Article |
Class / Status |
Saint |
B |
Acta Sanctorum |
Start |
Equal-to-apostles |
Stub |
Military saint |
Start |
Portal:Saints |
not yet classified |
Saint Andrew |
B |
Anselm of Canterbury |
B |
Pope Anterus |
Stub |
Apollonius the Apologist |
Stub |
Barachiel |
Stub |
Bartholomew the Apostle |
Start |
Pope Benedict II |
Stub |
Bertha of Artois |
Stub |
Bertha of Bingen |
Stub |
Beatrix (Cistercian) |
Stub |
Briavel |
Stub |
Saint Britta |
Stub |
Pope Callixtus I |
Start |
Canonised Popes |
Start |
Pope Celestine I |
Start |
Pope Celestine V |
Start |
Cephalophore |
Stub |
Chong Yak-Jong |
Stub |
Communion of Saints |
Start |
Cunibert, Bishop of Cologne |
Start |
Saints Cyril and Methodius |
B |
Saint Denise |
Stub |
Saint Desiderius |
Stub |
Dominic of Prussia |
Stub |
Egwin |
Stub |
Saint Estelle |
Stub |
Pope Eusebius |
Stub |
Pope Eutychian |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople |
Start |
Pope Evaristus |
B |
Pope Felix III |
Stub |
Pope Felix IV |
Stub |
Fourteen Holy Helpers |
Start |
Pope Gelasius I |
Start |
Gnostic Saint |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople |
Stub |
Ice Saints |
Stub |
James, son of Alphaeus |
Start |
James the Just |
B |
James, son of Zebedee |
B |
Jegudiel |
Stub |
Pope John I |
Stub |
John the Apostle |
B |
Jude the Apostle |
Start |
Julian the Hospitaller |
Start |
Pope Julius I |
Start |
Saint Lea |
Start |
Luke the Evangelist |
Start |
Macarius of Jerusalem |
Start |
Mary Magdalene |
B |
Pope Marcellinus |
Start |
Pope Marcellus I |
Start |
Mark the Evangelist |
Start |
Pope Martin I |
Stub |
Saint Matthias |
Start |
Melito of Sardis |
Start |
Saint Menas |
not yet classified |
Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople |
Start |
Metrophanes of Byzantium |
Stub |
Michael (archangel) |
Stub |
Miguel Febres Cordero |
Start |
Saint Nazarius |
Start |
Nectarios |
Start |
Saint Nestor |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople |
Start |
Nicetas of Chalcedon |
Stub |
Nicholas Cabasilas |
Start |
Palladius of Antioch |
not yet classified |
Pantaenus |
Stub |
Papias |
Start |
Pope Paschal I |
Start |
Paul I of Constantinople |
Start |
Saint Pausilypus |
Stub |
Phallic saints |
Stub |
Pharailde |
Stub |
Philip the Apostle |
Start |
Philomena |
B |
Saint Phocas |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople |
Start |
Polycarp |
Start |
Pope Pontian |
Start |
Pontius Pilate |
B |
Archbishop Proclus of Constantinople |
Start |
Reliquary |
Start |
Sabinus (3rd century) |
Stub |
Saint Giovanni Battista de Rossi |
Stub |
Saint Moninne |
not yet classified |
Saint Sithney |
Stub |
Saint Stephen the Sabaite |
Stub |
Saints Victor and Corona |
not yet classified |
Secular saint |
Start |
Selaphiel |
Stub |
Sergius of Cappadocia |
Stub |
Seven Champions of Christendom |
Stub |
Seven Deacons |
Start |
Seven Sleepers |
Start |
Seventy Disciples |
B |
Pope Silverius |
Start |
Pope Silvester I |
Start |
Simon the Zealot |
Start |
Pope Simplicius |
Stub |
Pope Siricius |
Stub |
Pope Sixtus I |
Stub |
Pope Sixtus III |
Start |
St Dwynwen |
Stub |
Stachys the Apostle |
Stub |
Saint Stephen |
Start |
Tanca |
Stub |
Ecumenical Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople |
Start |
Tassac |
Stub |
Theophilus of Adana |
Start |
Thomas the Apostle |
B |
Timothy |
Start |
Apostle Titus |
Start |
Tola of Clonard |
Stub |
Urpasian |
Stub |
Ursus of Solothurn |
Stub |
Walric, abbot of Leuconay |
Stub |
List of saints |
NA |
List of saints by name:A |
Start |
List of canonizations |
Start |
Litany of the Saints |
Start |
List of royal saints and martyrs |
Start |
Saint symbology |
A |
Saint Guinefort |
Start |
Pudentiana |
Stub |
Saint Sarah |
Start |
Simon of Trent |
Start |
Wilgefortis |
Start |
William of Norwich |
Start |
Doctor of the Church |
Start |
Albertus Magnus |
B |
Ambrose |
B |
Anthony of Padua |
Start |
Thomas Aquinas |
A |
Athanasius of Alexandria |
Stub |
Augustine of Hippo |
B |
Basil of Caesarea |
Start |
Bede |
A |
Robert Bellarmine |
Start |
Bernard of Clairvaux |
Start |
Bonaventure |
Start |
Petrus Canisius |
Start |
Catherine of Siena |
Start |
John Chrysostom |
B |
Cyril of Alexandria |
Start |
Cyril of Jerusalem |
Start |
Pietro Damiani |
B |
Francis de Sales |
Start |
Ephrem the Syrian |
Start |
Pope Gregory I |
B |
Gregory of Nazianzus |
Start |
Hilary of Poitiers |
Start |
Isidore of Seville |
B |
Jerome |
B |
John of Damascus |
Start |
John of the Cross |
Start |
Lawrence of Brindisi |
Stub |
Pope Leo I |
B |
Alphonsus Liguori |
Start |
Peter Chrysologus |
Stub |
Teresa of Ávila |
B |
Thérèse de Lisieux |
B |
Blachernitissa |
Stub |
Black Madonna of Częstochowa |
Start |
Christ the Redeemer (icon) |
Stub |
George Huszar |
not yet classified |
Holy Trinity Icon |
Start |
Iconostasis |
Start |
Joy of all who Sorrow |
Stub |
Madonna and Child |
Stub |
National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa |
Stub |
Orans |
Stub |
Our Lady of Kazan |
Start |
Our Lady of Kursk |
Stub |
Panagia |
Start |
Proskynetarion |
Stub |
Romanian Orthodox icons |
Stub |
Andrei Rublev |
Start |
Russian icons |
B |
Seat of Wisdom |
Start |
Stroganov School |
not yet classified |
Theophanes the Greek |
Start |
Theotokos |
B |
Theotokos of St. Theodore |
B |
Theotokos of Vladimir |
Start |
Simon Ushakov |
not yet classified |
Addai |
Start |
Pope Adeodatus I |
Stub |
Amphilochius of Pochayiv |
B |
Anastasia the Patrician |
Stub |
Anna (Bible) |
Stub |
Anthony of Kiev |
Stub |
Aristarchus of Thessalonica |
Stub |
Barnabas |
Start |
Constantine I |
B |
Constantine XI |
Start |
Cyriacus of Athens |
B |
Ephraim of Pereyaslavl |
Stub |
Epiphanius of Salamis |
Start |
Euphrosyne of Alexandria |
Start |
Saint Gerasimus of Kefalonia |
Start |
Charalampus |
Stub |
Pope Hilarius |
Start |
Pope Hormisdas |
Stub |
Pope Hyginus |
Start |
Hypatius of Bithynia |
Stub |
Pope Innocent I |
Start |
Jacob of Nisibis |
Stub |
Job of Pochayiv |
B |
Leontius of Caesarea |
Stub |
Mark of Ephesus |
Start |
Saint Nino |
Start |
Peter Mogila |
Stub |
Philothei |
not yet classified |
Pulcheria |
Stub |
Saint Spyridon |
Stub |
Stylianos of Paphlagonia |
Start |
Theodosius of Kiev |
Stub |
Pope Urban I |
Stub |
Victor of Damascus |
Stub |
Viktor of Xanten |
Stub |
Pope Vitalian |
Start |
Pope Zephyrinus |
Start |
Grobian |
Start |
Saint Glinglin |
Stub |
Saint Éloigné des voies ferrées |
Stub |
Companions of Saint Nicholas |
Start |
Difunta Correa |
Start |
Gauchito Gil |
Start |
Jesus Malverde |
Start |
Maximón |
Start |
Santa Claus in Northern American culture |
B |
Santa Claus |
B |
Santa Muerte |
Start |
Juan Soldado |
Start |
Agathius |
Stub |
Saint Barbara |
Start |
Saint Blaise |
Start |
Catherine of Alexandria |
B |
Saint Christopher |
B |
Cyriacus |
Start |
Denis |
Start |
Erasmus of Formiae |
Start |
Saint Eustace |
Start |
Saint George |
B |
Saint Giles |
B |
Margaret the Virgin |
Start |
Saint Pantaleon |
Start |
Vitus |
Start |
Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Images |
not yet classified |
Harbaville Tryptych |
Stub |
Bu Ali Shah Qalandar |
Stub |
Gurinder Singh |
not yet classified |
Magna Dicta by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra |
not yet classified |
Dhul-Nun al-Misri |
Start |
Elijah (prophet) |
B |
Raphael (archangel) |
B |
Pope Adrian III |
Stub |
Pope Agapetus I |
Start |
Pope Agatho |
Start |
Pope Alexander I |
Stub |
Pope Anacletus |
Stub |
Pope Anastasius I |
Stub |
Pope Boniface I |
Stub |
Pope Boniface IV |
Stub |
Pope Dionysius |
Start |
Pope Gregory II |
Stub |
Pope Gregory VII |
B |
Pope Leo II |
Start |
Pope Leo III |
Start |
Pope Leo IV |
Start |
Pope Lucius I |
Start |
Pope Mark |
Stub |
Pope Nicholas I |
Start |
Pope Paul I |
Start |
Saint Peter |
B |
Pope Pius I |
Stub |
Pope Pius V |
Start |
Pope Pius X |
B |
Pope Clement I |
Start |
Pope Stephen I |
Start |
Pope Telesphorus |
Stub |
Roman Catholic calendar of saints |
B |
Adalgott |
Stub |
Afra (martyr) |
Stub |
Arnulf of Soissons |
Stub |
Saint Feichin |
Start |
Alberto Hurtado |
Start |
Maximianus of Ravenna |
Stub |
Praxedes |
Stub |
Rose of Lima |
Start |
Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Saints |
not yet classified |
Wilfretrudis |
Stub |
Calendar of saints |
Start |
All Saints |
Start |
Ladislaus Batthyány-Strattmann |
Start |
Beatification |
Start |
Bollandist |
Start |
Calendar of saints (Church of England) |
Start |
Canonization |
B |
Canonization of Joan of Arc |
Start |
Confessor |
Stub |
Congregation for the Causes of Saints |
Stub |
Cynocephaly |
Start |
Hippolyte Delehaye |
Stub |
Devil's advocate |
Start |
Ex indumentis |
Stub |
Ex-voto |
Stub |
God's advocate |
Stub |
Hagiography |
Start |
Historical process of beatification and canonization |
Start |
Incorruptibility |
B |
Intercession of saints |
Start |
Maria Luisa Josefa |
Start |
Michaelmas |
Stub |
Odour of Sanctity |
Start |
Optional memorial |
Stub |
Passion bearer |
Stub |
Patron saint |
Start |
Patron saints of ailments, illness and dangers |
Start |
Patron saints of places |
Start |
Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Start |
Pattern (devotional) |
Stub |
Relic |
Start |
Saints in Anglicanism |
Stub |
Servant of God |
Stub |
Stylites |
Start |
Thaumaturgy |
Start |
Venerable |
Start |
Veneration |
Start |
Yurodivy |
Start |
Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints |
Stub |
Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Assessment |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected article |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected article archive/2007 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/1 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/10 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/11 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/12 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/2 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/7 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/8 |
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Portal:Saints/Selected article/9 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected article/February 2007 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected article/January 2007 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected article/Layout |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/1 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/10 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/19 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/20 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/February 2007 |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected biography/Layout |
not yet classified |
Portal:Saints/Selected picture/January 2007 |
not yet classified |
Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Articles |
not yet classified |
Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Gallery |
not yet classified |
Aaron of Aleth |
Stub |
Aba of Kaskhar |
Stub |
Abban of Magheranoidhe |
Stub |
Abban of New Ross |
Stub |
Abban the Hermit |
Stub |
Abdas of Susa |
Stub |
Abdecalas |
Stub |
Abdon and Sennen |
Stub |
Abel of Reims |
Stub |
Abo of Tiflis |
Stub |
Abraham of Cyrrhus |
Stub |
Abraham of Rostov |
Stub |
Abraham of Smolensk |
Stub |
Abraham the Poor |
Stub |
Abuna Aregawi |
Stub |
Abundius |
Stub |
Acacius of Amida |
Stub |
Acacius of Byzantium |
Stub |
Acathius of Melitene |
Stub |
Acca of Hexham |
Stub |
Achilleus Kewanuka |
Stub |
Acius |
Stub |
Acts of the Martyrs |
Stub |
Adalard |
Stub |
Adalbert of Egmond |
Stub |
Adamo Abate |
Stub |
Adela and Irmina |
Stub |
Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich |
Stub |
Adelbert |
Stub |
Adelina |
Stub |
Adolf of Osnabrück |
Stub |
Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa |
Stub |
Adrian of Batanea |
Stub |
Adrian of Nicomedia |
Stub |
Adulf |
Stub |
Aebbe the Younger |
Stub |
Agapius |
Stub |
Agatha of Sicily |
Stub |
Agathangelus of Rome |
Stub |
Agathonicus and Companions |
Stub |
Agilulfus of Cologne |
Stub |
Agnellus of Pisa |
Stub |
Agnes of Montepulciano |
Stub |
Agobard |
Stub |
Agricius of Trier |
Stub |
Agrippinus of Carthage |
Stub |
Agrippinus of Naples |
Stub |
Agustín Caloca Cortés |
Stub |
Aignan |
Stub |
Ailbe |
Stub |
Ailbhe |
Stub |
Aileran |
Stub |
Alba Madonna |
Stub |
Alban Roe |
Stub |
Alberic of Citeaux |
Stub |
Albert Avogadro |
Stub |
Albert Chmielowski |
Stub |
Albert of Liège |
Stub |
Albert of Trapani |
Stub |
Alberta of Agen |
Stub |
Albin Cardinal Dunajewski |
Stub |
Alburga |
Stub |
Alcmund of Derby |
Stub |
Alcmund of Hexham |
Stub |
Aldegonde |
Stub |
Aldobrandesca |
Stub |
Aldobrandini Madonna |
Stub |
Alena (martyr) |
Stub |
Alexander Sauli |
Stub |
Alexander of Alexandria |
Stub |
Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem |
Stub |
Alexander of Comana |
Stub |
Alexander of Constantinople |
Stub |
Alexis Toth |
Stub |
Alfano I, Archbishop of Salerno |
Stub |
Alfwold |
Stub |
Alkelda |
Stub |
Alma Redemptoris Mater |
Stub |
Alnoth |
Stub |
Alphege the Bald |
Stub |
Alphius (martyr) |
Stub |
Alto of Altomünster |
Stub |
Alypius of Thagaste |
Stub |
Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy |
Stub |
Amalberga of Maubeuge |
Stub |
Amalberga of Temse |
Stub |
Amarinus of Clermont |
Stub |
Ambrose of Alexandria |
Stub |
Ambrosius Gudko |
Stub |
Amelbert |
Stub |
Amico of San Pietro Avellana |
Stub |
Amphibalus |
Stub |
Ananias of Damascus |
Stub |
Anastasia of Sirmium |
Stub |
Anastasius of Persia |
Stub |
Anastasius the Fuller |
Stub |
Andrew Dung-Lac |
Stub |
Andrew Kim Taegon |
Stub |
Andrew of Crete |
Stub |
Andrew of Lampsacus |
Stub |
Andrew the Scot |
Stub |
Andronicus of Pannonia |
Stub |
Angela of Foligno |
Stub |
Anianus of Alexandria |
Stub |
Anne de Xainctonge |
Stub |
Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne |
Stub |
Annunciation (Caravaggio) |
Stub |
Annunciation (Leonardo) |
Stub |
Annunciation (Pontormo) |
Stub |
Annunciation (Titian) |
Stub |
Ansanus |
Stub |
Ansbert of Rouen |
Stub |
Ansegisus |
Stub |
Ansidei Madonna |
Stub |
Anthimus of Nicomedia |
Stub |
Anthimus of Rome |
Stub |
Anthony Maria Zaccaria |
Stub |
Anthony, John, and Eustathios |
Stub |
Antipas of Pergamum |
Stub |
Anton Martin Slomšek |
Stub |
Antonia and Alexander |
Stub |
Antoninus of Florence |
Stub |
Apollinaris Claudius |
Stub |
Aquilina (martyr) |
Stub |
Arbeo of Freising |
Stub |
Archangela Girlani |
Stub |
Aredius |
Stub |
Aretas (martyr) |
Stub |
Arethas of Caesarea |
Stub |
Arnold Janssen |
Stub |
Arnold of Soissons |
Stub |
Arnulf of Eynesbury |
Stub |
Arsatius |
Stub |
Artemas of Lystra |
Stub |
Arthur Bell |
Stub |
Aspasius of Auch |
Stub |
Assicus |
Stub |
Assumption of the Virgin (Carracci) |
Stub |
Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens) |
Stub |
Astrik |
Stub |
Athanasius I, Bishop of Naples |
Stub |
Athanasius the Athonite |
Stub |
Attracta |
Stub |
Augustin Schoeffer |
Stub |
Augustine Webster |
Stub |
Aurea of San Millán |
Stub |
Aurelia of Strasbourg |
Stub |
Austreberta |
Stub |
Austregisilus |
Stub |
Autonomus |
Stub |
Auxentius of Bithynia |
Stub |
Auxentius of Mopsuestia |
Stub |
Avilius of Alexandria |
Stub |
Balbina |
Stub |
Baruc |
Stub |
Basil Fool for Christ |
Stub |
Basil Ogier |
Stub |
Basil of Ostrog |
Stub |
Basil the Confessor |
Stub |
Basilica of the Virgin Mary |
Stub |
Batthyany |
Stub |
Beatrix d'Este |
Stub |
Beatrix d'Ornacieux |
Stub |
Beauraing |
Stub |
Begga |
Stub |
Benedict Joseph Labre |
Stub |
Benedict of Aniane |
Stub |
Berard of Carbio |
Stub |
Bercharius |
