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Khẩu hiệu quốc gia: Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ Mek Azg, Mek Mshakouyt (tiếng Armenia: "") |
Quốc ca: Mer Hayrenik | |||||
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Thủ đô | Yerevan
Thành phố lớn nhất | Yerevan | ||||
Ngôn ngữ chính thức | tiếng Armenia | ||||
Chính phủ
Tổng thống
Thủ tướng |
Cộng hòa Robert Kocharian Andranik Markaryan |
Độc lập - Declared - Established |
Từ Nga 23 tháng 8 năm 1990 21 tháng 9 năm 1991 |
Diện tích • Tổng số • Nước (%) |
29.8001 km² 4,7% |
Dân số • Ước lượng năm 2006 • Thống kê dân số 1989 • Mật độ |
2.976.372 (hạng 133) 3.288.000 100 người/km² |
HDI (2003) | 0,759 (hạng 83) – trung bình | ||||
GDP (2005) • Tổng số (PPP) • Trên đầu người (PPP) |
13,650 tỷ đô la Mỹ (hạng 118) 4.600 đô la Mỹ (hạng 119) |
Đơn vị tiền tệ | Dram (AMD ) |
Múi giờ • Quy ước giờ mùa hè |
UTC (UTC+4) DST (UTC+5) |
Tên miền Internet | .am |
Mã số điện thoại | +374 | ||||
1: không bao gồm Nagorno-Karabakh. |
Armenia (tiếng Armenia: Tiêu bản:Hayeren, Hayastan, Tiêu bản:Hayeren, Hayq), tên chính thức Cộng hoà Armenia, là một quốc gia nhiều đồi núi kín trong lục địa ở phía nam Caucasus (Transcaucasus), có biên giới với Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ ở phía tây, Georgia ở phía bắc, Azerbaijan ở phía đông, và Iran cùng phần lãnh thổ tách biệt Nakhichevan của Azerbaijan ở phía nam. Là một nước cộng hoà trước kia thuộc Liên bang Xô viết, Armenia là một trong những quốc gia lâu đời nhất thế giới và được cho là nơi Noah cùng con cháu của mình đã dừng lại định cư lần đầu tiên. Dù theo hiến pháp Armenia là một quốc gia phi tôn giáo, Thiên chúa giáo đóng một vai trò quan trọng cả trong lịch sử và bản sắc riêng của dân tộc Armenia.
Armenia hiện là một thành viên của Liên hiệp quốc, Hội đồng Châu Âu, và Khối thịnh vượng chung của các quốc gia độc lập, và là quan sát viên của Cộng đồng kinh tế Á Âu. Đất nước này là một nền dân chủ đang nổi lên và bởi vì vị trí chiến lược của mình, Armenia vừa nằm trong tầm ảnh hưởng của Nga và của Hoa Kỳ.
Mục lục |
[sửa] Nguồn gốc tên gọi
Tên gốc theo tiếng Armenia là Hayq, sau này Hayastan. Hayasa, gắn với hậu tố tiếng Ba Tư '-stan' (đất đai). Haik là một trong những lãnh đạo kiệt xuất người Armenia và cái tên Miền đất của Haik đã được đặt theo tên ông. Theo truyền thuyết, Haik là chút của Noah (con trai của Togarmah, người là con của Gomer, người là con của Japheth, người là con của Noah), và theo truyền thống cổ Armenia, một tổ tiên của toàn bộ người Armenia. Ông cũng được cho là đã định cư bên dưới chân Núi Ararat, đã đi tham gia vào việc xây dựng Tháp Babel, và, sau khi quay trở lại, đánh bại vua Babylon là Bel (được một số nhà nghiên cứu cho là Nimrod) ngày 11 tháng 8, 2492 TCN gần núi Lake Van, ở phía nam Armenia trong lịch sử (hiện ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ).
