List of railway companies
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This is a list of the world's railway operating companies listed alphabetically by continent and country. This list includes companies operating both now and in the past.
Note also that in some countries, the railway operating bodies are not companies, but are government departments or authorities.
Historically in some countries, over a period of time, it has gone from Railway Company, then Nationalised to Government Railways, then reverted to Railway Company as operators of the railways.
With privatisation in the 1980s and the separation of the track from the trains that run upon them, there are now track-only companies and train-only companies.
- See also: Rail transport by country
[edit] Africa
[edit] Railway unions:
- Union of African Railways (UAR)
- Southern African Railway Association (SARA), which represents:
- CFB (Benguela railway, in Angola)
- Botswana Railway
- Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) (Mozambique Railway)
- Malawi Railways
- TransNamib
- Swaziland Railway
- TAZARA (Tanzania/Zambia Railway Authority)
- Zambia Railways
- National Railways of Zimbabwe
- Tanzania Railways Corporation
- Central East African Railway in Malawi
- Beitbridge Bulawayo Railway
- Metrorail (South Africa)
- Spoornet (South-Africa)
[edit] Algeria
- Algerian Railways (SNFT)
[edit] Angola
- Bengula Railway
[edit] Benin
- Benin Railways (OCBN)
[edit] Botswana
[edit] Burkina Faso
[edit] Côte d'Ivoire
[edit] Cameroon
- Cameroon National Railways Authority (REGIFERCAM)
[edit] Republic of the Congo
- Congo - Ocean Railway (CFCO)
[edit] Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire)
- (Due to civil war the railway system of the Dem Rep of Congo is not presently functioning)
[edit] Egypt
[edit] Ethiopia
- Djibouti to Addis-Ababa Railway
[edit] Eritrea
[edit] Gabon
- Gabon State Railways (OCTRA)
[edit] Ghana
- Ghana Railways & Ports (GRP) (Ghana's rail system is largely derelict)
- Ghana Railway Company
[edit] Kenya
[edit] Liberia
- Bong Mining Co
- Lamgo JV Operating Co
[edit] Libya
[edit] Madagascar
- Madagascar Railways
[edit] Malawi
- Malawi Railways LTD
[edit] Mauritania
[edit] Morocco
- Office National des Chemins de Fer (ONCF) : national railway office.
[edit] Mozambique
- Mozambique State Railways
[edit] Namibia
[edit] Nigeria
- Nigeria Railway Corporation
[edit] South Africa
- South African Railways (SAS/SAR)
[edit] Sudan
- Sudan Railways
[edit] Swaziland
- Swaziland Railway
[edit] Tanzania
[edit] Togo
- Togo Railways (RCFT)
[edit] Tunisia
- Tunisian National Railways (SNCFT)
[edit] Zambia
[edit] Zimbabwe
(There are no railways in Central African Republic, Chad, Niger)
[edit] Asia
[edit] Afghanistan
- (Afghanistan has only 24.6 km of railway which are railheads from neighbouring countries)
[edit] Bangladesh
[edit] Burma
- Union of Burma Railways
[edit] China
[edit] India
[edit] Indonesia
[edit] Iran
- Iranian National Railways Company
[edit] Iraq
[edit] Israel
[edit] Japan
- Further information: Japan Railway, List of railway companies in Japan, and Rail transport in Japan
[edit] Jordan
[edit] Korea, South
- Korean National Railroad (KNR)
[edit] Korea, North
- Korean Railways (KL)
[edit] Lebanon
- Lebanon State Railways
[edit] Malaysia
- Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Malaysian Railway)
[edit] Nepal
- Nepal Government Railway
- Janakpur Railway
[edit] Pakistan
- Pakistan Railways (PR)
- Karachi Circular Railway (KCR)
[edit] Philippines
[edit] Saudi Arabia
[edit] Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Government Railway