Stub |
Berlinda of Meerbeke |
Stub |
Bernard of Vienne |
Stub |
Bertha de Bardi |
Stub |
Bertha of Kent |
Stub |
Bertha of Val d'Or |
Stub |
Bertwald |
Stub |
Bertwald of Ramsbury |
Stub |
Beuno |
Stub |
Birinus |
Stub |
Blathmac |
Stub |
Blessed Hadewych |
Stub |
Blessed John Lowe |
Stub |
Blessed Olive |
Stub |
Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima |
Stub |
Boisil |
Stub |
Boniface of Brussels |
Stub |
Braulio of Zaragoza |
Stub |
Adrian of Canterbury |
Start |
Saint Aurelius |
Stub |
Cucuphas |
Start |
Cyprian |
Start |
Felix of Girona |
Stub |
Fulgentius of Ruspe |
Start |
Josephine Bakhita |
Start |
Marcellinus of Carthage |
Stub |
Pope Miltiades |
Start |
Moses the Black |
Start |
Perpetua and Felicitas |
Start |
Quodvultdeus |
Stub |
Crispina |
Start |
Saint Severinus |
Start |
Simon of Cyrene |
Stub |
Saint Valentine |
Start |
Valerian of Abbenza |
Stub |
Pope Victor I |
Stub |
Victor Maurus |
Stub |
Victorian, Frumentius and Companions |
Stub |
San Geronimo |
Stub |
Marcellus of Tangier |
Start |
Monica of Hippo |
Start |
Saint Optatus |
Start |
Saint Possidius |
Start |
Typasius |
Start |
Mother Cabrini |
Start |
St. cabrini home |
Stub |
Katharine Drexel |
Start |
Rose Philippine Duchesne |
Stub |
René Goupil |
Stub |
Herman of Alaska |
Start |
Innocent of Alaska |
Start |
Jacob of Alaska |
Start |
John of Shanghai and San Francisco |
B |
Isaac Jogues |
Start |
John Neumann |
Start |
Peter the Aleut |
Stub |
Raphael of Brooklyn |
Stub |
Elizabeth Ann Seton |
Start |
Tikhon of Moscow |
Start |
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus |
Start |
Caesarius of Nazianzus |
Start |
Clement of Ancyra |
Stub |
Dorothea |
Start |
Emelia |
Stub |
Epaphroditus |
Stub |
Firmilian |
Start |
Gorgonius |
Stub |
Gregory Thaumaturgus |
Stub |
Gregory of Nyssa |
Start |
Julian of Antioch |
Start |
Juliana of Nicomedia |
Start |
Lydia of Thyatira |
Stub |
Saint Macrina the Elder |
Stub |
Saint Macrina the Younger |
Stub |
Saint Mamas |
Stub |
Saint Mercurius |
Start |
Michael Maleinos |
Stub |
Paraskevi |
Stub |
Peter of Sebaste |
Stub |
Saint Diomedes |
Stub |
Theodore of Tarsus |
Start |
Theodotus of Ancyra |
Start |
Theosebia |
Stub |
Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha |
Start |
Saint Agnes |
Start |
Agrippina of Mineo |
Start |
Alban of Mainz |
Start |
Alexius (saint) |
Start |
Artemius |
Start |
Augustine of Canterbury |
Start |
Austromoine |
Start |
Benedict of Nursia |
B |
Saint Bibiana |
Start |
Pope Caius |
Stub |
Saint Candidus |
Start |
Cantius, Cantianius, and Cantianella |
Stub |
Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius |
Stub |
Catervus |
Stub |
Cecilia (saint) |
Start |
Cessianus |
Stub |
Chromatius |
Start |
Saints Chrysanthus and Daria |
Start |
Saint Chrysogonus |
Stub |
Pope Cornelius |
Stub |
Cyprian and Justina |
Start |
Devota |
Start |
Digna and Emerita |
Stub |
Eulalia of Barcelona |
Start |
Saint Eulalia of Mérida |
Start |
Eusebius of Vercelli |
Start |
Eustochium |
Start |
Expeditus |
Start |
Faith, Hope and Charity |
Start |
Faustinus and Jovita |
Stub |
Felicitas of Rome |
Start |
Felix and Adauctus |
Start |
Saint Fermin |
Start |
Saint Firmus and Saint Rusticus |
Stub |
Flavia Domitilla (saint) |
Start |
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Start |
Gaudentius of Brescia |
Start |
Geminianus |
Stub |
Genesius of Rome |
Start |
Gervasius and Protasius |
Start |
Gordianus and Epimachus |
Stub |
Gregory of Spoleto |
Stub |
Hippolytus the soldier |
Start |
Saint Honorius |
Stub |
Hyacinth and Protus |
Start |
Januarius |
Start |
John and Paul |
Start |
Judas Cyriacus |
Start |
Julia of Corsica |
Start |
Julian and Basilissa |
Start |
Julian of Le Mans |
Start |
Julius the Veteran |
Stub |
Junia |
Start |
Justina of Padua |
Stub |
Justus |
Stub |
Juventinus |
Stub |
Juventius of Pavia |
Stub |
Laurence of Canterbury |
Stub |
Lawrence of Rome |
B |
Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus |
Start |
Liborius of Le Mans |
Stub |
Pope Linus |
Start |
Longinus (hagiography) |
Start |
Marcella |
Stub |
Mark and Marcellian |
Stub |
Saint Martial |
Start |
Martin of Tours |
B |
Martinian and Processus |
Start |
Maximilian (martyr) |
Stub |
Saint Maximus (Rome) |
Start |
Mercurialis of Forlì |
Stub |
Mocius |
Stub |
Mucian |
Stub |
Nabor and Felix |
Start |
Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus |
Stub |
Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancratius |
Start |
Nine Saints |
Start |
Saint Pammachius |
Start |
Saint Pancras |
Stub |
Pancras of Taormina |
Stub |
Paul of Narbonne |
Start |
Saint Paula |
Start |
Paulinus of Nola |
Start |
Saint Petronilla |
Start |
Saint Petronius |
Start |
Philastrius |
Start |
Pionius |
Start |
Saint Placidus |
Start |
Saint Placidus (martyr) |
Start |
Polyeuctus |
Start |
Pontius Pilate's wife |
Start |
Primus and Felician |
Start |
Saint Prisca |
Stub |
Saint Proculus |
Stub |
Proculus of Bologna |
Stub |
Proculus of Pozzuoli |
Stub |
Saint Pudens |
Stub |
Quadratus (martyr) |
Stub |
Quadratus of Athens |
Stub |
Quinctianus |
Stub |
Saint Quirinus |
Stub |
Rufina and Secunda |
Stub |
Rufinus of Assisi |
Start |
Rufus and Carpophorus |
Stub |
Sabina (saint) |
Stub |
Aphian |
Start |
Arsenius the Great |
Start |
Saint Eugenia |
Stub |
Novatus |
Stub |
Crispin |
Start |
Saints Vitalis and Agricola |
Start |
Saturnin |
Start |
Savina of Milan |
Stub |
Sebastian |
B |
Secundus of Asti |
Stub |
Saints Sergius and Bacchus |
Start |
Silas |
Stub |
Saint Silvia |
Start |
Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix |
Start |
Symphorian and Timotheus |
Start |
Symphorosa |
Start |
Syrus of Pavia |
Stub |
Tarcisius |
Stub |
Telemachus (martyr) |
Start |
Theban Legion |
Start |
Saints Tiburtius and Susanna |
Stub |
Trasilla and Emiliana |
Stub |
Trophimus of Arles |
Stub |
Ursicinus of Ravenna |
Stub |
Zenobius of Florence |
Start |
Saint Acacius |
Stub |
Cyrion and Candidus |
Stub |
Gregory of Narek |
Stub |
Gregory the Illuminator |
Start |
Holos the Healer |
Stub |
Isaac of Armenia |
Start |
Mamikonian |
Start |
Meletius of Antioch |
Start |
Saint Mesrob |
Start |
Nerses IV |
Stub |
Saint Narses |
Start |
Saint Nearchus |
Stub |
Adalbero of Würzburg |
Start |
Joseph Freinademetz |
Start |
Hemma of Gurk |
Start |
Leopold III, Margrave of Austria |
Start |
Maximilian of Lorch |
Stub |
Notburga |
Start |
Romedius |
Start |
Rupert of Salzburg |
Stub |
Coloman of Stockerau |
Start |
Saint Sturm |
Start |
Vergilius of Salzburg |
Start |
Euphrosyne of Polatsk |
Stub |
Josephat Kuntsevich |
Start |
Cyril of Turaw |
Stub |
Saint Acarius |
Stub |
Saint Amand |
Start |
Saint Ava |
Stub |
Saint Bavo |
Start |
John Berchmans |
Start |
Julie Billiart |
Start |
Christina the Astonishing |
Start |
Saint Colette |
Start |
Saint Drogo |
Start |
Gertrude of Nivelles |
Start |
Saint Ghislain |
Start |
Godwin of Stavelot |
Stub |
Gondulphus |
Start |
Gudula |
Start |
Gummarus |
Stub |
Guy of Anderlecht |
Start |
Saint Hadelin |
Stub |
Helier |
Start |
Himelin |
Stub |
Hubertus |
Start |
Itta |
Stub |
Juliana of Liège |
Stub |
Lambert of Maastricht |
Start |
Landelin |
Stub |
Saint Oda |
Start |
Poppo of Deinze |
Stub |
Relindis of Maaseik |
Stub |
Remaclus |
Start |
Rigobert, Bishop of Reims |
Stub |
Victor Scheppers |
Stub |
Saint Servatius |
Start |
Trudo |
Stub |
Vindicianus |
Start |
Waltrude |
Stub |
Mutien-Marie Wiaux |
Stub |
Winnoc |
Start |
Katarina Kosača-Kotromanić |
Start |
Saint Paulina |
Stub |
Boris I of Bulgaria |
Start |
Clement of Ohrid |
Start |
Peter Deunov |
B |
John of Rila |
Start |
Saint Naum |
Stub |
Paisius of Hilendar |
Stub |
Theodosius of Tarnovo |
Stub |
Constantina |
Start |
Saint Cyril |
B |
Gavino |
Stub |
Irene (empress) |
Start |
Isaac of Dalmatia |
Stub |
Marcian |
Start |
Maximus the Confessor |
Start |
Saint Methodius |
B |
Saint Nicholas |
B |
Saint Nilus |
Start |
Gregory Palamas |
Start |
Theodore the Studite |
Start |
Theodorus and Theophanes |
Start |
Theophanes the Confessor |
Start |
Marguerite Bourgeoys |
B |
Jean de Brébeuf |
Start |
Canadian Martyrs |
Start |
Noël Chabanel |
Stub |
Antoine Daniel |
Start |
Charles Garnier (missionary) |
Stub |
Jean de Lalande |
Stub |
Gabriel Lallemant |
Start |
Marie-Marguerite d'Youville |
Start |
Teresa of the Andes |
Stub |
Francis Ferdinand de Capillas |
Stub |
Chinese Martyrs |
Stub |
Peter Claver |
Start |
Gaudentius of Ossero |
Stub |
Leopold Mandić |
Stub |
Pelagius of Constance |
Stub |
John the Merciful |
Start |
Nicanor the Deacon |
not yet classified |
Adalbert of Prague |
B |
Agnes of Bohemia |
Start |
John of Nepomuk |
Start |
Ludmila of Bohemia |
Start |
John Sarkander |
Stub |
Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia |
B |
Saint Zdislava |
Stub |
Ansgar |
Start |
Canute IV of Denmark |
Stub |
Canute Lavard |
Start |
William of Paris |
Start |
Saint Gerlach |
Start |
Saint Hunger |
Stub |
Saint Lidwina |
Stub |
Ludger |
Start |
Martyrs of Gorkum |
Start |
Norbert of Xanten |
Start |
Pharaildis |
Stub |
Nicholas Pieck |
Stub |
Radboud of Utrecht |
Stub |
Willibrord |
Start |
Abanoub |
B |
Abdel Messih El-Makari |
Start |
Abraam Bishop of Fayoum |
Start |
Pope Abraham of Alexandria |
Start |
Saint Amun |
Start |
Anthony the Great |
Start |
Saint Apollonia |
Start |
Mar Awgin |
Start |
Coptic Saints |
Start |
Pope Cyril VI of Alexandria |
Start |
Cyrus and John |
Start |
Damian of Alexandria |
Stub |
Dasya |
Stub |
Demetrius of Alexandria |
Start |
Demiana |
Start |
Didymus the Blind |
Stub |
Dioscorus of Alexandria |
Start |
Felix and Regula |
Start |
Gallicanus |
Start |
Gereon |
Start |
Hilarion |
Start |
Hospitius |
Start |
John the Dwarf |
Start |
Macarius of Alexandria |
Stub |
Macarius of Egypt |
Start |
Mary of Egypt |
Start |
Pope Matthew of Alexandria |
Start |
Saint Maurice |
Start |
Saint Mina |
B |
Onuphrius |
Start |
Pachomius |
Start |
Pambo |
Stub |
Paphnutius of Thebes |
Stub |
Paphnutius the Ascetic |
Stub |
Parsoma |
Start |
Paul of Tammah |
Start |
Paul of Thebes |
Start |
Paul the Simple |
Start |
Peter of Alexandria |
Start |
Philemon the actor |
Stub |
Pishoy |
Start |
Samuel the Confessor |
Start |
Serapion Bishop of Thmuis |
Start |
Shenouda the Archimandrite |
Start |
Simon the Tanner |
Start |
Theodora and Didymus |
Start |
Verena |
Start |
Vitalis of Gaza |
Stub |
Ailred of Rievaulx |
Start |
Saint John Almond |
Start |
Edmund Arrowsmith |
Stub |
Thomas Becket |
A |
Edmund Campion |
Start |
Thomas de Cantilupe |
Start |
Charles I of England |
FA |
Margaret Clitherow |
Start |
Douai Martyrs |
Stub |
John Fisher |
B |
Edmund Gennings |
Stub |
Gerald of Mayo |
Stub |
Gilbert of Sempringham |
Start |
Godric of Finchale |
Start |
James Hannington |
Start |
Stephen Harding |
Start |
Bishop Henry |
Start |
John Houghton (Martyr) |
Start |
Hugh of Lincoln |
Start |
John of Bridlington |
Start |
Julian of Norwich |
Stub |
Robert Lawrence (Saint) |
Stub |
Anne Line |
Start |
Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln |
Start |
Cuthbert Mayne |
Start |
Milburga of Wenlock |
Stub |
Thomas More |
B |
Henry Morse |
Stub |
Nicholas Owen (martyr) |
Start |
John Payne (martyr) |
Start |
Pega |
Stub |
Polydore Plasden |
Stub |
John Plessington |
Stub |
Saint Richard Reynolds |
Stub |
Edmund Rich |
B |
Richard Holiday |
Stub |
Richard of Chichester |
Start |
John Rigby (saint) |
Stub |
Robert Widmerpool |
Stub |
Robert of Newminster |
Stub |
Saint Osmund |
Start |
John Schorne |
Stub |
Robert Southwell |
Start |
Simon Stock |
Start |
Henry Walpole |
Stub |
Waltheof |
Stub |
Margaret Ward |
Start |
Swithun Wells |
Start |
Eustace White |
Stub |
William of Perth |
Start |
William of York |
Start |
Wolfeius |
Stub |
Benedict the Moor |
Start |
Frumentius |
Start |
Gabra Manfas Qeddus |
Start |
Iyasus Mo'a |
Start |
Onesimos Nesib |
Start |
Samuel of Dabra Wagag |
Start |
Tekle Haymanot |
Start |
Lorenzo Ruiz |
Start |
Abbo of Fleury |
Start |
Adelaide of Italy |
Start |
Saint Africus |
Stub |
Agricola of Avignon |
Start |
Saint Aimé |
Stub |
Marguerite Marie Alacoque |
Start |
Aleaunie |
Stub |
Saint Amator |
Start |
Saint Ame |
Stub |
Angilbert |
Start |
Saint Apollinaris |
Stub |
Arnulf of Metz |
Start |
Saint Aubert |
Stub |
Saint Audomare |
Start |
Aunarius |
Start |
Avitus of Vienne |
Start |
Benignus of Dijon |
Start |
Bernard of Menthon |
Start |
Siméon-François Berneux |
Stub |
Bertin |
Start |
Bricius of Tours |
Stub |
Burgundofara |
Stub |
Caesarius of Arles |
Start |
Caprasius |
Stub |
Castor of Apt |
Stub |
Marcellin Champagnat |
Start |
Peter Chanel |
Start |
Chrodegang of Metz |
Start |
Claude de la Colombière |
Start |
Columba of Sens |
Stub |
Cyprian of Toulon |
Start |
Dagobert II |
Start |
Didier of Cahors |
Start |
Saint Domitius |
Stub |
Saint Eligius |
Start |
Epipodius and Alexander |
Start |
Erkembode |
Stub |
Eucherius of Lyon |
Start |
Eugendus |
Start |
Euspicius |
Stub |
Eustochius |
Stub |
Saint Eutropius |
Stub |
Exuperius |
Start |
Peter Julian Eymard |
Start |
Felix of Burgundy |
Stub |
Saint Fergal |
Start |
Saint Ferréol of Uzès |
Start |
Peter Fourier |
Stub |
Fulcran |
Start |
Fulrad |
Start |
Saint Fursey |
Start |
Gatianus of Tours |
Start |
Gaucherius (saint) |
Stub |
Genevieve |
Start |
Gerald of Aurillac |
Stub |
Germain of Paris |
Start |
Germaine Cousin |
Start |
Germanus of Auxerre |
Start |
Saint Gobain |
Stub |
Gregory of Tours |
Start |
Guntram |
Start |
Théodore Guérin |
Start |
Saint Herbert |
Stub |
Hilary of Arles |
Start |
Honoratus of Amiens |
Start |
Honoratus |
Stub |
Hugh of Cluny |
Stub |
Hugh of Grenoble |
Stub |
Hunna |
Stub |
Irenaeus |
B |
Isabel of France |
Start |
Ivo of Kermartin |
Start |
Jacques Fesch |
Stub |
Jane Frances de Chantal |
Start |
Jean Eudes |
Start |
Joan of Arc |
Stub |
John Cassian |
Start |
John of Gorze |
Start |
John of Matha |
Stub |
Saint Junien |
Stub |
Jean-Baptiste de la Salle |
Start |
Catherine Labouré |
Start |
Saint Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert |
Start |
Leodegar |
Start |
Leonard of Noblac |
Start |
Leontius of Autun |
Stub |
Leontius of Fréjus |
Start |
Saint Lie |
Stub |
Louis IX of France |
B |
Louis de Montfort |
Start |
Louis of Toulouse |
Start |
Lupus of Sens |
Stub |
Lucian of Beauvais |
Stub |
Lupicinus of Lyon |
Stub |
Madeleine Sophie Barat |
Stub |
Magnus of Avignon |
Stub |
Majolus of Cluny |
Stub |
Mamertus |
Start |
Saint Marcouf |
Stub |
Louise de Marillac |
Stub |
Marius Aventicensis |
Start |
Maximin of Trier |
Start |
Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod |
Stub |
Medardus |
Start |
Mesmin |
Stub |
Nicetius |
Start |
Nicetius of Lyon |
Stub |
Odo of Cluny |
Start |
Ouen |
Stub |
Palladius |
Start |
Paternus |
Stub |
Patroclus of Bourges |
Stub |
Patroclus of Troyes |
Start |
Saint Pedro Nolasco |
Stub |
Saint Perpetuus |
Start |
Philibert of Jumièges |
Start |
Saint Porcarius |
Stub |
Saint Pothinus |
Stub |
Prosper of Aquitaine |
Start |
Prætextatus |
Stub |
Saint Quentin |
Start |
Quinidius |
Stub |
Quiteria |
Start |
Radbertus |
Start |
Ratramnus |
Stub |
Regina (saint) |
Stub |
John Francis Regis |
Stub |
Saint Remigius |
Start |
Remigius of Rouen |
Stub |
Saint Renato |
Start |
Richarius |
Start |
Robert of Molesme |
Start |
Roch |
Start |
Bénilde Romançon |
Stub |
Saint Roseline |
Start |
Rusticus of Narbonne |
Start |
Sabinian of Troyes |
Stub |
Sacerdos of Limoges |
Stub |
Sacerdos of Lyon |
Stub |
Saint Aldric |
Stub |
Patriarch Ambrose of Georgia |
Start |
Anthim the Iberian |
Start |
Ashot I Kuropalates |
Start |
Ilia Chavchavadze |
Start |