Hayq được các nước xung quanh gọi là Armenia, có lẽ nó từng là tên của bộ lạc mạnh nhất sống ở những vùng đất thuở xưa của Armenia, những người tự gọi mình là Armens và có nguồn gốc Indo-European. Theo truyền thống, nó bắt nguồn từ chữ Armenak hay Aram (chắt của chắt của Haik, và một lãnh đạo khác, người theo truyền thống Armenia là tổ tiên của tất cả người dân Armenia). Một số học giả Do Thái và Thiên Chúa giáo viết rằng cái tên 'Armenia' bắt nguồn từ Har-Minni, có nghĩa là 'Núi Minni' (hay Mannai). Những lý lẽ ủng hộ Thiên chúa giáo cho rằng Nairi, có nghĩa vùng đất của những con sông, từng là một tên cổ gọi vùng núi của nước này, lần đầu được người Assyria sử dụng khoảng năm 1200 TCN; trong khi văn bản ghi chép đầu tiên được biết tới có tên Armenia, là Behistun Inscription tại Iran, có niên đại từ năm 521 TCN.
[sửa] Lịch sử
Armenia has been populated since prehistoric times, and has been proposed as the site of the Biblical Garden of Eden. It was a regional empire with a rich culture in the years leading up to the 1st century, spanning from the shores of the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea during the rule of Tigranes the Great.
Armenia's strategic location between two continents has subjected it to invasions by many peoples, including the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks and Mongols.
In AD 301, Armenia became the first country in the world to adopt Christianity as its official state religion, ten years before the Roman Empire granted Christianity official toleration under Galerius, and 36 years before Constantine was baptised. There had been various pagan communities before Christianity, but they were converted by an influx of Christian missionaries.
After being ruled by various dynasties -- including Parthian (Iranian), Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Mongol and Persian occupations -- Armenia in time became weakened. In 1500's, the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia divided Armenia among themselves. The Russian Empire later incorporated Eastern Armenia (consisting of the Erivan and Karabakh khanates within Persia) in 1813 and 1828.
Under the rule of the Ottomans, the Armenians and the Turkish majority lived in relative harmony. However, as the Ottoman Empire began to collapse and World War I began, a large proportion of Armenians living in Anatolia perished as a result of what is termed the Armenian Genocide. The events of 1915 to 1918 are regarded by Armenians and the vast majority of Western historians to have been state-sponsored mass killings. Turkish authorities, however, maintain that the deaths were the result of a civil war coupled with disease and famine, with casualties incurred by both sides. Most estimates for the number of Armenians killed range from 650,000 to 1,500,000, and these events are traditionally commemorated yearly on April 24, the Armenian Christian martyr day.
Armenia and the Armenian diaspora have been campaigning for official recognition of the events as genocide for over 30 years. While there are also many countries who are pressured by Turkey not to officially characterize the Armenian massacres as genocide, many have passed laws officially recognizing the reality of the genocide: France, Russia, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Uruguay, Argentina, Poland, Lebanon, the European Union, many States of the USA. The United States House of Representative almost passed a similar law at the end of the Clinton years, but Speaker Hastert withdrew the vote from the agenda at the last minute. It was revealed in 2006 in prominent media outlets that Hastert had received compensations from Turkish authorities to stop discussion on the Armenian genocide.
In the aftermath of World War I, the Democratic Republic of Armenia was established, encompassing the former Ottoman-ruled Western Armenia and Russian-controlled Eastern Armenia. Signed between the Allied and Associated Powers and Ottoman Empire at Sevres on August 10, 1920, the Treaty of Sèvres promised to maintain the existence of the state under protection from the League of Nations. The treaty, however, was rejected by the Turkish National Movement, and never came into effect. The movement, under Kemal Atatürk, used the treaty as the occasion to declare itself the rightful government of Turkey, replacing the monarchy based in Istanbul with a republic based in Ankara.
