List of albums containing a hidden track
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This list contains the names of albums that contain a hidden track and also information on how to find them. Please note that not all printings of an album contain the same track arrangements, so your copy of Album X may or may not have the hidden track(s) listed below. Some of these tracks may be hidden in the Pregap, and some hidden simply as a track following the listed tracks. A list of Albums with tracks in the Pregap are listed on the Pregap page.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z and Various Artists
[edit] 0-9
- As Heard On Radio Soulwax Pt. 2 : Can't Get You Out Of My Head: Remix of Kylie Minogue's song. Found in the pregap; rewind from the beginning of track one
- 3 Doors Down: Away from the Sun: "This Time" after the final track
- 30 Seconds to Mars:
- 30 Seconds to Mars: Contains hidden track "The Struggle" (also called "Hidden to Label"). Is 2:34 in length and is written by Jared and Shannon Leto.
- A Beautiful Lie: Three hidden tracks at 12:30 of final track, "A Modern Myth". They are titled "Praying for a Riot", "Battle of One" and a cover of the Björk song "Hunter".
- 311:
- Evolver: Hidden track at 5:22 of final track of P-Nut and Hexum jamming
- Transistor: "[Untitled Hidden Track]" in the album's pregap (rewind to before track 1 to hear this)
- 5ive:
- 5ive: "Switch" at track 55
- Invincible: "Inspector Gadget" at track 55
- Kingsize: "World Of Mine" and "All Around" at tracks 25 and 26
[edit] A
- Aaron Carter: Another Earthquake!: "Sugar", after the final track
- Abs Breen: Abstract Theory: "One And Only", 7 minutes after the final track
- AC/DC: Volts: After the end of the final track you can hear several audio tracks and radio interviews
- Acid Bath: Paegan Terrorism Tactics: The penultimate track contains a large period of silence (from 7:24 to 24:08), before the unlisted hidden track, "The Beautiful Downgrade".
- Add N To (X): Avant Hard: Hidden track following 0:33 of silence after the final track
- Adrian Legg: Waiting For A Dancer: "Norah Handley's Waltz" is accessible by rewinding track one, "Ragged Nail"
- Aerosmith:
- Just Push Play: Reprisal of "Under My Skin" following "Avant Garden"
- Live Bootleg: "Draw the Line" at the end of the "Mother Popcorn" track
- Pandora's Box: Untitled track at the end of disc 3, later named "Circle Jerk" on Box of Fire
- Pump: Untitled track following "What It Takes"
- 13: "Lady" hidden in the album's pregap
- AFI:
- The Art of Drowning: The track "Battled" plays after "Morningstar"
- Black Sails in the Sunset: 10:30 into the track "God Called in Sick Today" starts the hidden track "Midnight Sun"
- Sing the Sorrow: At 4:28 of "...but home is nowhere", an untitled poem followed by "This Time Imperfect" at 8:42
- Very Proud of Ya: Rewinding the first track reveals the track "No Dave Party"
- Decemberunderground: Rewinding up to 21 seconds before the first track (Prelude 12/21) there is a hidden introduction, extending the track to 1:42 minutes.
- Jagged Little Pill: Track 13 contains an alternate take of "You Oughta Know" and, following silence, at 5:12 the a capella "Your House"
- Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie: a demo of "Uninvited", with only pianos and vocals at the end of the Australian edition of the album
- Aleixa: Disfigured: A studio outtake featuring one of the singers performing a song from Sesame Street follows the final track, "Await (Remix)".
- Alice Cooper: Dirty Diamonds: A new song, likely called The Sharpest Pain appears after the final (bonus) track, Stand.
- Alice in Chains: Dirt: Iron Gland is sandwiched in between God Smack and Hate To Feel, being track 9 or track 10 (depending on the version) on the disc itself.
- Alicia Keys: Songs In A Minor: Song "Lovin' You" is not listed
- Alien Ant Farm: ANThology: "Orange Appeal" following on from final track "Universe"
- 3rd Draft: "Tragedy" and "Say Something" follow the last track "She's Only Evil"
- Up in the Attic: "Beehive" and "Album End" follow the last track "She's Only Evil"
- All Star United: "Vitamins" follows the last track "Lullaby"
- International Anthems for the Human Race: "Hurricane" and a sped-up demo version of "International Anthem" follow the last track "Put Your Arms Around Me"
- Amy Winehouse: Back to Black: US release contains unlisted 11th track, a reprise of You Know I'm No Good featuring Ghostface Killah
- Anal Cunt: Morbid Florist: Rewind track one, a cover of The Doors' "Hello, I Love You" exists in the pregap.
- Anathema (band): A Fine Day to Exit: "Temporary Peace" ends at roughly 6 minutes. The main song ends with the sound of waves crashing on a beach. But, after 2 minutes the band members start a monologue for 2 minutes, making it sound like a "mad person" is talking to himself. The sound of waves remain for 3 minutes of the track. Finally, in the remaining 3 minutes, a hidden song performed with acoustic guitars is played. As they finish singing, the audio track ends.
- Annihilator (band): Carnival Diablos: "Chicken and Corn" following on from "Hunter Killer" after a minute of silence
- Anti-Flag: Mobilize: Following the final track and some silence, there are several audio clips of Anti-Flag and Spazz talking on stage. Following that, there is more silence, then a skit involving "The Bear" in the studio.
- The Aquabats:
- The Fury of the Aquabats!: After 2 minutes and 34 seconds of silence, the final track is "Playdough Revisited!"
- Myths, Legends, and Other Amazing Adventures, Vol. 2: At the end of the album, there is more of the phone conversation with Danger Woman from track 10
- Arcturus: La Masquerade Infernale:Untitled hidden track in the album's pregap
- Armor for Sleep: What to Do When You Are Dead: A hidden suicide note can be played by immediately rewinding the first track to approximately -1:30.
- Art Brut: "Bang Bang Rock and Roll": An instrumental entitled Subliminal Desire for Adventure will play if the CD is rewound before Formed a Band
- Ash: 1977: Early pressings of the album had "Jack Names the Planets" and "Don't Know" hidden in the pregap before track 1, while all pressings feature "Sick Party" at 11:12 of the final track.
- Trailer: Most pressings of Trailer had a hidden song, after "Get Out", which could only be accessed by digitally mixing it. The hidden song was an alternative version of Intense Thing, which was shorter and had a different drum beat, and the vocals are extremely hard to hear.
- Atmosphere: Seven's Travels: "Say Shhh..." at the end of the album
- Attila and the Huns: Attila and the Huns: After about 3 minutes of silence following the final track, a hidden track entitled, "Here Comes the Frog" begins, followed by a choral arrangement of the song, followed by a 5 second track recorded by drummer Andrew O'Donnell, entitled "Crazy Little Frog"
- Audio Adrenaline:
- bloOm: A brief studio outtake at the end of final track "Memoir"
- Some Kind of Zombie: The "Criscotech Remix" of "Some Kind of Zombie" at the end of the final track "Superfriend"
- Audio Bullys: EGO WAR: Hidden track some ~2 mins after last song
- Autechre: LP5: An untitled track follows either a long period of silence on track 11, or appears as track 12
- The Auteurs: New Wave: "Subculture" appears after last listed track "Home Again"
- Authority Zero: Andiamó: Rattlin' Bog, a song that constantly builds upon itself, performed live, appears at the end of the album.
- The Avett Brothers: "Four Thieves Gone": A hidden recording at the end of Four Thieves Gone.
- Ayumi Hamasaki:
- I am...: "flower garden" at the end of the album
- LOVEppears: "kanariya" at the end of the album
- RAINBOW: "+" follows the abrupt ending of the final listed track "independent"
- A BEST 2 -BLACK-: "Memorial address" at the end of the album, previously released on a mini-album by the same title.
[edit] B
- The Process of Belief: 1:15 into the last song "Bored and Extremely Dangerous," there is a gap of bizarre background noises, until the 1:59 mark, when the song continues.
- Gordon: After "Crazy", a number of studio outtakes and ad-libs occur.
- Rock Spectacle: "Sweetest Woman" and "Uncle Elwyn", two famous Barenaked Ladies 'ad-libs', follow on from "If I Had $1,000,000" after a minute's silence
- Stunt: "She's on Time" and "Long Way Back Home" is a bonus track following "When You Dream" on some versions of the CD.
- Maroon: "Hidden Sun" follows on after "Tonight is the Night I Fell Asleep at the Wheel" on some versions of the CD.
- Pet Sounds: A few seconds of a train going by and two dogs barking are heard immediately after the end of "Caroline, No"
- Pet Sounds (Remastered CD): After the stereo version of "Caroline, No," there are a few seconds of silence followed by thirty seconds of an isolated background vocal track from "Wouldn't It Be Nice."
- Good Vibrations: Thirty Years of The Beach Boys: At the end of Disc One is an unlisted multi-tracked demo rendition of "Happy Birthday Four Freshmen", performed by Brian Wilson. That rendition would later appear on Disc One of Hawthorne, CA, this time listed as track #3 of that 2-CD anthology.
- Hawthorne, CA: At the end of both discs is a hidden track. Disc One features a hidden excerpt of The Beach Boys singing a brief tribute to KFWB radio station in concert, followed by Mike Love saying "We usually call this one an intermission." Disc Two features an a cappella extract from "Heroes and Villains".
- Beanbag: freesignal: Partial remixes of "Whiplash", "Bite the Hand", and "Happy Dispatch", connected by bits of static and songs from other stations on a radio dial, are found on an unlisted track 12, following a five-second "minus track" separating it from track 11, "Taste Test".
- The Beatles:
- Abbey Road: "Her Majesty" follows a short silence at the end of the album
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: Several seconds after the final track "A Day in the Life", a loop of random edits and samples backwards plays. On the original vinyl, this looped endlessly (and could be arguably the first hidden track), however on CD it only loops about eight or nine times before fading. It also appears on the American version of the Beatles' compilation Rarities, and is listed as "Sgt. Pepper Inner Groove".
- The White Album: "Can You Take Me Back", a short McCartney song, appears in between "Cry Baby Cry" and "Revolution 9".
- Gaze: "Loneliness" appears at the end of the last listed track, "The Last Waltz"
- Beck:
- Mellow Gold: "Analog Odyssey" appears a couple minutes after "Blackhole."
- Stereopathetic Soulmanure: There are 2 unlisted tracks. "Ken" is a short snippet of dialogue on track 24. There is also bonus noise on track 25 on most discs, but not all. The bonus noise features a reversed song called "In The Clover."
- Odelay: There is a loop of electronic noise a couple minutes after "Ramshackle."
- Mutations: "Diamond Bollocks" appears after a few minutes of silence at the end of the album.
- Midnite Vultures: The album contains non-song noise at three points: 25 seconds between tracks 3 and 4; 9 seconds of spray-painting noise between tracks 9 and 10, and; 1:04 of hidden electronic noise 7 minutes after final track "Debra" finishes.