David IV of Georgia |
B |
Euthymius of Athos |
Stub |
Gregory of Khandzta |
Start |
Grigol Peradze |
Start |
Ketevan the Martyr |
Start |
Luarsab II of Kartli |
Stub |
Mirian III of Iberia |
Start |
Peter the Iberian |
Start |
Rajden the First-Martyr |
Stub |
Saint Shushanik |
Stub |
Shalva of Akhaltsikhe |
Start |
Tamar of Georgia |
Start |
Tornikios |
Start |
Vakhtang I Gorgasali |
Stub |
Adalbert of Magdeburg |
Start |
Altmann of Passau |
Start |
Benno |
Start |
Bernward of Hildesheim |
Start |
Saint Boniface |
Start |
Bregwin |
Stub |
Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne |
Start |
Bruno of Cologne |
Start |
Bruno of Querfurt |
Start |
Bruno, Bishop of Würzburg |
Stub |
Burchard of Würzburg |
Stub |
Corbinian |
B |
Cunigunde of Luxembourg |
Start |
Dorothea of Montau |
Start |
Elizabeth of Reute |
Stub |
Emma of Ludger |
Stub |
Emmeram of Regensburg |
Stub |
Engelbert II of Berg |
Start |
Saint Erhard |
Start |
Eucharius |
Start |
Saint Florian |
Start |
Fridolin of Säckingen |
Start |
Gerard of Toul |
Stub |
Gertrude the Great |
Start |
Gotthard of Hildesheim |
Stub |
Gregory of Utrecht |
Start |
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor |
Start |
Heribert of Cologne |
Stub |
Hildegard of Bingen |
B |
Ida of Herzfeld |
Stub |
Jutta of Kulmsee |
Stub |
Pius Keller |
Stub |
Pope Leo IX |
Start |
Magnus of Füssen |
Start |
Saint Marcellina |
Stub |
Maternus |
Stub |
Matilda of Ringelheim |
Start |
Saint Mechtilde |
Start |
Modest, Bishop of Trier |
Stub |
Saint Modoald |
Stub |
Nivard |
Stub |
Odile |
Start |
Otto of Bamberg |
Start |
Saint Pirmin |
Start |
Radegund |
Start |
Richardis |
Stub |
Richensa of Lotharingia |
Stub |
Saint Erentrude |
Stub |
Saint Kilian |
Stub |
Severin of Cologne |
Stub |
Simpert |
Stub |
Edith Stein |
Start |
Trudpert |
Start |
Ulrich of Augsburg |
Start |
Ulrich of Zell |
Start |
Vicelinus |
Start |
Wendelin of Trier |
Start |
Willibald |
Stub |
Willigis |
Start |
Wolfgang of Regensburg |
Start |
Wulfram of Sens |
Start |
Achillius of Larissa |
Start |
Cosmas of Aetolia |
Stub |
Saint Dario |
Stub |
Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki |
Start |
Pope Eleuterus |
Start |
Ephraim of Nea Makri |
Start |
Eugenios of Trebizond |
Stub |
Helena of Constantinople |
B |
Saint Irene |
Start |
John the Silent |
Stub |
Methodius of Olympus |
Start |
Parmenas |
not yet classified |
Philip of Agira |
Stub |
Prosdocimus |
Stub |
Saint Regulus |
Stub |
Saint Eumenes |
Stub |
Saint Euphemia |
Stub |
Timon the Deacon |
not yet classified |
Victorinus of Pettau |
Stub |
Pope Zachary |
Start |
Pope Zosimus |
Start |
Agabus |
Start |
Saint Angelus |
Stub |
Saint Anne |
Start |
Saint Dismas |
Start |
Elizabeth (Biblical person) |
Start |
Saint Eubulus |
Stub |
Euthymius the Great |
Start |
Joachim |
Stub |
Saint Joanna |
Stub |
John the Evangelist |
Start |
Saint Joseph |
B |
Joseph of Arimathea |
B |
Justin Martyr |
Start |
Juvenal of Jerusalem |
Stub |
Lazarus |
Start |
Martha |
Start |
Mary (mother of Jesus) |
A |
Mary, sister of Lazarus |
Start |
Matthew the Evangelist |
Start |
Narcissus of Jerusalem |
Stub |
Nicodemus |
Start |
Pamphilus of Caesarea |
Stub |
Paul of Tarsus |
B |
Philip the Evangelist |
Stub |
Porphyry of Gaza |
Start |
Prochorus |
not yet classified |
Saint Reparata |
Stub |
Romanus of Caesarea |
Stub |
Saint Sabas |
Start |
Simeon the Righteous |
Start |
Simon the Leper |
Start |
Saint Veronica |
Start |
Elisabeth of Hungary |
B |
Saint Emeric of Hungary |
Stub |
Ladislaus I of Hungary |
Start |
Saint Margaret of Hungary |
Start |
Gerard Sagredo |
Stub |
Stephen I of Hungary |
Start |
Barlaam and Josaphat |
Start |
Gonsalo Garcia |
Stub |
Adomnán of Iona |
B |
Aedan of Ferns |
Start |
Aedh of Kildare |
Start |
Aengus the Culdee |
Start |
Aidan of Lindisfarne |
Stub |
Benignus of Armagh |
Start |
Breage |
Stub |
Brendan |
B |
Brigid of Kildare |
Start |
Saint Canice |
Stub |
Carthage the Elder |
Stub |
Catald |
Stub |
Saint Ceallach |
Stub |
Cenn Fáelad mac Aillila |
Stub |
Ciarán |
Start |
Ciarán of Clonmacnoise |
Stub |
Clement of Ireland |
Start |
Colman of Cloyne |
Start |
Colman of Templeshambo |
Stub |
Columba |
Start |
Columbanus |
Start |
Comgall |
Start |
Conleth |
Stub |
Cormac mac Cuilennáin |
Stub |
Saint Cyra |
Stub |
Dabheog |
Stub |
Dallan Forgaill |
Stub |
Darerca of Ireland |
Start |
Saint Davnet |
Stub |
Declan |
Stub |
Diarmaid the Just |
Stub |
Saint Dichu |
Stub |
Disibod |
Stub |
Saint Donatus of Fiesole |
Start |
Saint Dungal |
Stub |
Dymphna |
Start |
Eimhin |
Stub |
Eithene |
Stub |
Enda of Aran |
Start |
Saint Erc |
Stub |
Eugene (Eoghan) |
Stub |
Saint Fachanan |
Stub |
Feidlimid mac Cremthanin |
Start |
Saint Felim |
Stub |
Saint Fergus |
Stub |
Saint Fiacc |
Stub |
Fiacre |
Stub |
Fillan |
Start |
Finan of Lindisfarne |
Stub |
Finbarr |
Stub |
Finnian of Clonard |
Stub |
Finnian of Moville |
Stub |
Saint Fintan |
Stub |
Saint Flannan |
Stub |
Foillan |
Start |
Saint Gall |
Start |
Gervadius |
Stub |
Gobnait |
Start |
Grellan |
Start |
Ia of Cornwall |
Stub |
Ibar |
Stub |
Saint Ita |
Stub |
Jarlath |
Stub |
Kevin of Glendalough |
Start |
Saint Laserian |
Stub |
Saint Lelia |
Stub |
Lorcán Ua Tuathail |
Start |
Saint Macartan |
Stub |
Saint Machar |
Start |
Maedoc |
Stub |
Saint Malachy |
Start |
Saint Mel |
Stub |
Saint Mirin |
Stub |
Mochta |
Stub |
Mochuda |
Stub |
Saint Modan |
Stub |
Molaise |
Stub |
Saint Moling |
Stub |
Saint Moluag |
Stub |
Muiredach |
Stub |
Munchin |
Stub |
Máel Ruba |
Start |
Saint Nathy |
Stub |
Olcan |
Stub |
Oliver Plunkett |
Start |
Saint Patrick |
B |
Saint Piran |
Start |
Saint Ronan |
Stub |
Ruadhan |
Start |
Saint Baithen |
Start |
Saint Berach |
Start |
Colman MacDuagh |
Start |
Colman of Dromore |
Stub |
Colmán of Lindisfarne |
Stub |
Columba of Terryglass |
Stub |
Saint Conal |
Stub |
Cronan Mochua |
Stub |
Cronan, Abbot |
Start |
Deicolus |
Start |
Saint Kiara |
Stub |
MacCathbad Colman |
Stub |
Saint Otteran |
Stub |
Saint Totnan |
Stub |
Saint Sanctan |
Stub |
Seachnaill |
Start |
Saint Senan |
Start |
Sunniva |
Stub |
Tuda of Lindisfarne |
Stub |
Tuotilo |
Start |
Twelve Apostles of Ireland |
Stub |
Ultan of Ardbraccan |
Start |
Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne |
Stub |
Ursus of Aosta |
Stub |
Wyllow |
Stub |
Agnes of Assisi |
Start |
Alexis Falconieri |
Start |
Andrew Corsini |
Start |
Anselm of Lucca |
Start |
Anselm, Duke of Friuli |
Start |
Arialdo |
Start |
Saint Attala |
Stub |
Saint Baudolino |
Start |
Saint Berardo |
Start |
Bernard of Corleone |
Start |
Bernardino of Siena |
Start |
Charles Borromeo |
B |
John Bosco |
Start |
Bruno, Bishop of Segni |
Stub |
Joseph Cafasso |
Stub |
Saint Cajetan |
Start |
Francis Caracciolo |
Start |
Cassian of Imola |
Start |
Gaetano Catanoso |
Start |
Catherine of Bologna |
Stub |
Catherine of Ricci |
Start |
Clare of Assisi |
Start |
Clare of Montefalco |
Stub |
Clare of Rimini |
Start |
Conrad of Piacenza |
Start |
Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo |
Stub |
Crescentinus |
Start |
Alberic Crescitelli |
Stub |
Daniel Comboni |
Start |
Dominic Loricatus |
Stub |
Domninus of Fidenza |
Start |
Gerolamo Emiliani |
Stub |
Erlembald |
Start |
Pope Eugene I |
Start |
Eustorgius I |
Start |
Eustorgius II |
Stub |
Faustinus of Brescia |
Stub |
Felix of Nola |
Stub |
Saint Fina |
Start |
Frances of Rome |
Start |
Francis of Assisi |
B |
Francis of Paola |
Start |
Saint Fulk |
Stub |
Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
B |
Saint Galdino |
Stub |
Gemma Galgani |
Stub |
Gerard Majella |
Start |
Gerard of Villamagna |
Stub |
Giovanni da Capistrano |
Start |
Giovanni di Matera |
Stub |
Veronica Giuliani |
Start |
Aloysius Gonzaga |
Start |
Maria Goretti |
Start |
Gozzelino |
Stub |
Gratus of Aosta |
Start |
Gregory Barbarigo |
Stub |
Hannibal Mary Di Francia |
Start |
Herculanus of Perugia |
Start |
Herculanus of Piegaro |
Stub |
Saint Homobonus |
Start |
Saint Humility |
Start |
James of the Marches |
Start |
John Gualbert |
Stub |
John IV, Bishop of Naples |
Stub |
Joseph Marello |
Start |
Joseph of Cupertino |
Start |
Joseph of Leonessa |
Start |
Juliana Falconieri |
Start |
Julius of Novara |
Start |
Saint Juniper |
Stub |
Peregrine Laziosi |
Stub |
Camillus de Lellis |
Start |
Lorenzo Giustiniani |
Start |
Saint Lucifer |
Start |
Saint Lucy |
Start |
Magdalen of Canossa |
Stub |
Magdalena de Pazzi |
Stub |
Marcian of Tortona |
Stub |
Margaret of Cortona |
Start |
Saint Marinus |
Stub |
Hyacintha Mariscotti |
Stub |
Saint Maurus |
Start |
Maximus of Turin |
Start |
Mellitus |
Stub |
Gianna Beretta Molla |
Stub |
Philip Neri |
B |
Nicholas of Tolentino |
Stub |
Nicodemus of Palermo |
Stub |
Nilus the Younger |
Stub |
Oliva of Brescia |
Stub |
Luigi Orione |
Start |
Pacificus of San Severino |
Stub |
Vincent Pallotti |
Start |
Paul the Deacon |
Start |
Saint Paulinus II |
Start |
Peter of Verona |
Start |
Petronax of Monte Cassino |
Stub |
Philip Benizi de Damiani |
Start |
Pietro I Orseolo |
Stub |
Pio of Pietrelcina |
Start |
Prosper of Reggio |
Start |
Rainerius |
Start |
Riccardo Pampuri |
Stub |
Rita of Cascia |
Start |
Romuald |
Start |
Rose of Viterbo |
Start |
Michael Rua |
Start |
Catherine of Genoa |
Start |
Daniel and Companions |
Start |
Daniel of Padua |
Stub |
Saint Oronzo |
Stub |
Saint Quadragesimus |
Stub |
Salvator of Horta |
Stub |
Dominic Savio |
B |
Scholastica |
Start |
Seraphin of Montegranaro |
Stub |
Simplician |
Stub |
Filippo Smaldone |
Stub |
Solutor |
Start |
Pope Soter |
Stub |
St. Antoninus |
Stub |
Sylvester Gozzolini |
Start |
Pope Symmachus |
Start |
Syrus of Genoa |
Stub |
Magdalene of Nagasaki |
Stub |
Martyrs of Japan |
Start |
Paul Miki |
Stub |
Philip of Jesus |
Start |
Cosme de Torrès |
Stub |
Korean Martyrs |
Stub |
Charbel |
Start |
Dorotheus of Tyre |
Stub |
Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès |
Start |
Andrew Bobola |
Start |
Saint Casimir |
Start |
Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius |
Stub |
Preca |
Start |
Saint Publius |
Stub |
David Galván Bermúdez |
Stub |
Coatlalopeuh |
not yet classified |
Saints of the Cristero War |
Start |
Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin |
Start |
Our Lady of Guadalupe |
A |
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo |
Stub |
José María Robles Hurtado |
Stub |
Cristóbal Magallanes Jara |
Start |
Miguel Pro |
Stub |
Rafael Guizar Valencia |
Stub |
Toribio Romo González |
Stub |
Eysteinn Erlendsson |
Stub |
Hallvard Vebjørnsson |
Stub |
Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney |
Start |
Rognvald Kali Kolsson |
Stub |
Roque González de Santa Cruz |
Start |
Saint Christina |
Stub |
Ivo of Huntingdonshire |
Stub |
James Intercisus |
Stub |
Saint Mari |
Stub |
Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax |
Stub |
Maruthas |
Start |
Saint Quiricus and Saint Julietta |
Start |
Martin de Porres |
Start |
Francis Solanus |
Start |
Turibius of Mongrovejo |
Start |
Józef Bilczewski |
Start |
John Cantius |
Stub |
Ceslaus |
Stub |
Hedwig of Andechs |
Start |
Clemens Maria Hofbauer |
Start |
Saint Hyacinth |
Stub |
Jadwiga of Poland |
B |
Wincenty Kadłubek |
Start |
Raphael Kalinowski |
Start |
Maximilian Kolbe |
Start |
Stanislaus Kostka |
Start |
Faustyna Kowalska |
Start |
Ursula Julia Ledochowska |
Stub |
Stanislaus of Szczepanów |
B |
Pope Damasus I |
B |
Elizabeth of Aragon |
Start |
Fernando, the Saint Prince |
Stub |
Fructuosus of Braga |
Stub |
Santa Iria |
Stub |
John de Brito |
Stub |
John of God |
Start |
Martin of Braga |
Stub |
João Mendes de Silva |
Start |
Nuno Álvares Pereira |
B |
Peter of Rates |
Start |
Teresa of Portugal |
Stub |
Constantin Brâncoveanu |
Start |
Nicetas of Remesiana |
Stub |
Sava the Goth |
Stub |
Stephen III of Moldavia |
Start |
Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse) |
B |
Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia |
B |
Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Start |
Ambrosius of Optina |
Start |
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia |
A |
Anna of Kashin |
Start |
Boris and Gleb |
Start |
Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Start |
Daniel of Moscow |
Start |
Daumantas of Pskov |
Start |
Dimitry of Rostov |
Start |
Tsarevich Dimitri |
Start |
Dmitri Donskoi |
Start |
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna |
B |
Epiphanius the Wise |
Stub |
Eudoxia of Moscow |
Start |
Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Start |
Pavel Florensky |
Start |
Patriarch Hermogenes |
Start |
Ignatius Brianchaninov |
Start |
Patriarch Job of Moscow |
Start |
John of Kronstadt |
Stub |
John of Tobolsk |
Stub |
Jonah Metropolitan of Moscow |
Stub |
Konstantin of Murom |
Stub |
Leontius of Tsarevo |
Stub |
Macarius of Unzha |
B |
Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Start |
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia |
B |
Metropolitan German |
Start |
Metropolitan Peter |
Start |
Mikhail Yaroslavich |
Start |
Michael of Chernigov |
Start |
Mother Maria |
Stub |
Alexander Nevsky |
B |
Nicholas II of Russia |
B |
Nicholas of Japan |
Start |
Andronic Nikolsky |
Start |
Olga of Kiev |
Start |
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia |
B |
Paisius Velichkovsky |
Start |
Pavel of Taganrog |
Start |
Peter of Krutitsy |
Start |
Metropolitan Philip |
Start |
Savvatiy |
Start |
Seraphim of Sarov |
Start |
Sergius of Radonezh |
Start |
Stephen of Perm |
Start |
Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia |
A |
Theognostus |
Start |
Theophan the Recluse |
Start |
Tikhon of Zadonsk |
Stub |
Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov |
Start |
Vladimir I of Kiev |
Start |
Vladimir, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Stub |
Joseph Volotsky |
Start |
Xenia of Saint Petersburg |
Stub |
Aebbe the Elder |
Start |
Baldred of Strathclyde |
Start |
Baldred of Tyninghame |
Start |
Saint Blane |
Stub |
Curetán |
Stub |
Cuthbert of Lindisfarne |
Start |
Drostan |
Stub |
Saint Duthac |
Stub |
Saint Filan |
Stub |
Gilbert de Moravia |
Stub |
Kessog |
Stub |
Malo (saint) |
Start |
Monan |
Stub |
Saint Mungo |
Start |
Saint Ninian |
Start |
Saint John Ogilvie |
Stub |
Saint Serf |
Start |
Theneva |
Stub |
Saint Danilo II |
Stub |
Stefan Uroš III Dečanski of Serbia |
Start |
Irenaeus of Sirmium |
Stub |
Jovan Vladimir |
Start |
Lazar of Serbia |
Start |
Stefan Nemanja |
B |
Saint Nikodim I |
Stub |
Petar I Petrović-Njegoš |
Start |
Justin Popović |
Start |
Saint Sava |
Start |
Saint Sava II |
Stub |
Stephen of Piperi |
Stub |
Nikolai Velimirović |
Start |
Bystrík |
Stub |
Acisclus |
Start |
Pedro de Arbués |
Start |
Pedro Bautista |
Stub |
Paschal Baylon |
Start |
Francis Borgia |
Start |
Joseph Calasanctius |
Start |
Casilda of Toledo |
Start |
Antonio María Claret y Clará |
Start |
Columba of Spain |
Stub |
Didacus of Alcalá |
Start |
Dominguito del Val |
Stub |
Saint Dominic |
B |
Dominic of Silos |
Start |
Emeterius and Celedonius |
Start |
Emilianus |
Stub |
Ermengol |
Stub |
Josemaría Escrivá |
B |
Eulogius of Cordoba |
Start |
Vincent Ferrer |
Start |
Saint Florentina |
Start |
Fructuosus |
Stub |
Fulgentius of Écija |
Start |
Hermenegild |
Start |
Ignatius of Loyola |
Start |
Isidore the Laborer |
Start |
John of Avila |
Start |
John the Hermit |
Stub |
Joseph Pignatelli |
Start |
Juana de Aza |
Stub |
Justa and Rufina |
Start |
Justus and Pastor |
Stub |
Leander of Seville |
Start |
Leocadia |
Start |
Saint Leticia |
Stub |
Louis Bertrand (saint) |
Start |
Maria Soledad |
Start |
Martin of Leon |
Start |