In 1920, Armenia and Turkey engaged in the Turkish-Armenian War, a violent conflict that ended with the Treaty of Alexandropol in which the Armenians surrendered the bulk of their weapons and land to the Turks. In 1922, the remaining territory of Armenia was invaded by the Red Army, and the country was incorporated into the Soviet Union as part of the short-lived Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (TSFR) along with Georgia and Azerbaijan. The Treaty of Alexandropol was then superseded by the Treaty of Kars, between Turkey and the Soviet Union. In it, Turkey ceded the province of Ajaria to the Soviet Union in return for sovereignty over the territories of Kars, Ardahan, and Iğdır. Because the Armenians did not have a say in the treaty, Armenia, to this day, does not recognize the treaty and still holds claims to those provinces.
The TSFR existed from 1922 to 1936, when it was divided up into three separate entities (Armenian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, and Georgian SSR). Armenians enjoyed a period of relative stability under Soviet rule. They received medicine, food, and other provisions from Moscow, and communist rule proved to be a soothing balm in contrast to the turbulent final years of the Ottoman Empire. The situation was difficult for the church, which struggled under Soviet rule. After the death of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin took the reins of power and began an era of renewed fear and terror for Armenians. As with various other ethnic minorities who lived in the Soviet Union during Stalin's Great Purge, millions of innocent Armenians were executed and deported. Fears decreased when Stalin died in 1953 and Nikita Khruschev emerged as the country's new leader.
In the Gorbachev era of the 1980s, tension developed between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. In the same decade, Soviet Armenia suffered a devastating earthquake in the city of Spitak, in 1988. In 1991, the Soviet Union broke apart and Armenia re-established its independence. Armenia and Azerbaijan continued to quarrel, leading to the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Despite a cease-fire, in place since 1994, Armenia has yet to resolve its conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. The economies of both countries have been hurt in the absence of a peaceful resolution. Despite this, Armenia remains the 27th most economically free nation in the world [1].
[sửa] Chính trị
Tiêu bản:More
Politics of Armenia takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President is the head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament.
[sửa] Các tỉnh hành chính
Main article: Các tỉnh Armenia
Armenia is divided into eleven provinces (marzer, singular - marz):
- Aragatsotn (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Ararat (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Armavir (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Gegharkunik (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Kotayk (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Lori (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Shirak (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Syunik (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Tavush (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Vayots Dzor (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
- Yerevan (Tiêu bản:Hayeren)
[sửa] Địa lý
Armenia is a landlocked country in the southern Caucasus. Located between the Black and Caspian Seas, Armenia is bordered on the north and east by Georgia and Azerbaijan, and on the south and west by Iran and Turkey. Though geographically in Western Asia, politically and culturally Armenia is closely aligned with Europe. Historically, Armenia has been at the crossroads between Europe and Southwest Asia, and is therefore seen as a transcontinental nation.
The Republic of Armenia, covering an area of 30 000 square kilometres (11,600 sq. mi), is located in the north-east of the Armenian Highland (covering 400 000 km² or 154,000 sq. mi), otherwise known as historic Armenia and considered as the original homeland of Armenians.
The terrain is mostly mountainous, with fast flowing rivers and few forests. The climate is highland continental: hot summers and cold winters. The land rises to 4095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea-level at Mount Aragats, and no point is below 400 metres (1,312 ft) above sea level. Mount Ararat, regarded by the Armenians as a symbol of their land, is the highest mountain in the region and used to be part of Armenia until around 1915, when it fell to the Turks.
Armenia is trying to address its environmental problems. It has established a Ministry of Nature Protection and introduced taxes for air and water pollution and solid waste disposal, whose revenues are used for environmental protection activities. Armenia is interested in cooperating with other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, a group of 11 former Soviet republics) and with members of the international community on environmental issues. The Armenian Government is working toward closing its Nuclear Power Plant at Medzamor near Yerevan as soon as alternative energy sources are identified.