- Size Isn't Everything: Last track, Decadance contains two tech-remix of the 1976 recording ‘You Should Be Dancing’
- Belle and Sebastian: 3.. 6.. 9 Seconds of Light/Push Barman to Open Old Wounds: After "Put the Book Back on the Shelf," a short song, "Songs for Children (On the Radio)" follows.
- Ben Folds: supersunnyspeedgraphic: At the 6:19 mark of the last song, "Stay," fourteen seconds after the song concludes, is an instrument-by-instrument reprise of the fadeout of the song "Bitches Ain't Shit."
- Ben Folds Five: Whatever and Ever Amen: The hidden track, a message by Ben Folds about Ben Folds, appears at 5:28 of the final track on the original album, but is found in the pregap on remasters
- Beth Hart: Screamin' for My Supper: "There's No Sound" at the end of the album
- Better Than Ezra:
- Deluxe: A hidden, untitled track begins playing after 2 minutes and 10 seconds of silence following the final listed track, "Coyote".
- Friction, Baby: A hidden, untitled track can be heard by rewinding track one, "King of New Orleans" and letting it play from the negative.
- The Silent Circus: "The Man Land" begins at 11:15 into "The Need for Repetition".
- Beyoncé Knowles: Dangerously in Love: "Daddy" at the end of the album
- B'Day: "Encore For The Fans/Listen/Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix)". After the last track on the album, these three tracks follow right after, making the last track on the album actually over 10 minutes long.
- Infinity Land: "Tradition Feed" follows a long silence at the album's conclusion.
- The Vertigo Of Bliss: "Ewan's True Mental You" plays approx. 30 seconds after the final track.
- Big Brovaz: There is a cover version of the original "Favourite Things", from the Sound of Music, perforemd by the girls of Big Brovaz.
- Plectrist: Two incomplete takes of "Lover Come Back To Me" in pregap, rewind about 9 minutes before track 1.
- The Black Alley Screens: Insania: "Secret Song with a Seagul Introduction" features on original copies.
- The Black Crowes: Shake Your Money Maker: "Mercy Sweet Moan (Live Too Fast Blues)" is played as an unlisted 11th track.
- Black Eyed Peas: Elephunk: "Third Eye" at the end of the album
- Black Label Society: Mafia: There is an untitled, unlisted "Track 15" at the end of the album.
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Howl: The song "Open Invitation" follows "The Line" at the end of the album.
- Black Sabbath: Sabotage: "Blow on a Jug" follows on from "The Writ", at a much lower volume
- Blind Melon: Soup: Features "Hello Goodbye" in the pregap before "Galaxie."
- Blink-182: Take Off Your Pants And Jacket: For a limited period, there were 3 editions of the Take Off Your Pants And Jacket Disc, each with 2 unique hidden tracks (one proper song and one joke song). After the limited period, all discs contained one of the 6 total hidden tracks, "Time To Break Up"
- The Mark, Tom, And Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back!): after The 20th Track "man overboard" there are 29 hidden tracks of Blink-182's Onstage Banter all from different shows.
- Blink-182: After "Violence" is a reading of a letter which fades into the next song "Stockholm Syndrome".
- Bloc Party: Silent Alarm "Every Time Is The Last Time" is hidden in the album's pregap
Silent Alarm Remixed "Tulips (Club Version)" is featured after silence after the final listed track.
- Bloodhound Gang: Hooray for Boobies has a hidden track which proceeds through a discussion and demo of the brass line in "Take The Long Way Home," a studio recording of the theme "Hooray For Boobies," and outtakes from "A Lap Dance Is So Much Better."
- Blue Man Group: The Complex: "Hidden Mandelbrot" / "Mandelbro7" / "Mandelbrot 4" follows on from final track "Exhibit 13"
- Blue October: Foiled: "It's Just Me" follows two minutes of silence at the end of the album
- Blur: Think Tank: "Me, White Noise" is hidden in the album's pregap, and also other hidden tracks throughout
- Boards Of Canada: The Campfire Headphase: Hidden track at the end of the album
- Bon Jovi: Have A Nice Day: "Dirty Little Secret", a duet with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland, is hidden at the end of the U.S. version of the album
- Boo Radleys: Kingsize: a minute of melodic vocoder sounds appears at the album's pregap; rewind to before the beginning of track 1
- Boy Kill Boy: Civilian: The hidden track "Exit" plays after 5:37 minutes of the final listed track, Shoot Me Down.
- Brad Paisley:
- Mud on the Tires: A blooper for "Spaghetti Western Swing" after the last track
- Time Well Wasted: 5 hidden tracks after the final track, most are bloopers on "Cornography"
- Brand New::The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me: Overlapping phone conversations are in the pregap.
- Breaking Benjamin
- Saturate: "Forever" at the end of the album
- We Are Not Alone: Contains an unlisted twelth track, "Rain (2005 Version)".
- Phobia: Contains an unlisted fourteenth track, "The Diary of Jane (Acoustic)".
- Letting Off The Happiness: Has a hidden version of "Contrast and Compare" at the end of the album after "Tereza and Thomas".
- Bruce Dickinson: The Chemical Wedding: A 16 second spoken-word track at 8:10 in the final track, "The Alchemist".
- Buckcherry
- Time Bomb: "Open Your Eyes" 30 seconds after track 12.
- Buzy: "Annaniano Ko no Koto wo Omotte Ru Yatsu Hainakatta" (??????????????????????) is a hidden track 13 at the end of the album by the band's leader NAO.
[edit] C
- John Cale: Paris 1919 (2006 rerelease): An unlisted instrumental version of "Macbeth"
- Calexico: Feast Of Wire: Rewind from first track to find instrumental track, title unknown
- Catatonia: Way Beyond Blue: "Gyda Gwên," a song in Welsh (the rest of the album is in English), begins at 10:39 of "Way Beyond Blue" (though from 9:37, unrehearsed voices and noises from the studio can be heard). The song is unlisted, but lyrics appear in the liner notes.
- Catch 22: Alone in a Crowd: Track number 22 is an untitled hidden song.
- Children of Bodom: Something Wild: The last track, Touch Like Angel of Death contains a short keyboard instrumental after several minutes of silence.
- Chris Rice: Deep Enough To Dream: The humorous hidden track Cartoons (aka The Cartoon Song) became arguably the most popular song on the album.
- Circa Survive: Juturna: "House Of Leaves" begins at 8:57 of "Meet Me In Montauk"
- Cirrus: Back on a Misson
- CKY: Volume. 1: "Halfway House" begins at 19:37 of final track
- The Clash: London Calling: "Train in Vain (Stand by Me)" was originally unlisted
- Jarvis Cocker: Jarvis: "Running The World" begins at 29:36 of final track
- Coheed and Cambria:
- Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness: "Bron-Y-Aur" at the end of the album
- In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3: "21:13" at track 23
- The Second Stage Turbine Blade: "IRO-Bot" at the end of the album
- Cold: Year of the Spider: "Gone Away" at 15:50 of the final track
- Cold Chisel: The Last Wave Of Summer: There is an unnamed track after the final track (which is the title track)
- Coldplay:
- Parachutes: "Life Is For Living" begins at 5:39 of the final track "Everything's Not Lost"
- X&Y: "'Til Kingdom Come" at the end of the album; this was hidden, but frequently mentioned in interviews with the band promoting X&Y
- Collective Soul: Dosage: "She Said" follows at the end of track 11, "Crown".
- Counting Crows:
- Across a Wire: Live in New York City: Unlisted track "Chelsea" after a lengthy pregap.
- This Desert Life: "Kid Things" at the end of the album
- Course of Empire: Initiation: "Running Man" hidden in the pregap, and "The Gate / Tomorrow" after track 10 (it also sounds differently when played in mono)
- Cracker:
- Gentleman's Blues: "1-202-456-1414" (the touch-tone phone tone for the White House) at track 18; "1-202-514-8688" (phone tone for The Justice Department) at track 20; "1-310-289-4459" (an unknown phone tone) at track 22, and; "Cinderella" at track 24
- Kerosene Hat: "Eurotrash Girl", "I Ride My Bike", and "Kerosene Hat rehearsal" at tracks 69, 88 and 99 respectively
- The Principle of Evil Made Flesh: Track 13 "Imperium Tenebrarum" – 0:49
- Crashdog: The Pursuit Of Happiness: "Love Is Costly And Words Are Cheap" on Track 13
- Crazy Town:
- The Gift Of Game: at track number 32 there is a man (who sounds like Matt Pinfield) raving about how good Crazy Town is.
- Criteria: En Garde (2003) - rewind from track 1 into negative timing, features a song by Team Rigge
- Curver: Haf: Additional unnamed song after long silence at end of track "Í Fallinni Borg"
[edit] D
- D:A:D: Good Clean Family Entertainment You Can Trust - Milestone Material 85-95: "Counting The Cattle" appears 8 minutes after track 14 "It's After Dark (Live)"
- Damien Marley: Halfway Tree: in "Stand A Chance" at 5:08
- Damien Rice: O: "Prague" at 7:07 and "Silent Night" at 15:03 of final track "Eskimo"
- 9: "9 Crimes (Demo)" in the pregap of the first track.
- Daniel Amos: Mr. Buechner's Dream (disk 2): Untitled scat piece after over 10 minutes of silence on last track
- Daniel Bedingfield: Second First Impression: "I'm Not Dead!", an upbeat track referring to his near-death in a recent car accident, plays after the end of the 'regular' tracks on the album.
- Danity Kane: Danity Kane (album): "Sleep On It" is the last track on the album, #15 after "Stay With Me"
- Dannii Minogue: Girl: "Coconut" at the end of the album
- Dave Matthews Band: Before These Crowded Streets: A reprise of "The Last Stop" appears after track 11, "Spoon".
- Remember Two Things: A reprise of "Seek Up" appears after track 10, "Christmas Song." Also heard are the ambient sounds of a thunderstorm and crickets.
- David Cross: It's Not Funny: Several minutes after the end of the last track is a brief section of Cross' standup show, evidently edited out of the rest of the performance, in which he recounts an encounter with Scott Stapp of Creed backstage on Celebrity Poker Showdown.
- David Gray: White Ladder: "I Can't Get Through To Myself" when "Please Forgive Me" is rewound to negative time.
- David Wilcox: East Asheville Hardware: A humorous version of Eye of the Hurricane at the end of the last track after an interval of silence.
- DC Talk: Jesus Freak: "Alas, My Love" on track 13. The track is listed without a title, and begins immediately after the previous track, "Mind's Eye", reprising the intro to "So Help Me God". After a period of silence, the poem "Alas My Love" is recited. The words are printed in the CD booklet.
- Death from Above 1979: You're a Woman, I'm a Machine: About five seconds before the album finishes (one minute after "Sexy Results" ends), there is a short drum/piano beat.