Joseph Oriol |
Stub |
Pedro Poveda Castroverde |
Start |
Pelagius of Cordova |
Start |
Perfectus |
Start |
Peter of Alcantara |
Start |
Peter of Saint Joseph Betancur |
Stub |
Raymond Nonnatus |
Start |
Raymond of Peñafort |
Stub |
Peter de Regalado |
Start |
Alphonsus Rodriguez |
Start |
Sacerdos of Saguntum |
Stub |
Saint Pedro Alcántara |
Stub |
Michael de Sanctis |
Stub |
St. Peter of Alcántara |
Stub |
Theodulphus |
Start |
Thomas of Villanova |
Start |
Turibius of Astorga |
Stub |
Victorian of Asan |
Stub |
Vincent of Saragossa |
Start |
Francis Xavier |
B |
Saint Botvid |
Stub |
Bridget of Sweden |
Start |
Catherine of Vadstena |
Start |
Eric IX of Sweden |
Start |
Saint Eskil |
Start |
Helena of Skövde |
Stub |
Ragnhild |
Stub |
Sigfrid of Sweden |
Stub |
Fidelis of Sigmaringen |
Start |
Nicholas of Flue |
Start |
Randoald of Grandval |
Stub |
Salonius |
Stub |
Pope Anicetus |
Stub |
Apollinare |
Start |
Babylas of Antioch |
Start |
Saints Cosmas and Damian |
Start |
Saint Cosmas |
Start |
Eustathius of Antioch |
Start |
Evodius |
Stub |
Flavian II of Antioch |
Stub |
Galation |
Stub |
Pope Gregory III |
Stub |
Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini |
Start |
Hippolyte of Antioch |
Stub |
Ignatius of Antioch |
Start |
John Maron |
Start |
Manahen |
Stub |
Maron |
Start |
Saint Pelagia |
Stub |
Romanos |
Start |
Pope Sergius I |
Stub |
Simeon Stylites |
Start |
Simeon Stylites III |
Stub |
Simeon Stylites the Younger |
Start |
Carl Lwanga |
Stub |
Martyrs of Uganda |
Stub |
Joseph Mukasa |
Stub |
Vietnamese Martyrs |
Stub |
Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm |
Stub |
Vicente Liem de la Paz |
Start |
Saint Armel |
Stub |
Saint Asaph |
Start |
Saint Baglan |
Stub |
Brioc |
Stub |
Brychan |
Start |
Brynach |
Stub |
Cadoc |
Start |
Cadwaladr |
Stub |
Saint Canna |
Stub |
Carantoc |
Start |
Cenydd |
Start |
Cybi |
Start |
Cynllo |
Stub |
Saint David |
Start |
Deiniol |
Start |
Dingad of Llandingat |
Stub |
Dubricius |
Stub |
Saint Dunod |
Stub |
Dwynwen |
Stub |
Elen |
Stub |
Saint Eluned |
Stub |
Gildas |
Start |
Saint Richard Gwyn |
Start |
Illtud |
Start |
Saint John Jones |
Start |
Julius and Aaron |
Stub |
Saint Keyne |
Stub |
David Lewis (martyr) |
Stub |
Saint Mabena |
Stub |
Morwenna |
Stub |
Saint Nectan |
Stub |
Oudoceus |
Stub |
Pabo Post Prydain |
Stub |
Paul Aurelian |
Stub |
Paulinus of Wales |
Stub |
Saint Peris |
Stub |
Saint Petroc |
Start |
Saint Pyr |
Stub |
Saint John Roberts |
Start |
Samson of Dol |
Stub |
Seiriol |
Stub |
Teilo |
Stub |
Tewdrig |
Stub |
Tudwal |
Stub |
Tydfil |
Stub |
Tysilio |
Stub |
Saint Veep |
Stub |
Winefride |
Stub |
Victor Hugo |
Stub |
Sun Yat-sen |
A |
Andal |
B |
Ayya Vaikundar |
not yet classified |
Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami |
Stub |
Dadu Dayal |
Stub |
Gauranga dasa (RNS) |
Stub |
Guru Ghasidas |
not yet classified |
Janabai |
not yet classified |
Kabir |
Start |
Kakshivat |
Stub |
Kanchipurna |
Stub |
Kannappa |
Stub |
Karunakara Guru |
not yet classified |
Kotpuli |
Stub |
Lower-caste Hindu saints |
Stub |
Mata Amritanandamayi |
not yet classified |
Mirabai |
not yet classified |
Nammalvar |
not yet classified |
Nandanar |
Stub |
Narada |
not yet classified |
Narahari Sonar |
not yet classified |
Neem Karoli Baba |
not yet classified |
Prahlada |
not yet classified |
Radhanath Swami |
not yet classified |
Raidas |
Stub |
Sai Baba of Shirdi |
Start |
Samarth Ramdas |
not yet classified |
Sathya Sai Baba |
B |
Savata Mali |
Stub |
Sena Nhavi |
not yet classified |
Shabari |
Stub |
Siddharudh Swami |
Stub |
Uddhava |
not yet classified |
Valmiki |
not yet classified |
Venkatesa Battar |
not yet classified |
Vyasa |
Stub |
Amma Karunamayi |
Stub |
Tukdoji Maharaj |
Stub |
Sant Gadge Baba |
not yet classified |
Sree Sree Shivakumara Swamiji |
not yet classified |
Nayanars |
not yet classified |
Karaikkal Ammeiyar |
Stub |
Iyarpahai |
Stub |
Manikkavasagar |
Stub |
Chandeshvara Nayanar |
Stub |
Manakkanychaara Nayanar |
Stub |
Sundaramoorthy Nayanar |
Stub |
Thirugnana Sambanthar |
not yet classified |
Thirunavukkarasar |
Stub |
Sant Mat |
not yet classified |
Bebe Nanaki Ji |
Stub |
Bhumman Shah |
not yet classified |
Guru Nanak Dev |
not yet classified |
Nishaan |
not yet classified |
Ramananda |
Stub |
Ravidasi |
not yet classified |
Shabd |
not yet classified |
Surat Shabd Yoga |
not yet classified |
Surdas |
not yet classified |
Tukaram |
not yet classified |
Tulsidas |
not yet classified |
Baba Buddha |
Stub |
Mai Bhago |
Stub |
Bhai Bala |
Stub |
Bhai Mardana |
not yet classified |
Bhai Gurdas |
B |
Randhir Singh |
Stub |
Blessed Virgin Mary |
B |
Ain Ebel |
Stub |
Hortus conclusus |
Stub |
Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes |
not yet classified |
Islamic view of Virgin Mary |
Start |
Lourdes |
Start |
Madonnina |
Start |
Marian Star |
Stub |
Marian apparition |
B |
Mariology |
Start |
Mary's Well |
Start |
May crowning |
Start |
Notre Dame |
not yet classified |
Our Lady of Confidence |
Stub |
Our Lady of Good Counsel |
Start |
Our Lady of Good Success |
B |
Our Lady of Lebanon |
Start |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
B |
Our Lady of Prompt Succor |
Start |
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God |
Stub |
Virgin Birth |
B |
List of Anglican Church Calendars |
Stub |
Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Canada) |
B |
Calendar of saints (Church of the Province of Melanesia) |
Start |
Calendar of saints (Scottish Episcopal Church) |
Start |
Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar |
Stub |
Calendar of saints (Episcopal Church in the United States of America) |
Start |
Calendar of Saints (Lutheran) |
B |
Traditional Catholic Calendar |
Start |
Acta sanctorum in Selio |
Start |
Doctrine of Addai |
Stub |
Bridle of Constantine |
Stub |
Caesar of Heisterbach |
Start |
Crucifixion |
B |
Golden Legend |
B |
Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik |
Stub |
Martyrologium Hieronymianum |
Start |
Martyrology |
B |
Patericon |
Start |
Sequence of Saint Eulalia |
Stub |
Synaxarium |
Start |
Vita Ansgari |
Stub |
Wikipedia:Catholic Encyclopedia cat Blessed |
not yet classified |
Thomas Abel |
Start |
John Adams (martyr) |
Start |
Aegidius of Assisi |
Start |
Alanus de Rupe |
Start |
Giacomo Alberione |
Stub |
Alexandrina Maria da Costa |
Start |
Alpaïs of Cudot |
Start |
José de Anchieta |
Start |
Giovenale Ancina |
Stub |
Fra Angelico |
B |
Anne Catherine Emmerich |
B |
Vilmos Apor |
Stub |
Thomas Aufield |
Stub |
Margaret Ball |
Start |
Bernardine of Feltre |
Start |
Bernardo Tolomei |
Start |
André Bessette |
Start |
Titus Brandsma |
Start |
Pedro Calungsod |
Start |
William Joseph Chaminade |
Start |
Christina von Stommeln |
Stub |
Conrad of Offida |
Start |
Hermannus Contractus |
Stub |
Mother Marianne Cope |
Start |
Thomas Cottam |
Stub |
August Czartoryski |
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Jan Franciszek Czartoryski |
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Robert Dalby (martyr) |
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Father Damien |
B |
Robert Dibdale |
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James Duckett |
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Edmund Duke (martyr) |
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Duns Scotus |
B |
Everald Hanse |
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William Exmew |
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Francesco Faà di Bruno |
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Peter Faber |
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Eurosia Fabris |
B |
John Felton (martyr) |
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Leonid Feodorov |
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Władysław Findysz |
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Thomas Ford (martyr) |
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Charles de Foucauld |
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Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski |
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Clemens August Graf von Galen |
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Frei Galvão |
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Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch |
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Gerard Thom |
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Giselle of Bavaria |
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Mother Ascensión Nicol Goñi |
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Nikolaus Groß |
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Blessed Gunther |
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Elisabeth Hesselblad |
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Jacoba of Settesoli |
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James of Viterbo |
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Joana, Crown Princess of Portugal |
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Pope John XXIII |
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John of Fermo |
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John of Parma |
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John of Ruysbroeck |
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Robert Johnson (martyr) |
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Jordan of Saxony |
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Justin de Jacobis |
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Karl I of Austria |
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Kaspar Stanggassinger |
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Luke Kirby |
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Kizito |
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Adolph Kolping |
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Kuriakose Elias Chavara |
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Imelda Lambertini |
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John Larke |
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Maria Theresa Ledochowska |
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Richard Leigh (martyr) |
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Karl Leisner |
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Bernhard Lichtenberg |
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Eustaquio van Lieshout |
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Louis Aleman |
Start |
Ludovica Albertoni |
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Mary MacKillop |
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Mafalda of Portugal |
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Marco d'Aviano |
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Margaret Colona |
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Margaret of Castello |
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Mariano de la Mata |
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Marija Petković |
Start |
Jacinta and Francisco Marto |
Start |
Rupert Mayer |
Start |
Humphrey Middlemore |
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Alphonsa Muttathupadathu |
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John Nelson (martyr) |
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Marie-Clémentine Anuarite Nengapeta |
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Sebastian Newdigate |
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Nicolas Steno |
B |
Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland |
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Notker of St Gall |
Start |
Dermot O'Hurley |
Start |
Frédéric Ozanam |
Start |
Peter Gonzalez |
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Pier Giorgio Frassati |
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William Pike |
Stub |
Pope Pius IX |
B |
George Preca |
Start |
Regina Protmann |
Start |
Rabanus Maurus |
Start |
Rosalie Rendu |
Start |
Maria Restituta |
Start |
Edmund Ignatius Rice |
B |
John Rochester (martyr) |
Stub |
Carlos Manuel Rodríguez |
Start |
Ludovico Sabbatini |
Start |
Sára Salkaházi |
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Infanta Sancha of Portugal (nun) |
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José Sánchez del Río |
Start |
Januarius Maria Sarnelli |
Start |
Francis Xavier Seelos |
Start |
Junípero Serra |
Start |
John Shert |
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Thomas Sherwood |
Stub |
Simon of Cascia |
Stub |
Luis Sotelo |
Start |
Aloysius Stepinac |
B |
Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi |
Start |
Francis Taylor (martyr) |
Stub |
Kateri Tekakwitha |
Start |
Mother Teresa |
B |
Thaddeus McCarthy |
Start |
Thomas Tsugi |
Stub |
Thomas Woodhouse |
Start |
James Thompson (martyr) |
Stub |
Mariam Thresia |
Stub |
Pope Urban V |
Start |
Joseph Vaz |
Start |
Jacobus de Voragine |
Start |
Robert Wilcox (martyr) |
Stub |
William Lacy |
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William Richardson (Catholicism) |
Stub |
Peter Wright (martyr) |
Start |
Zdenka Cecilia Schelingová |
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Talk:Abraham of Smolensk |
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Talk:Agustín Caloca Cortés |
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Talk:Briavel |
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Talk:David Galván Bermúdez |
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Talk:Epaphroditus |
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Talk:Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo |
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Talk:John Bosco |
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Talk:John the Apostle |
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Talk:José María Robles Hurtado |
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Talk:Patron saints of occupations and activities |
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Talk:Quadratus of Athens |
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Talk:Saint Nino |
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Talk:Sigfrid of Sweden |
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Talk:Julian of Norwich |
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Talk:Aaron |
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Talk:Aaron of Aleth |
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Talk:Aba of Kaskhar |
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Talk:Abanoub |
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Talk:Abban of Magheranoidhe |
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Talk:Abban of New Ross |
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Talk:Abban the Hermit |
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Talk:Abbo of Fleury |
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Talk:Abdas of Susa |
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Talk:Abdecalas |
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Talk:Abdel Messih El-Makari |
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Talk:Abdon and Sennen |
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Talk:Abel of Reims |
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Talk:Abgar V of Edessa |
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Talk:Abo of Tiflis |
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Talk:Abraam Bishop of Fayoum |