[sửa] Kinh tế
Until independence, Armenia's economy was largely industry-based – chemicals, electronics, machinery, processed food, synthetic rubber, and textile – and highly dependent on outside resources. Agriculture contributed only 20% of net material product and 10% of employment before the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. Armenian mines produce copper, zinc, gold, and lead. The vast majority of energy is produced with fuel imported from Russia, including gas and nuclear fuel (for its one nuclear power plant); the main domestic energy source is hydroelectric. Small amounts of coal, gas, and petroleum have not yet been developed.
Like other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union, Armenia's economy suffers from the legacy of a centrally planned economy and the breakdown of former Soviet trading patterns. Soviet investment in and support of Armenian industry has virtually disappeared, so that few major enterprises are still able to function. In addition, the effects of the 1988 Spitak Earthquake, which killed more than 25,000 people and made 500,000 homeless, are still being felt. The conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh has not been resolved. The closure of Azerbaijani and Turkish borders has devastated the economy, because Armenia depends on outside supplies of energy and most raw materials. Land routes through Georgia and Iran are inadequate or unreliable. GDP fell nearly 60% from 1989 until 1992–1993. The national currency, the dram, suffered hyperinflation for the first years after its introduction in 1993.
Nevertheless, the government was able to make wide-ranging economic reforms that paid off in dramatically lower inflation and steady growth. The 1994 cease-fire in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has also helped the economy. Armenia has had strong economic growth since 1995, building on the turnaround that began the previous year, and inflation has been negligible for the past several years. New sectors, such as precious stone processing and jewelry making, information and communication technology, and even tourism are beginning to supplement more traditional sectors in the economy, such as agriculture.
This steady economic progress has earned Armenia increasing support from international institutions. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and other international financial institutions (IFIs) and foreign countries are extending considerable grants and loans. Loans to Armenia since 1993 exceed $1.1 billion. These loans are targeted at reducing the budget deficit, stabilizing the currency; developing private businesses; energy; the agriculture, food processing, transportation, and health and education sectors; and ongoing rehabilitation in the earthquake zone. The government joined the World Trade Organization on February 5, 2003. But one of the main sources of foreign direct investments remains the Armenian diaspora, which finances major parts of the reconstruction of infrastructure and other public projects. Being a growing democratic state, Armenia also hopes to get more financial aid from the Western World.
A liberal foreign investment law was approved in June 1994, and a Law on Privatization was adopted in 1997, as well as a program on state property privatization. Continued progress will depend on the ability of the government to strengthen its macroeconomic management, including increasing revenue collection, improving the investment climate, and making strides against corruption.
In the 2006 Index of Economic Freedom, Armenia ranked 27th best, tied with Japan and ahead of countries like Norway, Spain, Portugal and Italy. However, Armenia ranked very low on property rights worse than countries like Botswana and Trinidad and Tobago.[2]
In the 2005 Transparency International Corruption Index Armenia ranked 88, Highly Corrupt.[3]
[sửa] Nhân khẩu học
- See Also: Điều tra dân số Armenia
Armenia has a population of 2,982,904 (July 2005 est.) and is the second most densely populated of the former Soviet republics. There has been a problem of population decline due to elevated levels of emigration after the break-up of the USSR. The rates of emigration and population decline, however, have been decreasing in the recent years, a trend which is expected to continue. In fact Armenia is expected to resume its positive population growth by 2010.
Ethnic Armenians make up 97.9% of the population. Kurds make up 1.3%, and Russians 0.5%. There are smaller communities of Assyrians, Georgians, Greeks and Ukrainians. Most Azerbaijanis, once a sizable population, have been forced to leave their homes since the independence and the occupation.
Nearly all of the Armenians in Azerbaijan (approximately 120,000) now live in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Armenia has a very large diaspora (8 million by some estimates, greatly exceeding the 3 million population of Armenia itself), with communities existing across the globe, including France, Russia, Iran, Lebanon, and North America.