- Deee-Lite: Dewdrops in the Garden: features hidden tracks after the final billed track plays.
- Def Leppard: Retro Active: "Miss you in a heartbeat (piano version)" appears 30s after last track's end.
- High 'N' Dry: the last lyric, 'no', in "No, No, No" repeats infinitely on the original vinyl album release
- Adrenaline: "Fist" after a deal of silence at the end of the album
- Around the Fur: "Damone" after a deal of silence at the end of the album
- Del Amitri: Can You Do Me Good?: a two-minute instrumental extract from "The Septic Jubilee", one of the band's B-sides, after around 30 seconds' silence following the final track, "Just Getting By"
- Delta Goodrem: Mistaken Identity: "Nobody Listened" at the end of the Australian version of the album
- Depeche Mode
- Construction Time Again: "Everything Counts (Reprise)", appears as a hidden track on most versions of Construction Time Again, but on some albums is tacked at the end of "And Then..." instead. It's a short version of the main single, "Everything Counts."
- Ultra: "Junior Painkiller", an unmarked instrumental track on most versions of Ultra, at the end of the album following a short silence.
- Dervish: Spirit: The song "Ochón an Gorta Mor" follows a long pause after the last track.
- Diamond Rio: IV: Various earlier hits mixed with sound effects in the pregap before Track 1, "Holdin'".
- Dido: Life for Rent: "Closer", several minutes after the final track, "See the Sun"
- Disturbed: On Disturbed's first album, "The Sickness", when "Stupify" is over, there is an eerie guitar arrangement that plays before "Down With The Sickness". The strange thing is that if you were to play it on a CD player or stereo with a progress display, it will display that the CD is on track 4, but the song doesn't progress. It stays at 0:00 while the guitar plays. Additionally, when the song is playing, you can hear the same guitar part in the verses.
- The Divine Comedy
- Promenade: Short film soundbite at the end of the album --- Ode to the man
- Dir en grey: Gauze (album): Track 12, Akuro no Oka, contains a large part of track 13, Gauze ~Mode of Eve~. which lasts about 1:09 in its entirety.
- DJ Sammy
- Heaven (UK release): California Dreamin' hidden after Track 11 - Heaven (Yanou's Candlelight Mix) finishes at 4:02.
- Erotic Massage: Tracks 13-26 contain silence, Track 27 is the hidden track.
- Committed to a Bright Future: A cover of the song "Grease", theme song to the film Grease. On early US editions, track 14, on European editions, track 15 (after a bonus track, a rerecording of "China White" from Erotic Massage), and on newer editions, hidden in the pregap before "Love Song for a Witch", the first track.
- Donkey Kong Country: OST: "Level cleared" if you skip to Track 100
- Dope: LIFE features an unlisted track, "Your Full of Shit" on track 14.
- Dr. Dre: The Chronic features an unlisted track, "Bitches Ain't Shit" on track 16. This track is listed on the 2001 reissue.
- Dream Theater
- Images and Words Demos 1989-1991: The second disc contains an unlisted tenth track, "Oliver's Twist", which is an early instrumental version of Pull Me Under.
- When Dream and Day Unite Demos 1987-1989: The second disc contains an unlisted and untitled bonus track at the end of the CD.
- Dresden Dolls: Dresden Dolls: After "Truce," at the very end of an album, a woman says, "Amanda, you're telling me a fairy tale."
- The first full length album by Drop Dead, Gorgeous, In Vogue, featured a grindcore song after the final track.
- Duncan Sheik: Humming (1998): "Foreshadowing": 8:06 (Segued to last track)
- Daylight (2002): "Chimera": 8:06 (Segued to last track)
[edit] E
- Earl Brutus: Your Majesty… We Are Here: At the end of Track 13 (Karl Brutus) there is a long pause before the hidden track "Single Seater Xmas"
- Econoline Crush: The Devil You Know: Tracks 12 through 22 of the album are silent; track 23 consists of I Corinthians 13:4-8 recited in Japanese.
- Edwin McCain: Misguided Roses: At the end of Track 12 (Holy City) there is a long pause that leads into the hidden Track "Through The Floor"
- Edwyn Collins: Gorgeous George: "Moron" Track 12 at end of album, unlisted
- Eels: Daisies of the Galaxy: "Mr E's Beautiful Blues" at the end of the album
- Eldritch: El Niño: "Nebula Surface" following the last listed track, "El Niño"
- Eminem: The Re-Up: "I Am Your Leprechaun" by ShockStewards follows the last track, "No Apologies"
- Erasure: Rain: Plus: A vocal mix of "First Contact" at the end of the maxi-single
- Evanescence: Fallen: Only available on later versions of the album, a re-recorded version of "My Immortal" which was also featured in the music video.
- Origin Rewind the intro which reveals a humorous edit of "Anywhere". :The Sound Asleep EP song "Ascension of the Spirit" includes 3:16 of orchestra, :10 seconds of a musical interlude, :07 of movie quotes (When a Man loves a woman) and eight minutes of silence.
- Anywhere but Home has a hidden track, a Bring Me to Life performance.
- Eve's Plum: Envy: A short acoustic version of the song "Envy" starts after "Kiss Your Feet", although on vinyl this is a full band version is available on vinyl
- Everclear: So Much For The Afterglow: "Hating You For Christmas" following the final track
- Slow Motion Daydream: "White Noise" appears as track 12, and begins playing after one minute of silence.
- Welcome to the Drama Club: "Beautiful Dream" follows the final track
- eXterio: Le Délire du Savant Fou: "Berger Allemand" (German Shepherd Dog) at the end of the album
- Extreme: Waiting for the Punchline: On some early presses of the album there were only 11 tracks with "Fair Weather Faith" omitted entirely and the title track beginning at the 5:30 point of track 11.
[edit] F
- Falco: Out of the Dark (1998 release): "Geld" (engl. money) at the end of the album, following "Naked" after a gap
- Farin Urlaub
- Am Ende der Sonne: "Noch einmal" in the pregap
- Feeder
- Yesterday Went Too Soon: "Bubblehead" plays at 9:54mins of the final track, "Paperfaces"
- The Feeling: Twelve Stops and Home: "Miss you" begins to play around a minute after the final track on the album, "Blue Piccadilly" ends.
- Fefe Dobson: Fefe Dobson: "Rainbow" at the end of the album
- Five For Fighting: America Town: The hidden song "Do You Mind?" begins playing after 15 seconds of silence following the final listed track, "Alright".
- Five Iron Frenzy:fm
- Our Newest Album Ever!: "The Godzilla Song" following the final song "Every New Day"
- Quantity Is Job 1: Tracks 9 through 17, the 8-part rock opera "These Are Not My Pants", aren't listed, with 3 alternates takes of "When I Go Out" and "Kingdom of the Dinosaurs" following at the end of track 17.
- All the Hype that Money Can Buy: The brief greeting "What's Up?", which is listed as track 0, can be found by rewinding a few seconds at the beginning of track 1.
- Flickerstick: Welcoming Home the Astronauts: "Execution by X-Mas Lights" at the end of the album, on some releases
- FM Static: What Are You Waiting For?: "Hey Now", an unlisted song on Track 11 preceded by 6:39 of silence.
- Fono: Goesaroundcomesaround: The title track is a hidden song which follows after track 12, "Splendid".
- ¡Forward, Russia!: Give Me A Wall: By rewinding before 0:00 of Thirteen you can hear an extended intro for the song which links it from the end of Eleven.
- The Frames: Fitzcarraldo (1995 release): "Your Face" at the end of the album, following "Fitzcarraldo" after a gap
- Freya: Chasing My Tale: At the end of Dizzy there is a hidden track called Rosie.
- Freedy Johnston: The Trouble Tree: Hidden songs "The Trouble Tree" and a remix of "Little Red Haired Girl" at the end of the album
- From First to Last: Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Body Count: An untitled track at the end of the album, nicknamed "Dead Baby Kickball" by many fans.
- Futuristic Sex Robotz: Hotel Coral Essex: Hidden song "Just A Friend".On the track "Checking out",There is a long pause and Just a Friend starts.Note that Checking out is 12 Minutes and 51 Seconds.
[edit] G
- Gagu: Gagu: Untitled song after long silence at end of song "SOS"
- Galactic:
- Crazyhorse Mongoose: Untitled track hidden after a period of silence on the last track, "Quiet Please".
- Late for the Future: Untitled instrumental hidden after a period of silence on the last track, "Two Clowns".
- Gary Moore: Dark Days in Paradise: Untitled track at end of album following "Business as Usual"
- Gas: Gas 0095: "Timestretch" is a 4:30 long track shrunk to a 1 second hidden track, which in theory you can stretch back again to recover the full track. Also, unlisted tracks "Pink" and "Doom" at the end of the album.
- The Gathering:
- Black Light District: "Over You" in the album's pregap
- Souvenirs: An untitled hidden track is hidden in the album's pregap
- Geoff Moore & the Distance: Threads: A cover of Sly and the Family Stone's "Stand!" following the final track "The Letter".
- Glassjaw: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence: "Losten" at the end of the album
- Godsmack: Godsmack: Untitled track beginning at 6:39 into the final track, "Voodoo".
- Good Charlotte:
- Chronicles of Life and Death: "Wounded" at the end of the album
- Good Charlotte: "Thank You Mom" at the end of the album
- Gorillaz: Gorillaz: "Clint Eastwood (Ed Case and Sweetie Irie refix)" was a hidden track on the original album
- Goldie: Saturnzreturn: "The Dream Within" begins six minutes and sixteen seconds into the song "Truth", after several moments of silence.
- Great Big Sea: Play- An untitled track at the end of the album, often referred to as "Little Beggarman" or "Rigadoon"
- Green Day: Dookie: "All By Myself" follows on from final track "F.O.D."
- Grey Eye Glances:
- Painted Pictures: "Close of the Day" at the end of the album
- Songs of Leaving: "Your Move" following on from final track
- The Grid: Evolver: A telephone answering message at the end of the album
- Guns N' Roses: The Spaghetti Incident?: "Look At Your Game Girl," originally performed by Charles Manson, at the end of the album
- GWAR: Carnival of Chaos (1997): "Drop Drawers": an incredibly short version of the 8 Minute long epic found on their incredibly rare 'Rare Trax' album.
- Gym Class Heroes: The Papercut Chronicles: A computer generated voice talks at the end of "Band AIDS."
[edit] H
- H-Blockx: Fly Eyes: "It is" 4 minutes after "Paradise Valley".
- (H?d) P.E.: (H?d) P.E.: "Tits, Clits and Bong Hits" at the end of the album
- Hilary Duff: Most Wanted: "I Am (Remix 2005)", a remix of a song from her sophomore album, can only be found on the regular version of the album.
- HIM: "Greatest Lovesongs Vol.666: The last 5 min. of track 66.