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Talk:Abraham of Cyrrhus |
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Talk:Abraham of Rostov |
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Talk:Abraham the Poor |
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Talk:Abuna Aregawi |
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Talk:Abundius |
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Talk:Acacius of Amida |
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Talk:Acacius of Byzantium |
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Talk:Acathius of Melitene |
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Talk:Acca of Hexham |
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Talk:Achilleus Kewanuka |
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Talk:Achillius of Larissa |
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Talk:Acisclus |
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Talk:Acius |
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Talk:Acta Sanctorum |
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Talk:Acta sanctorum in Selio |
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Talk:Acts of Paul and Thecla |
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Talk:Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca |
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Talk:Acts of the Martyrs |
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Talk:Adalard |
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Talk:Adalbero of Würzburg |
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Talk:Adalbert of Egmond |
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Talk:Adalbert of Magdeburg |
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Talk:Adalbert of Prague |
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Talk:Adalgott |
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Talk:Adam of Bremen |
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Talk:Adamo Abate |
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Talk:Addai |
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Talk:Adela and Irmina |
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Talk:Adelaide of Italy |
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Talk:Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich |
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Talk:Adelbert |
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Talk:Adelina |
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Talk:Adolf of Osnabrück |
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Talk:Adolph Kolping |
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Talk:Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa |
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Talk:Adomnán of Iona |
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Talk:Adrian of Batanea |
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Talk:Adrian of Canterbury |
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Talk:Adrian of Nicomedia |
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Talk:Adulf |
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Talk:Aebbe the Elder |
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Talk:Aebbe the Younger |
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Talk:Aedan of Ferns |
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Talk:Aedh of Kildare |
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Talk:Aegidius of Assisi |
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Talk:Aengus the Culdee |
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Talk:Aethelnoth |
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Talk:Aethelred of Kent |
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Talk:Afra (martyr) |
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Talk:Agabus |
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Talk:Agapius |
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Talk:Agatha of Sicily |
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Talk:Agathangelus of Rome |
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Talk:Agathius |
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Talk:Agathonicus and Companions |
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Talk:Agilulfus of Cologne |
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Talk:Agnellus of Pisa |
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Talk:Agnes of Assisi |
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Talk:Agnes of Bohemia |
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Talk:Agnes of Montepulciano |
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Talk:Agobard |
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Talk:Agricius of Trier |
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Talk:Agricola of Avignon |
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Talk:Agrippina of Mineo |
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Talk:Agrippinus of Carthage |
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Talk:Agrippinus of Naples |
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Talk:Aidan of Lindisfarne |
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Talk:Aignan |
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Talk:Ailbe |
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Talk:Ailbhe |
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Talk:Aileran |
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Talk:Ailred of Rievaulx |
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Talk:Ain Ebel |
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Talk:Alanus de Rupe |
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Talk:Alba Madonna |
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Talk:Alban Roe |
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Talk:Alban of Mainz |
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Talk:Alberic Crescitelli |
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Talk:Alberic of Citeaux |
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Talk:Albert Avogadro |
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Talk:Albert Chmielowski |
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Talk:Albert of Liège |
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Talk:Albert of Trapani |
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Talk:Alberta of Agen |
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Talk:Alberto Hurtado |
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Talk:Albertus Magnus |
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Talk:Albin Cardinal Dunajewski |
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Talk:Alburga |
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Talk:Alcmund of Derby |
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Talk:Alcmund of Hexham |
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Talk:Aldegonde |
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Talk:Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne |
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Talk:Aldobrandesca |
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Talk:Aldobrandini Madonna |
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Talk:Aleaunie |
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Talk:Alena (martyr) |
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Talk:Alexander Briant |
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Talk:Alexander Nevsky |
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Talk:Alexander Sauli |
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Talk:Alexander of Alexandria |
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Talk:Alexander of Cappadocia and Jerusalem |
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Talk:Alexander of Comana |
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Talk:Alexander of Constantinople |
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Talk:Alexandra Fyodorovna (Alix of Hesse) |
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Talk:Alexandrina Maria da Costa |
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Talk:Alexis Falconieri |
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Talk:Alexis Toth |
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Talk:Alexius (saint) |
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Talk:Alexius, Metropolitan of Moscow |
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Talk:Alfano I, Archbishop of Salerno |
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Talk:Alfwold |
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Talk:Alkelda |
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Talk:All Saints |
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Talk:Alma Redemptoris Mater |
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Talk:Alnoth |
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Talk:Aloysius Gonzaga |
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Talk:Aloysius Stepinac |
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Talk:Alpaïs of Cudot |
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Talk:Alphege |
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Talk:Alphege the Bald |
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Talk:Alphius (martyr) |
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Talk:Alphonsa Muttathupadathu |
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Talk:Alphonsus Liguori |
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Talk:Alphonsus Rodriguez |
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Talk:Altmann of Passau |
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Talk:Alto of Altomünster |
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Talk:Alypius of Thagaste |
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Talk:Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy |
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Talk:Amalberga of Maubeuge |
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Talk:Amalberga of Temse |
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Talk:Amarinus of Clermont |
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Talk:Ambrose |
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Talk:Ambrose Barlow |
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Talk:Ambrose of Alexandria |
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Talk:Ambrosius Gudko |
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Talk:Ambrosius of Optina |
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Talk:Amelbert |
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Talk:America Needs Fatima |
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Talk:Amico of San Pietro Avellana |
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Talk:Amphibalus |
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Talk:Amphilochius of Pochayiv |
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Talk:Ananias of Damascus |
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Talk:Anastasia of Sirmium |
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Talk:Anastasia the Patrician |
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Talk:Anastasius of Persia |
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Talk:Anastasius the Fuller |
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Talk:Andrei Rublev |
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Talk:Andrew Avellino |
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Talk:Andrew Bobola |
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Talk:Andrew Corsini |
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Talk:Andrew Dung-Lac |
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Talk:Andrew Kim Taegon |
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Talk:Andrew of Crete |
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Talk:Andrew of Lampsacus |
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Talk:Andrew the Scot |
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Talk:Andronic Nikolsky |
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Talk:Andronicus of Pannonia |
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Talk:Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus |
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Talk:André Bessette |
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Talk:Angela Merici |
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Talk:Angela of Foligno |
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Talk:Angelus |
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Talk:Angilbert |
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Talk:Anianus of Alexandria |
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Talk:Anna (Bible) |
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Talk:Anna of Kashin |
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Talk:Anne Catherine Emmerich |
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Talk:Anne Line |
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Talk:Anne de Xainctonge |
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Talk:Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne |
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Talk:Annunciation |
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Talk:Annunciation (Caravaggio) |
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Talk:Annunciation (Leonardo) |
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Talk:Annunciation (Lippi, Rome) |
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Talk:Annunciation (Pontormo) |
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Talk:Annunciation (Titian) |
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Talk:Ansanus |
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Talk:Ansbert of Rouen |
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Talk:Ansegisus |
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Talk:Anselm of Canterbury |
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Talk:Anselm of Lucca |
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Talk:Anselm, Duke of Friuli |
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Talk:Virgin of Cuyo |
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Saint Alban |
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Lucius of Britain |
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Saint Ursula |
B |
De Viris Illustribus (Jerome) |
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Vulgate |
B |
Ælfwald I of Northumbria |
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Æthelberht II of East Anglia |
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Aethelnoth |
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Aethelred of Kent |
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Æthelthryth |
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Æthelwold of Winchester |
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Æthelwold of Farne |
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Æthelwold of Lindisfarne |
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Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne |
Start |
Saint Aldwyn |
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Alphege |
Start |
Balthild |
Start |
Benedict Biscop |
B |
Saint Botolph |
Start |
Cædmon |
FA |
Cedd |
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Ceolfrid |