The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity. The roots of the Armenian Church go back to the 1st century AD. According to tradition, the Armenian Church was founded by two of Jesus' twelve apostles--Thaddaeus and Bartholomew--who preached Christianity in Armenia in the 40's-60's AD. Because of these two founding apostles, the official name of the Armenian Church is Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion, in AD 301. Over 93% of Armenian Christians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, a form of Oriental (Non-Chalcedonian) Orthodoxy, which is a very ritualistic, conservative church, roughly comparable to the Coptic and Syrian churches. Armenia also has a population of Catholics (both Roman and Mekhitarist - Armenian Uniate (180,000)), evangelical Protestants and followers of the Armenian traditional religion. The Yazidi Kurds, who live in the western part of the country, practise Yazidism. The Armenian Catholic Church is headquartered in Bzoummar, Lebanon.
Ethnic Azeris and Kurds who lived in the country before the Karabakh conflict practised Islam, but most Azeris were driven out of Armenia into Azerbaijan between 1988 and 1991 at the beginning of the conflict. During the same period, Armenia also received a large influx of Armenians scattered throughout Azerbaijan and large number of Azeri population migrated to Azerbaijan.
[sửa] Văn hoá

Armenians have their own highly distinctive alphabet and language. The letters were invented by Mesrob Mashdots and consists of 36 letters. 96% of the people in the country speak Armenian, while 75.8% of the population additionally speaks Russian as a result of the Soviet language policy. The adult literacy rate in Armenia is 99% [4]. Most adults in Yerevan can communicate in Russian, while English is increasing in popularity.
Armenian hospitality is legendary and stems from ancient tradition. Social gatherings focused around sumptuous presentations of course after course of elaborately prepared, well-seasoned (but not spicy-hot) food. The hosts will often put morsels on a guest's plate whenever it is empty or fill his or her glass when it gets low. After a helping or two it is acceptable to refuse politely or, more simply, just leave a little uneaten food. Alcohol such as cognac, vodka, and red wine are usually served during meals and gatherings. It is considered rare and unusal for one to go inside an Armenian household and not be offered coffee, pastry, food, or even water.
The weddings are usually quite elaborate and regal. The process begins by the man and woman becoming "promised". The man's immediate family (Parents, Grandparents, and often the Uncles and Aunts) go over to the woman's house to ask for permission from the woman's father for the relationship to continue and hopefully prosper. Once permission is granted by the father, the man gives the woman a "promise ring" to make it official. To celebrate the mutual family agreement, the woman's family opens a bottle of Armenian cognac. After being promised, most families elect to have an semi-large engagement party as well. The girl's family is the one who plans, organizes and pays for the party. There is very little involvement by the man's family. At the party, a priest is summoned to pray for the soon husband and wife to be and give his blessings. Once the words of prayer have concluded, the couple slide wedding bands on each other's right hands (the ring is moved to the left hand once a formal marriage ceremony is conducted by the Armenian church). The customary time to wait for the marriage is about one year. Unlike other cultures, the man and his family pay for the wedding. The planning and organization process is usually done by the bride and groom to be.
The National Art Gallery in Yerevan has more than 16,000 works that date back to the Middle Ages. It houses paintings by many European masters. The Modern Art Museum, the Children’s Picture Gallery, and the Martiros Saryan Museum are only a few of the other noteworthy collections of fine art on display in Yerevan. Moreover, many private galleries are in operation, with many more opening each year. They feature rotating exhibitions and sales.
The world-class Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra performs at the beautifully refurbished city Opera House, where you can also attend a full season of opera. In addition, several chamber ensembles are highly regarded for their musicianship, including the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia and the Serenade Orchestra. Classical music can also be heard at one of several smaller venues, including the State Music Conservatory and the Chamber Orchestra Hall. Jazz is popular, especially in the summer when live performances are a regular occurrence at one of the city’s many outdoor cafés.