- Hit the Lights: This Is a Stick Up... Don't Make It a Murder: "Hidden Track"
- The Hoax: Humdinger: untitled (4:38) track beginning some 30 secs after the last (tenth) track
- Hootie & the Blowfish: Cracked Rear View: "Motherless Child", a traditional spiritual at the end of the album
- Musical Chairs: "Closet Full of Fear", a hidden song at the end of the album
- Hooverphonic: Blue Wonder Power Milk, unlisted track at the end of the album (which carries the same name)
- Human: Out of the Dust: A cover of U2's "Bullet the Blue Sky" appears in the middle of the album, at the end of track 5, "Hand Me Down".
- Humpback Oak: Pain Stained Morning (1995): an untitled song starts at 4:50 in the last track "Bull"
- Hybrid: Morning Sci-Fi: "Lights Go Down, Knives Come Out", found by rewinding first track
- I Choose Noise: "Everything Is Brand New", rewind track 1 to around -3 mins to hear
- Strong Bad Sings: "Secret Song" that Homestar sings on the website can be herd after a silence after "Everybody to the Limit."
[edit] I
- The Secret Language of Birds: "In the Grip of Stronger Stuff" and "Thick as a Brick" at the end of the album, but this hidden track is not on all of the copies.
- Rupi's Dance: "Birthday Card at Christmas" after some silence
- Idlewild: Warnings/Promises: Reprise of "Too Long Awake" follows some silence and the final track "Goodnight"
- Ima Robot: "Black Jettas" is a hidden track (still listed on the corner of the CD) after last track "What Are We Made From" on"Ima Robot (album)"
- Incubus: S.C.I.E.N.C.E. "Jose Loves Kate Moss, Part 1"/"Segue 1" follows on from the final track, Calgone.
- "Fungus Amongus"/'Enjoy Incubus": "Smoking the Herb Again" follows about eleven minutes after the final song "Hilikus", which is on both albums
- Indigo Girls: Come On Now Social: "Sister (Reprise)" follows on from "Faye Tucker", and is also then followed by "Philosophy of Loss"
- Islands: Return to the Sea: "Bucky Little Wing" follows final track. There is about 4 minutes of silence or rain/wind (depending on when you got the CD) and plays for 4 minutes and goes back to silence/rain/wind for 7 or 8 more minutes.
- ist: King Martha: "Idiot's Refrain" follows on from "Selfish Terrors" after approximately 4 minutes of silence.
- Izzy Stradlin: Izzy Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds: A track identified in the liner notes as "Morning Tea" begins approximately 30 seconds after "Come On Now Inside."
[edit] J
- Jack Off Jill
- Sexless Demons and Scars: "Angels Fuck and Devils Kiss" is Track 99.
- Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers: A cover of "Lovesong" by The Cure is Track 66 the end of the album, following many 4-second empty tracks.
- Jack Planck
- To Hell With You I'll Make My Own People: "F**k You" is hidden before track 1.
- Jamiroquai
- Travelling Without Moving: "Funktion" and/or "Do You Know Where You're Coming From" at the end of the album
- Synkronized: "Deeper Underground" is a hidden track in all the releases of the album, except in Japan and Australia, where it is listed as a track on CD2.
- A Funk Odyssey: "So Good to Feel Real" at the end of "Picture of my Life" (Exceptions are the Australian and the Japanese special editions of the album)
- Janet Jackson
- janet.: "Whoops Now" at the end of "Sweet Dreams", the outro of the album
- The Velvet Rope: "Can't Be Stopped" at the end of the last track "Special"
- Jars Of Clay
- Jars of Clay: "Four Seven", following a few minutes of silence on the last track ("Blind"). It consists of over 20 minutes of incidental sound from the recording of the string section part from "Blind".
- Jay-Z
- The Blueprint: After some silence, there are tracks "Breathe Easy" and a remix of "Girls, Girls, Girls"
- Jedi Mind Tricks
- Legacy of Blood: Following "Before the Great Collapse" the hidden track "The President's Wife" featuring Des Devious plays, in an edited format.
- Jedi Mind Tricks
- Visions of Gandhi: After the final track "Raw is War 2003" there are 3 bonus tracks; "I Against I (Remix)" featuring Planetary and Crypt the Warchild, "Animal Rap (Micky Ward Mix)" featuring Kool G Rap, and "The Army" featuring King Syze and Esoteric.
- Jethro Tull
- Dot Com: After a minute of silence of track 14, there is "The Secret Language Of Birds", which starts with a Ian Anderson introduction.
- Jewel
- Spirit: "This Little Bird" (a capella) follows "Absence Of Fear," the final listed track.
- Jhelisa a.k.a. Jhelisa Anderson
- "Language Electric" version of the CD album appear with hidden tracks following the final posted cut "Live No Lie"
- Jimmy Buffett
- Banana Wind: "Treetop Flyer" at the end of the album
- Joe Walsh
- Joe Walsh's Greatest Hits - Little Did He Know...: An excerpt of "I Don't Have the Time" by The James Gang, recorded from vinyl, appears at the end of the album
- Joss Stone
- Mind, Body & Soul: "Daniel" at the end of the album
- Journey
- Trial By Fire: Contains an unlisted 15th track, "Baby I'm A-Leavin' You."
[edit] K
- Kaki King: Legs to Make Us Longer: "Nails" after the final track.
- Kansas: Somewhere to Elsewhere: "Geodesic Dome" at the end of the album.
- Kasabian: Kasabian: The Jacknife Lee Mix of "Reason is Treason" after three minutes silence at 7:07 of "U Boat."
- Keane: Under the Iron Sea: "The Iron Sea" follows the track "Put It Behind You" and acts as a turning point of the album, indicated by the color change on the album's tracklisting.
- Keith Urban: Golden Road: "One Chord Song" follows the track "You're Not My God" and about two minutes of silence.
- Kelis: Wanderland: "I Don't Care" after some silence on final track "Little Suzie"
- Kid Rock: Devil Without A Cause: "Black Chick/ White Guy" at the end of that last track is a 5 second pause before the remix of "I'm A Bullgod".
- Kings of Leon: Youth and Young Manhood: "Talihina Sky" at the end of "Holy Roller Novocaine" at 8:21.
- Klaatu: Hope: After the final track, "Hope", is a distorted instrumental reprise of the first track, "We're Off You Know".
- Klaxons: Myths Of The Near Future: An experimental instrumental follows final track "Four Horsemen of 2012"
- Korn:
- Follow the Leader: The album starts on track 13, after 12 tracks making a minute's silence, with "Earache My Eye" at the end of the song "My Gift to You" at 15:40
- Korn: A 13th track which is unlisted. A man and woman arguing about car parts.
- Life Is Peachy: An a cappella version of "Twist" after the final track. On picture vinyl version, an instrumental track after Good God.
- Take a Look in the Mirror: A live cover version of Metallica's "One" after the final track.
- Untouchables: Some versions contain a hidden remix of "Here To Stay".
- K (album): Untitled
- Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts: "Namami Nanda-Nandana", a mantra, can be found at track 12, with a short silent track at track 13
- Kollected - The Best of: "Strangefolk"
- Kylie Minogue: Light Years: "Password" hidden in the album's pregap
- Kyuss: Welcome to Sky Valley: "Lick Doo", a doo-wop prank, is hidden after the final track '"Whitewater"
[edit] L
- Lacrimosa: "Echos": "Durch Nacht und Flut" appears again after "Die Shreie sind verstummt", this time with the final refrain sung in Spanish. There is a long silence in between.
- Lamb: Lamb: A remix by Fila Brazillia of Cotton Wool is hidden after a length of silence at the end of the final track, Feela.
- Fear Of Fours: Instrumental version of Lullaby in the pregap.
- What Sound: A short piece of music played on electric piano appears after a period of silence after the final track.
- Lambretta: Breakfast: After the last track "And all the roses" the following occurs: 31s of silence, the doadoa-intro from the first track "Hello", 19s of metronome-ticking.
- Lee Press-on and the Nails:
- Jump Swing From Hell: Live at the Hi-Ball Lounge: "Jumpin' Jive" at the end of the album
- Swing Is Dead: "Jumpin' Jack Flash" at the end of the album
- Leftöver Crack: Mediocre Generica: "Gay Rude Boys Unite", an instrumental at track 13
- Lemon Demon:
- Dinosaurchestra: On the PC version of the commentary (which displayed text and played the album), seven minutes after "The Too Much Song", a twenty-six-second track about Turkeys plays.
- La Ley (band): Uno: In "Al Final" track, at 7:37 the song "Once in a Lifetime" can be heard.
- The Libertines:
- The Libertines: "France" at 3:28 of final track "What Became of the Likely Lads"
- Up The Bracket: "Mockingbird" or "Mayday" at the end of the album, depending on version
- Liberty X: Being Somebody: "Where Do We Go From Here" after "Maybe" at the end of the album
- Limp Bizkit : Three Dollar Bill, Yall$: "Faith" is followed by a hidden track entitled "Blind".
- Significant Other: After "Outro" are two hidden tracks: "Radio Sucks" by Matt Pinfield, and "Mind of Les" by Les Claypool.
- Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water: Miscellaneous ramblings can be found at the end of "Outro", featuring the voice of actor Ben Stiller.
- Results May Vary: At the end of "Behind Blue Eye", a song titled "All That Easy" plays.
- Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory EP: An untitled track can be found unlisted at track 7 (Note: the band was still called Hybrid Theory at this time)
- Lisa Marie Presley: Now What: A cover version of The Ramones's 'Here Today, Gone Tomorrow' is after the track 'Now What'.
- Live: Throwing Copper: "Horse" appears on track 14.
- V: A remix of "Deep Enough" appears on track 15.
- Lloyd: Thoughts from a Driveway: Untitled track, mostly laughter, hidden after track 10, "Vapor"
- Lodestar: Lodestar: Untitled track at the end of the album
- Look Down: 24/7 Dance Force: Rewind from first track, three minutes into pregap.
- Los Olvidados: El Cine: Untitled traditional-sounding song at end of "Luz Al Cielo" track.
- Ludacris: Welcome To Atlanta: After the last song on the CD
- Luke Haines: Das Capital: Rewind from first track to hear the "overture"
[edit] M
- M.I.A.: Arular: "M.I.A." after a short silence at the end of "Galang"
- Mad at Gravity: Resonance: Untitled track at the end of the album
- Madness: One Step Beyond... (1979): "Madness" between tracks 13 ("Mummy's Boy") and 14 ("Chipmunks Are Go!"); originally unlisted
- The Magic Numbers: Hymn For Her: Unlisted song appears after a pause following final track "Try"
- Man or Astro-man?: EEVIAC operational index and reference guide, including other modern computational devices: Final track, "Automated Liner Notes Sequence", is unlisted.
- Destroy All Astro-Men!: At the very end of the album, well after the final track, a voice says (in a faux-Southern accent); "Boy, what you waitin' for? There ain't no durn hidden track on this here CD!"