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Chad of Mercia |
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Cuthburga |
Start |
Cuthman of Steyning |
B |
Deusdedit of Canterbury |
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Dunstan |
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Eadberht of Lindisfarne |
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Eadfrith of Lindisfarne |
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Eanfled of Deira |
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Easterwine |
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Eata of Hexham |
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Edburga of Bicester |
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Edburga of Winchester |
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Edith of Wilton |
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Edmund the Martyr |
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Edward the Confessor |
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Edward the Martyr |
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Egbert of Northumbria |
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Eorpwald of East Anglia |
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Erkenwald |
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Ermenilda of Ely |
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Ethelbert of Kent |
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Ethelburga of Faremoutier |
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Ethelwine of Lindsey |
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Everilda |
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Ewald (martyr) |
Start |
Frideswide |
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Grimbald |
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Saint Guthlac |
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Hilda of Whitby |
Start |
Hybald |
Start |
James the Deacon |
Start |
John of Beverley |
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Kenelm |
Start |
Lebuinus |
Start |
Leoba |
Start |
Lullus |
Start |
Saint Margaret of Scotland |
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Mildrith |
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Saint Neot |
Start |
Nothelm |
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Oda the Severe |
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Oswald of Northumbria |
A |
Oswald of Worcester |
Start |
Oswine of Deira |
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Osyth |
Start |
Paulinus of York |
Start |
Saint Rumbold |
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Rumwold |
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Seaxburh of Ely |
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Sebbi of Essex |
Start |
Sidwell |
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Sigeberht of East Anglia |
Start |
Saint Suitbert |
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Swithun |
Start |
Saint Walpurga |
Stub |
Walstan |
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Werburgh |
Start |
Wigbert |
Stub |
Wigstan of Mercia |
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Wilfrid |
Start |
Willehad of Bremen |
Start |
Saint Withburga |
Start |
Witta of Büraburg |
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Wulfric |
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Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester |
Start |
Saint Brelade |
Start |
Columba the Virgin |
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Saint Hervé |
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Judicael ap Hoel |
Stub |
Juthwara |
Start |
Saint Kea |
Stub |
Melor |
Stub |
Meriasek |
Stub |
Saint Winwaloe |
Start |
Buriana |
Stub |
Constantine of Cornwall |
Start |
Felec of Cornwall |
Stub |
Geraint |
Start |
Lide |
Stub |
List of Cornish saints |
Start |
Salomon of Cornwall |
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Saint Wenna |
Stub |
Urith |
Start |
Carthusian Martyrs |
Start |
Forty Martyrs of England and Wales |
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Ambrose Barlow |
Start |
John Boste |
Stub |
Alexander Briant |
Start |
Philip Evans and John Lloyd |
Start |
Thomas Garnet |
Start |
Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel |
Start |
John Kemble (martyr) |
Start |
Ralph Sherwin |
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Saint John Southworth |
Stub |
Saint John Stone |
Stub |
John Wall |
Stub |
Arthur III, Duke of Brittany |
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Auld Alliance |
Stub |
Battle of Beaugency |
Start |
Battle of Jargeau |
Start |
Battle of Meung-sur-Loire |
Start |
Battle of Patay |
Start |
Battle of the Herrings |
Start |
Robert de Baudricourt |
Stub |
Pierre Cauchon |
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Charles VII of France |
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Clérey-la-Côte |
Stub |
Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc |
A |
Domrémy-la-Pucelle |
Stub |
Jean de Dunois |
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Félix Dupanloup |
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English claims to the French throne |
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Enguerrand de Monstrelet |
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Fresh Verdicts on Joan of Arc |
Stub |
Georges Chastellain |
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Georges de la Trémoille |
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Guillaume d'Estouteville |
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Isabeau of Bavaria |
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Isabelle Romée |
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Jacques d'Arc |
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Jean Brehal |
Stub |
Jean Gerson |
not yet classified |
Jean de Brosse |
Start |
Jeanne of Luxembourg |
Stub |
Joan of Arc (1948 film) |
Start |
Joan of Arc (Clone High) |
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Joan of Arc (book by Marina Warner) |
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Joan of Arc bibliography |
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Joan of Arc facts and trivia |
Start |
John II of Alençon |
Start |
John II of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny |
Stub |
John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford |
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John, Duke of Burgundy |
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La Hire |
Stub |
Les goddams |
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Louis, Count of Vendôme |
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Maid of Lorraine prophecies |
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Martin le Franc |
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The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc |
Start |
The Passion of Joan of Arc |
Start |
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc |
Stub |
Philip III, Duke of Burgundy |
not yet classified |
Jules Etienne Joseph Quicherat |
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Robert le Maçon |
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Saint Joan (play) |
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Saint Joan of Arc (biography by Vita Sackville-West) |
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Sainte Jeanne d'Arc Church (Nice, France) |
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Siege of Compiègne |
B |
Siege of Orléans |
B |
Simon Morhier |
not yet classified |
St. Joan of Arc Chapel |
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William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk |
not yet classified |
Timeline of Joan of Arc |
Start |
Voices of Light |
not yet classified |
Jean Poton de Xaintrailles |
Start |
Yolande of Aragon |
not yet classified |
John the Baptist |
B |
Nativity of St. John the Baptist |
Start |
Andrew Avellino |
Start |
Felice da Nicosia |
Start |
Saint Olivia |
Stub |
Santa Rosalia |
Stub |
Olaf II of Norway |
Start |
Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae |
Stub |
Advait Mat |
Stub |
Anandpuri Ji |
Stub |
Advaitanand Ji |
Stub |
Swarupanand |
Stub |
Totapuri |
Stub |
Sant Baljit Singh |
not yet classified |
Anand Swarup |
Stub |
Radha Soami |
Stub |
Radha Soami Satsang Beas |
Stub |
Jaimal Singh |
not yet classified |
Baba Sawan Singh |
Stub |
Charan Singh (guru) |
Stub |
Kirpal Singh |
not yet classified |
Sant Thakar Singh |
A |
Shiv Dayal Singh |
Stub |
Gurdehera |
not yet classified |
Guru Granth Sahib |
not yet classified |
Sant Darshan Singh |
not yet classified |
Assumption of the Virgin Mary |
B |
Black Madonna |
Start |
Death of the Virgin |
Stub |
Death of the Virgin (Caravaggio) |
Start |
Golden Madonna of Essen |
B |
Huei tlamahuiçoltica |
Start |
Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Start |
Madonna (art) |
Start |
Our Lady of Combermere |
Start |
Our Lady of Meritxell |
Stub |
Our Lady of Rosario of Chiquinquirá |
Stub |
Pietà |
Start |
Pietà (Michelangelo) |
Start |
Stradanus engraving |
Stub |
Virgin and Child from the Sainte-Chapelle |
Start |
Virgin of Cuyo |
Stub |
Marian devotions |
Stub |
Angelus |
Start |
Hail Mary |
B |
Hail Mary (translations) |
B |
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Stub |
Magnificat |
Start |
Mary, Mother of Grace |
Stub |
Memorare |
Stub |
O Sanctissima |
Stub |
Regina Coeli |
Start |
Salve Regina |
Start |
Sub tuum praesidium |
Stub |
Telgte Pilgrimage |
Start |
Tota pulchra es |
Stub |
Our Lady of Aparecida |
Start |
Asyut |
Start |
Our Lady of China |
Stub |
Clearwater, Florida |
Start |
Ezquioga |
Start |
Our Lady of Fatima |
A |
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Extremadura) |
Start |
Our Lady of Hope |
B |
Our Lady, Queen of Ireland |
Stub |
Kibeho |
Stub |
La Vang |
Stub |
Madonna del Ghisallo |
Stub |
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore |
B |
Marpingen |
Stub |
Međugorje |
Start |
Miraculous Medal |
Start |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Stub |
Our Lady of Sorrows, Queen of Poland |
Stub |
Our Lady of Walsingham |
Start |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
Start |
Pilar |
Start |
Pochayiv Lavra |
B |
La Salette |
Start |
San Sebastian de Garabandal |
Stub |
Svensky Monastery |
Start |
Vailankanni |
Stub |
Vicka Ivanković |
Start |
Walsingham |
Start |
Zeitoun apparitions |
Start |
Assumption of Mary |
B |
Co-Redemptrix |
Start |
Immaculate Conception |
B |
Marian dogmas |
Start |
Perpetual virginity of Mary |
B |
Shrines to the Virgin Mary |
Stub |
Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocents |
Start |
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Start |
Basilica della Casa Santa, Loreto |
Start |
Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima |
Start |
Black Madonna Shrine, Missouri |
Start |
Carfin Grotto |
Start |
Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
Start |
Dickeyville Grotto |
Start |
Fátima, Portugal |
Start |
Gate of Dawn |
Stub |
Harissa, Lebanon |
Stub |
Holy Hill National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians |
Stub |
House of the Virgin Mary |
Start |
Jasna Góra Monastery |
Stub |
Knock Shrine |
B |
Lady chapel |
Start |
Maria Taferl |
Start |
Marian Days |
Start |
Mariatrost Basilica |
Start |
Mariazell Basilica |
Start |
Marija Bistrica |
Stub |
Mary's Tomb |
Stub |
Montserrat (mountain) |
Start |
National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows |
Start |
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception |
Start |
Necedah Shrine |
B |
Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Start |
Our Lady of Ipswich |
Start |
Our Lady of Peace Shrine |
Start |
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń |
Stub |
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mellieħa |
Stub |
Santa María de Guadalupe |
Start |
Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help |
Stub |
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Stub |
Shrine of Our Lady, Bradstowe |
Start |
Teleferique |
not yet classified |
Telgte |
Start |
Torreciudad |
Stub |
Téléférique |
not yet classified |
Zeitoun |
Stub |
Juan Bernardino |
Start |
Eof |
Stub |
Lúcia Santos |
Start |
Estela Ruiz |
B |
Bernadette Soubirous |
B |
Veronica Lueken |
B |
Madonna Della Strada |
Start |
Nuestra Señora dela Soledad de Porta Vaga |
Start |
Our Lady of Peace |
Start |
Our Lady of Sorrows |
Start |
The Madonna |
Stub |
Virgen del Valle |
Stub |
Virgin of Montserrat |
Start |
Talk:Assumption of the Virgin Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Chrysogonus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Placidus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Adrian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Alexander |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Marina |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Saturninus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Satyrus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Venerius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ansgar |
not yet classified |
Talk:Apostle Titus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Athanasius of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bede |
not yet classified |
Talk:Benedict of Nursia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernadette Soubirous |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernard of Clairvaux |
Stub |
Talk:Blessed Virgin Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Boris I of Bulgaria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Boris and Gleb |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bridget of Sweden |
not yet classified |
Talk:Brigid of Kildare |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bruno of Cologne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canute IV of Denmark |
not yet classified |
Talk:Catherine of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Catherine of Siena |
not yet classified |
Talk:Charles I of England |
FA |
Talk:Constantine I |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cuthbert of Lindisfarne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyprian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyril of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyril of Jerusalem |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cædmon |
Stub |
Talk:Denis |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edward the Confessor |
not yet classified |
Talk:Francis Xavier |
Stub |
Talk:Francis of Assisi |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gabriel Lallemant |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gregory Palamas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gregory of Nazianzus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gregory of Nyssa |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gregory the Illuminator |
not yet classified |
Talk:Helena of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hilary of Poitiers |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ignatius of Antioch |
not yet classified |
Talk:Innocent of Alaska |
not yet classified |
Talk:Irenaeus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Isidore of Seville |
not yet classified |
Talk:Jerome |
not yet classified |
Talk:Joan of Arc |
not yet classified |
Talk:John Chrysostom |
not yet classified |
Talk:John of Damascus |