[edit] Syria
- Syrian Railways
- Hedjaz Railway
[edit] Thailand
- State Railway of Thailand
- Bangkok Skytrain (BTS, Bangkok Mass Transit: sky train operator)
- Bangkok Metro (BMCL, Bangkok Metro Company Limited: underground train operator)
[edit] Vietnam
- Vietnam Railway System (RCFVN)
[edit] Oceania
[edit] Australia
[edit] Track and Train
- Queensland Rail
- Pacific National (Tasmania, Victorian country railways, excluding interstate network)
- Rail Corporation New South Wales (urban passnger lines in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong area, other New South Wales lines are controlled or maintained under contract by Australian Rail Track Corporation)
- FreightLink (Darwin-Tarcoola Railway)
- Australian Railroad Group (South Australian rural branch lines)
[edit] Track Only
- Australian Rail Track Corporation (interstate network)
- WestNet Rail (Western Australia - Westrail Ceased to Exist in 2000)
[edit] Train Only
- Pacific National
- Southern Shorthaul Railroad
- South Spur Rail Services
- Great Southern Railway (Australia)
- Patrick Rail Operations
- Specialised Container Transport
- Silverton Rail
[edit] Train Hire
[edit] New Zealand
- New Zealand Railways Corporation (Now trading as ONTRACK)
- New Zealand Rail Limited (Defunct, renamed Tranz Rail in 1996)
- Tranz Rail (Defunct, brought out by Toll Holdings in 2003)
- Toll Rail
- Veolia (New Zealand)
- Taieri Gorge Railway
[edit] Europe
[edit] Albania
- HSH (Albanian Railways - Hekurudha e Shqipërisë)
[edit] Austria
- ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways - Österreichische Bundesbahnen)
- BBÖ (Austrian Federal Railway - Bundesbahn Österreich (to 1938))
- StLB (Styrian Provincial Railways - Steiermärkische Landesbahnen) de:Steiermärkische Landesbahnen
- MBS (Montafonerbahn Schruns, from Bludenz to Schruns) de:Montafonerbahn
- GKB (Graz-Köflacher Eisenbahn) de:Graz-Köflacher Eisenbahn
[edit] Belarus
- BCh (Belarusan Railway - Бєларуская Чигунка, Belaruskaya Chyhunka)
[edit] Belgium
- NMBS/SNCB (Belgian National Railways - Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen / Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges)
- Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Belges, abbreviated to SNCB, is the French name for the Belgian national railway operator
- Dillen & Le Jeune Cargo NV
[edit] Bosnia-Herzegovina
- ŽFBH (Railways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Željeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine)
- ŽRS (Railways of Republika Srpska - Željeznice Republike Srpske)
[edit] Bulgaria
- BDZh (Bulgarian State Railways - Български Държавни Железници, Bâlgarski Dârzhavni Zheleznitsi)
[edit] Croatia
- HŽ (Croatian Railways - Hrvatske željeznice)
[edit] Czech Republic
- ČD (Czech Railways - České dráhy)
- JHMD (Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy - Jindřichův Hradec Local Railways)
[edit] Denmark
- DSB (Danish State Railways - Danske Statsbaner)
- Arriva Danmark
- GDS/HFHJ (Gribskovbanen / Hillerød-Frederiksværk-Hundested Jernbane)
- HHJ (Odderbanen (Hads-Ning Herreders Jernbane))
- HL (Capital City Local Railways - Hovedstadens Lokalbaner)
- HTJ/OHJ (Høng-Tølløse Jernbane / Odsherreds Jernbane)
- LJ (Lollandsbanen)
- LN (Lille Nord)
- LNJ (Lyngby-Nærum Jernbane)
- NJ (North Jutland Railways - Nordjyske Jernbaner)
- ØSJS (Eastern Railway - Østbanen (Østsjællandske Jernbaneselskab))
- VLTJ (Lemvigbanen (Vemb-Lemvig-Thyborøn Jernbane)). A popular song about the railway by Danish band Tørfisk is simply called VLTJ.