- maNga: maNga: "Kal Yan?mda 2" can be found after final track "Kapan?s,"
- Manic Street Preachers: Know Your Enemy: "We Are All Bourgeois Now" at 8:40 of the final track
- Mansun: Attack Of The Grey Lantern: After the Dark Mavis, you will get early b-side, An Open Letter To The Lyrical Trainspotter
- Kleptomania: "The Dog From 2 Doors Down" follows a gap after "Good Intentions Heal The Soul"; on CD 3, after "Taxloss (Live)", 3 tracks are included: "Witness To An Opera", "Thief (Re-Recorded)" and "Wide Open Space (Mike Hunter Version)"
- Marc Broussard: Carencro: "Gavin's Song" (Track 23) follows 11 silent tracks after "Let Me Leave"
- Marillion: This Strange Engine: After a long silence after end of last song, Steve Hogarth can be heard laughing over piano intro to "Man Of A Thousand Faces"
- Brave: On the vinyl double album, Side 4 has two grooves. Each contains a different ending according to where one drops the stylus on the record.
- Antichrist Superstar: "Empty Sounds of Hate" can be found at track 99, and works as both a prologue and epilogue to the album when played on loop as it seems to extend from the final "Man That You Fear" and leads into the first track, "Irresponsible Hate Anthem"
- Mechanical Animals: "Untitled" can be found if CD is played in computer
- Marvin Gaye: The Master-Box Set: Untitled track at the end of Disc 3
- Massacration: Metal Gates of Fried Chicken of Death: A disco-like version of "Metal Massacre Attack (Aruê Aruô)" appears at the end of the disk.
- Massivivid: Brightblur: Four unlisted tracks follow the title track at the end of the album. Tracks 13-15 are remixes of "Flesh:Wound", "Unmade", and "Brightblur", and track 16 is a lounge-styled studio outtake of "Flesh:Wound".
- Mastodon: Blood Mountain: The album's last song, "Pendulous Skin", contains a secret "fan letter" from Josh Homme, who provided guest vocals on the album.
- Matchbook Romance: Voices: Untitled track at the end of the album
- Matchbox Twenty:
- Mad Season: Orchestral reprise of "You Won't Be Mine" following the original track, approximatley 7:45 in.
- More Than You Think You Are: "So Sad, So Lonely" after silence at the end of the album
- Matthew Good Band: Last of the Ghetto Astronauts: "Omissions Of The Omen" after a period of silence at the end of "The War is Over"
- Matthew Good: White Light Rock & Roll Review: "Hopeless" after a minute of silence at the end of "Ex-Pats of the Blue Mountain Symphony Orchestra"
- McFly: Room on the Third Floor (2004): A hidden track, "Get Over You", appears in the pregap of the first track.
- Motion in the Ocean (2006): A hidden track, "Silence is a Scary Sound", appears after approximately five minutes of silence at the end of track 12, "Don't Stop Me Now".
- Mclusky: Mclusky Do Dallas: "Reviewing the Reviewers" after the final track
- Meat Loaf: Couldn't Have Said It Better: "Mercury Blues" approximately 2 minutes after the end of "Forever Young"
- Megadeth: Capitol Punishment: Untitled collage of Megadeth's music, approximately 33 seconds after the end of "Peace Sells", at the end of the album. In the Japanese version this track is not hidden but is instead track 16.
- Mêlée: Everyday Behavior: Untitled song at the end of track 11, approximately 2 minutes and 10 seconds after the end of "Pennsylvania"
- Melt-Banana: Teeny Shiny: Untitled track at the end of the album
- Natalie Merchant: Ophelia: Orchestral reprise of "Ophelia" following the last track
- Mercury Rev: Deserter's Songs: Untitled track at the end of the album
- Metallica: Garage Inc.: Disc 1 - After a 30-60 seconds of silence, Metallica jam to the later half of Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs at the end of Track 11: "The More I See" by Discharge. Disc 2/Garage Days Re-Revisited – At the end of "Last Caress/Green Hell" by The Misfits, Metallica perform a mock-parody of Iron Maiden's Run to the Hills.
- Michael. George: LSongs from the Last Century: After the last track and a couple of minutes silence you will hear "Its All Right With Me"
- Michael W. Smith: Live the Life: A reprise of "Live the Life" appears at the end of track 12, "Hello, Goodbye"
- Midnight Oil: Scream In Blue: An acoustic version of the song "Burnie" with length of 5:04 starts after "Powderworks" at track 13
- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones: Ska-Core, the Devil, and More: "Howwhywuz Howwhyam" (live) after the final track "Drugs and Kittens"/"I'll Drink to That" (Live), preceded by a few minutes of silence
- Ministry: Dark Side of the Spoon: "Everybody" as track 42 (Unofficially titled as "Linda Summertime")
- Houses of the Molé: "Psalm 23" as track 23 - alternative version of "No W" without Carmina Burana samples, preceded by a mysterious rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner. Later versions of album includes "No W" without Carmina Burana samples and "Psalm 23" is replaced by track "Bloodlines" (Composed for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines game). Also, there's second hidden track at position 69, which is called "Walrus".
- Rio Grande Blood: Unlisted 13th track which is "Gangreen" intro without guitars.
- Shed Anthems: A humorous cover of Boom! Shake the Room by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince is included after the last track on the album
- Moby: "Hotel": "35 Minutes" On the fifteenth track there is a slow instrumental called "35 Minutes", which was not listed on the album sleeve.
- Modest Mouse: "Sad Sappy Sucker": "Classy Plastic Lumber" On the track listing it states that there is 23 songs but there is 24. "Classy Plastic Lumber" is the fourth track but the label on the CD says it is "From Point a To Point B (Infinity)", which is the fifth track. It doesn't say on the album that "Classy Plastic Lumber" is on it. On the CD track four is actually track five, track five is actually track six, etc.
- moe.: Dither: An alternate version of "Captain America" starts after roughly 14 minutes of silence following the album-ending "Opium".
- Moloko: Do You Like My Tight Sweater?: Untitled track after the last track, "Who Shot The Go Go Dancer"
- Monday Night Worship: "Twenty Four: Seven": Instrumental music starts fading in at about 24:10 on the last track "Come Thou Fount"
- Mono Puff: It's Fun to Steal: A hidden, untitled track appears in the pregap before the first track.
- Morbid Angel: Heretic: The album has thirty unlisted tracks, most are silent, four contain isolated guitar leads, one is ambient, and one is an instrumental version of another song on the album.
- Moore. Gary: A Different Beat After the last track and a couple of minutes silence you will hear another version of "Surrender"
- Mr. Bungle: Disco Volante: "The Secret Song" (labeled "Spy" in setlists). On the CD, this song plays on track 3 after the listed song, "Carry Stress in the Jaw". On the vinyl LP, this song is recorded on a separate groove between the grooves of "Carry Stress in the Jaw" — the record needle must be manually moved to hear it.
OU818: At the end of the tape you can outtakes from the Intro of "Mr. Nice Guy" with all the band members cracking up in laughter.
- Mudhoney: My Brother the Cow: "woC eht rehtorB yM", 13th unlisted track, which is the whole album played backwards (tracks 12 to 1 in reverse)
- Muse: Hullabaloo: "What He's Building", a poem read by Tom Waits, is hidden in the pregap of the second disc
- Mushroomhead: XIII: A cover of Seal's Crazy is at about 5:25 of the end of the final track.
- XX: A hidden prank phone call starts sometime after the freestyle rap of JMann. This is only available on the Eclipse Records release of the album.
- The Music: The Music Limited Edition CD: "New Instrumental" hidden in the pregap for 5:09 before track 1
- My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade: Track called "Blood" hidden at the end of the album, on track 14 at 1:30: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love: Untitled track that begins at 2:53 after track 11 (Demolition Lovers)
[edit] N
- Napoleon XIV: !Aaah-aH yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT (backwards version of They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!) is an unlisted final track on the CD Second Coming.
- Natasha Bedingfield: Unwritten: "Sojourn" begins about 3 minutes after the final listed track "Wild Horses"
- Nena: Chokmah: "Ich hab`s geahnt" begins about 3 minutes after "Carpe Diem (Soehne Mannheims Reggae Mix)"
- New Found Glory: Sticks and Stones: "The Toothpick Song" begins at about 24:00 of the final track
- Catalyst: "A Cold Wind To Come" and "Hunting In The Ocean" follow the final track "Who Am I?"
- The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack: After the final track listed is played, a track named "Untitled Hidden Track" Begins to play. It is roughly 3 and a half minutes long and is technically a longer version of the Overture, featuring some differing music.
- Nightwish: The song Sleeping Sun, which is unlisted on earlier releases of Oceanborn, can be heard after the last listed track.
- Nine Inch Nails: Broken: "Physical", an Adam & the Ants cover, and "Suck" at tracks 98 and 99. Original pressings of the album had these tracks on a separate 3" CD
- Nirvana:
- In Utero: "Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip" starts about 20 minutes after the end of "All Apologies" on non-U.S. pressings. The song is listed on the back cover of the album, but is not a separate track.
- Nevermind: "Endless, Nameless" appears 10 minutes after "Something In The Way," but is not included on first pressings on the album and all pressings of the album after 1994.
- No Doubt: Return of Saturn: Following the final track "Dark Blue", one of the following can be found depending on geographic location: "Big Distraction" in Europe and Australia, an instrumental version of "Too Late" in North America, or "Full Circle" in Japan
- No Use for a Name: "Making Friends": "Beth" (a KISS cover) follows "Fields of Athenry", followed by a few minutes of accordion and the song "Gene and Paul I Hate You Most of All, Ace, You're the Ace, and Peter, You're the Cat (Kiss Song)"
- Nobuo Uematsu: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks: Rewind the CD from the beginning of the first track to hear an instrumental (no choir) version of "One-Winged Angel" (Orchestra Version).
- Norma Jean: O God, the Aftermath Deluxe Edition: Rewind the first song to -2:18 on a CD player and you get a instrumental going into the first song.
- Nyack: 11 Track Player (1995): After the last track "Sunrise In My Head" the voices of Zak Weisfeld and Catherine Park are heard.
[edit] O
- Oasis: Heathen Chemistry: "The Cage" about 30 minutes after the last track "Better Man"
- Oceansize: Everyone Into Position: "Emp(irical)error" in the album's pregap
- The Offspring:
- Americana: "Pretty Fly (Reprise)" is hidden either after a minute's silence following "Pay The Man", or hidden in its pregap
- Greatest Hits: "Next to You" at 3:15 of "(Can't Get My) Head Around You" in North America; other versions have other bonus tracks rather than hidden ones
- Ixnay on the Hombre: Spoken track "Kiss My Ass" (on CD) or "Cocktail" (on vinyl) at the end of the album
- Smash: "Come Out and Play Solo" at 9:10 of "Smash"
- OK Go: "Oh No": "9027 km" immediately after final track "The House Wins," although this is merely just over thirty-four minutes of the sounds of lead singer Damian Kulash's girlfriend sleeping.
