Bay approximately 11.3 miles west of LAX at 6:21 p.m. local time. The aircraft was destroyed, resulting in the loss of all 32 passengers and six crewmembers aboard.
[编辑] 1970s
- On the evening of June 6, 1971, a Hughes Airwest Douglas DC-9 jetliner departed LAX on a flight to Salt Lake City, Utah, when it was struck nine minutes after takeoff by a U.S. Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom fighter jet over the San Gabriel Mountains. The midair collision killed all 44 passengers and five crew members aboard the DC-9 airliner and one of two crewmen aboard the military jet.
- On August 6, 1974, a bomb exploded near the Pan Am ticketing area at Terminal 2; two people were killed and 17 were injured.
- On March 1, 1978, two tires burst in succession on a Continental Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 during its takeoff roll at LAX and the plane, bound for Honolulu, veered off the runway. A third tire burst and the DC-10's left landing gear collapsed, causing a fuel tank to rupture. Following the aborted takeoff, spilled fuel ignited and enveloped the center portion of the aircraft in flames. During the ensuing emergency evacuation, a husband and wife died when they exited the passenger cabin onto the wing and dropped down directly into the flames. Two additional passengers died of their injuries approximately three months after the accident; 74 others aboard the plane were injured, as were 11 firemen battling the fire.
- On the morning of September 25, 1978, Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 182, which was on a Sacramento-Los Angeles International Airport-Lindbergh Field, San Diego route, collided in midair with a Cessna 172 while descending for a landing at Lindbergh Field; both planes crashed in San Diego's North Park district, killing all 135 on board the PSA jetliner, both occupants of the Cessna aircraft, and 7 persons on the ground.
- On the evening of March 10, 1979, Swift Aire Flight 235, a twin-engine Aerospatiale Nord 262A-33 turboprop enroute to Santa Maria, was forced to ditch in Santa Monica Bay after experiencing engine problems upon takeoff from LAX. The pilot, co-pilot and a female passenger drowned when they were unable to exit the aircraft after the ditching. The female flight attendant and the three remaining passengers -- two men and a pregnant woman -- survived and were rescued by several pleasure boats and watercraft in the vicinity.
- On May 25, 1979, American Airlines Flight 191, a McDonnell-Douglas DC-10, dropped an engine during takeoff and crashed while en route to Los Angeles from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, killing all 271 passengers and crew on board and two people on the ground.
[编辑] 1980s
- On the morning of August 2, 1985, Delta Air Lines Flight 191, on a Fort Lauderdale-Dallas-Los Angeles route, crashed at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, killing 136 of the 167 passengers on board.
- On August 31, 1986, Aeromexico Flight 498, a DC-9 en route from Mexico City, Mexico to Los Angeles, began its descent into LAX when a Piper Cherokee collided with the DC-9's left horizontal stabilizer over Cerritos, California, causing the DC-9 to crash into a residential neighborhood. All 64 passengers and crew aboard the Aeromexico flight were killed, in addition to 15 on the ground. 5 homes were destroyed and an additional 7 were damaged by the crash and resulting fire. The 3 occupants of the Piper were killed immediately when the two planes collided; their aircraft went down in a nearby schoolyard and caused no further injuries on the ground. As a result of this incident, FAA required all commercial aircraft to be equipped with Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS).
- On December 7, 1987, Pacific Southwest Airlines PSA Flight 1771, bound from LAX to San Francisco International Airport, was cruising above the central California coast when a disgruntled USAir employee aboard the plane shot his ex-supervisor, both pilots and then himself, causing the airplane to crash near the town of Cayucos. All 43 aboard perished. Following this event, airline staff and crew were no longer allowed to bypass security checks at U.S. airports.
[编辑] 1990s
- On February 1, 1991, USAir Flight 1493, a Boeing 737 landing on Runway 24L at LAX, collided upon touchdown with a SkyWest Fairchild Metroliner, Flight 5569, that had been holding in position on the same runway. The collision killed all 12 occupants of the SkyWest plane and 22 persons aboard the USAir 737.
- If Project Bojinka had not been discovered after a fire in Manila, Philippines, one or more aircraft owned by a U.S. carrier/s at this airport would have blown up over the Pacific Ocean on January 21, 1995 as part of the project's first phase.
- On October 2, 1996, AeroPeru Flight 603, a Boeing 757 en route to LAX from Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago, Chile, via Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, Peru, crashed in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. All 70 passengers and crew on board died.
- On October 31, 1999, EgyptAir Flight 990, which was on a Los Angeles-JFK, New York, New York-Cairo route, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near Nantucket after takeoff from New York, killing all 217 persons on board.
[编辑] 2000s
- In the year 2000, Al-Qaeda attempted to bomb LAX during the millennium holiday, although the bomber was caught at the U.S. port of entry. Ahmed Ressam was captured in Port Angeles, Washington, with a cache of explosives in the trunk of his rented car which had traveled with him from Victoria, British Columbia, aboard the ferry "Coho". The plot was part of the 2000 millennium attack plots. Ressam was sentenced to 22 years in prison on July 27, 2005.
- On the afternoon of January 31, 2000, Alaska Airlines Flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 jetliner flying from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to San Francisco and Seattle, requested to make an emergency landing at LAX after experiencing control problems with its tail-mounted horizontal stabilizer. Before the plane could divert to Los Angeles, it suddenly plummeted into the Pacific Ocean approximately 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island off the California coast, killing all 88 persons aboard the aircraft.
- 於2000年10月31日,新加坡航空006號班機是一架由新加坡樟宜机场經由臺北-臺灣桃園國際機場(原中正國際機場)飛往洛杉磯國際機場的航班,在臺灣桃園國際機場起飛時不甚墜毀,導致機上179名成員有83人罹難。
- On July 4, 2002, a gunman killed 2 Israelis at the ticket counter of El Al Airlines at LAX. Although the gunman was not linked to any terrorist group, the man was upset at U.S. support for Israel, and therefore was motivated by political disagreement. This led the FBI to classify this shooting as a terrorist act, one of the few on U.S. soil since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The attack was similar to the Rome and Vienna Airport Attacks.
- On September 22, 2005, a JetBlue A320 (JetBlue Flight 292) discovered a problem with its landing gear as it took off from Burbank Airport. It flew in circles for three hours to burn off fuel, then landed safely at Los Angeles International Airport, balancing on its back wheels as it rolled down the center of the runway. Passengers were able to watch their own coverage live from the satellite broadcast on JetBlue in-flight TV seat displays of their plane as it made an emergency fiery landing. [4]
- On July 29, 2006, after America West Flight 6008 from Phoenix landed on the airport's southernmost runway, controllers instructed the pilot to leave the runway on a taxiway known as "Mike" and stop short of the inner runway. Even though the pilot read back the instructions correctly, he drove onto the inner runway and into the path of a departing United Express turboprop Flight 6037. They cleared each other by 50 feet and nobody was hurt.
[编辑] Popular culture
- In the film Speed, a bus that is armed with a bomb cannot drop its speed to below 50 miles per hour or else it will explode. After running through the congested Los Angeles traffic and getting on the freeway, Jack Traven finally directs to the bus to enter LAX so it can safely move around without being a danger.
[编辑] See also
- Busiest airports in the United States by international passenger traffic
[编辑] 外部鏈接
- 洛杉磯國際機場 LAX
- Template:FAA-diagram