- VNJ (Western Railway - Vestbanen (Varde-Nørre Nebel Jernbane))
[edit] Estonia
- CoalTerminalTrans Coal train operator to Muuga coal terminal (28.05.2006-31.12.2006)
- Edelaraudtee South-West Railway (passenger and freight; 1996-)
- EVR Estonian Railways - Eesti Raudtee (privatized 2001, re-nationalized 2006-2007)
- Elektriraudtee Electric Railway (Tallinn suburban passenger railway) (1998-)
- GoRail (EVR Ekspress until 2006) Operator of the Tallinn–Moscow passenger service (1998-)
- Raudteeinspektsioon (formerly Raudteeamet) Estonian Railway Inspectorate (regulator) (1999-)
- Spacecom Freight train operater (2004-)
- Westgate Transport (Transoil) Freight train operator
[edit] Finland
- VR (VR Ltd -- VR Oy)
[edit] France
- Chemin de Fer de Paris à Orléans
- CFP (Chemins de Fer de Provence (operating narrow-gauge trains Nice-Digne))
- Chemins de Fer du Calvados
- Chemin de Fer du Midi
- Compagnie du Chemin de Fer d'Orléans à Rouen
- Compagnie du Chemin de Fer de Caen à la Mer
- Chemin de fer de la mure
- Eurotunnel
- SNCF (French National Railways - Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français)
- RATP (Paris Transport Authority - Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens)
[edit] Germany
*Deutsche Bahn (DB AG - German Railways 1992-) de:Liste deutscher Eisenbahngesellschaften
[edit] Passenger railways
- ABELLIO - ABELLIO GmbH de:Abellio Rail
- ABG - Anhaltische Bahn Gesellschaft mbH de:Dessau-Wörlitzer Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (?)
- AKN - Altona-Kaltenkirchen-Neumünster Eisenbahn AG de:AKN Eisenbahn
- ALEX - Allgäu-Express de:Allgäu-Express
- AVG - Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH de:Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft
- BBG - Bahnbetriebsgesellschaft Stauden mbH
- BKD - Borkumer Kleinbahn und Dampfschiffahrt GmbH de:Borkumer Kleinbahn
- BLB - Burgenlandbahn GmbH de:Burgenlandbahn
- BayOB - Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH de:Bayerische Oberlandbahn
- BOB - Bodensee-Oberschwaben-Bahn GmbH de:Bodensee-Oberschwaben-Bahn
- BSB - Breisgau-S-Bahn-Gesellschaft de:Breisgau-S-Bahn
- BSEG - Brohltal Schmalspur-Eisenbahn Betriebs-GmbH
- BVO - Busverkehr Ober- und Westerzgebirge Bahn GmbH
- BZB - Bayerische Zugspitzbahn AG de:Bayerische Zugspitzbahn
- CBC - City Bahn Chemnitz GmbH de:Chemnitzer Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft & de:Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen
- Chiemsee-Bahn de:Chiemsee-Bahn
- CS - Connex Sachsen GmbH de:Connex Sachsen
- DBG - Döllnitzbahn GmbH [1]
- Drachenfelsbahn - Bergbahnen im Siebengebirge AG
- EGB - DBAG Erzgebirgsbahn de:Erzgebirgsbahn
- EIB - Erfurter Industriebahn GmbH de:Erfurter Bahn
- Eurobahn - Rhenus Keolis GmbH & Co. KG de:Eurobahn
- EVB - Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH de:Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser
- FEG - Freiberger Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH de:Freiberger Eisenbahn
- FKE - Frankfurt-Königsteiner Eisenbahn AG de:Frankfurt-Königsteiner Eisenbahn
- GVG - Georgs-Verkehrs-GmbH
- HEX - HarzElbeExpress (Connex Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH) de:Connex-Fernverkehr
- HLB - Hessische Landesbahn GmbH de:Hessische Landesbahn
- HSB - Harzer Schmalspurbahnen
- HSB - Heidelberger Straßen- und Bergbahn AG
- HTB - Hellertalbahn GmbH de:Hellertalbahn
- HzL - Hohenzollerische Landesbahn AG de:Hohenzollerische Landesbahn
- IL - Inselbahn Langeoog Inselbahn Langeoog
- KHB - DBAG Kurhessenbahn de:Kurhessenbahn
- KML - Kreisbahn Mansfelder Land GmbH
- MBB - Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli GmbH&Co. de:Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn
- ME - Metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbB de:Metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft
- MeBa - Mecklenburg Bahn GmbH
- NB - NordseeBahn de:NordseeBahn
- NBE - Nordbahn Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH de:Nordbahn (Schleswig-Holstein)
- NEB - Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn de:Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn
- NEG - NEG Niebüll mbH (former NVAG) de:Norddeutsche Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH (?)