- Olivia Newton-John: Acoustic version of "Physical" at 4:56 of "Act Of Faith" (track 11) on the album (2).
- Opeth: Ghost Reveries: "Reverie" is hidden in the pregap of "Harlequin Forest"
- Oreja de Van Gogh, La: El Viaje De Copperpot: "Tic Tac" at 8:33 of "Desde del Puerto," completely unlisted
- Lo Que Te Conté Mientras Te Hacías La Dormida: "Bonus Track" appears unlisted (but with production notes in the liner notes) at the end of the album
- Guapa: "Cuántos Cuentos Cuento (Bonus Track)" at 4:01 of "Mi Vida Sin Ti," listed with lyrics in the liner notes only.
- Orgy: Vapor Transmission: "Spectrum" at 6:11 of final track "Where’s Gerrold". Early pressings of the CD only, later pressings do not contain this
- Our Lady Peace: Spiritual Machines: "Kurzweil and Molly" at 16:37 of the final track, a conversation between a man and a machine
- Ozzy Osbourne: Hero at the end of "No Rest For The Wicked" (1988)
[edit] P
- Paolo Nutini: These Streets: "Northern Skies" and an acoustic version of "Last Request" after final track "Alloway Grove"
- Papa Roach:
- Old Friends From Young Years: An unlisted/untitled track (Commonly titled "Happy Birthday") plays after a pause after the last track "thanx". It is not a song, rather a recording of a child talking to his dad
- Infest: "Tightrope" about a minute after "Thrown Away" has finished.
- Pat McGee Band: Shine: Immediately after the title track ends, an instrumental reprise of "I Know" begins. It was split into a separate track for its release on the iTunes Music Store.
- Paul Kelly & The Messengers: Comedy: "David Gower" to the tune of Guantanamera after the last track
- Paul McCartney:
- McCartney: A seconds-long unlisted fragment of an unreleased track called "Suicide" plays during the final moments of "Hot As Sun/Glasses".
- Ram: After the lyrics of the second version of "Ram On" ends, one can hear mid-fadeout McCartney stop playing the song and launch into the first two lines of "Big Barn Bed", which would not be completed until two years later on Red Rose Speedway.
- Band On The Run: After the closing track "Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five", a second-long reprise of the opening track "Band On The Run" plays.
- Off the Ground: After the end of the closing track "C'mon People", an unlisted track called "Cosmically Conscious" (a shorter edit of the longer version on the "Off The Ground" single) is played.
- Chaos and Creation In The Backyard: "I've Only Got Two Hands" after the end of "Anyway"
- Paulina Rubio: Pau-Latina: "Algo Tienes (Acapella)" after three minutes of silence of the final track "Algo Tienes (Instrumental)"
- Pearl Jam:
- Binaural: "Writer's Block" after the final track "Parting Ways"
- Lost Dogs: "4/20/02" after final track "Bee Girl"
- Pearl Jam: Brief hidden track after the final track "Inside Job"
- Ten: "Master/Slave" at the end of the album, but also opens the album when played on repeat
- Yield: "Hummus" after final track "All Those Yesterdays"
- Mer de Noms: Briefly after the final track "Over" there is a short medley consisting of vocal excerpts from all the songs on the album together with a kind of swelling synth background sound. The volume of this medley is extremely low and therefore can only be heard at a high volume setting.
- Perry Blake: Songs For Someone: "Chestnuts" follows the final track "Coming Home"
- Pet Shop Boys: Very: "Postscript" at 7:07 of the final track "Go West"
- Pete Yorn: Musicforthemorningafter: "A Girl Like You" follows the final track "Simonize"
- PFR: Goldie's Last Day: "Gargle Solo" follows the final track "Wait for the Sun"
- Phil Collins: album: "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" can be heard if you turn up the volume at 4:14 on the final track "Tomorrow Never Knows."
- The Pietasters:
- Pietasters: Extended version of "Factory Concerto" after the final track "Without You"
- Awesome Mix Tape vol. 6: "Menowannalikki-u" after the final track "Dub-Fi (Superdeformed Mix)"
- P!nk:
- Try This: "Hooker" (only on the explicit version of the album)
- I'm Not Dead: "I Have Seen The Rain". This song follows 30 seconds of silence after the last track on the album. It features her dad, Jim Moore.
- Les Pistolets Roses:
- Ma Génération: There are bloopers following "Pepito (Version Originale)"
- Sans Foi, Ni Loi: "Ta Yeule" (Shut Up) at the end of "Le jour et la nuit" (The Day and the Night)
- Black Market Music: "Black Market Blood", hidden after "Peeping Tom" at 10:14
- Placebo: "Hong Kong Farewell", hidden after "Swallow" at 14:52
- Without You I'm Nothing: "Evil Dildo", hidden after "Burger Queen" at 14:46
- Rest Proof Clockwork: "Air Locked" (Track 12) contains a secret part named "Face Me" sang by Alison Goldfrapp.
- Plumb: "Pluto" follows the final track "Send Angels"
- Porcupine Tree: Deadwing: "Shesmovedon" following silence after "Glass Arm Shattering" on US versions of the album
- Powderfinger: Double Allergic: The B-sides "Vladmir", "SS" and "Come Away", hidden after "(Return Of) The Electric Horseman" at 8:09
- Odyssey Number Five: Another song starts at 5:35 on the track "Whatever Makes You Happy".
- Primus: Antipop: A studio version of "The Heckler" follows ten minutes of silence at the end of the album
- The Pillows: Fool on the planet: "Hybrid Rainbow" is followed by a jazz composition "Secret Slogan".
- Smile: About two minutes after the final track "Calvero" comes the hidden track officially named "Son of a Beach", a ukelele piece.
- Prussian Blue: Fragment of the Future: "Lo", hidden after "The Road To Valhalla" and "Skinhead Boy" after "Sisters".
[edit] Q
- Q-Tip: Amplified: "Do It, See It, Be It"
- Queen: Made in Heaven: "Yeah", a 4 second choral harmony of the word "yeah", linking onto the end of the previous song, "A Beautiful Day (Reprise)", and followed by an untitled instrumental track, a 23 minute ambient piece, which ends with Freddie Mercury saying "Fab"
- Queens of the Stone Age: Songs for the Deaf: 2 secret tracks: The Real Song For The Deaf appears when you rewind track 1 until -1:35. After Song For The Deaf (track 13) there's the 2nd secret track Feelgood Haha Of The Summer, which starts at 5:45 (it's actually listed as a "hidden track" on the back of the CD)
[edit] R
- R.E.M.: Murmur (1983): A short snippet of a song is featured between "Shaking Through" and "We Walk."
- Reckoning (1984): A short, untitled song plays in between "Camera" and "(Don't Go Back To) Rockville."
- Lifes Rich Pageant (1986): Track 6, "Underneath the Bunker," is not mentioned on album cover, but listed on the CD and vinyl themselves.
- Lifes Rich Pageant (1986): Superman plays at the end of the album.
- Green (1988): The Eleventh Untitled Song: featured on track 11.
- Monster (1994): A short snippet of a song plays at the end of "Bang and Blame."
- Up (1998): "I'm Not Over You" plays at the end of "Diminished."
- Rachael Yamagata: Happenstance (2004): Ode To... plays several minutes after the end of Quiet.
- Radiohead: Pablo Honey (1993): A clean version of track 2, "Creep", plays as track 13.
- Kid A (2000): an untitled song plays one minute after the end of "Motion Picture Soundtrack"
- Rainer Maria: Catastrophe Keeps Us Together (2006): Cities Above picks up right where the song left off earlier, several minutes after the end of I'll Keep It With Mine.
- Rammstein: Live aus Berlin (1999): Nulltrack: 59 seconds of concert.
- Reise, Reise (2004): Nulltrack: 35 seconds of a flight recorder (JAL123).
- Ramones: Loco Live (American Version) (1992): "Carbona Not Glue" plays at the end of "Pet Sematary".
- Adios Amigos (American Version) (1995): "SpiderMan" plays at the end of "Born To Die In Berlin"
- Randy Stonehill: Thirst (1998): The track "Everything You Know (Is Incorrect)"; is followed by silence and then the humorous hidden track "Keeper Of The Bear".
- Rasputina: Cabin Fever: A brief lullaby plays within the last track, "A Quitter", following several minutes of silence.
- Reality Check: Reality Check: A prank phone call to dc Talk's Michael Tait hidden after "Losing Myself".
- Rebecca St. James:
- God: (1996): "Psalm 139" hidden after "Go and Sin No More".
- Pray: (1998): "Be Thou My Vision" hidden after "Omega" at 5:40.
- Turn The Radio Off (1996): A few minutes of silence after "Alternative Baby," followed by a scratchy acoustic version of "I'm Cool"
- Why Do They Rock So Hard? (1998): Several minutes of silence follow Victory Over Peter Bones, and then an assortment of jamming sessions and puerile jokes
- Cheer Up! (2000): Included as part of the final track. Several minutes of silence following the end of "Drunk Again" and then the hidden track plays
- We're Not Happy 'Til You're Not Happy (2006): Several minutes of silence follow 'Your Guts (I Hate 'Em)' then a sound collage known as "You're Gonna Die" plays.
- Relient K: Relient K "Call Us Rock Stars (Punk Rock Picnic)" (After a period of silence following the song "K Car")
- The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek: "Skittles and Combos" (after a period of silence following the song "Less Is More")
- Two Lefts Don't Make a Right...but Three Do: "Silly Shoes" (after a period of silence following the song "Jefferson Aero Plane")
- Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand: Beginning at 3:34 on track 10 ("Auld Lang Syne"), there is a 24.5 second clip of an altered version of "12 Days of Christmas". This is not on all copies.
- Mmhmm: "Mmhmm" (By rewinding "The One I'm Waiting For" into 16 seconds of negative time; listed as track 0)
- Rembrandts, The: LP (1995). "I'll Be There For You" (a.k.a. the theme for "Friends" television program) originally appeared as a hidden 15th track on the CD. The then-incomplete song was in heavy radio demand due to the success of the television show, so the song was fully recorded and added as an 11th-hour addition to the CD, although there was not enough time to amend the sleeve notes.
- Remembering Never: Women and Children Die First: A few minutes of silence follow "Serenading This Dead Horse", leading into a cover of Pantera's "Strength Beyond Strength" together with the outro to "Domination".
- Remy Zero: The Golden Hum (2001): A few minutes of silence follow Impossibility, then the hidden track Subballoon plays.