not yet classified |
Talk:John of Patmos |
not yet classified |
Talk:John of Rila |
not yet classified |
Talk:John of the Cross |
not yet classified |
Talk:Josephine Bakhita |
not yet classified |
Talk:Lawrence of Brindisi |
Stub |
Talk:Lawrence of Rome |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martin de Porres |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martin of Tours |
not yet classified |
Talk:Norbert of Xanten |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pachomius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Peter Chrysologus |
Stub |
Talk:Peter Claver |
not yet classified |
Talk:Petrus Canisius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pietro Damiani |
not yet classified |
Talk:Polycarp |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope John Paul II |
not yet classified |
Talk:Robert Bellarmine |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Alban |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Casimir |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Christopher |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Cyril |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint David |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Dominic |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Margaret of Scotland |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Methodius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Mungo |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Patrick |
not yet classified |
Talk:Simeon Stylites |
not yet classified |
Talk:Stephen I of Hungary |
Stub |
Talk:Swithun |
not yet classified |
Talk:Teresa of Ávila |
not yet classified |
Talk:Thomas More |
not yet classified |
Talk:Thérèse de Lisieux |
not yet classified |
Talk:Vincent de Paul |
not yet classified |
Talk:Vladimir I of Kiev |
not yet classified |
Talk:Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Wilfrid |
not yet classified |
Talk:Anthim the Iberian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Anthimus of Nicomedia |
Stub |
Talk:Anthimus of Rome |
Stub |
Talk:Anthony Maria Zaccaria |
Stub |
Talk:Anthony, John, and Eustathios |
Stub |
Talk:Antoine Daniel |
not yet classified |
Talk:Antonia and Alexander |
Stub |
Talk:Antoninus of Florence |
Stub |
Talk:Antonio María Claret y Clará |
not yet classified |
Talk:Antonios Naguib |
Stub |
Talk:António Vieira |
Stub |
Talk:Aphian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Apollinaris Claudius |
Stub |
Talk:Apollonius the Apologist |
Stub |
Talk:Aquilina (martyr) |
Stub |
Talk:Arbeo of Freising |
Stub |
Talk:Archbishop Proclus of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Aredius |
Stub |
Talk:Aretas (martyr) |
Stub |
Talk:Arethas of Caesarea |
Stub |
Talk:Arialdo |
not yet classified |
Talk:Aristarchus of Thessalonica |
Stub |
Talk:Arnold of Soissons |
Stub |
Talk:Arnulf of Eynesbury |
Stub |
Talk:Arnulf of Soissons |
Stub |
Talk:Arsatius |
Stub |
Talk:Artemas of Lystra |
Stub |
Talk:Artemius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Arthur Bell |
Stub |
Talk:Ashot I Kuropalates |
not yet classified |
Talk:Aspasius of Auch |
Stub |
Talk:Assicus |
Stub |
Talk:Astrik |
Stub |
Talk:Asyut |
not yet classified |
Talk:Athanasius I, Bishop of Naples |
Stub |
Talk:Athanasius the Athonite |
Stub |
Talk:Attracta |
Stub |
Talk:Augustin Schoeffer |
Stub |
Talk:Augustine Webster |
Stub |
Talk:Aulus Pudens |
Stub |
Talk:Aunarius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Aurea of San Millán |
Stub |
Talk:Aurelia of Strasbourg |
Stub |
Talk:Austreberta |
Stub |
Talk:Austregisilus |
Stub |
Talk:Austromoine |
not yet classified |
Talk:Autonomus |
Stub |
Talk:Auxentius of Bithynia |
Stub |
Talk:Auxentius of Mopsuestia |
Stub |
Talk:Avitus of Vienne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Babylas of Antioch |
not yet classified |
Talk:Balbina |
Stub |
Talk:Baldred of Strathclyde |
not yet classified |
Talk:Baldred of Tyninghame |
not yet classified |
Talk:Balthild |
not yet classified |
Talk:Barlaam and Josaphat |
not yet classified |
Talk:Baruc |
Stub |
Talk:Basil Ogier |
Stub |
Talk:Basil the Confessor |
Stub |
Talk:Beatrix (Cistercian) |
Stub |
Talk:Beatrix d'Este |
Stub |
Talk:Anthony of Kiev |
Stub |
Talk:Antipas of Pergamum |
Stub |
Talk:Anton Martin Slomšek |
Stub |
Talk:Apollinare |
not yet classified |
Talk:Arnold Janssen |
Stub |
Talk:Arnulf of Metz |
not yet classified |
Talk:Arsenius the Great |
not yet classified |
Talk:Avilius of Alexandria |
Stub |
Talk:Barachiel |
Stub |
Talk:Basil Fool for Christ |
Stub |
Talk:Basil of Ostrog |
Stub |
Talk:Benno |
not yet classified |
Talk:Berard of Carbio |
Stub |
Talk:Bernard of Menthon |
not yet classified |
Talk:Beuno |
Stub |
Talk:Birinus |
Stub |
Talk:Bishop Henry |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bishoy |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bonaventure |
not yet classified |
Talk:Brendan |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bruno of Augsburg |
Stub |
Talk:Bruno of Querfurt |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cadoc |
not yet classified |
Talk:Caesarius of Arles |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of Saints (Lutheran) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Canada) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of saints (Church of England) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of saints (Episcopal Church in the United States of America) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Camillus de Lellis |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canadian Martyrs |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cecilia (saint) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cedd |
Stub |
Talk:Ceslaus |
Stub |
Talk:Chad of Mercia |
Stub |
Talk:Charles Borromeo |
Stub |
Talk:Chinese Martyrs |
Stub |
Talk:Clare of Assisi |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clement of Ancyra |
Stub |
Talk:Clement of Ohrid |
not yet classified |
Talk:Columbanus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Congregation for the Causes of Saints |
Stub |
Talk:Corbinian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cybi |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dasya |
Stub |
Talk:Declan |
Stub |
Talk:Didymus the Blind |
Stub |
Talk:Drostan |
Stub |
Talk:Dubricius |
Stub |
Talk:Dunstan |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dymphna |
not yet classified |
Talk:Eadfrith of Lindisfarne |
Stub |
Talk:Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar |
Stub |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Mennas of Constantinople |
Stub |
Talk:Edmund Rich |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edsige |
Stub |
Talk:Edwin of Northumbria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Elo Colman |
Stub |
Talk:Emilianus |
Stub |
Talk:Ephrem the Syrian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Epiphanius of Salamis |
not yet classified |
Talk:Faith, Hope and Charity |
not yet classified |
Talk:Father Damien |
Stub |
Talk:Filippo Smaldone |
Stub |
Talk:Forty Martyrs of England and Wales |
Stub |
Talk:Francis de Sales |
not yet classified |
Talk:Frei Galvão |
Stub |
Talk:Frideswide |
Stub |
Talk:Genevieve |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gerard Sagredo |
Stub |
Talk:Gildas |
Stub |
Talk:Gonsalo Garcia |
Stub |
Talk:Gregory Barbarigo |
Stub |
Talk:Gregory Thaumaturgus |
Stub |
Talk:Hedwig of Andechs |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hermenegild |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hugh of Cluny |
Stub |
Talk:Hugh of Lincoln |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ignatius of Loyola |
not yet classified |
Talk:Illtud |
not yet classified |
Talk:Isaac of Dalmatia |
Stub |
Talk:Jane Frances de Chantal |
not yet classified |
Talk:Jegudiel |
Stub |
Talk:John Cantius |
Stub |
Talk:John de Brito |
Stub |
Talk:John of Nepomuk |
not yet classified |
Talk:John of Shanghai and San Francisco |
not yet classified |
Talk:Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin |
Stub |
Talk:Justus |
Stub |
Talk:Korean Martyrs |
Stub |
Talk:Lazarus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Louis IX of France |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ludmila of Bohemia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney |
not yet classified |
Talk:Marcellinus of Carthage |
Stub |
Talk:Margaret of Cortona |
not yet classified |
Talk:Marie-Marguerite d'Youville |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martyrs of Gorkum |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martyrs of Japan |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martyrs of Uganda |
Stub |
Talk:Mellitus |
Stub |
Talk:Nine Saints |
Stub |
Talk:Oliver Plunkett |
not yet classified |
Talk:Oswald of Northumbria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Patriarch Ambrose of Georgia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Paul of the Cross |
not yet classified |
Talk:Paulinus of York |
not yet classified |
Talk:Perpetua and Felicitas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Peter the Aleut |
Stub |
Talk:Pilar |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pishoy |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Abraham of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Gelasius I |
not yet classified |
Talk:Roman Catholic calendar of saints |
not yet classified |
Talk:Roque González de Santa Cruz |
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Talk:Rose of Lima |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Apollonia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Aurelius |
Stub |
Talk:Saint Boniface |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Mar Yosip Khnanisho X |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Petroc |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Piran |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Quadragesimus |
Stub |
Talk:Saint Remigius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Servatius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Spyridon |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Ursula |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Valentine |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint symbology |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saints in Anglicanism |
Stub |
Talk:Saints of the Cristero War |
not yet classified |
Talk:Samson of Dol |
Stub |
Talk:Seventy Disciples |
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Talk:Simon of Cyrene |
Stub |
Talk:Simon of Trent |
not yet classified |
Talk:Sunniva |
Stub |
Talk:Teilo |
Stub |
Talk:Teresa of the Andes |
Stub |
Talk:Tikhon of Moscow |
not yet classified |
Talk:Traditional Catholic Calendar |
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Talk:Valerius of Trèves |
Stub |
Talk:Vedast |
not yet classified |
Talk:Vietnamese Martyrs |
Stub |
Talk:Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester |
not yet classified |
Talk:Xenia of Saint Petersburg |
Stub |
Talk:Æthelthryth |
not yet classified |
Talk:Æthelwold of Winchester |
Stub |
Talk:Anthony of Padua |
Stub |
Talk:Anthony the Great |
not yet classified |
Talk:Augustine of Canterbury |
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Talk:Augustine of Hippo |
Stub |
Talk:Barnabas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bartholomew the Apostle |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basil of Caesarea |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of saints |
not yet classified |
Talk:Columba |
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Talk:Eusebius of Caesarea |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gabriel |
not yet classified |
Talk:James the Just |
not yet classified |
Talk:James, son of Alphaeus |
not yet classified |
Talk:James, son of Zebedee |
not yet classified |
Talk:John the Baptist |
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Talk:John the Evangelist |
not yet classified |
Talk:Joseph of Arimathea |
not yet classified |
Talk:Jude of James |
Stub |
Talk:Jude the Apostle |
not yet classified |
Talk:Luke the Evangelist |
not yet classified |
Talk:Mark the Evangelist |
not yet classified |
Talk:Mary (mother of Jesus) |
Stub |
Talk:Mary Magdalene |
not yet classified |
Talk:Massacre of the Innocents |
not yet classified |
Talk:Matthew the Evangelist |
not yet classified |
Talk:Michael (archangel) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Paul of Tarsus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Philip the Apostle |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Andrew |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Anne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint George |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint James the Less |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Nicholas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Peter |
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Talk:Saint Stephen |
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Talk:Simon the Zealot |
not yet classified |
Talk:Thomas Aquinas |
Stub |
Talk:Thomas Becket |
not yet classified |
Talk:Thomas the Apostle |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ansidei Madonna |
Stub |
Talk:Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and International Shrine of the Holy Innocents |
not yet classified |
Talk:Archangela Girlani |
Stub |
Talk:Assumption of Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Assumption of the Virgin (Carracci) |
Stub |
Talk:Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens) |
Stub |
Talk:August Czartoryski |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica della Casa Santa, Loreto |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception |
not yet classified |
Talk:Basilica of the Virgin Mary |
Stub |
Talk:Batthyany |
Stub |
Talk:Beatification |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernardine of Feltre |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernardo Tolomei |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernhard Lichtenberg |
not yet classified |
Talk:Blachernitissa |
Stub |
Talk:Black Madonna |
not yet classified |
Talk:Black Madonna Shrine, Missouri |
not yet classified |
Talk:Black Madonna of Częstochowa |
not yet classified |
Talk:Blessed Gunther |
not yet classified |
Talk:Blessed Hadewych |
Stub |
Talk:Blessed John Lowe |
Stub |
Talk:Blessed Olive |
Stub |
Talk:Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima |
Stub |
Talk:Bollandist |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bridle of Constantine |
Stub |
Talk:Calendar of saints (Church of the Province of Melanesia) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Calendar of saints (Scottish Episcopal Church) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canonised Popes |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canonization |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canute Lavard |
not yet classified |
Talk:Carfin Grotto |
not yet classified |
Talk:Carlos Manuel Rodríguez |
Stub |
Talk:Carthusian Martyrs |
not yet classified |
Talk:Casilda of Toledo |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cassian of Imola |
not yet classified |
Talk:Castor of Apt |
Stub |
Talk:Catervus |
Stub |
Talk:Catherine Labouré |
not yet classified |
Talk:Catherine of Vadstena |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cenn Fáelad mac Aillila |
Stub |
Talk:Cessianus |
Stub |