- NOB - Nord-Ostsee-Bahn de:Nord-Ostsee-Bahn
- NWB - NordWestBahn de:NordWestBahn
- OBS - DBAG Oberweißbacher Berg- und Schwarzatalbahn de:Oberweißbacher Berg- und Schwarzatalbahn
- ODEG - Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH de:Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn
- OEG - Oberrheinische Eisenbahngesellschaft AG de:Oberrheinische Eisenbahn
- OLA - Ostseeland-Verkehr GmbH (former MeBa/OME) de:Ostseeland Verkehr
- OPB - Oberpfalzbahn de:Oberpfalzbahn
- OSB - Ortenau-S-Bahn de:Ortenau-S-Bahn
- PEG - Prignitzer Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft de:Prignitzer Eisenbahn
- RBG - Regental Bahnbetriebe GmbH ("Länderbahn") de:Regentalbahn
- RBK - Regionalbahn Kassel GmbH de:Regionalbahn Kassel
- Regio-Bahn GmbH
- RHB - Rhein-Haardt-Bahn GmbH de:Rhein-Haardt-Bahn
- RNV - Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH de:Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr
- RTB - Rurtalbahn GmbH & Co. KG (former DKB) de:Rurtalbahn
- RüKB - Rügensche Kleinbahn GmbH & Co.
- Saarbahn GmbH de:Saarbahn GmbH
- S-Bahn Berlin GmbH
- SBB - Schweizerische Bundesbahn GmbH
- SBE - Sächsisch-Böhmische Eisenbahn de:Sächsisch-Böhmische Eisenbahngesellschaft
- SHB - Schleswig-Holstein-Bahn GmbH de:Schleswig-Holstein-Bahn
- SHG - S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH
- SOB - DBAG SüdostBayernBahn de:SüdostBayernBahn
- SOEG - Sächsisch-Oberlausitzer Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH de:Verkehrsverbund Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien
- SSB - Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG de:Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen
- STB - Süd-Thüringen Bahn de:Süd-Thüringen Bahn
- STE - Strausberger Eisenbahn GmbH de:Strausberger Eisenbahn GmbH
- SWEG - Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs AG de:Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs AG
- TDR - Trans regio Deutsche Regionalbahn GmbH de:Trans regio
- TE - Trossinger Eisenbahn de:Trossinger Eisenbahn
- UBB - Usedomer Bäderbahn de:Usedomer Bäderbahn
- VBG - Vogtlandbahn GmbH de:Vogtlandbahn
- VBK - Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe GmbH de:Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe GmbH
- vectus - Vectus Verkehrsgesellschaft de:Vectus
- VIAS - VIAS GmbH (Odenwald-Bahn) de:VIAS GmbH
- WB - WestfalenBahn de:WestfalenBahn
- WEBA - Westerwaldbahn GmbH de:Westerwaldbahn des Kreises Altenkirchen GmbH
- WEG - Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft de:Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
- Wendelsteinbahn GmbH de:Wendelsteinbahn
- WFB - DBAG WestFrankenBahn de:WestFrankenBahn
- ??? - Zahnradbahn, Stuttgart
[edit] Historic state railways
- Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB - German Federal Railways)
- Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR - East German Railways)
- Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRB - German State Railways 1920-45)
[edit] Greece
- OSE (Greek Railways Organization - Οργανισμός Σιδηροδρόμων Ελλάδας, Organismós Sidirodrómon Elládas)
- SPAP (Peloponnese-Athens-Piraeus Railway)
[edit] Hungary
- Floyd (Floyd Kft - Hungarian private rail undertaking)
- GySEV/ROeEE (Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurth Railway - Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút / Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurter Eisenbahn - Hungaro-Austrian regional railway company)
- Hajduvasút (Hajduvasút - Hungarian private rail undertaking)
- MÁV (Hungarian State Railways - Magyar Államvasutak)
[edit] Iceland
- Apart from a short line used in the construction of Reykjavik harbour in the early 20th century, there have never been any railways in Iceland.