- Rolling Stones: Their Satanic Majesties Request (1967): At the end of side one, immediately following the song "Sing This All Together (See What Happens), is a brief unlisted song sometimes known by fans as "Cosmic Christmas," consisting of tympanic and breezy electronic noise accompanying what sounds like a theremin playing a dissonant rendition of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas." Considering that the Rolling Stones' album was a response to The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the song may be a parody of that album's runoff groove track.
- Roger Sanchez: First Contact (2001): A two-minute track can be found before track 1.
[edit] S
- Sanctifica: Negative B (2002): there's 9min 20sec of hidden content before the 1st track (press rewind to access)
- Santana: Supernatural (1999): "Day of Celebration" (appears 12 seconds after "The Calling")
- Sarah Blasko: The Overture & the Underscore (2004): "Long Time" (Segued to last track).
- Sarah Brightman: La Luna: The hidden song "Moon River" begins playing after 20 seconds of silence following the final listed track, "La Luna".
- Sarah Masen: The Dreamlife of Angels: The hidden song "Longing Unknown" is hidden in the "minus track" of the first song, and can be found by rewinding approximately 3:30.
- Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy: a solo piano version of "Possession" after silence at the end of the album.
- The Freedom Sessions: a solo piano version of "Hold On" appears a couple minutes after "Ol' 55."
- Sator: Barbie-Q-Killers (1994): the 14-track CD has all songs playing again after it "should" finish, after which there are some seconds of silence before a final, 29th, track.
- Satyricon (band): Rebel Extravaganza (1999): "Untitled" (pre ghost track before "Tied In Bronze Chains")
- Seafood: When Do We Start Fighting... (2001): "Clueso" (Segued to last track)
- Scorpions: Face the Heat (2000): "Marie's The Name (Of His Latest Flame)": (Segued To the Last track)
- Seasick Steve: Dog House Music (2006): "12 Dog Blues" is a unlisted track 14 after a few seconds of silence after the last track.
- Sepultura: Chaos A.D. (1993): On the original version (without the bonus tracks) there's a secret track that appears a minute after the last song "Clenched Fist". It consists of the bandmembers laughing insanely, one at a time.
- She Wants Revenge: She Wants Revenge (2006): "Change of Plans" (This song is number 66 on the album, after 53 blank tracks)
- Sheryl Crow: The Globe Sessions (1998): "Subway Ride" (This hidden track follows a long stretch of silence following the last song "Crash and Burn". The hidden track is also available on the B-side of the single "My Favorite Mistake", another track from The Globe Sessions.)
- Shooting At Unarmed Men: "Yes! Tinnitus!" (2006): "In Flight Instructions Are A Joke - Say I", after a few seconds, begins rewinding the album and takes you back to the very beginning, and plays you through it all again to the end of "In Flight..."; it is the only album ever made where the entire album is repeated as a secret track.
- Sick Puppies: Welcome to the Real World (2001): an unnamed song about Speedy and Spendy, preceded by band members Shimon Moore and Chris Mileski announcing the listener's discovery of the bonus track, follows 2:30 after the radio edit for "Rock Kids", the last listed track.
- Sigur Rós: Von (1997): "Rukrym" (listed but does not play until 6 minutes have passed)
- Silverchair: Diorama (2002): An instrumental piano piece begins about five minutes after the last song "After All These Years" has ended.
- Simon Webbe: Sanctuary (2004): "Pusherman" (Press rewind when the first track "Lay Your Hands" starts and the song should rewind back through to the song)
- Simple Plan: No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls (2003): "Grow Up" and "Christmas List" (End of album)
- Still Not Getting Any... (2005): "Untitled" after "One"
- Sister Machine Gun: Burn (1995): "Strange Days" (The Doors cover), found by rewinding Track 1
- Skankin' Pickle: Sing Along With Skankin' Pickle (1994): Track 16 is untitled and unlisted on the album.
- The Green Album (1996): An unlisted 14th track consists of a 1:40 song, followed by about ten minutes of silence, then a recording of band members Mike Park and Lynnette Knackstedt performing several short, unfinished songs, the last of which ends abruptly as the album runs out of time.
- Skulker: Morgan To The Moon (1998): Two unlisted telephone conversations (4:20-5:05 & 5:12-end) hidden after 'Chicken & Rice'. A man orders 'Chicken & Rice' from a Thai restaurant, then calls back to learn how to make the dish.
- Bittersweet (1998): "Morgan To The Moon (remix)" at 3:57 after "Doofus".
- Skunk Anansie: Stoosh (1996): Press rewind when the first track "Yes it's Fucking Political" starts and 2 minutes and 42 seconds of music is there.
- Slipknot: Slipknot (1999): "Eeyore" (At the end of the song "Scissors")
- Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat (1996): "Dogfish Rising" (After the song "Killers Are Quiet")
- Smalltown Poets: Smalltown Poets (1997): A studio outtake of "Trust" involving a prank played on the lead singer appears after "Inside the Bubble".
- The Smashing Pumpkins: Gish (1991):"I'm Going Crazy" appears shortly after "Daydream".
- Smile Empty Soul: Vultures (2006): The final track, Vultures, contains an untitled track behind fifteen minutes of silence.
- Snot: Strait Up (2000): Untitled track that begins 3:13 into the song. It features a mix of songs from Snot's previous album Get Some, which were mixed by DJ Lethal.
- Son of Dork: Welcome to Loserville (2005): A hidden track, a one-minute choral version of "Murdered in the Mosh", appears after approximately ten minutes of silence at the end of track 10, "Murdered in the Mosh".
- Sonata Arctica: Reckoning Night (2004): the unofficially titled "Jam" appears unlisted as the final track.
- Sonic Youth: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star (1994) has a short snippet of noise after "Sweet Shine."
- Washing Machine (1995): "Becuz Coda" appears unlisted on track 9.
- SonicFlood: SonicFlood (1999) has extended dialogue and prayer concerning the making of the album after the final track, "The Heart of Worship".
- Sophie Ellis Bextor: Shoot from the Hip (2003): Song titled "Physical" starts in about minute from the time previous ends. It's a cover of Olivia Newton-John's song.
- Soulwax: Much Against Everyone's Advice (2000): Untitled 1-minute track in pregap before track 1
- Spin Doctors: Here Comes The Bride (1999): "Untitled" (Segued to last track "Tomorrow Can Pay The Rent". This hidden track is notable as it is reversed and can only be heard properly if played backwards.)
- Spinal Tap: Break Like the Wind (1992): "Untitled" (Track 13)
- Sponge: Rotting Piñata (1994) features a track called "Candy Corn," hidden between "Rainin'" (track 10) and four seconds of silence (track 11).
- Spring Heeled Jack USA: Static World View (1996): Approximately fifteen minutes after the end of the album's last track, a male voice says "You fast forwarded half an hour for nothing. How do you feel?"
- Staind: Dysfunction (1999): "Excess Baggage" (At the end of the album)
- Stephanie McIntosh: Tightrope (2006): "I'd Be You" is a hidden track located 60 seconds after the albums final song "The Night Of My Life" is played.
- Stereo Deluxx: So Clearly (1999): Humorously, this album actually lists the final track, a brief instrumental entitled "Hidden Track".
- The Stone Roses: Second Coming (1994): "The Foz", following a long string of empty 4 second tracks on the CD, a discordant instrumental roughly 6 minutes long (track 90, sometimes track 42)
- Stone Temple Pilots: Purple (1994) features "Twelve Gracious Melodies", a song sung by Richard Petersen, shortly after "Kitchenware & Candybars".
- Story of the Year: Page Avenue (2003) A short clip of the band goofing around is found shortly after the end of the final track "Falling Down".
- Strong Bad et al.: Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits (2003): "Secret Song" (Located at 6:20 on the last track, Everybody to the Limit)
- Sublime: 40 Oz. to Freedom (1992): "Rivers Of Babylon": 2:29 (End of the album) (hidden track on original release)
- "Thanx" (End of the album)
- Suburbs
- Un titre de toune: "La Belle Famille" (The good family) At the end of "Halle Berry", originally sung by eXterio
- The Subways: Young for Eternity (2005): "At 1am" (End of album)
- Suede: A New Morning (2002): "Oceans" plays a few minutes after the bonus track "You Belong To Me".
- The Sugarcubes: Life's Too Good (1988): On early European vinyl versions an unlisted track was added at the end, later known as "Take Some Petrol, Darling".
- Sugarcult: Start Static (2001): Hidden track at the end of the album: "Underwear".
- Sugar Ray: Lemonade and Brownies (1995): At 6:11 into the song Streaker, a soft song is played (as opposed to the rest of the album.)
- Super Furry Animals
- Guerrilla (1999): "Citizen's Band", hidden in the pregap before track 1 ("Check It Out")
- Out Spaced (1998): "Spaced Out", an untitled track hidden in the pregap before track 1 ("The Man Don't Give a Fuck")
- Switchfoot: New Way to Be Human (1999): An untitled radio jingle is hidden after the final track, "Under the Floor".
- Swollen Members: Heavy (2003): Hidden Track is located at the end of the song "Ambush", located somewhere after 7:04. Note that there is a lot of stuff in between, but none of it is music.
- System of a Down: Toxicity (2001): "Arto" begins at 3:58, just after last track "Aerials". It is an Armenia folk song, as the band is of Armenian heritage. It features the musician Arto Tunçboyac?yan, a close friend of the band.
[edit] T
- Tait: Empty (2001): Rewinding from the start of the album reveals various random recordings of the band
- Tally Hall: Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum (2005): "Hidden In The Sand" (after "Ruler of Everything")
- The Tea Party: The Edges of Twilight (1995): "The Edge of Twilight" (after "Walk With Me" features Irish singer Roy Harper on spoken word)
- Transmission (1998): "Embryo", electronics, percussion and piano instrumental between title track and "Pulse"
- Tenacious D: Tenacious D (2001): "Malibu Nights" (Begins at 8:15 of Track 21 City Hall)
- Terminaator: On the album "Head uudised", after the last song, live version of "Televiisorimees", there is a cover of Kuldne Trio, "Kes ei tööta, see ei söö".
- Therapy?:
- Suicide Pact: You First: As I Pursue My Way Unharmed {Begins approximately ten minutes after Sister)
- High Anxiety: Never Ending {Begins at 6:59 of track 11 Rust)
- Factory Showroom: Token Back to Brooklyn is hidden in pregap: rewind before opening track
- Severe Tire Damage: Planet Of The Apes, Return To The Planet Of The Apes, Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes, Escape From The Planet Of The Apes, Battle For The Planet Of The Apes, Beneath The Planet Of The Apes, This Ape's For You
- No!: Oranges is a bonus song accessed only by putting the CD in the compter and accessing the enhanced CD-ROM content. It is played when the credits are accessed.
- Conspiracy No. 5 (1997): A more aggressive reprise of "Who I Am" appears after track 13, "Your Love Endures".
- Offerings: A Worship Album (2000): "Take My Life", with Mark Lee on lead vocals, begins at 6:30 after the final track, "Love Song".