Talk:Cestello Annunciation (Botticelli) |
Stub |
Talk:Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
not yet classified |
Talk:Charbel |
not yet classified |
Talk:Charles Garnier (missionary) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Charles de Foucauld |
not yet classified |
Talk:Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod |
Stub |
Talk:Christ the Redeemer (icon) |
Stub |
Talk:Christina the Astonishing |
not yet classified |
Talk:Christina von Stommeln |
Stub |
Talk:Chromatius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ciarán |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clare of Rimini |
not yet classified |
Talk:Claude de la Colombière |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clearwater, Florida |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clemens August Graf von Galen |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clemens Maria Hofbauer |
not yet classified |
Talk:Clement of Ireland |
not yet classified |
Talk:Co-Redemptrix |
not yet classified |
Talk:Colman of Cloyne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Coloman of Stockerau |
not yet classified |
Talk:Communion of Saints |
not yet classified |
Talk:Companions of Saint Nicholas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Confessor |
Stub |
Talk:Connestabile Madonna |
Stub |
Talk:Conrad of Offida |
not yet classified |
Talk:Consecration of Russia |
Stub |
Talk:Constantin Brâncoveanu |
not yet classified |
Talk:Constantina |
not yet classified |
Talk:Constantine XI |
Stub |
Talk:Coptic Saints |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cormac mac Cuilennáin |
Stub |
Talk:Cosme de Torrès |
Stub |
Talk:Cova da Iria |
Stub |
Talk:Crescentinus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Crispin |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cristóbal Magallanes Jara |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cronan, Abbot |
not yet classified |
Talk:Crucifixion |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cucuphas |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cunibert, Bishop of Cologne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cunigunde of Luxembourg |
not yet classified |
Talk:Curetán |
Stub |
Talk:Cuthburga |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cynocephaly |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyprian and Justina |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyprian of Toulon |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyriacus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyrus and John |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dagobert II |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dallan Forgaill |
Stub |
Talk:Daniel Comboni |
not yet classified |
Talk:Daniel and Companions |
not yet classified |
Talk:Daniel of Moscow |
not yet classified |
Talk:Darerca of Ireland |
not yet classified |
Talk:Daumantas of Pskov |
not yet classified |
Talk:David IV of Georgia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Death of the Virgin |
Stub |
Talk:Death of the Virgin (Caravaggio) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Deicolus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Demetrius of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Demiana |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dermot O'Hurley |
not yet classified |
Talk:Deusdedit of Canterbury |
Stub |
Talk:Devil's advocate |
Stub |
Talk:Devota |
not yet classified |
Talk:Diarmaid of Armagh |
Stub |
Talk:Diarmaid the Just |
Stub |
Talk:Dickeyville Grotto |
not yet classified |
Talk:Didacus of Alcalá |
not yet classified |
Talk:Didier of Cahors |
not yet classified |
Talk:Difunta Correa |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dimitry of Rostov |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dioscorus of Alexandria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dmitri Donskoi |
not yet classified |
Talk:Doctor of the Church |
not yet classified |
Talk:Doctrine of Addai |
Stub |
Talk:Dominic Savio |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dominic of Silos |
not yet classified |
Talk:Domninus of Fidenza |
not yet classified |
Talk:Domus Pacis |
Stub |
Talk:Dorothea |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dorothea of Montau |
not yet classified |
Talk:Dorotheus of Tyre |
Stub |
Talk:Douai Martyrs |
Stub |
Talk:Duns Scotus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Easterwine |
Stub |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Methodios I of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Photios I of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Ecumenical Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edith Stein |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edith of Wilton |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edmund Arrowsmith |
Stub |
Talk:Edmund Campion |
not yet classified |
Talk:Edmund Duke (martyr) |
Stub |
Talk:Our Lady of Fatima |
Stub |
Talk:Our Lady of Guadalupe |
not yet classified |
Talk:Benedict Biscop |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cuthman of Steyning |
Stub |
Talk:Edmund Ignatius Rice |
not yet classified |
Talk:Elijah (prophet) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Elisabeth of Hungary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Estela Ruiz |
not yet classified |
Talk:Eurosia Fabris |
not yet classified |
Talk:Fra Angelico |
not yet classified |
Talk:Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
not yet classified |
Talk:Golden Legend |
not yet classified |
Talk:Golden Madonna of Essen |
not yet classified |
Talk:Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna |
not yet classified |
Talk:Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hail Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hail Mary (translations) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Hildegard of Bingen |
not yet classified |
Talk:Huei tlamahuiçoltica |
Stub |
Talk:Iconostasis |
not yet classified |
Talk:Immaculate Conception |
not yet classified |
Talk:Incorruptibility |
not yet classified |
Talk:Jadwiga of Poland |
not yet classified |
Talk:Job of Pochayiv |
not yet classified |
Talk:John Fisher |
not yet classified |
Talk:Josemaría Escrivá |
not yet classified |
Talk:Karl I of Austria |
not yet classified |
Talk:Knock Shrine |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cyriacus of Athens |
not yet classified |
Talk:Macarius of Unzha |
not yet classified |
Talk:Marguerite Bourgeoys |
not yet classified |
Talk:Marian apparition |
not yet classified |
Talk:Martyrology |
not yet classified |
Talk:Mother Teresa |
Stub |
Talk:Nativity of Jesus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Necedah Shrine |
not yet classified |
Talk:Nicholas II of Russia |
Stub |
Talk:Nicolas Steno |
not yet classified |
Talk:Nuno Álvares Pereira |
Stub |
Talk:Our Lady of Good Success |
not yet classified |
Talk:Our Lady of Hope |
not yet classified |
Talk:Our Lady of Lourdes |
not yet classified |
Talk:Perpetual virginity of Mary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Peter Deunov |
not yet classified |
Talk:Philip Neri |
not yet classified |
Talk:Philomena |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pochayiv Lavra |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pontius Pilate |
Stub |
Talk:Pope Damasus I |
Stub |
Talk:Pope Evaristus |
Stub |
Talk:Pope Gregory I |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Gregory VII |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope John XXIII |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Leo I |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Pius IX |
not yet classified |
Talk:Pope Pius X |
not yet classified |
Talk:Presentation of Jesus at the Temple |
not yet classified |
Talk:Raphael (archangel) |
not yet classified |
Talk:Rosary |
not yet classified |
Talk:Russian icons |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Giles |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Joseph |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saint Mina |
not yet classified |
Talk:Saints Cyril and Methodius |
not yet classified |
Talk:Santa Claus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Santa Claus in Northern American culture |
not yet classified |
Talk:Sebastian |
not yet classified |
Talk:Stanislaus of Szczepanów |
not yet classified |
Talk:Stefan Nemanja |
Stub |
Talk:Theotokos |
not yet classified |
Talk:Theotokos of St. Theodore |
not yet classified |
Talk:Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Veronica Lueken |
not yet classified |
Talk:Virgin Birth |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc |
not yet classified |
Talk:Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia |
not yet classified |
Talk:Benedict the Moor |
not yet classified |
Talk:Benignus of Armagh |
not yet classified |
Talk:Benignus of Dijon |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernard of Corleone |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernardino of Siena |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bernward of Hildesheim |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bertin |
not yet classified |
Talk:Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne |
not yet classified |
Talk:Brychan |
not yet classified |
Talk:Caesar of Heisterbach |
not yet classified |
Talk:Caesarius of Nazianzus |
not yet classified |
Talk:Canonization of Joan of Arc |
not yet classified |
Talk:Carantoc |
not yet classified |
Talk:Catherine of Genoa |
not yet classified |
Talk:Catherine of Ricci |
not yet classified |
Talk:Cenydd |
not yet classified |
Talk:Chrodegang of Metz |
not yet classified |
Talk:Colman MacDuagh |
not yet classified |
Talk:Comgall |
not yet classified |
Talk:Conrad of Piacenza |
not yet classified |
Talk:Constantine of Cornwall |
not yet classified |
Talk:Crispina |
not yet classified |
Talk:Beatrix d'Ornacieux |
Stub |
Talk:Beauraing |
Stub |
Talk:Begga |
Stub |
Talk:Benedict Joseph Labre |
Stub |
Talk:Benedict of Aniane |
Stub |
Talk:Bercharius |
Stub |
Talk:Berlinda of Meerbeke |
Stub |
Talk:Bernard of Vienne |
Stub |
Talk:Bertha de Bardi |
Stub |
Talk:Bertha of Artois |
Stub |
Talk:Bertha of Bingen |
Stub |
Talk:Bertha of Kent |
Stub |
Talk:Bertha of Val d'Or |
Stub |
Talk:Bertwald |
Stub |
Talk:Bertwald of Ramsbury |
Stub |
Talk:Blathmac |
Stub |
Ghent Altarpiece |
Start |
Madonna Litta |
Stub |
Madonna and Child (Duccio) |
Start |
Madonna della Misericordia (painting) |
Stub |
The Benois Madonna |
Start |
Our Lady of Calvary |
Stub |
Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn |
Stub |
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne |
Start |
Rosary |
B |
Bead-roll |
Stub |
Ecumenical Miracle Rosary |
B |
Fatima Prayer |
Stub |
Franciscan Crown |
Start |
Glory Be to the Father |
Start |
Irish penal rosary |
Start |
Lestovka |
Stub |
Lord's Prayer |
B |
America Needs Fatima |
Start |
Consecration of Russia |
Stub |
Cova da Iria |
Stub |
Domus Pacis |
Stub |
First Saturday Devotions |
Start |
Nicholas Gruner |
not yet classified |
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima |
Start |
Pontevedra apparitions |
Start |
Rianxo |
not yet classified |
Arturo Santos |
Start |
Sol de Fatima |
Stub |
Annunciation |
Start |
The Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors (Lippi) |
Stub |
Annunciation (Lippi, Rome) |
Stub |
Cestello Annunciation (Botticelli) |
Stub |
Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Munich) |
Stub |
Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Palermo) |
Stub |
La belle jardinière |
Stub |
Connestabile Madonna |
Stub |
Madonna Solly |
Stub |
Madonna and Child (Raphael) |
Stub |
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (Raphael) |
Start |
Madonna del Granduca |
Stub |
Madonna del cardellino |
Stub |
Madonna dell'Impannata (Raphael) |
Stub |
Madonna della seggiola |
Stub |
Madonna della tenda |
Stub |
Madonna of Foligno (Raphael) |
Stub |
Madonna of Loreto (Raphael) |
Stub |
Madonna of the Pinks |
Start |
Sistine Madonna (Raphael) |
Start |
Tempi Madonna (Raphael) |
Stub |
Ascension |
not yet classified |
Death and resurrection of Jesus |
not yet classified |
Pentecost |
Start |
Finding in the Temple |
Stub |
Nativity of Jesus |
B |
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple |
B |
Visitation (Christian) |
Stub |
Baptism of Jesus |
not yet classified |
Kingdom of God |
not yet classified |
Last Supper |
not yet classified |
Marriage at Cana |
not yet classified |
Transfiguration of Jesus |
not yet classified |
Agony in the Garden |
not yet classified |
Crown of Thorns |
not yet classified |
Flagellation |
Start |
Stations of the Cross |
Start |
Resurrection appearances of Jesus |
not yet classified |
Did Jesus Die? |
Stub |
Doubting Thomas |
not yet classified |
Empty tomb |
not yet classified |
Church of the Holy Sepulchre |
B |
The Three Marys |
Stub |
Stolen body hypothesis |
Stub |
Swoon hypothesis |
not yet classified |
Vision hypothesis |
not yet classified |
Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table |
not yet classified |
Easter |
not yet classified |
Easter Epic |
not yet classified |
Easter Monday |
not yet classified |
Easter Saturday |
Stub |
Easter Triduum |
not yet classified |
Easter Vigil |
not yet classified |
Easter bonnet |
Stub |
Easter controversy |
not yet classified |
Easter postcard |
not yet classified |
Easter season |
not yet classified |
Eastertide |
not yet classified |
Here Comes Peter Cottontail |
Start |
Here Comes Peter Cottontail: The Movie |
Start |
Paschal Full Moon |
not yet classified |
Paschal Homily |
not yet classified |
Paschal greeting |
not yet classified |
Salzburg Easter Festival |
not yet classified |
Spring Holiday |
not yet classified |
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today |
not yet classified |
He Lives |
not yet classified |
Hot cross bun |
not yet classified |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded |
not yet classified |
Pascha Nostrum |
not yet classified |
Passion Hymns |
not yet classified |
The Christian Year |
not yet classified |
The Old Rugged Cross |
not yet classified |
Thief (Third Day song) |
Stub |
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross |
not yet classified |
Burning of Judas |
not yet classified |
Cascarones |
not yet classified |
Easter Bunny |
not yet classified |
Easter Sepulchre |
not yet classified |
Easter egg |
not yet classified |
Egg decorating |
not yet classified |
Egg rolling |
Stub |
Fasica |
not yet classified |
Holy Fire |
not yet classified |
Holy Week procession |
not yet classified |
Lieldienas |
not yet classified |
Pace Egg plays |
Stub |
Pisanka |
Stub |
Polish pisanka |
not yet classified |
Pysanka |
not yet classified |
Radonitsa |
Stub |
Saitopolemos |
not yet classified |
Sunrise service |
Stub |
The Turtles and the Hare |
Stub |
Babka |
Stub |
Chocolate egg |
Stub |
Colomba Pasquale |
not yet classified |
Cozonac |
Stub |
Easter bread |
not yet classified |
Fanesca |
not yet classified |
Folar |
not yet classified |
Ham |
not yet classified |
Hornazo |
not yet classified |
Jelly bean |
not yet classified |
Kokoretsi |
Stub |
Kulich |
Stub |
Magiritsa |
not yet classified |
Mämmi |
not yet classified |
Paska (bread) |
not yet classified |
Paskha (meal) |
not yet classified |
Pastiera |
not yet classified |
Peeps |
not yet classified |
Pinca |
Stub |
Portuguese sweet bread |
Stub |
Simnel cake |
not yet classified |
Tsoureki |
not yet classified |