[edit] Ireland
- Iarnród Éireann - Irish Rail, part of Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ)
[edit] Italy
- Trenitalia (Passenger division of FS - see below)
- Ferrovia Circumetnea, narrow-gauge line around the vulcano Etna
- Ferrovia Circumvesuviana, narrow-gauge line around the vulcano Vesuvius
- Ferrovia del Bernina (railway of Bernina mounts)
- FS (Italian State Railways - Ferrovie italiane dello stato)
- Trentino trasporti (railway and bus company of the north)
- Ferrovie Nord Milano, operates trains in and around Milan, Lombardy
[edit] Latvia
- LDz (Latvian Railway - Latvijas dzelzceļš)
[edit] Lithuania
- LG (Lithuanian Railways - Lietuvos geležinkeliai)
[edit] Luxembourg
- CFL (Luxembourg Railways - Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois)
[edit] Macedonia
- MZ (Macedonian Railways - Makedonski Zeleznici)
[edit] Moldova
- CFM (Moldovan Railway - Calea Ferată din Moldova)
[edit] Montenegro
- ŽCG (Montenegro Railways - Železnice Crna Gora)
[edit] Netherlands
- NS (Dutch Railways - Nederlandse Spoorwegen)
- NoordNed
- Syntus
- Veolia
- Connexxion
- DB Regionalbahn Westfalen
[edit] Norway
- Norges Statsbaner (NSB, Norwegian State Railways)
- NSB Anbud
- CargoNet
- Flytoget (Airport express train to Oslo Airport, Gardermoen)
- Ofotbanen
- HectorRail
- Urskog-Hølandsbanen (Museum railway in Sørum)
- Flåmsbana
[edit] Poland
- Koleje Mazowieckie (Rail Mazovia)
- PKP (Polish State Railways - Polskie Koleje Państwowe SA)
- SKM (Szybka Kolej Miejska -- S-Bahn type service in Poland's Tri-City region)
[edit] Portugal
- CP (Portuguese Railways - Caminhos de ferro portugueses)
- Fertagus, SA (Portuguese Private Railway Operator)
[edit] Romania
- CFR (National Railway Company - Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate "CFR")
- GFR (Grup Feroviar Roman - Romanian Railway Group)
- Unifertrans
- Servtrans
[edit] Russia
- RZhD (Russian Railways - Российские железные дороги, Rossiskiye Zheleznye Dorogi)
[edit] Serbia
- ŽS (Serbian Railways - Železnice Srbije)
- Beovoz Belgrade Underground railway
[edit] Slovakia
- ŽSSK (Railway Company plc - Železničná spoločnosť, a.s.)
- ŽSR (Slovak Republic Railways - Železnice Slovenskej republiky)
[edit] Slovenia
- SŽ (Slovenian Railways - Slovenske železnice)
[edit] Spain
- RENFE (Spanish National Railway Network - Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles)
- FEVE (Narrow Gauge Railways - Ferrocarriles de Vía Estrecha)
- EuskoTren (Basque Railways - Eusko Trenbideak)
- FGC (Catalonian Government Railways - Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya)
- FGV (Valencian Government Railways - Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana)
- FS (Sóller Railway - Ferrocarril de Sóller)
- SFM (Majorcan Railway Services - Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca)
[edit] Sweden
- Arlanda Express
- Bergslagernas Järnvägar
- BK Tåg
- Connex Tåg
- Green Cargo
- SJ (State Railways - Statens Järnvägar)
- Tågkompaniet
[edit] Switzerland
See also: Swiss railroads, List of railway companies in Switzerland
- AB (Appenzeller Bahnen, de:Appenzeller Bahnen)
- AL (Aigle-Leysin Bahn (see TPC))
- AOMC (Aigle-Ollon-Monthey-Champéry (see TPC))
- ASD (Aigle-Sépey-Diablerets (see TPC))
- ASm (Aare Seeland mobil) de:Aare Seeland mobil
- BAM (Chemin de fer Bière-Apples-Morges de:Chemin de fer Bière-Apples-Morges)
- BC (Blonay-Chamby)
- BD (Bremgarten-Dietikon-Bahn)
- BLM (Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen-Mürren)
- BLS (Bern - Lötschberg - Simplon bahn)
- BLT (Baselland Transport, de:Baselland Transport)
- BOB (Berner Oberland Bahnen)
- BRB (Brienz Rothorn Bahn)
- BT (Bodensee Toggenburg Bahn)
- BVB (Bex-Villars-Bretaye) (see TPC)
- BVZ (Brig - Visp - Zermatt bahn) (see MGB)
- CEV (Chemins de fer électriques Veveysans (see MVR))
- CJ (Chemins de fer du Jura de:Chemins de fer du Jura)