Yerevan’s Vernisage (arts and crafts market), close to Republic Square, bustles with hundreds of vendors selling a variety of crafts, many of superb workmanship, on weekends and Wednesdays (though the selection is much reduced mid-week). The market offers woodcarving, antiques, fine lace, and the hand-knotted wool carpets and kilims that are a Caucasus specialty. Obsidian, which is found locally, is crafted into an amazing assortment of jewelry and ornamental objects. Armenian gold smithery enjoys a long and distinguished tradition, populating one corner of the market with a selection of gold items. Soviet relics and souvenirs of recent Russian manufacture—nesting dolls, watches, enamel boxes and so on, are also available at the Vernisage.
Across from the Opera House, a popular art market fills another city park on the weekends. Armenia’s long history as a crossroads of the ancient world has resulted in a landscape with innumerable fascinating archaeological sites to explore. Medieval, Iron Age, Bronze Age and even Stone Age sites are all within a few hours drive from the city. All but the most spectacular remain virtually undiscovered, allowing visitors to view churches and fortresses in their original settings.
The American University of Armenia has graduate programs in Business and Law, among others. The institution owes its existence to the combined efforts of the Government of Armenia, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, USAID, and the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley.
The extension programs and the library at AUA form a new focal point for English-language intellectual life in the city. Many of the country’s most successful young entrepreneurs are graduates of this institution.
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- Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun - the Armenian National Scout Movement
- Nagorno-Karabakh
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[sửa] Các chủ đề khác
- Viễn thông ở Armenia
- Quan hệ nước ngoài của Armenia
- Quân đội Armenia
- Giao thông Armenia
[sửa] Liên kết ngoài và tham khảo
- Armenia's location on a 3D globe (Java)
- - the Armenian Wiki with thousands of articles
- - Armenian literature and history
- The Heritage Foundation - publishes the index of economic freedom
- CIA - The World Factbook -- Armenia
- - Government of Armenia
- - Library of Congress Portal on Armenia
- - Armenia information
- - Armenian News and pictures of Churches and Ararat Mountain
- - History and Information About Armenia
- Portals
- - Armenian portal with millions of visitors (Armenian,Russian,English)
- Armenian web ring
- - Armenian Search Engine and Directory
- News sites
- PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia & Armenian News
- - Fastest News from Armenia
- - Armenian News Network - Groong
- Armenia Now, edited by John Hughes
- - Weekly online publishing articles and reports about Armenia and South Caucasus. Available in English and French
Các nước châu Âu | ![]() |
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1. Nước nằm một phần ở châu Á. 2. Về địa lý thì ở châu Á, nhưng được coi là châu Âu vì các lý do văn hoá và lịch sử. |
Các nước ở châu Á | ![]() |
Afghanistan | Ai Cập | Armenia1 | Azerbaijan1 | Ả Rập Xê Út | Ấn Độ | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Bờ Tây2 | Brunei | Các Tiểu vương quốc Ả rập Thống nhất | Campuchia | Dải Gaza2 | Đài Loan (Trung Hoa Dân Quốc)4 | Đông Timor | Gruzia1 | Hàn Quốc | Hồng Kông3 | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Jordan | Kazakhstan1 | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Lào | Liban | Ma Cao3 | Malaysia | Maldives | Mông Cổ | Myanma | Nepal | Nga1 | Nhật Bản | Oman | Pakistan | Palestin | Philippines | Qatar | Singapore | Síp1 | Sri Lanka | Syria | Tajikistan | Thái Lan | Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ1 | Triều Tiên | Trung Quốc | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | Việt Nam | Yemen |
1. Thường gắn với châu Á về mặt địa lý, tuy nhiên cho là thuộc Châu Âu về mặt văn hóa và lịch sử. 2. Lãnh thổ do Israel kiểm soát, Chính quyền Palestin quản lý. 3. Khu hành chính đặc biệt của CHNDTH. 4. Xem thêm: Vị thế chính trị Đài Loan |
Những quốc gia và địa hạt thuộc Tây Nam Á |
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Tiêu bản:Khối thịnh vượng chung các quốc gia độc lập