- Blue (1999): after a very lengthy silence at the end of the album, a reprisal of "The Red Summer Sun" appears that continues after the original version's fade-out. Then the band members breathe into the microphones for a few seconds and laugh.
- Out of the Vein (2003): "Another Life" begins at 18:53 after track 13 "Good Man""
- Mimes of the Old West (1998): Unlisted song "The Great Atomic Power" appears as track 51, with silence on tracks 14-50.
- Throwing Muses: Limbo (1996): White Bikini Sand (Begins at 4:20 of Shark)
- Tilly and the Wall: Wild Like Children (2004): "The Ice Storm, Big Gust, and You" (untitled song, unofficially called "Some Names" by several fans)
- Toad the Wet Sprocket: Coil (1997): "Silo Lullaby" (accessible as a hidden QuickTime MOV file when read in a computer as a data CD)
- Today is the Day: Temple of the Morning Star: Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (begins at 4:44 of Track 17 Temple of the Morning Star)
- Todd Agnew: Grace Like Rain: "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us" (begins at 11:00 of "Wait For Your Rain")
- Todd Snider: Songs For The Daily Planet: "Talkin' Seattle Grunge Blues" (begins at 4:55 of "Joe's Blues")
- Tom Petty: Full Moon Fever: "Hello CD Listeners" is played immediately after "Runnin' Down A Dream" with the following message: "Hello, CD listeners. We've come to the point in this album where those listening on cassette or record will have to stand up (or sit down) and turn over the record (or tape). In fairness to those listeners, we'll now take a few seconds before we begin side two........ thank you. Here is side two."
- Into The Great Wide Open: "What's In Here?" is played immediately after "Out In The Cold". Tom Petty asks, "What's in here?", followed by the sound of a cupboard opening along with ambient noise from a sea dock. Tom says "Oh," and the cupboard closes.
- Tom Waits: Real Gone: Untitled hidden track featuring Tom beatboxing after a lengthy silence.
- Tool: Opiate (1992): "The Gaping Lotus Experience" (at the end of the CD, or alternate groove on record)
- Undertow (1993): "Disgustipated" is track 69, not track 10. There is also a secret phone message at the end of the track from "Bill the Landlord".
- Salival (2000): "Maynard's Dick" appears after the last track LAMC on the audio CD
- Lateralus (2001): "Faaip de Oiad", even though listed on the album, starts after 60 seconds of silence. The silence also represents that it does not follow the concept the rest of the album follows.
- Toto: Livefields (1999): only on the French edition of the album. On the bonus disc there is "Spanish Steps Of Rome" hidden
- Tracy Chapman: New Beginning: "Save a Space For Me" (end of the album)
- Trapt: Trapt (2002): Hidden track at the end of "New Beginning"
- Travis: The Man Who (1999): "Blue Flashing Light" (end of the album). Some pressings of the US version also contain the songs "20" and "Only Molly Knows".
- The Invisible Band (2001): "Ring Out the Bell" and "You Don't Know What I'm Like" are included at the end of the album on some pressings of the US version.
- 12 Memories (2003): "Some Sad Song" is included after "Walking Down the Hill" (while it is a hidden song in the sense that it does not have its own track number, it is considered to be the 'twelfth memory' of the album, and lyrics are printed in the accompanying booklet). The Japanese version also includes "Definition of Wrong" and "12th Memory."
- Tub Ring: Drake Equation (2001): Unlisted instrumental track after "God Hates Astronaughts"
- Two Years Later: When We Were Chubby (2000): "It's Okay to Cry Sometimes" - at about 12 minutes, 40 seconds on the final track, "Roschelle."
- TÝR: How Far To Asgaard (2001): About 19 minutes into the last track, an unlisted Faroese 'kvæði'
[edit] U
- U2
- Boy: Early vinyl pressings feature a short snippet of an early version of "Fire" after "Shadows And Tall Trees"
- Zooropa: An alarm that some DJ's hear after 10 seconds of dead air appears shortly after "The Wanderer".
- The Best of 1980-1990: "October" appears a couple minutes after "All I Want Is You"
- Ultra: The Sun Shines Brighter: An uncredited track "Do You Still" appears 4min 6 seconds after the final listed track ends.
- Umphrey's McGee: Anchor Drops: Rewinding the first track, "Plunger" back a few seconds, you hear a computer voice say "I Eat" and then each letter of the word Hippie is said backwards.
- The Used: The Used: at the 8 minute mark on track 12, Bert is heard laughing followed by a women babbling and then singing him happy birthday. This is followed by the song "Choke Me"
- David Usher: Morning Orbit: A 'rock' version of "Black Black Heart" is an unlisted 12th track.
- Unwritten Law: Self-titled album Unwritten Law contains the track 418. Although 418 is listed it does not have an own track, but appears after Genocide (track 12). It starts at 4:18 into track 12, giving it the name 418.
[edit] V
- Vanessa Mae: Subject to Change (2001): "Tourmaline" (after a minute of silence in the last track)
- Versus: Two Cents Plus Tax (1998): "Oriental American" is hidden in the album's pregap
- The Verve: Urban Hymns (1997): "Deep Freeze" (at the 13 minute mark of "Come On")
- Vienna Teng: Warm Strangers (2003): "Green Island Serenade" (Track 12)
- Vitalic: OK Cowboy (2005): "One Million Dollar Studio" (Rewind before opening track, song is about 1 minute and 20 seconds long)
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C (1999): "Graduation (Friends Forever) (Student Interview Mix)" (Track 13)
- The Von Bondies: Pawn Shoppe Heart (2004): An untitled secret track that starts at 6:55 on the track "Pawn Shoppe Heart"; sounds like an extension of the afformentioned song.
[edit] W
- Fourth From the Last: A tribute to Five Iron Frenzy performed in the style of Wesley Willis, following track 12, "Hui".
- Trouble with X: Some versions of the CD have a cover of "The Rumor Weed Song" from children's cartoon VeggieTales as track 15, with a hidden reprise of "Play the Game" following it, featuring someone singing along to the song, apparently unaware that they are being recorded.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic: Off the Deep End: "Bite Me" (Ten minutes after "You Don't Love Me Anymore")
- Running with Scissors: A Secret Movie file in which Al talks about his life and his fans as he travels to his parent's home.
- Westlife: World Of Our Own: An extra up-beat track, "Bad Girls" after silence on the Angel's track (last track of the CD).
- Wham!: Fantastic: Hidden track (approximately ten seconds after "Young Guns (Go For It!)")
- When: The Lobster Boys (2001): Untitled hidden track (Hidden in pregap: rewind before opening track, the track is nearly 13 minutes long)
- White Rose Movement: Kick (2006): "Luna Park" plays a few minutes after the last track "Cruella".
- White Zombie: Astro-Creep: 2000: "Where The Sidewalk Ends, The Bug Parade Begins" starts a few minutes after "Blood, Milk and Sky".
- The Who: The Who Sell Out: At the end of the album is an infinite loop featuring voices repeating the words "Track Records" - The Who's record label - over and over.
- Whysall Lane: Whysall Lane (2006): "Little Moon" is hidden in the album's pregap
- Wilco: Summerteeth: After the last track, "In a Future Age", there is a track with 23 seconds of silence. Following this is "Candyfloss" and a reprise of "A Shot in the Arm".
- The Wildhearts: P.H.U.Q.: After the last track, "Getting It", there is the song "Don't Worry 'Bout Me".
- Will Smith: Lost & Found: After the last track, a minute of silence will lead to the Reggae Remix to Switch featuring Elephant Man.
- Willie Nelson: Crazy: The Demo Sessions: An unlisted track (#16) is three additional demos: "Save Your Tears," "Half a Man," and "Within Your Crowd."
- Robbie Williams: Swing When You're Winning (2001): The last track contains nearly 21 minutes of silence, followed by a series of outtakes from the album's recording sessions.
- Mac Wiseman: Rural Rhythm Presents The Best Of Mac Wiseman: Essential Original Masters ([2006]): The hidden track is the 26th and last track on the CD, an instrumental version of Wildwood Flower, cut at Mac Wiseman's 1966 Session for Rural Rhythm Records, But Never Released Until It Was Put On This Compilation Album.
- World Party: Bang!: The last track also contains 22 minutes of silence followed by Beach Boys pastiche "Kuwait City".
[edit] Y
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Fever to Tell (2003): "Poor Song" - Also known as "Hidden Song" (A slow track that begins at 4:24 of the eleventh track Modern Romance of the album. The song is sometimes played as an encore during live performances.)
- Yes: Open Your Eyes: (An untitled track featuring a jungle or tropical ambience theme featuring snippets of vocals of the songs from the album)
- Yu Miyake et al.: Katamari wa Damacy (2005): "Owari no Comment" (After King of King's Song)
[edit] Z
- Zilch (Christian band): Platinum (Zilch album) (1997): An extended recording of the woman's voice from "A Brief Message to the General Public..." rehearsing her lines can be heard after "Sufer Psalm".
- Rob Zombie: The Sinister Urge (2001): Untitled hidden track that begins at 7:45 of the eleventh track, "House of 1000 Corpses". Consists largely of horror movie dialogue with a short chorus.
- ZZ Top: Mescalero (2003): "As Time Goes By"
[edit] Various Artists
- The Beavis and Butt-Head Experience
- following a period of silence after the album's final track is a reprise of the third track, "Come To Butt-Head" by Beavis and Butt-Head (Mike Judge); it repeats the original track's first verse, then continues with new lyrics where the two are joined by rapper Positive K
- Enjoy Every Sandwich: Songs of Warren Zevon
- after a period of silence, Jorge Calderon and Jennifer Warnes' version of Zevon's "Keep Me In Your Heart" - an instrumental version of the same song, arranged by Van Dyke Parks, plays after the last track.
- Kill Bill Volume 2 soundtrack
- Hidden Track Black Mamba by The Wu-Tang Clan plays at the end of Urami Bushi.
- Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack
- After a period of silence, Kip's love song to Lafawnduh plays.
- Perfect Dark soundtrack
- a sound clip of Joanna saying "Switch this thing off!" following a period of silence on the second disc
- The Powerpuff Girls Heroes & Villains
- untitled track after a period of silence following the last song "The Powerpuff Girls (End Theme)"
- Resident Evil soundtrack
- untitled track after about a minute and a half of silence, a sound clip from the movie is played.
- Shaun of the Dead soundtrack
- "Fun Dead (Osymyso remix)"
- Songs in the Key of X (soundtrack from The X-Files)
- contains two hidden tracks before track 1: "Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum (Dread the Passage of Jesus, For He Will Not Return)" by Nick Cave and the Dirty Three, and a version of The X-Files theme by the Dirty Three
- The X-Files: The Album
- contains a spoken word track at 10:13 (homage to Ten Thirteen) of Chris Carter explaining the show's conspiracy
- We're a Happy Family
- "Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World" by John Frusciante after a period of silence