- DFB (Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke)
- EBT (Emmental-Burgdorf-Thun Bahn de:Emmental-Burgdorf-Thun-Bahn)
- FART (Ferrovie autolinee regionali ticinesi)
- FLP (Ferrovia Lugano-Ponte Tresa)
- FO (Furka-Oberalp-Bahn) (see MGB)
- FW (Frauenfeld-Wil-Bahn de:Frauenfeld-Wil-Bahn)
- GFM (Chemins der fer Fribourgeios (Gruyére-Friburg-Morat))
- GGB (Gornergrat-Monte Rosa-Bahnen)
- JB (Jungfraubahn)
- LSE (Luzern-Stans-Engelberg-Bahn)
- MGN (Montreux-Glion-Rochers de Naye(see MVR))
- MC (Martigny-Châtelard de:Martigny-Châtelard-Bahn)
- MGB (Matterhorn-Gotthard-Bahn (merger between FO and BVZ)
- MIB (Meiringen-Innertkirchen Bahn)
- MOB (Chemin de fer Montreux-Oberland Bernois)
- MThB (Mittelthurgau-Bahn)
- MVR (Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera, de:Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera (merger of MGN and CEV))
- NStCM (Chemin de fer Nyon-St-Cergue-Morez de:Chemin de fer Nyon-Saint Cergue-Morez)
- PB (Pilatusbahn)
- RB (Rigi-Bahnen)
- RBS (Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn, de:Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn)
- RhB (Rhätische Bahn / Viafier retica)
- RHB (Rorschach-Heiden-Bahn)
- RM (Regionalverkehr Mittelland AG de:Regionalverkehr Mittelland)
- SBB-CFF-FFS (Swiss Federal Railways - Schweizerische Bundesbahnen - Chemins de fer fédéraux - Ferrovie federali svizzere)
- SOB (Schweizerische Südostbahn AG de:Schweizerische Südostbahn)
- SPB (Schynige Platte Bahn)
- SVB (Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Bern, de:Bernmobil)
- SZU (Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn, de:Sihltal-Zürich-Uetliberg-Bahn)
- TB (Trogenerbahn, de:Trogenerbahn)
- TPC (Transports Publics du Chablais (merger of AL, AOMC, ASD and VB)
- VBZ (Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich)
- VRB (Vitznau-Rigi-Bahn (see Rigi-Bahnen))
- WAB (Wengernalpbahn)
- WB (Waldenburgerbahn, de:Waldenburgerbahn)
- Zb Zentralbahn (2005 merger of the Luzern-Stans-Engelberg-Bahn and SBB Bruenigbahn)
[edit] Turkey
- Turkish State Railways (TCDD - Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları)
[edit] Ukraine
- UZ (Ukrainian Railway - Укрзалізниця, Ukrzaliznytsya)
[edit] United Kingdom
- Eurotunnel
- See List of companies operating trains in the United Kingdom.
- London Underground
- Northern Ireland Railways
- British Rail (1948-1996)
- List of British heritage and private railways
[edit] North America
[edit] Canada
- Further information: List of Canadian railways
[edit] Mexico
- Further information: List of Mexican railroads and List of defunct Mexican railroads
[edit] United States
- Further information: List of United States railroads and List of defunct United States railroads
[edit] South America and Central America
[edit] Argentina
- Ferrocarriles Argentinos (FA) (Argentine Railways - privatized in 1993 and broken up into several enterprises):
- Freight operators:
- Railroad Development Corporation or America Latina Logistica - (ALL) [2] Operates former San Martin (ALL Central 1676 mm) and Urquiza (ALL Mesopotámica Standard gauge) divisions of FA.
- Belgrano Cargas - (BC) Operates former the Ferrocarril General Manuel Belgrano division of the FA.
- Ferrosur Roca - (FR) [3] Operates most of the former Roca division of FA.
- Nuevo Central Argentino - (NCA) [4] Operates former Mitre division of FA.
- Ramal Ferro Industrial Rio Turbio - (RFIRT) Operates the Rio Turbio-Rio Gallegos narrow gauge coal line.
- Buenos Aires suburban operators:
- Ferrovías - [5] Operates over former Belgrano Norte FA line.
- Metropolitano - [6] Operates over former Belgrano Sur and Roca lines.
- Metrovias - [7] Operates over former Urquiza line and also operates the Buenos Aires metro and tramway.
- Tren de la Costa - [8] Operates interurban modern tramways between Bartolome Mitre TBA station and Tigre over a former railway line closed in 1961.
- Trenes de Buenos Aires - (TBA) [9] Operates over former Sarmiento and Mitre lines.
- Unidad de Gestion Operativa de los Ferrocarriles Estatales - (UGOFE) Operates over former San Martin line.
- Buenos Aires suburban operators:
- Long distance and regional passenger operators:
- America Latina Logistica - (ALL) [10] Operates passenger services between Basavilbaso and Concordia in Entre Rios province.
- Ferrobaires - (FB) [11] Operates passenger services in Buenos Aires province.
- Ferrocentral - Operates passenger services Buenos Aires-Rosario-Cordoba, Buenos Aires-Rosario-Tucumán and Cordoba-Villa Maria.
- Servicios Ferroviarios del Chaco - (SEFECHA) Operates Resistencia suburban services and regional trains in El Chaco province.
- Trenes de Buenos Aires - (TBA) [12] Operates passenger services between Buenos Aires, Rosario and Santa Fé.
- Trenes Especiales Argentinos - (TEA) [13] Operates passenger services Buenos Aires-Concordia-Monte Caseros-Posadas.
- Tren Patagónico - (TP) [14] Operates passenger services in Rio Negro province.
- Long distance and regional passenger operators:
[edit] Belize
- (There are no longer any railways in Belize)
- Stann Creek Railway (closed in 1937 - see Rail transport in Belize)
[edit] Bolivia
- Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles (ENFER) (Bolivia National Railways)
- Empresa Ferroviaria Oriental (50% owned by Genesee and Wyoming) Empresa Ferroviaria Oriental
[edit] Brazil
- Rede Ferroviária Federal SA (RFFSA) (Brazilian Federal Railways, (Privatized in 1998 and broken up in a several enterprises):)
- Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas (EFVM) (Controlled by Vale do Rio Doce)
- América Latina Logística SA (ALL)
- MRS Logística (MRS)
- Ferrovia Centro Atlântica (FCA) (Controlled by Vale do Rio Doce)
- Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC) (Controlled by Vale do Rio Doce)
- Companhia Ferroviária do Nordeste (CFN)
- Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) (the state owned company responsible for the commuter trains in the state of São Paulo)
- Supervia(It is the privately owned company responsible for the commuter trains in the state of Rio de Janeiro)
- Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (CBTU) (the state owned company responsible for the commuter trains in several states)
- Ferronorte (controlled by Brasil Ferrovias holding)
- Novoeste (controlled by Brasil Ferrovias holding)
- Ferroban (controlled by Brasil Ferrovias holding)
[edit] Chile
- Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE) Chilean State Railways
- Chilean Freight Operation Concession on the broad gauge lines in the south
- Chilean Freight Operation Concession on the metre gauge lines in the north
[edit] Colombia
- Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Colombia (National Railways of Colombia)
[edit] Costa Rica
- National Atlantic Railroad
- Pacific Electric Railroad
[edit] Cuba
- Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Cuba (Cuban National Railways)
[edit] Ecuador
- Empresa de Nacional Ferrocarriles del Estado (Ecuador State Railways)
[edit] Guatemala
- Ferrocarriles de Guatemala (FEGUA) (Guatemala Railway) - see Rail transport in Guatemala
[edit] Guyana
[edit] Honduras
- Ferrocarril Nacional de Honduras
- Vaccaro Railway
- Tela Railroad
Here are some pictures and information on Ferrocarril Nacional de Honduras
[edit] Jamaica
[edit] Nicaragua
- (There are no longer any railways in Nicaragua)
- Ferrocarril del Pacifico de Nicaragua (Pacific Railway of Nicaragua)
see some pictures on
[edit] Panama
- Panama Canal Railway Company
- Chiriqi National Railroad
[edit] Paraguay
- Ferrocarril Presidente Carlos Antonio Lopez (President Carlos Antonio Lopez Railway)
[edit] Peru
- Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles del Peru (ENAFER) (Peruvian National Railways)
[edit] El Salvador
- Ferrocarriles Nacionales del Salvador (FENADESAL) (National Railways of El Salvador)
[edit] Surinam
- Surinam Government Railway
[edit] Uruguay
[edit] Venezuela
- Instituto Autónomo de Ferrocarriles del Estado (IAFE) [17] (Venezuela National Railways)
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
- Jane's World Railways (hard copy)